I Am Hellscream

Chapter 083

Gromash also did not expect that he would seriously injure Sakaski so quickly, it seems that he has not been standing still in the same place for more than a year, and the progress is still quite large.

But thinking about it, Gromash did not continue to swell, he thought that he had indeed touched the threshold of general-level combat power, but it was indeed slightly inadequate, the reason why he was able to hit the navy’s senior combat power so quickly General Alternate Sakaski was mainly because of his many hole cards, and the most important point is that Gromash’s short-term explosive power is world-class, first of all, he uses heavy weapons and battle axes, and his battle axe hell destroyer is quite amazing, an axe down , ordinary people are rubbed and injured, knocked to death, change to ordinary masters, a lack of attention is the current Sakaski and the Warring States General at the beginning of the end, few people can be like Lieutenant General Karp to completely slash Gromash’s axe, this makes Gromash have an innate advantage in attack, but his speed is still a shortcoming, and before Sakaski seems to be planning to make a fuss about Gromash’s speed, but Gromash has a talent for autonomous rage, once this talent is turned on, Then his shortcomings in speed will be quickly made up, not weaker than the regular speed of other masters of the same level, of course, such as Borusalino’s extraordinary speed is temporarily incomparable, Gromash estimates that looking at the world, no one dares to say that he is faster than Borusalino’s speed, but in the future, Luqi may be able to challenge it.

It is precisely because this speed shortcoming can be quickly made up by Gromash in a short period of time, so his explosive power in a short period of time can become truly world-class, and Sakaski this guy has also suffered a big loss in this.

The so-called take advantage of his illness and want his life, Gromash will not consider whether killing Sakaski here will have any impact on the situation in the world, this question does not need to be thought about at all, there must be something, after all, Sakaski is a person who wants to become an admiral in the future and a marshal of the admiral, if you kill him now, then the team of the next three admirals of the Navy does not know what will become, but what does this have to do with him Gromash ?? He is not a naval man, so Gromash also came from evil in his heart after seeing that his wave of outbreaks had severely damaged Sakaski, and instantly decided to do nothing and kill Sakaski, the bastard, on the spot here.

“Get rid of you here, and then go find your natural magma fruit, if you are lucky enough to get it, you can cultivate a top-level combat power again!” Gromash thought to himself, and then did not stop, he slammed under his feet, and his figure rushed towards the fallen all-knowing tree at a very fast speed.

On the other side, the vice admirals on the rest of the warships were also shocked by Gromash’s sudden appearance, and seeing that Sakaski, the candidate for the general, was completely suppressed by Gromash in a short time, and even before they could react, they had been chopped out by Gromash’s axe, no doubt, they must have been hit hard!

After coming back to his senses, Vice Admiral Squirrel standing on the warship also quickly spoke: “Quick, contact the headquarters and report the intelligence here!” ”

After speaking, the squirrel also drew his saber from his waist, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and then stepped on the moon step and rushed out in the direction where Gromash and Sakaski were before.

In any case, you can’t let Gromash kill the admiral candidate in front of them here!

When Gromash rushed to the Tree of Omniscience that Sakaski had crashed into, there were corpses everywhere around the Tree of Omniscience, and Gromash could see that these were the scholars who had just been trapped here, and soon Gromash saw someone he remembered more familiarly, that is, Robin’s mother, Nicole Olbia.

At this time, Olbia was also silent, I don’t know if it was caused by the fire ignited by this demon slaughter order or by the aftermath of Sakaski’s impact just now, anyway, she had indeed died in this O’Hara, under the collapsed tree of omniscience.

“It’s really sad… This is the sorrow of the weak. Gromash said with some emotion after glancing over there, and then he opened his mouth and spat out a hot flame, wrapped in the corpses of Olbia and those scholars, this is already the only thing Gromash can do for her, and it can be regarded as Gromash’s last tribute to these scholars who sacrificed for all mankind.

Then Gromash’s domineering spirit was cast again, he didn’t believe that Sakaski would be simply chopped to death by his axe like this, you must know that this guy’s vitality is completely top-level, like Xiaoqiang, in the battle on the top, he was pressed on the ground by the returning white beard to the ground for so long, he was not dead, enough to prove that his defense and vitality are top-level powerful, Gromash feels that if other masters of the same level are beaten to the ground by the angry whitebeard, it is estimated that he will not die or be crippled, How is it possible that like this guy Sakaski can turn around and pat his ass and go after pirates, and by the way, he also played a side ball with the Shanks guy.

Sure enough, just after Gromash released his domineering appearance, he found that the seriously injured Sakaski was hiding behind the shadow of the All-Knowing Tree, and then Gromash also hung a grim smile on the corner of his mouth, and then slammed under his feet, and stepped into the air in a month, and the Hell Destroyer in his hand ignited a roaring flame and split down at the place where Sakaski was.

At this time, a huge wound was opened on the chest, and Sakaski, who could faintly see the trembling internal organs behind the bone, also sensed Gromash’s attack, and his expression at this time was quite ugly, after all, it was impossible for anyone to laugh if he encountered such a thing.

After sensing Gromash’s slash, Sakaski also took a strong breath, the red light in his hand, and the ground turned into magma again, he now has no intention of going to clash with Gromash at all, touch anything, touch anything, in other words, if he is unscathed, he really dares to fight, but now to fight, that is to use his life to joke.

Sakaski also knew in his heart, he knew that there were four other vice admirals around, and Kuzan, who was also a candidate for the general, was also there, even if he had a lot of disputes with him on weekdays, the two were ideologically incompatible, but he was also willing to believe that Kuzan would come to save him, so he would be able to live as long as he dragged it out for a while, and this feud, sooner or later he would have to find Gromash to repay!

The battle axe in Gromash’s hand sank vigorously, and directly smashed through the position where Sakaski was before and the Omniscient Tree under one blow, but Sakaski has still sneaked underground, which makes Gromash very headache, it can be said that Sakaski’s natural magma fruit is really a top first-class ability, the explosive power in power is comparable to volcanic eruptions, and it has the attribute power related to flame and temperature, and can condense into a shield as a defense, and can turn the ground into magma to avoid attacks, The range and lethality of the big move is also quite powerful, except for some restraint in naval battles, this fruit basically does not have too many dead ends, and the life preservation and output are first-class.

Just when Gromash wanted to become bigger and destroy the entire O’Hara and then kill Sakaski, he heard a piercing sound behind him, and the next second, the Hell Destroyer in Gromash’s hand had quickly blocked behind him, and then a slash hit the Hell Destroyer, and Gromash saw that it was Vice Admiral Squirrel of the Navy headquarters.

Vice Admiral Squirrel may be regarded as the stronger category among the vice admirals in the navy headquarters, but Gromash really didn’t put him in his eyes, only to see the blade in the squirrel’s hand flashed coldly, he had already appeared in front of Gromash with a shave, and the next second, the sharp cold air intended to cut off Gromash’s head.

Gromash’s reaction speed is also very fast, in the face of the squirrel such close combat, the heavy weapon in his hand Hell Destroyer is not so good to play, but he is also not panicked, the body is slightly short, the horns on the top of the head are wrapped in armed color domineering, very accurate to block the squirrel’s slash, and then Gromash raised his leg and kicked the squirrel, the squirrel lieutenant general’s reaction speed is extremely fast, a sideways dodged Gromash’s kick, from this short exchange, Gromash also found, Squirrel he should be biased towards speed class of the strong, whether it is attack speed or reaction speed is very fast, but this is not the reason why he can put right with Gromash, to know that at this time Gromash is driving furious, the speed is not slow, I saw Gromash without hesitation let go of the tomahawk in his hand, and then his hands were bloody entangled, and he slashed at the squirrel, forcing the squirrel back slightly, and then Gromash kicked sharply under his feet, and the explosive power of the whole person appeared again, Just before the squirrel had time to react, Gromash’s palms were already together, sending a powerful shockwave against his chest.

“Six Styles Aoyi Six Kings Spear!”

As Gromash’s words fell, the squirrel felt a sharp pain coming from his chest, and the next second he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was penetrated by this powerful shock wave and flew out upside down, falling violently on the ground in the distance, even the saber in his hand was thrown out, and the whole person struggled to stand up, but did not have that ability.

And at this moment, there was also a hot breath behind Gromash, and I saw that the ground behind him suddenly exploded, and a trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the seriously injured Sakaski, and his right arm completely turned into magma, and it was a punch to Gromash’s head.


It turned out that Sakaski seized the opportunity and wanted to kill Gromash with one blow, but Gromash already knew Sakaski’s character very well, and he didn’t believe that Sakaski would always avoid him like a bereaved dog, and with his hard-core and unscrupulous style, he would definitely seize the opportunity to sneak up on himself.

So Gromash didn’t panic at all, didn’t care about his image at all, a lazy donkey rolled out of the ground, don’t say, although this trick looks ungraceful and slightly embarrassing, but it is indeed very useful ah, I don’t know how many masters have saved their lives from life and death by this trick.

“Heaven has a way you don’t go, hell has no door you break in, if you have been hiding in your underground magma just now, I will really have trouble getting you out, now you run out to find death by yourself, I can’t blame me!” Gromash quickly got up from the ground and said, and then stretched out his hand, the hell destroyer quickly returned to his hands, and then Gromash didn’t give Sakaski a chance to hide anymore, stomped sharply under his feet, and the powerful force directly smashed the ground, and then raised his hand was an axe, Sakas was basically seriously injured, and fought for his life to strike the last blow, now he can’t hide if he wants to.

“Abominable…” Sakaski roared unwillingly, even if it was death, he wanted to give Gromash a good look, only to see that he ignored the injuries of his body, forcibly activated his ability, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and was about to fight with Gromash.

And Gromash doesn’t care, anyway, he has two lives a day, and the last thing he is afraid of is desperate, but just when he saw that the guy Sakaski was going to die under his own axe, Kuzan, the candidate for the general, finally arrived at this critical time.

“Zero Degree Absolute Defense!”

With the fall of this voice, Sakaski’s whole person was instantly wrapped in a cold ice and turned into a smooth ice ball.

Then Gromash’s Hell Destroyer split on the ice ball, but the power brought by this axe was completely off, and the smooth surface of the ice ball played a great role, directly sliding away the Hell Destroyer, and then the entire sphere was squeezed out by this remaining force.

Gromash also didn’t expect to have such a rogue defense at all… Properly restrain a guy like him who uses an axe.

“Ah Lala… Finally caught up…” Kuzan also breathed a sigh of relief, pushed the sunglasses and said.

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