Chapter 82 Laozi is you Master Gromash!

In the burning forest, on a small road, a young, helpless, miserable figure is running towards the shore on the other side of the mountain. She is Robin, and the reason she wants to run there is because there is The place where she and Saul first met, and there is a small raft that allows her to escape the island that is about to be destroyed

Yu-Ohara, as for where she will go, Robin hasn’t thought about it yet, and doesn’t want to think about it.

But when she walked through the forest, she not only saw the small raft, but also saw Kuzan, the man who had frozen Saul just now beside the raft.

The young Robin was also shocked when he saw Kuzan, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of despair.

Just when she didn’t know what to do, Kuzan, who was sitting on the rocks on the shore, spoke.

I saw Kuzan let out a cold breath, and then said in a deep voice: “Extreme justice can sometimes make people crazy. You are the person Saul has to protect his life, so I decided-let you go.”

After saying this, Kuzan raised his hand and condensed two lines of ice extending far away on the sea, and then he said, “I want to see, see Saul, that simple but persistent guy, and put it together. The seeds that must be protected for your life, what kind of flowers and fruits will eventually bear, who you have to hate is your freedom, but now you have to be fortunate to pick it up

I have returned my life, and live as low-key as possible in the future. Don’t be caught by the sea. Don’t be discovered by the world government. ”

Then Kuzan stood up and walked by Robin’s side, and then he spoke softly and said, “I have drawn two ice lines on the sea. I took this boat and continued to line down the ice line, and I would see the land. And remember, I am not your partner, so if you do something bad, I will be the first enemy to catch you.”

When Kuzan walked behind Robin, Robin suddenly turned his head and cried and said, “My mother is still on the island!!”

Kuzan seemed to be defensive by the child’s purest worry and anticipation. He slowly stopped and looked at the forest burning with raging flames. He knew that soon the entire Ohara would be there. After being burned by the fire, Nicole and Orbija will also be buried here, so he finally broke Luo Luo with his heart.

Bin’s final fantasy and hope: “No one can save her. If you feel too painful and don’t want to live anymore, that’s your freedom.

“Robin, stay alive!!!”

The last wish of his mother Nicole Orbija still appeared in Robin’s mind. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and decided to live and fulfill her mother’s wish.

Kuzan also looked back at the strong little guy, then sighed unchecked, and was about to leave.

At this moment, a roar that seemed to come from hell instantly spread from the position of the warship to the entire Ohara Island, and Kuzan also heard the sound, and then he quickly showed an expression of incredible, shock, and disbelief. , Said incredulously: “This is Hellscream!! Proudmoore- Gromash!! This damn it

How come your bastard guy is here??”

Then a Moonwalk at Kuzan’s feet flew into the air, and soon disappeared from here, disappearing into Robin’s line of sight.

Robin looked at Kuzan’s departure direction with some confusion, and muttered very puzzled: “Hellscream? Proudmoore. Gromash?”

But at this time Robin could no longer control that much. She gritted her teeth and turned around and ran to the small wooden boat. She shed tears alone and sadly, moving towards the distant waters, paddling the double prize.

“Hmm hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.”

At the same time, Gromash has already begun to perform on stage.Due to the riots made by Saul, it is easier for him to sneak and get closer to the warship where Sakazuki is. Sakazuki surrounded by Marine.

However, there are Marines on the warships. Gromash was still very eye-catching when he came up. When he saw Sakazuki, he was also spotted by some Marines.

“Who are you??” A Marine asked in surprise. Obviously, because it was too abrupt, he didn’t recognize Gromash the first time. After all, no one would have thought that such a thing would happen?

And Sakazuki also heard the sound of Marine who seemed to have noticed something under his command, and then he turned his head and looked behind him.

At the moment he turned his head, Sakazuki heard the familiar voice that used to be familiar. More than a year ago, at Whisky Peak, the sound of Proudmoore- Gromash that made him embarrassed!!!

“Laozi is you Grandpa Gromash!!”

With Gromash’s roar, the legendary battle axe in his hand, Hell Destroyer was also flew toward Sakazuki by him.

And the roar that Kuzan heard was exactly the blow from this blow!!

Sakazuki knew something was going on after hearing the voice of Gromash.As an Admiral candidate for Naval Headquarters, his strength was quite strong, so when he heard the roar from the sky, even if he hadn’t watched it yet. Where is Qing Gromash, he has already instinctively made the most correct move to defend!!

It was because of his instinct that Sakazuki was killed without being killed by Gromash with an axe. A magma shield burst out in front of Sakazuki, and then the powerful Armament Haki instantly covered it, and then Gromash’s hell destroyer was hit. Sakazuki’s magma shield, but Gromash’s axe is also full of anger, which

It is possible that the shield that Sakazuki made in a hurry can block it casually, even with the blessing of Armament Haki.

Therefore, after the shield of magma that exudes a scorching aura slightly resisted Gromash’s Hell Destroyer, it was smashed to pieces by the Hell Destroyer with incomparable strength, but this was enough for Sakazuki. The master is obviously not so good at sneak attacks. At the moment the magma shield shattered, Sakazuki was on him.

It also entangled Armament Haki, and then he punched the Hell Destroyer who flew towards him.

But it’s enough for Sakazuki, and it’s the same for Gromash. Sakazuki’s arm wrapped in Armament Haki hit the axe blade of the Hell Destroyer with a punch, and then his arm seemed to explode. If it weren’t for this guy to react quickly and actively element a wave, he would have to have an arm abolished.

Sakazuki was so embarrassed by this blow, of course, there was no way to fight back for the first time, and what Gromash wanted was this.I saw Gromash turned into a four-hooves on the ground, and the whole body was burning with a fire unicorn with billowing flames, but this fire unicorn’s Under his control, the size did not become the size of the eye, but just like an ordinary beast.

Then I listened to the fire unicorn vomiting: “The fury of the unicorn-savage collision!!”

As Gromash’s voice fell, the unicorn lowered his head slightly and aimed the tough corner of the chair at Sakazuki. Then the whole person’s head was wrapped in the powerful Armament Haki, and he slammed into Sakazuki at a very fast speed.

And Sakazuki didn’t even have time to react, so Gromash flew out from the top of the warship, and fell to Ohara Island severely.

Then the fire unicorn instantly turned into a human form, and Gromash, who was leaping in the air, stretched out his hand, and the legendary battle axe left on the warship-Hell Destroyer came to his hand very quickly.

“Sakazuki, I said it a long time ago. If I meet you again as a bastard, Laozi must give you two axes to enjoy. Today I will do it!!” Gromash roared, and slammed it fiercely. The Hell Destroyer slashed towards Sakazuki.

And Sakazuki is also an Admiral candidate, how could he be beaten by Gromash again and again such a wolf fox, I saw him quickly get up from the ground, the ground under his feet instantly turned into hot magma exuding a scorching breath, hurriedly Although he couldn’t fight back, he could still hide. I saw his tall figure disappearing into the rock in a blink of an eye.

In the magma, and Gromash doesn’t care so much, it smashes down with an axe at the magma.

…Seeking flowers 0…

With a “bang!!” sound, it seems that the entire Ohara island trembled. Gromash’s axe directly smashed the magma field completely out, and a large amount of hot magma was splashed out by this axe. It seems that a volcano has erupted.Then Gromash didn’t care about the magma that fell on him, it didn’t hurt anyway, and it didn’t cause any harm to him. The Observation Haki on his body instantly radiated out, intending to find the fellow Sakazuki.

Just as he opened Observation Haki, he noticed an attack coming from behind him.

“Hid your head and show your tail, didn’t you say that you want to have a good time with Laozi??” Gromash’s reaction was also very fast, he was short, and escaped Sakazuki’s powerful fist like a volcanic eruption, and then shook his electricity. The tail behind him also slammed, and Sakazuki drew a follower, but just when Gromash wanted to

When I took the opportunity to give Sakazuki an axe, the ground under his feet suddenly turned into magma again.Although the magma could not hurt Gromash, it exposed him to flaws. one time.

Immediately afterwards, Sakazuki seized the opportunity, and his arms exploded in an instant, not only became thicker, but also his motherly lengthened, and punched Gromash’s chest from a long distance. Gromash seemed to be angry from his heart at this time. With a roar, the fiery red scales instantly covered the whole body. The next second, Armament Haki also began to entangle, and I saw Groma.

A scarlet blood burst out from Shi’s body, and the expression in his eyes seemed to become crazy.

That’s right, Gromash turned on his own talent violent mode directly at the beginning of the match.

Autonomous frenzy, this talent can greatly increase Gromash’s physical fitness, allowing his speed and strength to burst out, which can last for a total of 30 minutes, and after 30 minutes, Gromash will enter a state of weakness, don’t say anything at that time Hit Sakazuki, he is even Spandam’s son, Spandam can’t beat him.

However, in Impel down, when Impelton first used this talent, Gromash had already discovered a way to circumvent this side effect, that is, after death, his state will be completely “refreshed” once, naturally not. What kind of state of weakness will it enter, so Gromash will open this violent mode so simply and neatly.

This is the first time that Gromash’s autonomous rage has been blatantly taken out against the enemy, so the Marines didn’t know that Gromash still had such a hole card hidden.

Seeing Gromash kicked his feet, his speed skyrocketed, and he dodged to avoid Sakazuki’s attack. In the next second, the Hell Destroyer in his hand grabbed Sakazuki’s chest.

And Sakazuki didn’t seem to expect that the speed of Gromash would become so fast, there was no time to dodge, and he could only resist, and saw a magma shield condensed on Sakazuki’s chest again, but at this time Gromash was not only a speed increase. , The power has also increased sharply, this axe is much more powerful than the previous axe, break open

This Sakazuki’s magma shield doesn’t even need to stop, just like piercing a layer of paper.

Then in Sakazuki’s unbelievable eyes, Gromash struck Sakazuki’s chest with an axe, which was wrapped around a large number of Armament Haki, and Hao Xuan didn’t give him an axe or two, but even so, Sakazuki was seriously injured by a blow. There was a big piece in the field, and the invisible armor formed by Armament Haki was broken.

Gromash opened a huge deep bone wound on his chest, and he himself was robbed by this powerful impact, and hit the tall tree of omniscience at a very fast speed, directly taking the omniscience. The trees collapsed.

“You fucking know you are good at Grandpa Gromash, right??” Gromash shouted angrily in the direction of Sakazuki. three.

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