I Am Hellscream

Chapter 079

To say that Gromash’s feelings for O’Hara can only be said to be slightly admiring, after all, they also fought with their lives to fight for the right to know history for all mankind, and I don’t know how many scholars were sacrificed before, the goal is great, and the behavior is also worthy of admiration, but Gromash is a little “stupid” for their more senses.

Those scholars who dare to sacrifice are indeed worthy of admiration, but this does not cover up their “stupidity”, obviously under the noses of the world government, they have to die to make such a thing, first of all, the strength is not up to standard, they are not qualified to study these things, after so many generations of sacrifice, they still did not understand this, or even if they understood, but did not think to solve it, they were still driven by the great sense of mission, and they went to death one after another.

Secondly, people move to life, trees to death, even if there is no way to cultivate the strength that can resist the world government, you can also transfer the base, originally engaged in this kind of unworthy thing, but also have to put their own nest under the nose of the world government, see how cunning people are Dorag, blatantly against the world government, is not the beauty of the muddle for so many years has not been destroyed by what world government with what demon slaughter order ??

Not to mention whether they can hide the old nest like Dorag so that the world government can’t find it, even if they casually move to the new world, the navy can’t destroy them with a demon slaughter order so simply.

Some scholars may think that the new world is so dangerous, O’Hara still has the tree of omniscience, and can’t bring it over, but in the end, can the new world be as dangerous as they are now? ? Aren’t their expeditions running around the New World yet? The existence of the all-knowing tree does not mean anything, what really represents the word “all-knowing” is the countless books stored in the all-knowing tree, the tree cannot be taken away, the books can not be taken away? ?

But Gromash didn’t bother to care about them, these things didn’t mean much to him, the reason why he wanted to go to join in, on the one hand, he wanted to add a block to the navy and seek revenge on Sakaski by the way, on the other hand, he also wanted to see if he could kidnap little Lori Robin.

Even if you avoid Robin’s tragic escape experience, it can be regarded as a merit, think about it, really admire yourself, good man!

Anyway, Gromash will never admit that he wants to try to see Loli cultivate and covet Robin’s future beauty, and in his heart, he is constantly hinting at himself that he is a man who is going to carry out justice!

What’s more, Robin is the only person who has the ability to interpret the text of history with knowledge in the future, the only one in the world, and she is also called the “lamp of the revolution” by the guys in the revolutionary army, as Gromash, who has reached some cooperation intentions with Dorag for the time being, of course, he also hopes to have a hole card of sufficient weight in his hand, and Robin is one of these hole cards.

“Boss Gromash, we are almost near O’Hara, and if we get closer, we will definitely be discovered by the navy.” Joz stood on the deck and spoke to Gromash.

“Besides, whether the Navy is going to O’Hara or not is not certain, it’s all just your speculation, in case you run for nothing…” Luqi also held a milk bottle while drinking, and said.

Gromash interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said: “Even if the goal of the navy is not O’Hara, it doesn’t matter, just take you uncultured dirt buns to the holy land of knowledge to feel the charm of culture, I believe that after this baptism of knowledge, your wisdom will also rise to a higher level.” ”

Gromash said this very badly, even Joz opened his mouth to complain: “Before I went to sea to become a pirate, I also read a few books and studied for a few years, but it is your boss Gromash, didn’t you say that you have been in the underworld on Fishman Island since I was a child??” You also dare to say that we are uncultured dirt buns ?? ”

Gromash was also a little embarrassed by Joz, and he waved his hand and said: “Who said that the underworld can’t have knowledge?? It was with this brain that Lao Tzu got mixed up… Forget it, what are you doing with these stubborn guys, our ships can’t run warships, and the firepower can’t compare to the firepower of ten warships, if nothing else, I estimate that there are at least five vice admirals of the navy headquarters in the navy’s large fleet this time, and even there are general candidates, with your strength, if you get together, you will be beaten material, and you can’t run, so you are responsible for picking me up in the sea area near here, I can advance and retreat alone, and use the cold to give them a ruthless retreat. ”

Joz and they had no other opinion, it seemed that they had a high faith in Gromash and did not feel at all that he would be pressed to the ground by the navy.

After Gromash explained this, he also plunged into the sea from the deck, and then disappeared near the Shining at great speed.

“Gee, Boss Gromash, this fish bloodline is really powerful, it’s so convenient.” Cromwell touched his chin and smacked his lips at the calm sea.

“What do you think made the navy look like a tiger? Strength? No, in the words of Gromash, his strength is not too high in the navy, and he is so valued by the navy because of his trouble-loving character and talent that cannot be grasped. Lucy bit the mouth of the straw and said like a little adult.

Thinking that Gromash saw what movement in the navy, he wanted to join hands, find an opportunity to destroy it, and add a little blockage to their character by the way, Joz also smiled and said: “That’s really right, if I were the navy, I would also have a headache…”

At the same time, on O’Hara Island, ten warships have already blocked the island, and the people of the CP organs have also landed on the island and began to search for some “incriminating evidence”.

In this O’Hara incident, the CP agency that cooperated with the Navy’s actions was the legendary CP-9, and the current commander of this organization was Spandyne, the father of the later scumbag Spandam, who had only five combat strength— Spandam.

Compared with Spandam, a scrap material that has more than enough successes and failures, his father Spandyne, although he is just as selfish, has more means and brains than Spandam.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to get into the position of commander of CP-9, and the Five Old Stars and the Navy would not have entrusted him with this crisis involving the “destruction of the world” to investigate.

In the basement of the Tree of Knowledge, CP-9 personnel finally found O’Hara’s “evidence of guilt”, where the huge historical text is hidden, and in this room, there are paper manuscripts interpreting the historical text.

Outside the Tree of Omniscience, the CP-9 personnel led by Spandyne had surrounded all the scholars, even Olbia was lying on the grass with serious injuries, she was still late after all, and soon Spandyne received a report from his younger brothers, and then he looked at Dr. Clover and said, “The evidence is conclusive… I didn’t expect that you O’Hara demons were really studying the power of these taboos, and it was not a pity to die. ”

At the same time, the phone bug in Spandyne’s hand also heard the voice of the five old stars.

“It’s a pity, the authority of archaeology, Dr. Clover of O’Hara, we have also heard of your name, you have made outstanding contributions to the culture and history of the entire world, but even so, we cannot sit idly by and watch you trample on the laws of this world government, nor can we tolerate you on this road of no return…” Before the voice of the phone worm finished speaking, Dr. Clover had already boldly interrupted them.

“Don’t play official, five old stars, history is the wealth of all mankind, human beings want to understand history, understand the past, this is what no one has the right to stop.” Dr. Clover said in a deep voice.

And the five old stars were also a little silent for a while before continuing: “You are right, but reading the text of history, it is possible to revive ancient weapons that can destroy the world, even if you have no malice, but it is inevitable that someone will use your achievements, all this is unacceptable, you O’Hara cannot bear this responsibility.” ”

“No matter what happened in the past, it was created by human beings, and everyone must accept that as long as we face it bravely, we can deal with anything!!” Dr. Clover retorted firmly.

To be honest, if Gromash were here now, he might have laughed out loud when he heard the doctor’s words, in contrast, he felt that what the five old stars said was more realistic, if something could be dealt with as long as it was bravely faced, then the world would be too simple, there would not be so many problems, and O’Hara would not be destroyed.

And the five old stars on the phone worm side seemed to be a little confused by Dr. Clover’s naïve remarks, and after a long time, the other side continued: “That’s just your theory, the world is not so simple.” ”

Dr. Clover spoke again, “Is it?? I see that you are just afraid that this past history will be bad for you, and from the beginning I have been thinking, why, this hundred years of history that records a blank hundred years of history is imprinted on special stones that cannot be destroyed, why is it not imprinted on paper, and then I learned, because paper can be burned, it can be tampered with, then it is clear that the people who wrote the text of these histories are afraid of this, which shows that they have enemies…”

“What the hell are you trying to say??” The five old stars also asked in a deep voice.

“If these people who left the text of history have been eliminated, then their enemies must still be alive in the era after this, and it just so happens that the disappeared history, the blank hundred years… It was eight hundred years ago, when the world government was established, if the enemies of those who were destroyed were the world government, then the blank hundred years should be the history covered up by the world government… By interpreting the text of history, we found a huge kingdom, although it no longer exists, but this country once did have great power, and then all the history about it, disappeared, I am afraid that they should have anticipated their defeat long before facing the coalition of the world government, so they will write all this on the text of history, hoping that their history and ideas can be handed down, and what you are afraid of is not some ancient weapon that destroys the world. It’s the thought that has been handed down, it must be that thought poses a threat to you, it will evolve into this, but what exactly this thought is, it needs to continue to be interpreted, and the key to all this is the huge kingdom, its name is…” When Dr. Clover said this, Spandyne was already frightened and his face turned a little white, he knew that these were not the key now, this guy should be about to talk about the key immediately, if he heard the news, I am afraid that the next person to die will be himself.

Fortunately, at this time, the reaction of the five old stars was also extremely fast, and just as Dr. Clover was about to say the name of the kingdom, an order came from the phone worm.

“Kill him…”

Spandyne also reacted quickly, raised his hand and shot Dr. Clover, and then he wiped the sweat from the corner of his forehead, and his fate was saved.

After the gunshots reached the five old stars, their voices came from the phone worm again.

“O’Hara… You know too much. ”

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