Chapter 78 Prologue to Ohara.

In the blue sky, a ship with a pirate flag is floating in the sky, and above the ship is a huge balloon octopus. The whole ship slowly descended from the air towards Qinghai.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Gromash lit a cigar with a strange expression on his face. Looking at Urouge, he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn’t speak.

But Gromash didn’t say it, but Joz opened his mouth. He walked to Urouge, patted his shoulder and asked, “Urouge, why didn’t you say it before coming down??”

Urouge asked with some doubts: “What did you say??”

Joz’s face also froze, and then he said: “Say your Birka is actually above West Blue. If you go directly from Birka, you can’t reach the Grand Line, but you can only reach West Blue!!”

(Here continues the setting of the previous book, Birka is above West Blue.)

That’s right, when Gromash and the others jumped off Birka enthusiastically, they found that the special Birka was actually above West Blue. They ran directly from the Grand Line to West Blue, but they all jumped off. , There is no way to fly back. It seems that I can only go upside down the mountain and enter the Grand Line again. It is really bad luck.


Urouge seemed to be very confused and said, “What West Blue and East Blue? Are they all from Qinghai?? Is there any difference??”

And after hearing Urouge’s words, Gromash also understood it, dare to be in this guy’s mind, there is no 28 consciousness of the four seas and Grand Line at all, he only knows the three kinds of Baihai, Baibaihai, and Qinghai. the difference

“Forget it, forget it, it’s all here, what can I do?? Isn’t it West Blue?? It doesn’t matter if we wander around, a friend of mine before, his name is Shanks, his hometown is West Blue, He said that their wine here is the most delicious in the world. After you go down, have a good drink!” Gromash pressed the cigar out, and then opened it carelessly.


Seeing that the matter has reached this point, Joz didn’t say much. He stopped Urouge’s shoulder and said, “Forget it, come here, I will give you a good lesson, and popularize “Qinghai”. Basic knowledge!”

Just as Gromash descended from the sky, in a certain area of ​​West Blue, the Marine fleet of ten warships was moving towards a certain spot.

On one of the warships, Kuzan Vice Admiral, who had searched South Blue for nearly a year and hadn’t found anything famous, was sitting on the warship at this time. He looked at the photo in his hand and didn’t know that it was in his heart. Think of something.

“Saul, what are you thinking??” Kuzan whispered softly, and the photo in his hand was a group photo with him, Kuzan and Saul who was smiling and very sunny and happy.

That’s right, at this moment, just when Gromash was carrying out the “search for Thunder Fruit” operation on Sky Island in the sky, Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral- Jaguar-D- Saul finally came to his own destiny, and he assisted Ni But-Olbia defected from Naval Headquarters-Malinford, he eventually “betrayed” Marine’s justice and chose to believe in himself


In fact, the thing that overwhelmed the last straw in Saul’s heart was also the pot of Sengoku Admiral. Since Saul brought Nicole Orbija to and found on the research ship back to Naval Headquarters. After Malinford, even Nicole . Orbija’s mouth was very hard, and he didn’t say anything about Ohara, but the spy machine from the World government

The Guan-CPs quickly found out from various relics that the research ship filled with 33 scholars was from Ohara.

After understanding where these scholars who “intended to destroy the world” came from, Sengoku Admiral decided to destroy Ohara after careful consideration, because in his opinion, Ohara’s actions were too dangerous. The whole world is plunged into destruction and war, which he absolutely cannot accept.

And due to long hours of busyness, Sengoku Admiral did not notice that Saul’s mental state and mental state were already very wrong, so in order for Saul to be able to start and finish things about “scholars”, he gave Saul to Saul. Arranged in the team of this Buster Call, ready to make him one of the five Vice Admiral of this Buster Call.

As a result, because of this intention to destroy the entire Ohara, kill all the scholars’ Buster Call, Saul’s final belief in Marine was broken. , Took Nicole Olbia and ran away from Naval Headquarters-Marinford, he wanted to send Europe

Erbia returned to Ohara in West Blue and asked her to inform the scholars over there and run away.

Naval Headquarters-Vice Admiral’s rebellion is not a trivial matter. Of course, the Marines can’t be regarded as ignorant, so they are also chasing Saul all the way. Sengoku Admiral also knows that Saul is very clear about this plan, so in order to avoid any accidents. , The plan was also launched in advance, so Kuzan and others from the Buster Call fleet will appear

Above West Blue.

Due to Marine’s attack, Saul also ran away from Orbija. He attracted Marine’s chase by himself, so that Orbija was mixed in the merchant ship and returned to Ohara first. As a result, people were not as good as the sky, and Saul insisted on drifting. , I accidentally drifted to Ohara

Just as the Marine’s Buster Call fleet was advancing, Gromash and their Shine also landed on West Blue, and it just happened to land in the nearby waters that the fleet was going to pass through.

“Boss Gromash, Marine appears on the sea level behind us…” a watchman stood on the mast watchtower and said to Gromash.

And Gromash said nonchalantly: “Isn’t it Marine? Where can I see these bastards in the sea?? West Blue Marine is not so good, it doesn’t matter, if they dare to provoke us, they will sink!”

But before Gromash was finished, the watcher had already exclaimed again.

“That’s not right, Boss Gromash, that is the giant warship of Naval Headquarters, there are a total of ten ships!!! It is an integrated fleet!!”

And this time the watchman’s words also shocked everyone on the ship, and Gromash’s face also changed. If there are ten Naval Headquarters warships operating together in the fleet, then there will be at least a few of them. The Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters exists, and even among them, there will be Admiral candidates.

In other words, Admiral from Naval Headquarters and even Marshal may appear here.

Facing such combat power, Gromash dare not care anymore. Today is different. In the past, even if he can’t beat Gromash, he can still run through the sea with a drill, but now he is still following a boat. Brother, he ran away, but his subordinates couldn’t run away. Then maybe they have to stage an Impel down robbery.

“Quickly, with full rudder, the speed of the warship is faster than ours. It looks like we just hit their course. Hurry up and leave this course to avoid these bastard Marines.” Gromash stood there. Holding a telescopic monocular on the observation tower, looking at the majestic, neatly organized by ten Naval Headquarters warships

Cheng’s Marine Fleet opened and ordered.

Gromash they both discovered Marine, so can Marine not find them??

“Kuzan Vice Admiral, there is a pirate ship in the course ahead!!” A Marine ran to Kuzan’s room and reported.

“Pirate ship?? Where is the pirate??” Kuzan asked curiously.

“The distance is too far, I didn’t see the flag clearly. If nothing else, it should be the little pirates of West Blue, and after they found us, they have already turned the rudder and fled, do they need to chase??” The Marine asked.

Kuzan also touched his chin. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, “No, it’s not a matter of Saul, the matter about Ohara can no longer be delayed, otherwise if he and the woman rush to Ohara first Live, it will be troublesome to deal with this incident, we don’t need to delay the mission for a little pirate, as long as

If they don’t come to provoke us, just ignore them and move on. ”

“Yes, Kuzan Vice Admiral!!” The Marine also said immediately.

As the flagship of the mission’s pioneer, Kuzan did not change its course to catch any “little pirates”, and the remaining warships who followed did not bother to intervene in this. Marine slipped away in front of him.

Seeing Marine’s large fleet slowly moving towards the distance, Gromash also touched his chin with some doubts, and then said to Joz, “Joz, take the West Blue chart, and see these Marines moving forward. Where does the direction point to? His mother’s 953, which is really weird, this little West Blue.”

Having said that, Gromash was stunned for a while, then he looked up at the calendar hanging in the captain’s room, Sea Circle Calendar-Gromash in 1500 only realized it, and it has been more than a year since he made a noise in Logue town. , Time is really fast, if you think about it carefully, he and Lu Qi first drifted at sea for nearly half a year.

I waited in Magic Valley Town for more than half a year, and it took more than two months to search for Birka and Thunder Fruit on Sky Island. This blink of an eye has reached the Sea Circle Calendar-1500.

Looking at this year, Gromash murmured: “Ohara, a large fleet of ten warships, that is the standard Buster Call configuration.”

Just when Gromash was thinking about these questions, Joz came back too. He laid a chart on the table, and Gromash looked down, and after a few flicks, he stayed on the island named “Ohara”. Up and this position is exactly the direction that Marine’s large fleet is advancing just now.

“It won’t be wrong. At this point in time, the configuration of ten warships coincides with Ohara’s route. The Buster Call that shocked the world is about to erupt,” Gromash whispered softly.

Then he put a cruel smile on his mouth and said, “How can I miss such a fun thing?? If not, the bastard thing of Sakazuki should be in the ten warships of Gang オ. Having said that, if you meet him, you must give him two axes to make him feel good. Laozi has to be credible in his life.”

Then Gromash raised his head to look at Joz and said, “Send my order and hang those Marines behind. This time Laozi will give them a good color!”

“Boss Gromash, are you planning to use one of our ships to provoke ten warships?” Joz asked with some confusion.

“I’m not stupid, how can I do this kind of thing?? Don’t worry, I am going to add to those bastard Marines this time, by the way, see if I can avenge my previous revenge at Whisky Peak.” Gromash He waved his hand and spoke very casually.

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