Chapter 80 Live it!!

Even if it is the Buster Call fleet with five Vice Admiral in charge, they will not drive Observation Haki all the time. Going to find sin with Observation Haki??

Therefore, Gromash also infiltrated the Buster Call fleet from the sea very smoothly, which had blocked the port of Ohara.

The warship is very huge. Gromash just showed his head on the sea and didn’t worry about being discovered. He first looked at the refuge ship on the distant port. At this time, the refuge ship was crowded with ordinary people from Ohara, but Gromash knows very well that this refuge ship will soon be bombarded by the cruel fellow Sakazuki and it will be broken into pieces.

Yes, this boatman, no matter how old or young, can’t run away.

But Gromash is not a saint, and he doesn’t bother to take care of this. What does the evil done by the righteous Marines have to do with Gromash, the evil pirate?

But then again, if Gromash sits in Sakazuki’s position, he will also order the bombing of the refuge ship if he is not sure. If Ohara is really to be regarded as “evil”, then we must do everything to eliminate evil. , Just like what Sakazuki said, once a scholar ran out of this ship, the whole sacrifice of Ohara was nothing.

For the fee, Marine also endured such a big sin for nothing, and gritted his teeth to kill Ohara.

Even if it is not as ruthless as Sakazuki, Gromash will send everyone on the refuge ship to strict supervision, and will be locked up for ten or eight years.

Gromash hiding in the sea didn’t dare to put Observation Haki to perceive where the bastard Sakazuki was. After all, if Observation Haki was put away, the strong could still detect some traces.

“Let’s wait and see if it was the shelling from that warship.” Gromash thought, rubbing his chin, and then dived into the sea again.

On the other hand, Spandane also pressed the golden phone bug in his hand, and the harsh noise came out instantly, and then the commanders on the ten warships were signaled.

Kuzan looked at the phone worm making nasty noises in his hand, and his expression sank. Then he closed his eyes and said, “Buster Call, open it.”

“Yes, Kuzan Vice Admiral!” a Marine also said with a serious salute.

Following Kuzan’s order, the two warships under his command began to adjust the muzzle, and then they seemed to be the same as the appointment.The ten Naval Headquarters standard warships began to bombard the entire Ohara island, dense gunpowder shells. Begin to cover O’Hara inch by inch, with the intention of completely erasing the island from the “physical level”.

That’s right, the horror of Buster Call lies in the word erasure. It represents absolute justice. No matter where the target is, they can be ruthless to erase it, even if it is the justice of Enies Lobby, the World government. The fortress is also bombed without saying a word.

And once the Buster Call is sent out, it will never stop halfway. Sengoku Admiral’s Buster Call erased the entire Ohara. When Kuzan was Admiral, his Buster Call erased the entire Enies Lobby.

“Squirting, it’s really a spectacular scene,” Gromash hid in the shadow of the warship, watching all this involuntarily slapped his lips and said.

At the same time, because Spandane is also using Buster Call for the first time, he doesn’t quite understand that as long as the golden phone bug is pressed, whether you CP-9 people are still on the island or not, anyway, Marine is not. Maybe when you exist, they will completely ignore whether there are their own people on the island, and directly wipe out all aspects.

Therefore, the large number of artillery also scared Spandane enough. At this time, Robin had already seen Nicole Orbija, in order to make her proud and let her admit that she was her mother, so Robin was too I personally announced that I had become a scholar.

Originally, Spandane was planning to kill Robin together, but now that the artillery is so dense, a guy like him who is greedy and afraid of death who puts his own life as the priority order, of course, it is impossible to be righteous and have to see it with his own eyes. Robin and these scholars were blown to death before leaving. Without even thinking about it, he turned around and took his little brothers towards the warship.

Ran away in the direction of.

Not long after Spandane and the others evacuated, the giant Saul, who had already lost most of his fighting power because of drifting for a long time, also rushed to the tree of omniscience and saw the clover that was shot and was about to die. The doctor, and Robin and Orbija who were holding each other and crying after the mother and daughter met each other.

As for the scholars, their spirit of sacrifice broke out at this time, regardless of the tree of omniscience has been set ablaze, and rushed into the fire field, fighting for their lives and throwing those precious books into the lake outside. Here, the knowledge that belongs to all mankind is passed on.

Later, the facts proved that they did succeed. The books in the Tree of All-knowledge filled the bottom of the lake, and they were not all burned. If no accident, they should have been recycled back by the World government. Anyway, they were not destroyed. It’s already pretty good.

“Orbija…々.” Saul was also very embarrassed after seeing Orbija.

And Olbia was quite surprised after seeing Saul.

“Saul??? Why are you here??” Orbija asked while hugging Robin who was crying.

“Oh, it’s hard to say a word. It’s all destined by God. When I was drifting at sea, I accidentally drifted here. In the end, Robin saved my life and gave me a sip of water to drink. Let’s not talk about these things. , Hurry up and escape from this island, Marine’s Buster Call… is not a joke!!” Saul also said quickly.

Orbija finally hugged Robin fiercely, and said to Saul with tears, “Saul, please, this is my last request, please be sure to send my daughter Robin out of this island! !

And Robin struggled to resist after hearing her mother’s words: “No, mother, you can run away with me!!”

Saul also looked at Orbija with emotion, and said, “What about you? Orbija?”

“I still have things here. Marine and World government’s eyes are attracted to Ohara after all because we are attracted to Ohara. Everyone has the right to escape, but I can’t.” Orbiah said here, his face turned out to be. A smile appeared, and this smile seemed to be so righteous and fearless, so that she originally wanted to persuade her or even take it away forcibly.

Her Saul also closed his mouth and chose to obey Orbija’s request.

Orbija was relieved when she saw that Saul had agreed, then she raised her hand to wipe the tears from Robin’s face, and said softly, “Robin, since you are also a historian, since you have also become If you are a scholar, then you should know that history is human wealth and can light up the future, but the history passed down from the past,

If it can’t continue to the next era, it will gradually die out.We, Ohara, don’t want to expose some past history. We just want to protect this voice from the past. Our research can no longer continue, but Robin Even if Ohara perishes, we cannot give up hope for the future. ”

Robin wept with tears and said, “I don’t understand what you are talking about, mom!!”

“Sooner or later, you will understand, Robin.” Olbia touched Robin’s face gently, and said lovingly.

Then she looked at Saul and said, “Get out of here, Saul, please!!”

Saul also sighed, and then Robin, who was reluctant to part with her mother who had not seen her for many years but only met briefly, grabbed it in his hand and protected him, then looked at Nicole Orbija and said, “That Just take care, don’t worry, even if I fight my life, I will protect Robin from escaping here!!”

Saul is also a resounding man. After saying this, he gritted his teeth, turned and ran, never looking back.

And until this time, Orbija cried out hoarsely: “Robin, live on!!!”

At this time on the warship, Kuzan also received a message from the people below.

“What?? Saul is actually on the island at this time???” Kuzan was also very shocked when he heard the news, although he expected that Saul and Orbia should be heading towards Ohara. I came, but when Ohara was blocked before, people from CP-9 heard a message saying that Orbija had been caught. At that time,

There was no news from Saul. Kuzan was also relieved. He thought that Saul had just rescued Orbija and didn’t care about it anymore. In that case, he wouldn’t have to talk to his former close friends. Farewell.

But who knows that now that the Buster Call has been sent out, Saul suddenly emerged from the island, and Kuzan, who was still lucky, was completely awakened by the cold water.

Saul was also running at this time, and said to Robin who was crying constantly in his hands: “” Robin, you should be proud of it, Robin, your mother is good, and Ohara is good, but the history of this island I will rely on you to continue writing in the future, Robin!! Ohara, they are making enemies with this world!!”

Saul had just finished saying this when a shell from the warship hit him hard in the head.

Fortunately, Saul is a giant, and his strength is also quite strong.It can be said that when he was at Naval Headquarters, Saul was the leader of the entire giant race Vice Admiral, and his strength is far from what ordinary giants can compare. , Even if he has gone through such a long escape and drifting, he can still make a big shot of Kamui in Ohara, three times

Five and two destroyed six of the ten warships.Of course, in the end, the World government, in order to bury Marine’s stains and maintain the face of justice, detained the pot made by Saul on Robin’s head and declared her to be a demon. Son, extremely dangerous, destroyed six warships in Ohara, and finally gave Robin 79 million (Nuo Lihao) Bailey’s reward.

For an eight-year-old girl, Robin’s bounty is already ridiculously high. She can be said to have completely crushed bigmom. Charlotte- Linlin, you must know that the talented monster was offered a reward for the first time as a pirate At that time, it was about seven years old, and the first reward was 50 million Baileys. Robin was about one year older than when she first offered the reward.

Then the bounty is nearly 80 million Baileys. From this we can also see how much the World government attaches importance to Robin.

In order not to allow the warship to continue shelling, Saul also decided to kill a warship first. He placed Robin on the ground and protected behind him, and then rushed out towards the warship with an acceleration under his feet.

Saul hugged the warship, first raised his hand to break the turret, and then wanted to lift the warship with his great power and throw it out.

“Stop it, Saul Vice Admiral, are you dizzy??”

“Wow, Vice Admiral, stop, what do you want to do??”

Saul’s body slammed into force, and the entire warship was lifted up by him. Then he shouted: “I don’t know what justice is now!!! I just want to protect what I want to protect!! With me If you are the enemy, you are done!!”

Accompanied by Saul’s roar, the huge standard warship of Naval Headquarters was directly lifted by him and threw it towards the other two warships that were close together.

The original Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral- Jaguar-D- Saul killed three warships with just one move. Both his strength and his character can be called a famous guy!.

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