I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 993: 1 salted duck egg for 1 person (2 in 1)

"Mao, you are smarter than the donkey in the tribe!"

Han Cheng said sincerely

Han Cheng was indeed very pleased.

What is delighted is not the slaves from the non-tribes that Mao Zedong brought back this time, but the method that Mao Zedong took to deal with sudden events in this matter.

Even if he personally leads the team and encounters such emergencies, these are basically the methods that can be taken, but in some details, it will be more perfect than what Trade has done.

Trade has a strong style that comes from his son.

Of course, this is not what makes him so happy.

What makes him so happy is because he has seen the growth of his tribe, and in the tribe he lives, there has been a character who can be alone.

Han Cheng praised the people and things he admired.

In the beginning, Han Cheng was not like this.

But after living in the Qingque tribe for a while, Han Cheng discovered that doing implicit things simply didn't work in this tribe and this era.

So when he met people and things that he admired, he directly chose to speak out and praised them straightforwardly.

The effect of this is excellent. Those who are praised by him will become as if they were beaten with blood in a period of time.

Some people who have not been praised by him also really want his praise or recognition.

They will choose to work hard.

Thus formed a virtuous circle.

In this process, Han Cheng did not pay much material.

What you paid was nothing more than some compliments that could be spoken out.

For him, it can be said to be a very casual thing.

After receiving the loud praise from the son of God slapping his shoulders, there was some anxiety in his heart, and the anxiety in his heart disappeared all at once, and an extremely bright smile appeared on his face.

After the trade talked about the itinerary and Han Cheng also had a more detailed understanding of these matters, the next step was to arrange and deal with the non-tribal captives brought back by the trade.

These non-tribe captives were already dumbfounded.

They have never thought that in this land where they live, there are still such a group of people living in such a scene!

They have so many people! It's hard to imagine so many!

The non-tribe people who originally thought their tribe had a very large number of people did not understand until this time that the number of their tribe was really nothing compared to this tribe named Qingque!

The caves they live in are also so strange and huge.

It's hard to imagine.

Especially after seeing those people who are holding some weird tools and working on the edge of the huge and strange cave that has not been built before, the non-tribes are even more shocked and can't say a word!

Because everything they saw before them revealed to them a fact that they could not believe and imagine.

This fact is that these huge strange caves owned by the mysterious Qingque tribe did not appear here by themselves, but they built them themselves!

Such a discovery, how to prevent them from being surprised and sluggish!

This is a cave that looks like a hill!

The people of this tribe built it like this!

With an extremely shocked mood, these non-tribal captives who reacted more strongly than Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden were taken by the Qingque tribe to Jinguan City which is being built by the Qingque tribe.

These captives were very obedient.

Even the bare-boned primitive female who was pulled over by a bear with ears, who was very strong and beautiful, became quiet and obedient at this time.

One is because those who dared to resist among them had almost died in the two previous battles.

Secondly, the crushing level of combat power displayed by the Qingque tribe in two consecutive battles made them frightened.

The third reason is that after the battle, the people of the Qingque tribe did not treat them blindly and brutally, but adopted some gentle methods to make them see hope and feel some peace of mind.

The fourth is that after I came to the Qingque tribe Jinguan City at this time, I saw these things that were far beyond imagination and shocking.

As for how to arrange these defeated prisoners, the Qingque tribe had already experienced it many times. They were very skilled, and didn't need Han Cheng to worry about it.

In addition, many people in the Blue Sparrow Alliance have joined the Blue Sparrow Tribe and become citizens of the Blue Sparrow Tribe. As a result, the number of citizens in the Blue Sparrow Tribe at this time far exceeds the number of slaves, so there is no need to worry about such a small number of slaves. The joining of Jinguan City will have any bad impact here.

It would be enough to just turn them all into slaves.

The adult captives from non-tribes who were brought back by the trade and they soon realized their dreams. Successfully joining with strange tools and building that only need to look at, they can produce unlimited worship. Among the ranks among the great caves with other emotions.

There is no complaint about these non-tribe slaves who were transformed from captives who were able to participate in such work and carry out such unimaginable great things.

On the contrary, for this matter, many of them felt extremely honored.

They couldn’t believe that, as they wanted to attack the Qingque tribe, but were defeated by a small group of the Qingque tribe, and then they were all **** with ropes to bring back the existence of the Qingque tribe, they could actually participate in this kind of event. Among the extremely great things!

Even the former non-tribal leader who was loyal to their tribe before, was trampled on a lot of feet and almost died in the tribal cave, at this moment, the same is true.

They became slaves and separated, holding weird tools, and under the guidance and supervision of the people of the Qingque tribe, they participated in such a great project with excitement and glory.

Of course, these are just the thoughts and feelings of slaves from non-tribes who just took the tools they were assigned to participate in this great project.

Time passed quietly in the novel and glorious mood of the non-tribes, and three days had passed in the sound of the cicadas.

On the outer wall of Jinguan City that was being built, the former non-tribe leader, holding a thick wood in both hands, slammed down the soil that was sent up and dumped in the plywood of the wall.

The sun seemed to be scorching hot, shining on people, hot.

Sweat ran along the bare spine like rain.

There are some blood stains on the wood handle held by him.

This is the blood blister that was rubbed out on his palm rotted.

Although he was bandaged with something strange and called "cloth" by the people of the Qingque tribe, his hands still hurt badly when he held the wood and continued to swing it down endlessly. .

It's just unbearable.

In addition to the pain in the palm, his whole body is also very tired, and he only feels that all his strength has been squeezed out.

He had never done these tasks before, and at this time he was tortured by this completely different way of working.

Not only him, but other slaves from non-tribes, most of them felt this way.

At this time, the novelty, excitement, and glory that had just participated in this great event have basically disappeared.

All that is left is suffering.

If it weren't for them at this time, they couldn't help themselves, many of them would have been unable to persist.

In the past, they just felt that the kind of life they lived was already very hard.

Now that they came here, and after doing some work like this with the people of the Qingque tribe, they discovered that the things they used to find hard, and the work of the Qingque tribe, could not be compared with each other.

In the space of rammed earth, the acting chief turned his head and looked around.

There is still a busy scene all around. Countless people from the Qingque tribe come and go here, holding a variety of different tools, working together to build this extremely great cave.

They also have sweat slipping off their bodies, and they are also doing heavy work.

However, no suffering or sorrow can be seen on their faces.

On the contrary, many of them seem to be very energetic and enjoy such things.

If it wasn't for the same thing that he was doing, and felt unhappy, the acting chief would almost believe that such a thing would not be tiring at all, but it would bring people great enjoyment.

This is also the most puzzled thing for non-tribal leaders.

Why is it obviously the same thing, when I waited for others to do it, I felt extremely painful, and I just wanted to end this torment earlier, but the people of the Qingque tribe were able to ignore the pain and do it with full energy thing.

It seems like I can't feel the fatigue.

After watching the rest of the Qingque tribe work for a while, the non-tribe leader once again raised the wood he held in his hand and continued to ram the earth.

The palm of his hand still hurts, and he still doesn't have much strength. He still can't look like a member of the Qingque tribe...

Such doubts are not only limited to non-tribe leaders, but the rest of non-tribes also have such doubts...

After a month has passed.

The non-tribe leader stood on the ground, raised his head, looking at the high mountain-like wall.

Thick calluses have been worn out on his hands, and the whole person has become a lot darker.

The hair has become shorter and thinner, but it looks a lot stronger.

The cautiousness and trepidation that came when I was missing made my whole person much more calm.

At this time, he looked up at the high wall, and a strong sense of accomplishment rose in his heart.

In this way, the previously unimaginable wall was built by them.

And he also put in a lot of labor in this process and participated in this great project.

As long as you think of these, the former non-tribal chieftain feels extraordinarily proud and proud.

This kind of pride and accomplishment was something he hadn't experienced before in the tribe.

Moreover, the sense of accomplishment at this time made him ignore the suffering he had endured before.

After standing here and watching for a while, without any urging from the Qingque tribe, he took the initiative to carry the tools and went to the other half-built wall.

With great enthusiasm, he participated in the construction of another wall.

It was also at this time that this former non-tribe leader finally understood why the people of the Qingque tribe, when building these walls, endured such busy labor and did not feel hard!

This is not because they don't feel tired, but because compared with the sense of accomplishment that they can get after building such a large-scale fence, these busy labor can easily be ignored!

Living in the world, people always have to have some spirit, and always do things that make them feel fulfilled.

This is often the case. The more a person can find a sense of accomplishment in what he has done, the more he wants to do it, and the more he can achieve greater success.

vice versa.

When a person begins to be decadent, he will feel that life has lost a lot of color, nothing can be done, nothing can be lifted, more and more decadent, life is less and less radiant, and finally a piece of darkness.

Moreover, in this decadent process, people live a leisurely life.

The constant suffering in your heart is enough to make you feel uncomfortable, and you can’t enjoy half a moment of peace...

The members of the trade team, returning from afar, have made such a great contribution, and a reward is indispensable.

But nowadays, the situation is special and the food is tight, and it's impossible to treat them in full swing.

In the evening, Han Cheng personally washed 30 green duck eggs, which were marinated and put in a jar and wrapped in salted wet grass and wood ash, and served to members of the trade team such as the trade team. .

High and low, up and down, length... and so on, these things are all drawn through comparison.

If you put it in the past ~www.NovelMTL.com~, a salted duck egg per person is nothing.

But now that food is in short supply and the rest of the tribe do not have the special time to eat salted duck eggs, after such a comparison, salted duck eggs suddenly become precious.

Those who have been rewarded also feel bright on their faces and feel very honored.

Many people in the trade team didn't eat the salted duck eggs that the **** son rewarded them.

Instead, he chose to cut it with a knife, cut it into petals like a watermelon, and then share it with the rest of the tribe.

This feeling of inviting the rest of the people to eat the rewards you get is more refreshing than enjoying them alone.

In many cases, what people are fighting for is just a taste, as long as the friendship is reached, the rest can be ignored...


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