I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 994: Angry Red Tiger Tribe Miko (2 in 1)

Mao is an energetic person, somewhat similar to the donkey in the tribe.

Not only is energetic, but also an enthusiastic person who is anxious and thinks about her.

After returning from the long journey, most of the rest of the trade team were very tired, they didn't have much energy, and they wanted to clean up earlier and go to bed earlier.

But after seeing the older primitive women and understanding the meaning of the older primitive women, he immediately became more energetic.

Then that night, I had a long conversation with the older primitive women.

As for whether to have a long conversation with the older primitive females alone, or to talk to the older primitive females, and then talk to some other people by the way, Han Chengcheng is unclear.

After all, he hasn't been bored enough to listen to the root of the wall, or to find a trader to ask about the details of this matter.

After all, he is also a person who has experienced a lot of actual combat and step by step, and he can't do things so dirty.

As the **** son of the tribe, he can't show such an appearance that he has never seen the world.

The older female primitives only left Jinguan City of the Qingque tribe in the morning of the next day.

She hadn't slept for most of the night last night. She seemed to be in a very good spirit, even better than before. She was carrying a burden, walking, and there was wind under her feet.

More energy than drinking vigorously.

This state once again made Han Cheng sigh with emotion.

It was said that sitting down at fifty could absorb dirt, and seeing the state of an older primitive woman at this time, he also had to choose to believe this nonsense.

I just don’t know if the older female primitives are getting wind under their feet at this time, are they thinking that they can return to Jinguan City sooner, so that they can meet with the trade again.

Thinking of this, Han Cheng suddenly remembered a very famous sentence-you are a greedy body!

The big masters in the tribe were greeted by older primitive females.

Han Cheng didn't envy things that seemed a bit sweet, mainly because the older primitive women really didn't meet his aesthetic standards.

Another important reason is that he still wants to leave a useful body, enjoy life well, and make the tribe stronger.

With the support of such a powerful dream, how can he bow to such trivial matters!

In extraordinary times, everyone is very tight.

After returning to the tribe, the members of the trade team, including Jinguan City, only took a rest for three days. They once again carried the prepared supplies, carried backpacks, leggings, and led the animals to leave the tribe. Go back in the direction.

Over there, they have opened up the situation, and going this time will be much easier than before.

However, this time the trade team's manpower has increased compared to the previous time.

From 30 people before, to 40 people now, they carry more weapons than before.

An archer who uses a bow and arrow must carry at least two pots of feather arrows, a total of sixty.

This decision was made by Han Cheng.

Trade and their previous experience was a happy situation for the Qingque tribe, but it still gave Han Cheng a wake-up call.

Let him know that it's not all calm outside.

The trade team composed of thirty adults cannot deter all the tribes.

With these ten more people, the combat effectiveness of the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team will become stronger and they will become more deterrent.

Let the tribe they meet on the way, dare not easily provoke the trade team.

If he really provokes death, he will have a better chance of winning and not let the people of his tribe suffer.

There was no special ceremony. In the early morning three days later, after breakfast, under the watchful eyes of Han Cheng and some of the people in Jinguan City, Mao and his party left the tribe and set off again.

Compared with the last time they traveled, the members of the trade team looked much more restrained, and no longer looked like they were elated and wanted to roll up their sleeves and do a big job.

But at this time, they seem to be more reassuring than before.

As the cicadas cried, the members of the trade team gradually moved away, and there was no change in Jinguan City because of the departure of the trade team.

Looking around, the surrounding area is still busy. Everyone is working hard for various things, wanting to build a better place for them to live, so that themselves and the people in the tribe can live a good life.

In such days, Han Cheng couldn’t help looking towards the direction where the older female primitives left, hoping that people from the nest tribe could come, so that he could get a lot from the Red Tiger tribe. food.

In this way, Jinguan City will not have much problem here, and it can rely on the external materials obtained from the Red Tiger tribe to support its own development.

It's just that in many cases it was unfulfilled, and until now, the nest tribes who acted as middlemen did not show up again.

This made Han Cheng's assassin that he had prepared before he left the main tribe and had nowhere to use his skills.

The most helpless thing in the world is nothing more than this...

A group of people is walking through a road that is not considered a road. In this group, there are many behemoths.

On the way, these behemoths crane their necks from time to time and make a moo moo.

The person walking in the front is a bit older and has a hunchback.

These people weren't someone else, they were the people of the nest tribe that Han Cheng was thinking of.


After walking forward for a while, the hunched primitive man turned his head and spoke to the person behind him, and lashed at a cow he was holding with the branch he held in his hand.

With the issuance of his order, the speed of the whole team's advancement suddenly became much faster.

The hump-backed primitive people now especially want to rush to the tribe where the older female primitive people are.

Then, through the older female primitives, they met the mysterious Qingque tribe.

In fact, he was not so urgent before.

If he was really urgent, he would not go here to find the Qingque tribe for exchange after leaving the non-tribe last time. Instead, he would bring some inferior salt and pottery from the Red Tiger tribe to them. Old customers who have not come into contact with the Qingque tribe’s high-quality salt and pottery exchange.

After leaving the Red Tiger tribe last time, the hunched primitive man informed the old priest of his tribe of the decision made by the witch of the fire tribe, and asked the old priest to tell him what to do next.

He didn't dare to make decisions on such matters.

On the one hand, it was because he felt that this matter was too big, and on the other hand, he thought he was not as smart as the old priest.

In such matters, it is better to follow the opinions of the old priest.

He originally thought that according to the wisdom of the old priest, this matter could be resolved by just telling him.

But it's hard to imagine that after he told the old priest about it, the old priest fell silent.

After a while, I let myself get out of his wooden house, leaving him alone and thinking there.

Such things continued until the afternoon of the third day.

The old priest from the nest tribe, who had been thinking for a long time, found the hunched primitive man and told him his decision.

His decision was to first let the humpbacked primitives bring these poor quality pottery and salt from the Red Tiger tribe, and go to the tribe that had exchanged before, and then exchange them for one time before heading to the east. , Looking for the mysterious green bird tribe, and exchange with them.

After telling the humpback primitive man of such a decision, the elderly priest told the humpback primitive man the reason for his decision.

In the previous trade between the mysterious Green Bird tribe and the Red Tiger tribe, pottery was the largest trade volume.

Table salt only occupies a small part.

In other words, when working as a middleman, most of the price difference earned by their tribe is derived from pottery.

Now, the Red Tiger tribe doesn't need the Qingque tribe's pottery anymore. In this way, the things their tribe earns from it will be greatly reduced.

The old priests of the nest tribes, after a long time of thinking and comparison, believed that under such circumstances, the things their tribes earned would be far lower than those of other tribes.

That's why he would let the humpbacked primitive people exchange them with ordinary tribes first.

When the exchange with ordinary tribes was mainly used as the middleman between the green bird tribe and the red tiger tribe, the nest tribe did not give up, and achieved some balance.

However, all that is taken into account is only those who follow the road, and more ordinary tribes who are not in the way, people with nest tribes, have not gone for a long time.

After so long of consumption, the salt that these tribes had exchanged before has basically been consumed.

The pottery of some tribes has also been damaged to varying degrees.

At the same time, the food stored by their tribe also has a large scale.

So this time, the gains of the humpback primitives in their profession are not small.

Moreover, this time, they only passed through some of the tribes, and there were still many tribes, they did not go.

In contrast, there is the sacrifice of the nest tribe, and they no longer want the humpbacked primitive people to go to the more distant east to find the older female primitive people, and then through them, make a deal with the mysterious green bird tribe. Up.

However, after the end of the exchange, the humpbacked primitive still took the prepared materials, set off from his tribe, headed east, and embarked on the road to the mysterious Qingque tribe.

There is such a big change before and after, of course, the humpbacked primitive man suddenly realized and denied the previous idea.

However, his awakening was not done by himself, but with some external forces.

Time to push forward a bit, the location came to the Red Tiger tribe.

"@##!twenty three!"

On the most central square of the Red Tiger Tribe, the old maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe without a nose, with a hideous face, was roaring loudly with her fingers pointing at the humpback primitive.

After snarling like this for a while, thinking about feeling puzzled, he stretched out a hand on the shoulder of the hunched primitive man to avoid falling.

Then he lifted his foot with difficulty, and kept kicking towards the hunched primitive man's leg.

The humpbacked primitive man not only did not dare to resist, but also always paid attention to prevent the Red Tiger tribe priestess who had lost her nose from falling to the ground while beating him.

It's really not because of how good his temper is, or because he was fascinated by the incomparable beauty of the red tiger tribe priestess who lost his nose, and suddenly liked it.

So I can indulge her such unreasonable troubles.

There are really too many warriors surrounding the Red Tiger tribe not far away, too strong, and the weapons in their hands are also yellow, dazzling and particularly powerful.

Such a combination can treat the grumpy people.

Primitives with hunched backs were treated thoroughly.

This kind of unilateral fight was finally over after a long time.

It was not that someone came to persuade, but the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was tired.


The panting Red Tiger Tribe maiden, with one hand on her fat waist, the other hand stretched out, pointing at the humpback primitive man who looked very embarrassed, talking loudly and intermittently, her expression a bit ferocious.

The humpbacked primitive man who suffered a beating, not only did not get angry, but also nodded with the smiling face. That flattering look, looks special like the neon Xiao An when he saw his Mi Di’s father. appearance.

Seeing the hunchbacked primitive man's attitude, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe finally made a hum from her throat.

Very arrogant.

The hunched primitive man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and quickly turned around, greeted the people of his tribe, and wanted to leave quickly.


But not wanting to be at such a critical juncture, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe once again spoke.

Then, walking with some thick legs, he came to the hunchback primitive man, stretched out a hand to support his shoulder, raised one leg again, and constantly flicked against the hunchback primitive man.

After being beaten again ~www.NovelMTL.com~, panting and waving his hands, indicating that the hunched primitive man can leave.

The humpbacked primitive man, like a frightened rabbit, did not dare to stay for a moment after getting permission from the witch, and left the Red Tiger tribe with the same frightened people in the tribe.

There is a reason why the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe have such a big fire.

After eating for a period of time, she has long been infatuated with the high-quality salt produced by the Qingque tribe.

However, because the Qingque tribe didn't have enough salt, some of the salt she got had already been eaten.

The last time the humpbacked primitive people were here, they said that the Blue Sparrow Tribe was already making salt, and when they came this time, they would definitely bring Blue Sparrow Tribe salt to the Red Tiger Tribe for the witches to eat.

However, the fact is that this time he did not bring the salt produced in the Qingque tribe...

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