I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 991: Compulsory trade (2 in 1)

   In the eye contact just now, the leader of the chicken leg tribe did not find any trace of the non-tribal leader among the captured non-tribal people who had almost stripped all the skins of their bodies.

   is not the leader of the tribe, not a good stubble, at least the leader of the chicken leg tribe can't beat him.

  Because he has been defeated more than once by the leader of the non-tribe, the leader of the chicken leg tribe naturally regards the leader of the non-tribe as a strong man.

   The leaders of the non-tribes who are stronger than him have disappeared. It is very likely that they were killed by the people of the Qingque tribe, let alone themselves.

   Besides, besides the leaders of the non-tribes, the captured non-tribes also seemed to be much less than what they had seen before.

  Look at the miserable sight of the remaining non-tribes being tied up. It is easy for people to guess where those non-tribes who disappeared have gone without thinking about it.

  Under such circumstances, it would be really strange if the leader of the chicken leg tribe, and the people of the chicken leg tribe, didn’t do what they wanted.


   The head of the chicken leg tribe, who was lying on the ground, turned his head once again, and shouted loudly at the people of his tribe, asking them to quickly follow his way, lying on the ground, and expressing surrender to the people of the Qingque tribe.

   He was very worried that if such a thing is done late, his tribe will meet the anger from the Qingque tribe and end up like a non-tribe.

   Fortunately, he is the true leader of the Drumstick tribe. Although he did not win against non-tribes, his prestige in the Drumstick tribe is still very high, far from the generation leader of the non-tribe.

   In addition, the chicken leg tribe did not show obedience to the other tribes before, so after the leader of the chicken leg tribe shouted again, the people of the chicken leg tribe stopped insisting on anything.

   They threw down their weapons one after another, and then followed their leader's appearance, lying on the ground and putting their faces on the ground, waiting for the verdict from the Qingque tribe.

   Many times, things change so quickly.

   Not long ago, the people of the chicken leg tribe were still holding weapons, shouting what they wanted to come over to give a good lesson to the people of the Qingque tribe and teach them what is honesty.

   But now, before the people of the Qingque tribe spoke and expressed their attitude, they had thrown their weapons on the ground, and got down to surrender.

   was still thinking there, and prepared the people of the trade team to defeat these people, who had not had time to give orders. Seeing these scenes in front of him, his eyes widened.

   After this expression lasted for a while, Mao stretched out his hand and rubbed his face vigorously. The astonishment on his face was replaced by joy.

   He himself is a very peaceful person. The fights and killings seem to be bloody, not what he likes.

  I was able to surrender the people of the chicken leg tribe who wanted to come to find things without doing anything. He was really happy.

Even Yu Mao didn’t want to go back. Instead, he took the non-members and went to the rest of the tribes for a few more laps, so that the rest of the tribes could also feel the strength of the Qingque tribe at close range, thus bringing them all Surrender in an instant without blood.

   When he is happy, it does not mean that the rest of the people will be happy.

   For example, the bear has ears that has inserted the blue sparrow flag in his hand on the ground, and held the red tassel spear he used in his hand, ready to fight.

   Xiong You'er is definitely a guy who likes to fight, a bit similar to the more rigid-tempered Shang.

   But there are still some differences from Shang.

  Through these years of experience, although Shan is still very good at fighting, he is not as impulsive as before. When encountering things, he knows to consider gains and losses and pay attention to some strategies.

After discovering that the people from the Chicken Leg Tribe rushed from the front, he was just a little stunned. The Xiong had ears and became excited, and geared up to prepare for another battle, so that these people would understand what is the Qingque tribe and what It's fighting.

   As a result, before they could launch an attack, the people of the Chicken Leg Tribe had already dropped their weapons very neatly and crouched on the ground to express surrender.

   Faced with this situation, the smile on Xiongyou's ear gradually became stiff.

   I only felt that there was something stuck in my heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

   Why did you surrender?

   Why did you surrender?

   Why don't you dare to hold weapons and have a good fight with us?

   What are you doing like this?

   The bear has ears, gritted his teeth, and looked like he hated iron and steel. He couldn't wait to run over, picking up these chicken leg tribe people who were lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

   Then they stuffed their weapons into their hands, letting them fight with the people of their own tribe.

   However, he seems a little crazy like this, or the idea of ​​having a few roots in his mind is impossible to realize.

  Because Mao has ordered the people from the Qingque tribe to bring non-tribes forward and approach these people from the chicken leg tribe.

  Mao is still very cautious in doing things. Although the people of the chicken leg tribe have already lost their weapons and crouched on the ground to express surrender, when they approached them, Mao still let people erect the vine shield and prepare for defense.

   In addition, the red spear and bow and arrow are all prepared.

   just in case these drumstick tribe people are cheating.

   The reaction of the trade team also scared the people of the chicken leg tribe.

   But at this time they have lost their weapons and chose to lie down on the ground. Whether they stand up to resist or run away, the probability of success will become particularly small.

   Therefore, even though he was afraid in his heart, he could only wait here with anxiety and fear, waiting for the verdict from the Qingque tribe, hoping that things would not get particularly bad.

   The people of the Qingque tribe are not particularly cruel.


  While the people of the Chicken Leg Tribe were waiting extremely nervously, the people of the Qingque Tribe Trade Team slowly approached them.

   When he was about ten or twenty meters away from them, Mao said this, and gave an order not to let people move on.

   Following his order, the members of the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team stopped directly.

   Everyone stopped here, quietly watching the chicken leg tribe people lying on the ground.

   Many times, this kind of silent silence is more uncomfortable than beating and scolding.

   The people of the chicken leg tribe are suffering from this kind of suffering at this time.

   On the forehead of the head of the chicken leg tribe, beads of sweat slipped from it.

   The pain of being stabbed in the foot only accounts for a small part of the reason, and the more important reason is the silent depressive atmosphere created by the people of the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team.

   After a while, the two people holding the cane shield in front of him, Maorang stood aside, stepped out of a gap, and revealed him.

   He stared at the leader of the chicken leg tribe and the other people in the chicken leg tribe. After watching for a while, he spoke.

   What he said, the people of the chicken leg tribe, naturally can't understand, so some necessary actions are needed.

   This is the old line of trade, where the profession is, so there is no pressure to do it.

   And the leader of the chicken leg tribe was also attracted by the movement he made. He raised his head and looked at Mao who was constantly dancing in front of him, looking very seriously.

   I was afraid that I would miss something and misunderstand the meaning of trade, which would bring immeasurable losses to myself and the tribe...

"set off!"

   Chicken Leg Tribe. Here, the tall, sturdy bear with ears, once again held the blood-stained blue bird flag in his hand and held it high.

   Mao, who was wearing leggings, carrying a backpack, and holding a donkey in his hand, shouted loudly.

   Following his yelling, the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team began to act again.

   The flag fluttered in the wind, and everyone moved with the flag.

   The prisoners who were **** with ropes and pierced in strings also walked along with the trade team.


   In front of the cave of the chicken leg tribe, the leader of the chicken leg tribe shouted some words.

After shouting these words, they led the people of their tribe and lay down on the ground, looking extremely respectful, just like not long ago, they dropped their weapons and crouched in front of the Qingque tribe trading team, expressing surrender. .

  Mao, Xiong Eryou, and other members of the Qingque Tribe Trade Team, turned around and glanced at them, nodded at the Chicken Leg Tribe, then turned and continued to walk forward without saying a word, preparing to return to Jinguan City.

   was **** with ropes, followed the trade team, the non-tribal leader who walked together, and looked at the people of the chicken leg tribe lying on the ground, full of envy and regret.

   Knowing that if you have expressed obedience to the people of the Qingque tribe, you can keep your tribe. If you will not be captured by the people of the Qingque tribe, you will not lead people to resist.

  Don't say you are still hiding in the cave, and the cave is sealed up. When you are outside, you will lose the weapon in your hand!

  Compared with the people of the Drumstick tribe, they do more simply and thoroughly!

   However, the incident has already happened, and even if it is regrettable and envy, it is already too late...

   Watching the people of the Qingque tribe holding flags, holding livestock and captives, walked a long way forward, and finally disappeared, the leader of the chicken leg tribe took the people from the tribe and stood up from the ground.

   The head of the chicken leg tribe, who stood up, couldn't help letting out a long sigh, as if there was a huge rock falling from his heart, with some smiles on his face.

  The rest of the chicken leg tribe reacted similarly to their leader.

While    breathed out a long sigh of relief, some rejoicing arose in my heart.

  Many people even started to be grateful to the Qingque tribe trading team that had just left.

   I am very grateful to the people of the Qingque tribe for showing mercy to their tribe's men, regardless of the predecessors.


   After a while, the leader of the chicken leg tribe returned to the cave with people, and then began to arrange work.

   Some people gather wild vegetables and catch fish and shrimps around the tribe, while the rest take up commonly used weapons and follow them to hunt around and obtain prey.

   After arranging these things, the leader of the chicken leg tribe shouted, and led the people out of their tribe’s cave, heading away, looking for prey.

   The whole process was extremely simple, and there was no muddy water.

   Of course he needs to hurry up, because all the food stored in the tribe during this period has been taken away by the trade team of the Qingque tribe, and nothing is left for them.

   If they don’t quickly find food, the people of their tribe will be hungry.

   Even so, they still have no complaints about the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team. They think it is very reasonable and reasonable for the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team to take out all the food of their tribe.

   Even the Qingque tribe did a bit more ruthlessly, and they were equally acceptable.

   After all, in their opinion, this time, it was the fault of their tribe, and it was their own trouble to find the Qingque tribe.

   Many times, things are just so wonderful.

When the Qingque tribe trading team was relatively weak, the two tribes exchanged normally. The people from the chicken leg tribe felt that the people from the Qingque tribe exchanged fakes to them~www.NovelMTL.com~ and they were very angry. One mind and two minds wanted to trouble the Qingque tribe, and gave out the bad breath in his heart.

Now, after discovering that the Qingque tribe’s strength was so unexpected, even if the Qingque tribe gave nothing, they took a very tough attitude and took away all the food they had accumulated. The chicken leg tribe’s People are not only not angry, but also extremely grateful and even grateful.

   The same people are the same two groups of people before, things are even more excessive than before, but the effects are completely opposite.

   This is the advantage of being powerful!

   Through this incident, we can learn a truth.

   That is to say that just blindly kindness is not enough. While maintaining kindness, you must have tough methods and strong strength to show your opponents and let them see.

  Only in this way, after the event, can some people better understand your kindness, know what satisfaction is, understand a lot of truths, and see the beauty of the world...

   Of course, in addition to filling their stomachs and keeping themselves and the people of the tribe from being hungry, there is another important reason why the people of the chicken leg tribe rush to hunt for food in such a hurry.

The reason is that the kind-hearted Qingque tribe trade team, when they left, clearly told them that after a while, they will come again and continue to use precious pottery and delicious salt. These things are exchanged for food for their tribes, and when the time comes, they can’t be given less!

   As soon as I say such a compulsory trade, the people of the chicken leg tribe naturally dare not neglect...


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