I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 988: Smokey cave open! (2 in 1)

With the shout of the man, the non-tribes in the cave saw the smoke that was drilled into the cave along the cracks in the stone, all of them were shocked, not knowing what to do.

Not long ago, they only thought of the people of the Qingque tribe, they would forcibly attack the caves that they had blocked with stones, or just besieged the caves without attacking, just waiting for their food to be clean, and giving them hunger defeat.

They never thought that none of these things they had envisioned happened.

The Qingque tribe was even more vicious and vicious than they thought.

They actually used fire!

For flames, non-tribal people, like people in this era, are extremely respectful.

In this respect, there is also a lot of fear.

It is precisely because of this that people who are not tribes are so alarmed when they see the smoke rising from the outside to the inside.

Otherwise, judging from the atmosphere they had just been mobilized, such a thing would never happen.

After all, they were all done just now and they smashed to the end in the cave with the Qingque tribe. For this reason, let the rest of the tribe kill themselves and eat them.


At this time, the older primitive man from the non-tribe opened his mouth again and shouted loudly at the people in the tribe.

What he meant was that the fire was blocked by the rocks at the entrance of the cave, and they couldn't get in and burn them.

Now it is only some smoke coming in, it is impossible to burn them.

Being reminded like this by this elderly primitive, the non-tribes suddenly woke up and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This is a real false alarm!

The non-tribe leader could not help but wipe the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

He glanced at the smoke that was blowing into the cave along the gap, and then at the old primitive man who seemed a little indifferent, and the admiration in his heart became stronger.

This is the third time today.

In the past, if I could obey him and didn't bring people to oppose, I took the people from the tribe and left in time, so I and the people in the tribe would not be stuck in the cave and couldn't get out.

You will not encounter so many bad things.

When he waited for the people of the violent Blue Sparrow tribe, they were blocked in the cave and couldn't get out. The tribe became anxious and wanted to kill themselves to vent their anger, he was old again. He stood up, dispelled the idea of ​​everyone, and took advantage of the trend to make the people of the tribe more united and unified.

Now, the tribe encountered a crisis once again. When everyone was in panic again, he stood up again, pointed out the root of this matter, and made himself and others no longer panic.

In the past, he only believed in power. He has never been able to value older people. He feels that they exist in the tribe, which will only hinder the tribe, waste the tribe’s food, and make the tribe develop more. slow.

Really speaking, he only believed in his own power.

But now, in the face of the facts that have happened, the power he had always believed in before is not reliable at all, and in front of many things, it seems that it is so powerless.

On the contrary, it was the person he had always looked down upon before, and at such a time, it played a role beyond imagination.

If he didn't exist, he really wouldn't dare to think about what terrible things would happen!

After this incident is over, we must let the elderly primitive people be the leader of the tribe!

The non-tribe leader said to himself in his heart.

In the past, he thought it was very easy to be a leader.

According to his hunting skills and a strong body, he is completely qualified for the profession of leader.

But now, he doesn't think so. Being a leader is really not such an easy task.

From now on, let an elderly primitive man be the leader of his tribe. With that kind of wisdom, he will definitely be able to survive with himself and others. If anyone disagrees, he will beat them!

In fact, the non-tribe leader did not know that the elderly primitive man he was looking up to was not as calm as he saw in his heart.

It's just that there is no person in charge in the tribe. If he doesn't stand up and behaves calmly at such a time, everyone in the tribe will definitely get worse!

It is also because of this that he will do these things and be more calm.

Most things in life are like this. When encountering things, some people always need to come out to carry them.

These people are usually called heroes, or the backbone of the nation.

It's not that they don't know about fear, it's not that they don't know fear, and they can't do the same. It's just that some things really need someone to resist and do it, and they are just forced to go up.

If all of them flinched and all stood on the sidelines, then this tribe would not work.

People are often forced out.

Where are the quiet years! It's just that someone is carrying the weight for you.

This is true regardless of the age.

"Cough cough cough..."

Under the reminder of the elderly primitive people, there was a cough in the cave that had just calmed down.

At the beginning, only people close to the mouth of the cave coughed there, but after a while, a large number of people started to cough.

Many people’s eyes were covered by the smoke, and tears flowed out of their involuntarily squinted eyes.

For these things, the elderly primitive people and the rest of the non-tribes are not too concerned.

As people in the caves they live in, people who have fire burning all the year round, their eyes are smoked, and they are choked by smoke. They often encounter things, but it is just a few coughs and uncomfortable eyes for a while. , There is no big problem.

It is also because of this that the elderly primitive people who wipe their tears with their hands vigorously scream out in the gap of the cough.


What he meant was not to panic, it would be fine after a while, and he also made people go to places where there is no smoke inside.

While saying these words, he also kept backing away.

If the people of the Qingque tribe ceased fire, there is nothing wrong with the elderly primitive people making such a decision, but it is obviously impossible for the people of the Qingque tribe trade team to stop.

These guys, under Han Cheng's intentional propaganda, all of them were looking for trouble, wishing people from the other tribes would come to look for them, and then they would fight back.

At this time they finally encountered such a thing, they were so excited, it would be strange if they could stop here!

In the constant sound of comfort from the elderly primitive man from the non-tribe, piles of watered and moist firewood were piled on top of the burning fire by the wicked of the Qingque tribe. .

The people who carried the vine shield to fan the wind worked harder one by one, and some even used their farts.

Under such circumstances, even if the older primitive people from the non-tribes said so badly, they would still be unable to stop the continuous flow of smoke into the cave.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Inside the non-tribal cave, there were bursts of heart-piercing coughs.

Even if the fire, wood burning, and wind are a little loud outside, these coughs can still be heard.

From this cough alone, we can know how much non-tribal people are suffering.

However, this kind of voice heard the people of the Qingque tribe trading team outside. Not only did they not feel cruel, but they also found it very pleasing to the ear.

This is not because of their poor nature, but because these non-tribes have provoked them and attacked them before.

When dealing with the enemy, there is no need for politeness and sympathy.

This is their **** son, in the previous years, through a series of operations, from many levels of things they instilled.


In the non-tribal cave, someone was choked and couldn't stand it. They had to run to the entrance of the cave, get rid of the stones blocking the entrance, and then ran out from here.

He didn't want to stay in this cave for a moment.

In the face of these extremely uncomfortable smog, not long ago, the elderly primitive people, through some means, condensed the hearts and vigor of the people, they were simply vulnerable to a blow, but in an instant, they were all crushed!


An elderly primitive man who was not a tribe, had very good hearing and eyesight. Although the cave was very chaotic and there was some smoke filled with smoke, he heard what the man said and saw the man's movements.

He didn't care about coughing, so he rushed out from the back of the cave, chased the person who ran to the mouth of the cave, and then took his arm to stop him from being extremely stupid and would kill them. The actions of all tribesmen.

At the same time, he vowed to tell this person with a very positive tone that as long as they hide in the cave and endure for a while, everything will be better!

The non-tribal man who was held by the elderly primitive man with his hands stopped his movements and turned to look at the elderly primitive man.

Seeing this man calm down, the old primitive man who was smoky and tearful, felt calm.

In order to further strengthen the effect and strengthen the confidence of this person and the rest of the tribe, the elderly primitive man of the non-tribe, forcibly resisted the smoke eyes, and diligently widened his eyes, looking at the person in front of him with firmness and steadiness in his eyes. encourage.

Just the last sentence, you looked into my eyes.

The old primitive man's hard work did not disappoint him.

Under his efforts, this non-tribal person who was extremely excited and irritable just now became much quieter.

Just as he forced a smile of relief and was about to say something to the people in the tribe, a fist suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, enlarged quickly, and banged on his face.

The non-tribal elderly primitive man whose eyes could not be opened by the smoke and smoke, shook his body suddenly, even with his head and body, he leaned back.

The tearful eyes were closed at this time, and there were all dangling Venus...

At this moment, he was completely stunned, not knowing what had just happened.

This non-tribal primitive man didn't care so much. After a fierce punch, he saw that the elderly primitive man had not fallen to the ground, so he turned around, raised his foot, and kicked him again. Kicked.

Then, without looking at the old primitive man who fell to the ground, he rushed to the entrance of the cave.

While coughing frantically, he desperately went to chop the stone that blocked the hole.

This kind of scene stunned many people in the non-tribes.

The acting chief yelled and rushed towards this side to knock down this guy...


In the expectation of everyone in the Qingque tribal trading team, the non-tribal caves that had been blocked layer by layer with stones reappeared.

Someone was coughing frantically and staggering forward while bending over.

Even if it was a pyre with heavy smoke and some flames in front, I couldn't even notice it, so I rushed straight over.

At such a scene, the people of the trade team watched with a smile.

Immediately someone rushed up and knocked the smoked people who had no sense of resistance to the ground, took off the rope tucked around their waist, and bound the people who rushed out.

Such a set of moves, the members of the trade team are extremely skilled, and there is no sluggishness.

After all, when it comes to bundling, they are professional.

The opening of the non-tribal cave was like a seal being lifted, and more people rushed out of it desperately.

After some people rushed out, they didn't need to pay attention to the people from the Qingque tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ they lay down on the ground, panting like a dying fish.

When some people in the trade team went to tie up, they knew they would resist. Some people simply lay there and didn't move, letting the Qingque tribe people who held the rope do the trick.

In this situation, everyone in the trade team who was watching was very excited.

The model play in the tribe was not wrong, and it was really easy to use this trick to deal with people who were hiding in the cave and could not get out.

The method that the son of God came up with is really good!

"Cough cough cough..."

For a long time, there was movement in the non-tribal cave where no one had gone out.

After a while, a person crawled out of it very hard.

This person was very embarrassed. The animal skins on his body basically no longer exist. There are a lot of black and gray on his body, and there are many footprints...


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