I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 989: Look, here is an honest man! (2 in 1)

The last person who came out was not someone else, but was the acting leader of the person who rushed over to punch the hole after seeing the old primitive man being knocked down.

It's just that at this time, he has become very embarrassed, and he can't see the strong appearance before.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, it was smoked by heavy smoke, and on the other hand, it was beaten by non-tribal people.

Under the continuous smoke and grilling, the non-tribal people who had just made up their minds to stay in the tribe and couldn't get out soon changed their minds one after another.

Especially after the first person threw a fist to knock down the elderly primitive people who came to stop, the non-tribal people who were hesitant, immediately stopped hesitating.

Under the influence of life threatening and strong desire to survive, even if the original leader of the non-tribe did not die, it is impossible to block the non-tribe in the cave under such circumstances.

Not to mention that the people standing in front of the cave are blocking people at this moment. The prestige and seniority are far inferior to the former chief's acting chief and the elderly primitive people.

The old primitive man did not crawl out of the cave.

He was already relatively old, his physical condition was not very good, and at the very beginning, he was knocked down to the ground by a non-tribe.

Under such circumstances, facing the surging non-tribes, it is really difficult for him to find a way to survive...

The generation chief who has been educated by the elderly primitives is in a moment of firm confidence, even if it is stepped on a lot of feet by the surging non-tribes, he still refuses to shrink.

The previous few times, it was because they did not listen to the words of the older primitive people, that led to the development of the situation.

This time, he decided to thoroughly implement what the old primitive man said.

Even the people in the tribe had already ran out of the cave, and he also decided stubbornly that he had to stick to the end by himself.

Even if you die, you must die in the cave of the tribe!

When the leader of the non-tribe made such a decision, his attitude could not be said to be unresolute. He really made such preparations.

However, he who lives in this era does not know that there is a very terrible law in this world.

Many people and many things can hardly escape its clutches.

This law is extremely famous in later generations.

Yes, it is the law of true fragrance.

Under the continuous fanning of the people of the Qingque tribal trade team, under the powerful law of true incense, it is determined that even if they die in the cave, the non-tribal leader who will not go out will eventually be filled with smoke. Climbed out of the cave.

When this happened, the non-tribe leader said to himself over and over again in his heart, that he must listen to the old primitive people, and he must stay in the cave of the tribe and not go out.

However, his hands and feet did not follow his instructions, and he kept taking him, crawling outside against the much smaller smoke.

Then, he was caught by people from the Qingque tribe...

"set off!"

Carrying a backpack and holding the donkey, Mao yelled loudly, and then walked towards the front with high spirits.

Xiong Youer held the flagpole polished by his palms in both hands, lifted it up high, and walked forward with his head held high, not to mention the proud energy.

The rest of the Qingque tribe's situation is similar to theirs, all with their heads up and chest tall, very proud.

They are indeed qualified to be proud.

After all, at this time, they used far fewer people than non-tribes and fought a big victory at the cost of zero casualties, and captured all non-tribes.

Of course, when calculating this, the non-tribes who were killed by them need to be excluded.

These captured non-tribes were **** with ropes and put in a string, and were taken back by the members of the Qingque tribe trading team.

These people were very embarrassed because they were stained with black ashes, with a smoky smell.

In addition, the strong among them had something tied up.

These things were all moved from the caves of non-tribes.

Among them, the vast majority are food.

After all, at this time, the food is the Qingque tribe, and to be precise, the people in Jinguan City are something that is very lacking.

They will not let it go.

In the first time after controlling the non-tribal people, Mao asked people to put out the fire at the entrance of the cave. After the smoke inside had almost disappeared, they let people go in and pack food, even if it was a small plant. The little wild vegetables have not been spared either.

Extremely clean.

Even if a mouse runs into a non-tribal cave at this time, it will definitely leave with tears in its eyes.

Things in the world are often so wonderful. The non-tribes who wanted to kill the bluebird tribe trade team and robbed all the things that the trade team carried, not only failed to fulfill their ambitions, but were instead The sparrow tribe trade team was extremely miserable to counter-kill.

Not only did they lose everything from the tribe, but they even lost it themselves, dead to death, captured and captured...

Different from the cheerful and energetic members of the Qingque tribal trade team, the non-tribes all had their heads drooped, without the slightest energy.

There are still many people with deep panic and anxiety in their hearts, not knowing what the fate awaits them.

Fortunately, the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe, who had been extremely cruel before, appeared to be less cruel after they were captured.

Even on the way, many people from the Qingque tribe took out some food they brought with them and brought them to the children of their tribe for the minors to eat.

This kind of behavior made many non-tribal people feel a lot more relaxed.

In this situation, many non-tribes remembered the first time they saw the mysterious Qingque tribe.

At that time, the people of the Qingque tribe, just like they are now, smiled all the way, and even sent out delicious food to eat with the minors of their tribe.

At that time, I and others regarded the kindness of the people of the Qingque tribe as weak and easy to deceive.


It wasn't until this time that they finally understood that the members of the Qingque tribe were really not weak and bullied, but really low-key.

Now, many non-tribes really regret it.

I knew it would be such a result, I would not provoke the Qingque tribe with anything I waited for!

Is it not good to live a stable life? Why do you want to die?

However, regret is no longer useful at this time, because what should have happened has already happened.

They have been **** with ropes by members of the Qingque tribe, leading them to go elsewhere.

The cave of their tribe was completely empty at this time, a mess.

The trade team still has some things that have not been exchanged, but Mao decided to take the people back the same way, and no longer look for the rest of the tribes to trade.

The main thing is that it is too difficult to travel long distances to unfamiliar places with so many people. If one fails, trouble will arise.

Another reason is that at this time they, with so many prisoners, if they really go to those unfamiliar places, they will definitely cause panic among the tribes that have not been in contact with the Qingque tribe, and even resistance and hostility.

It is not conducive for tribes to see trade between these tribes in the future.

As for returning to the original route, he would pass through the tribes that he had passed through during this trip, and Mao was not very worried about any bad effects.

Because these tribes have already had some contact with them, and they have their own understanding of the Qingque tribe trade team.

Not because of these, will produce some irreversible bad impressions of the trade team of the Qingque tribe.

In addition, another reason is that you can use the non-tribal thing to give a good warning about the tribes you have passed through before.

Let them understand that the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team is really not as weak as it seems to be deceived. Anyone who wants to be disadvantageous to the Blue Sparrow Tribe needs to weigh it carefully so as not to do anything unwise.

Led by the blood-stained banner, the trade team of the Blue Sparrow tribe, with the captured non-tribes, and the exchanged materials, went all the way...

The leader of the chicken leg tribe, holding a stick-like weapon in his hand, turned his head and looked in one direction from time to time.

That direction is where the mysterious Qingque tribe people left.

For the mysterious Qingque tribe, at this time the head of the chicken leg tribe and the people of the chicken leg tribe, the slightest favor is gone.

Mainly from the Qingque tribe, they are too treacherous!

Originally, I thought they had sold a very amazing magical object to myself and others, but I didn't realize that this kind of thing considered by myself and others to be an artifact is actually an authentic fake!

All the good things that I and others are looking forward to, I feel that none of them have been realized!

Now, just thinking about the river water boiled in clay pots, the chief of the drumstick tribe feels uncomfortable.

But that's the thing, the **** blue bird tribe, begged them for a lot of food in exchange!

This matter, as long as you think about it, the leader of the drumstick tribe will be full of anger.

He has never seen such a brazen tribe!

After realizing that only with the two artifacts exchanged from the Qingque tribe, there is no way for the people in the tribe to live a good life without worrying about food and clothing, the leader of the chicken leg tribe is already angry and still In my heart, I decided to teach some **** Qingque tribe people.

Even after he made up his mind, he hadn't seen anyone from the Qingque tribe, and time had passed so long, he had never forgotten this matter.

During these hours, he had also been thinking about finding the people from the Qingque tribe and tidying them up.

If you don't tidy up, the breath in his heart is really uncomfortable.

Of course, in addition to these reasons, another important reason that prompted the leader of the chicken leg tribe to make such a decision is that the members of the Qingque tribe trade team do not seem to be difficult to deal with.

Although the group of people in the Qingque tribe are all adults, they don't seem to be very capable of fighting.

Especially after thinking of the way they were talking with a smile, the head of the chicken leg tribe and the people became more convinced of their judgment.

Persimmons look for softness to pinch, people look for honest to bully, not only in many places in later generations, even in primitive society.

People are good at being deceived, and horses are good at being rided. This is a very hard truth.

It is the nature of many species to make an inch.

"@#4! @!"

The leader of the Chicken Leg Tribe straightened up again and looked towards the direction where the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team came and left.

After watching for a while, still no one was seen.

Feeling disappointed and angry, he couldn't help but screamed and waved the weapon he was holding to vent his resentment.

There were a lot of people from the chicken leg tribe nearby, and they all followed suit and made similar movements to vent their unhappiness.

Like their leader, they also wanted to trouble the **** blue bird tribe and educate them so that they could understand some truths.

At least the people from the Qingque tribe and the food they swindled from their tribe should be reclaimed. Otherwise, it would really be a big loss!


When I was thinking about it, it was not too far away. Suddenly a few shouts rang out. A person hurriedly ran out from the woods, which was not too far away, with joy on his face. The hand points in one direction.

The first lead of the Drumstick Tribe was taken aback, and then it was overjoyed.

He straightened his body abruptly, held the weapon in his hand, and looked at where the man was pointing.

Due to the blocking of branches and leaves ~www.NovelMTL.com~, he did not see the scene that the man in his tribe said.

However, despite this, the excitement in his heart is not less than that, because this person in his tribe will not lie on this issue.

Since he was shouting so excitedly for the members of the Qingque tribe and came from other places, it must be the members of the Qingque tribe who came over!


After a short pause, the leader of the chicken leg tribe reacted.

He raised the weapon in his hand high, yelled loudly, turned around and took the person and ran in the direction that the person was leading, looking impatient, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

After he yelled this sentence, the rest of the chicken leg tribe followed and screamed. The people of the chicken leg tribe scattered in this small area also followed their leader and ran in that direction. Go, the speed is very fast, for fear that the running slow will not catch up with such a good thing as beating the Qingque tribe...

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