I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 987: You can eat me first!


Inside the cave of the non-tribe, the noise became more enthusiastic, and the fists of the angry non-tribe people would hit the non-tribe leader.

Compared with these waving fists, the words shouted by the non-tribes made the acting chief feel even more frightened.

Because most of them are shouting to kill this generation leader.

Some people yelled loudly, saying that when there is no food in the tribe, they will kill the leader and use him as food to satisfy their hunger.

After all, it is precisely because of him that he and other talents will fall to where they are today!

In their view, this is a matter of course.

The acting chief who was still very energetic not long ago dare not even say a word at this time.

He lowered his head, his face was pale, and his body was trembling slightly.

Facing the accusations from the people in the tribe, he seemed so helpless that he couldn't even say a word of excuse.

In this regard, it is because he also feels that the difficulties encountered in the tribe are all because of him.

If he hadn't said those words before, the people in the tribe would listen to the old primitive people and choose to leave their tribe to live in a new place.

Naturally, it would not be blocked by the brutal Qingque tribe people from getting out of the cave.

This kind of self-blame brought him a deep sense of guilt, which made him unable to stand up to his waist, and did not have enough courage to confront the people in the tribe.

On the other hand, he is still relatively young and has experienced few things. He has never thought that people can turn so fast when they turn their faces.

It's just a moment of effort. People who are very supportive of him can wave their fists and say the most vicious things to him and want to do some vicious things to him.

He was a little dazed for a while, and he didn't know what to do.


Just when one of the non-tribes was about to smash his fist in the face of the generation leader, the contradiction became more and more intensified, and it was about to be irreversible. In the cave of the non-tribe, there was a sudden sound that seemed crisp, but yet Some harsh sounds.

After such a voice sounded, the non-tribe suddenly became much quieter.

The crowd stopped their movements as if they had been casted by someone, and turned their heads to look at the place where the sound was coming from.

Through the burning fire in the cave, you can see that there are some debris on the ground inside the cave.

These fragments, just a few days ago, they spent a lot of food, and exchanged precious pottery from the mysterious and murderous Qingque tribe.

Beside the precious pottery, there stood a person who looked a little breathless. This person was nothing but the primitive non-tribe who was older.


He stood here, and after seeing everyone looking in the direction where he was, he yelled at everyone with extreme anger.

He has said this sentence more than once, but only this time can everyone hear it clearly.

Because before, it was suppressed by the extremely enthusiastic noise, and it didn't spread at all.


After he yelled, he immediately spoke out loudly, looking very excited.

As he told, the people in the tribe became quieter.

Some people opened their mouths a few times, trying to speak, but did not say it after all.

Some people lowered their heads in shame, some silently put down their raised fists.

What the elderly primitive people said is very simple, that is, at this time, the enemy outside has already hit the edge of his tribal cave.

At this time, they still have to target the people of their own tribe and not to face outsiders unanimously. Aren't they waiting for the brutal Qingque tribe to kill themselves and others?

Of course, his original words are much simpler than what he said now, but that's what he meant.

The non-tribe leader, with his head down and his whole person trembling, raised his head at this time, looking at the elderly primitive man, his face was full of astonishment.

He obviously did not expect that at this time, standing up to stop everyone and speaking for himself, he was actually an elderly primitive man!

You know, not long ago, I was against him.

It was also because of myself that the people in the tribe did not listen to him.

It can be said that within the entire tribe, the eldest primitive people who are most happy to think that they are unlucky and will not help themselves at this time are the elderly primitive people.

But now, it's the opposite.

When people in the entire tribe yelled and killed themselves and resented themselves, he was the most improbable person he thought. He stood up and said this to everyone in the tribe, and stopped The atrocities of the people in the tribe.

If he hadn't come out to stop everyone in the tribe at this time, the acting chief believed that the rest of his tribe could really do what they shouted, and really eat themselves as food.

Thinking of these things in his heart, the deputy chief's mood suddenly became extremely complicated, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

While feeling complicated, his eye sockets couldn't help but become hot and red, and tears couldn't help dripping down.

There seemed to be a lot of things stuck in my heart, and some things seemed to disappear suddenly at this moment, my thoughts became clear, and I understood some things.


After a while, he wiped the tears and nose on his face with his sleeves, then opened his mouth and looked at the elderly primitive man and said.

While saying these words, his gaze swept one by one from the rest of the people in the cave, and finally fell on the elderly primitive people.

What he meant was very simple, that is, they belonged to a tribe, and when such a situation occurred in the tribe, he had a big fault.

He is willing to bear such consequences.

If the people of the Qingque tribe stayed around outside and the food in their tribe is not enough, he would rather let the people in the tribe eat themselves!

Let the people in the tribe live longer.

After he expressed this to the people in the tribe, the expressions of the elderly primitive people could not help being pale.

After hesitating for a while, he gritted a lot of loose teeth, walked a few steps forward, came to the front of the acting chief, stretched out his arm and put his hand on the shoulder of the acting chief, and then With force, he pulled the acting chief aside.


He said this to the acting chief and everyone in the tribe.

After hearing what he said, the acting leader, who was initially stunned because the elderly primitive man suddenly pulled him aside, was stunned again.

Because the elderly primitive people said that if you really want to eat at the time, you should eat him first!

An elderly primitive man means that he is already old, his body is not strong enough, it is of little use to the tribe, and he cannot kill many prey. When facing the people of the other tribes, there is no defending the tribe. ability.

The acting chief is different.

The acting chief is strong, but also very young, with a very good hunting skills.

In today's tribe, the most suitable person to be the leader of the tribe is the acting leader.

If he dies, their non-tribe will become weaker.

The generation chief who had already been in tears, the tears flowed more, and he couldn't stop it at all.


He cried and said to the older primitive man.

It means that there is no need to do this, no one will do if their tribe leaves.

Elderly primitive people are so intelligent and more suitable to be the leader of the tribe.

Inside the non-tribal cave, it became more silent. Except for the generation chief and the elderly primitives, all the others lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at these two people.

It was as if the bodies of the two of them exuded extremely dazzling light at this time, stabbing them to open their eyes.

At this moment, they really feel ashamed, the kind that goes out of their hearts.

They did not expect that the acting chief and the elderly primitive people would make such a decision.

Compared with the two of them, people like them have become nothing and look so ugly.


After a while, a person lifted his drooping head, looked at the elderly primitive man and the acting chief, said with firm eyesight, and walked with them.

After someone brought such a head, many people couldn't help but shook their hearts suddenly, as if they were hit by something.

Soon two people also raised their heads, said something aloud, and then strode towards the two older primitives and the acting chief.



More and more people raised their lowered heads, said these words in their mouths, and surrounded the elderly primitives and the chiefs.

Soon, there was only one person left in the cave where the original crowd stood.

This person was the one who took the lead in screaming that he would kill the acting leader not long ago.

In any case, he did not expect that things would have changed so much in a short period of time!

He quietly raised his head and looked at the opposite side. He was seeing everyone headed by the acting chief and the elderly primitive people, all looking at him, silent.

Such a scene shocked his heart, and the whole person couldn't help but agitate suddenly.


After a while, he gritted his teeth secretly, said this aloud, and then strode towards the direction where everyone was, even more determined than ordinary people.

Seeing that he had made such a choice, the non-tribes in the cave turned their gaze back and stopped looking at him.

After such things, the non-tribes suddenly became different.

People are still those people, but the overall temperament has undergone an earth-shaking change.

Faced with the same bad situation, they no longer panic and become extra calm and firm.

Under such circumstances, the acting chief even wanted to take these people from the tribe and kill them out of the cave.


The elderly primitive man said loudly again, with rare pride in his voice.

This is the role of emotions.

He was telling everyone in the tribe that as long as they can persist as they do now, they will definitely be able to tide over this difficulty!

The rest of the tribe also nodded vigorously, expressing their agreement with what the elderly primitive people said.

It's not that they are floating, they really have such confidence at this moment!

To a certain extent, consciousness can indeed regulate and control the body. However, in many cases, it is subject to matter, especially from external matter outside the body.

Just like now.

When the people from the non-tribes joined together, they were moved by themselves, and felt that they could overcome all the difficulties, the people of the Qingque tribe had already found a lot of firewood from the surroundings, and divided them into batches. The pile is placed at the entrance of the cave.

There are also people holding an improved version of the hand drill, where they drill wood to make fire.

In the sound of the ‘chich’ of the hand-pressed drill, green smoke soon rose, and flames bounced up and down.

When these flames met the firewood piled at the entrance of the cave, they soon ignited a larger flame.

However, the flames on these firewoods did not continue to increase, but the smoke was particularly strong.

This is because, under the command of Mao, the members of the trading team, before the fire, got some water and poured it on the upper firewood.

Damp firewood can emit more smoke.

After the smoke rose, seven or eight people formed a half-enclosed structure in pairs, surrounding the non-tribes and the firewood burning in front of the tribal caves.

These two groups of people ~www.NovelMTL.com~ are not idle. They hold the cane shield in their hands, where they are fanning the flames against the smoking fire.

Those vine shields that had originally scattered elsewhere, under their incitement, most of them changed their original directions and floated towards the non-tribe's hole that was blocked from inside.

There are certain gaps in the opening of the stone-blocked cave, so after a while, there will be smoke flowing along these gaps into the non-tribal cave.

And at this time, it was also the time when the entire non-tribe was twisted into a rope again after the manipulation of the elderly primitives, and became extremely firm, feeling that they could deal with all the difficulties.


A non-tribal person saw the smoke rising from the entrance of the cave, and he was surprised and shouted loudly.

The others who heard his shout turned their heads and looked towards the entrance of the cave...


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