I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 982: Frightened silly blue bird tribe (2 in 1)



There are no free dogs.

Especially the members of the trade team such as the trade team, the dogs running outside are specially selected, they are the kind of big, aggressive and clever outside.

This level of screening may not have been possible in the past few years, but now there is no pressure to do it.

After all, the base of the dog in the tribe is stored here, and the last batch is processed every year.

Under such circumstances, the quality of the dogs in the tribe can naturally come up.

Hearing the warning sounds of these dogs in the team, Mao, Xiong Youer and others became alert all at once.

Everyone quickly took off the weapons they were carrying, and moved closer to the middle a bit, looking around, quickly searching for the source of the movement.

Similar things, along the way, people in the team have met more than once.

The most dangerous one was when two saber-toothed tigers approached nearby.

But there are also some surprises.

Once a dog found a hedgehog, and before he could do anything, the hedgehog curled up into a ball.

The dog used his nose to sniff the hedgehog. Without grasping the distance for a while, his hairless nose was stabbed by the thorns on the hedgehog's body. The painful dog screamed, and the rest of the dogs were also big. Scream.

The people in Nongmao and others are very nervous and vigilant.

After a lot of intense investigations, I found the people who caused the chaos of the dogs, Mao and others. For a while, I couldn't laugh or cry. I didn't know whether to praise or kick the dog's ass.

However, the hedgehog with the dog's nose was not let go, and was caught by the bear.

When he rested again, he tied one of the hedgehog's hind legs with a rope, hung it up, and peeled off the skin.

The meat man ate it, the bones were fed to the dogs, and the soup was fed to two donkeys that were still breastfeeding.

Things like hedgehogs can be used to make milk.

Women who have given birth to children who don’t have enough milk can drink some hedgehog soup to make up. It is very effective.

Many primitive females in the Qingque tribe who gave birth to children have enjoyed such treatment, which is very effective.

However, there are no breastfeeding women in the trade team, so the two donkeys in the team are cheaper.

Although the dogs in the team used to make a lot of oolongs, the people of the Qingque tribe still paid great attention to the warnings of the dogs.

After all, there was a time when these dogs were successful in warning more than once. If it weren't for them, the team would have encountered some trouble, and casualties would not be impossible.

Therefore, hearing the warning from the dogs at this time, everyone took action immediately.

This time the source of the dogs' warning is easy to find.

Because they hadn't waited for Mao and others to act, some shouts came from the direction they had just walked.

Although it is not possible to understand what these people are yelling at, it does not prevent Mao and others from understanding that it is a person coming from behind.

After all, the cry of a person is still very different from the howl of a beast.

This kind of movement makes Mao a little strange.

Because on the way out for business, you rarely encounter people coming from behind.

"get ready!"

Mao's courage is still relatively big, after all, he has been out for business for a long time.

But being bold doesn't mean you are not cautious.

If he was really not cautious, his life might have been accounted for by long-term outings.

So after he understood what was coming, he immediately reacted and asked the people in the team to gather the donkey and deer together.

At the same time, let some people holding vine shields push up to the front to form a wall for defense.

The archer was also in place immediately.

The direction pointed is the direction from which the sound comes.

Of course, given that the **** son of his tribe, when hitting others, he likes to arrange people to go behind or on both sides of others to strike. Just in case, Mao also asked the four to gather the donkey and deer together. The people who lead to the rear, after tying the donkey and deer, take the weapon and pay attention to the other three directions, and beware of people coming from these two places.

However, this arrangement seems to be out of order.

Because he just finished explaining these things, those who shouted have already appeared.

In the first time these people appeared, Mao had already recognized these people.

His good memory is one thing. More importantly, he has not left the tribe with people for too long. Yesterday, he met with them!

The reason why the arrangement before the trade is not useful is because there are many people coming from behind.

After a hurried glance, Mao was basically able to determine that almost everyone in this tribe who could fight was here.

This is the basic business capability of the trade.

"Don't panic, see what they want to do!"

When Mao saw the people in the trade team, he was nervous. Some people already wanted to shoot out the bows and arrows in their hands, and said so.

He likes to lead people to do business with other tribes. Under normal circumstances, he does not like to fight with these outsiders.

It's not that I can't fight, nor is it because of timidity, but because after the fight, it is not easy to continue to exchange with them in the future.

It can be said that fighting a tribe, in the future they will have one less tribe that can continue trading.

However, Mao’s decision had just been exported, and it immediately changed.

"Fight! Fight hard!"

He pointed at the people who appeared, yelled loudly, and commanded to attack.

At the same time, he also pulled away the longbow in his hand and released an arrow vigorously.

The reason why there was such a big change in an instant is that the non-tribal people who rushed over in a hurry to do things made Mao feel particularly angry.


The leader of the non-tribe screamed loudly, and the facial features of the whole person began to beating because they were too excited.

The reason why he was so excited was the blue bird tribe trading team that appeared in front of him.

Looking at the big deer and donkeys in the trade team, the precious things they carry on their backs, and the things carried by the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe, the leaders of the non-tribe feel that there is a wave of blood, which is constantly changing. The surge from his heart made him excited.

With so many good things, you can immediately become your own tribe!

Not only the food they took away from their own tribe, everything else will become their own tribe's!

The harvest from such a game will be beyond people's imagination!

Compared with the previous time, he took the people of the tribe, and any hunting carried out, the harvest was greater!

While excited, the leader of the non-tribe was somewhat upset.

He was annoyed that when these people were in his tribe before, he didn't think of taking people to get rid of them.

In this case, I don't need to take people anymore, running this far, and tossing back and forth in trouble.

My own tribe was able to own all these precious things yesterday!

Such annoyed emotion didn't last long, it just stayed in my heart for a moment and then disappeared.

Because of these things, they will soon belong to their tribe!

As for the mysterious blue bird tribe with a strange weapon in his hand and aimed at himself and others, he did not take it seriously.

The number of these people is far less than theirs, and the weapons they hold are all weird. They don't seem to have any great power. How could they be their powerful non-tribal opponents!

If these people are acquainted, put down their weapons and leave, or watch themselves and others obediently take away these food and pottery, it's fine, and they can still let the people in the tribe save their lives.

If they resist, it doesn't matter. After killing them all, then take all these things and leave.

Anyway, it won't waste too much time.

This is not because he is too arrogant and arrogant, but because the strength of their tribe has been proved by facts in this area.

In this area, no tribe can beat them.

At the beginning, a tribe competed with their tribe for a forest with delicious fruits. He didn't finish taking the people from the tribe, so he ran around with his head in his arms.

You know, there are many more people in that tribe than the people in this tribe right now!

That many people in that tribe were defeated by the people they brought, not to mention the people in this mysterious tribe!

What's more, the number of people I lead this time is much more than that of the last time! Things will become more certain!

He roared loudly, and vigorously waved the most powerful and advanced weapon in the whole tribe with the wooden thorn in his hand, so that he looked more majestic.

After his roar sounded, the rest of the non-tribe people who followed also yelled loudly and waved their weapons vigorously.

Many of them stretched out their hands to tear off the animal skins and other things that were wrapped around their bodies. They were naked, clenched their hands into fists, and beat them vigorously on their chests to show their majesty.

Some people did not use their strength when tearing, and even the animal skins surrounding the lower part of the body were torn off and turned into full light.

The female primitives are better, there is not much movement.

Male primitives are more uncomfortable.

Some things shook their heads and tails as they beat their chests and waved their weapons, and they seemed to have an indescribable weird feeling.

However, they can't feel this weirdness.

On the contrary, they still feel that this image is particularly powerful.

Isn't this, the people from the Qingque tribe who are on the opposite side, aren't they shocked by their actions and behaviors like this? !

Mao, Xiong You'er, and others are indeed a bit dumbfounded. They were shocked and dumbfounded by the excellent practices of non-tribes.

Mao looked at the cane shield erected in front of him and the others, as well as the cane shield hand who hides the entire body behind the cane shield as much as possible, and the archer wearing cane armor or some leather armor, and the spearman holding a spear.

Look at those on the other side who had just met and had not started to fight, and they had already picked up a similar non-tribal crowd, and they couldn't turn their heads for a while.

When the two parties start to fight, shouldn't they protect their bodies with things to the utmost extent to avoid injury?

How come these people who are not tribes have completely wiped out themselves before they start fighting?

Is this really going to fight for your own tribe?

Thinking about this, Mao was stunned again.

Because he suddenly remembered that there was a kind of fight, and indeed it was necessary to remove the fur wrapped around him...

The people of the Qingque tribe were a bit stunned by the excellent operation of the non-tribe people.

They were stunned, but the non-tribes weren't stunned.

Seeing the people of the Qingque tribe, they just stood there blankly, without even some reaction. From the leaders of the non-tribe to the people of the non-tribe, they were extremely happy.

Because they felt that the people of this tribe in front of them had been shocked by their heroic performance, strong body, and large number of people!

If this were not the case, how could they be dumbfounded on the spot?

The discovery of such brain supplements made the non-tribes more excited.

Because this indicates that they can easily get this large amount of food and those extremely precious things!


The leader of the non-tribe who was also stripping himself naked ~www.NovelMTL.com~ once again roared loudly, and led people towards the place where the Blue Sparrow tribe trade team was.

The others also followed behind him, learning his way, rushing forward with howling ghosts.

However, although the noise they made was not small, they did not run too fast.

It's not that they can't run fast.

If their true running speed were like this, then in the previous years, their tribe would have been destroyed.

The running speed at this time was deliberately done by the leader of the non-tribe.

The purpose is to use methods such as shouting and wielding weapons to awaken the mysterious Green Sparrow tribe who have been frightened.

Then he ran away before he led the people there.

In this way, their tribe can take all these things into their own without fighting these people from the Qingque tribe.

I have to say that the seemingly reckless non-tribal leader actually has some wisdom and will use some tactics.

However, these plans of non-tribal leaders are obviously not easy to achieve.

Because the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe who were so powerful and frightened by them hadn't recovered.

Even if they had yelled loudly and slowed down as much as possible, these people still did not run and were still dumbfounded. This made the leaders of the non-tribe extremely annoyed...

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