I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 981: The trade team returning full load (2 in 1)

   The sudden return of the businessmen and others who went out for business did not last long, but was shocked by something, and then changed the taste.

Han Cheng, who greeted him with joy on his face, gradually stopped and looked a little hesitantly at the Mao and others who were walking towards Jinguan City with joy.

It was not just Han Cheng who had such a reaction. The other brothers and others who came out with Han Cheng had similar reactions as Han Cheng. They all stopped hesitantly, with doubts and consternation in their eyes. Looking at the trade team returning home full of rewards.

There is nothing wrong with the term "return with a load," Mao and others, who are returning happily, are really returning with a load.

Not only the accompanying donkeys, deer, etc., are packed with large and small rattan baskets, but also the accompanying people carry more or less things.

These alone, as a traverser from later generations, would not make such a fuss.

The same goes for the people of the Qingque tribe who were brought out by him and have seen a lot of the world with him.

The thing that made Han Cheng and the others so shocked to stop was human!

To be precise, those who walked with the returning trade team, tied their hands with ropes, and tied them in a string.

There were a lot of these people. Han Cheng glanced around and found that there were almost 70 or 80 of them.

Because the weather has become hot, these people are basically bare-chested, whether they are adults or children, regardless of gender.

Most of these people's lower bodies are just surrounded by some looking tattered and dirty animal skins, or some big tree leaves, which are very cool.

With this sudden scene in front of him, Han Cheng couldn't help shaking his head vigorously, feeling that the whole person was a little dizzy.

He was so familiar with such a scene.

When I went to attack the Bone Tribe, Teng Snake Tribe, Semi-nong Tribe and other tribes, it was roughly like this when I returned.

Men, women, old and children are tied with ropes, and even the food and other things stored by these tribes have become Qingque tribe things.

This time they went out this time, didn't they look for unfamiliar tribes and exchanged with them?

It's just like the things that were done in the vicinity of the green bird master tribe.


It's just that, looking at the scene in front of him, Han Cheng can't relate what he sees at this time to what they are going to do.

Where is this to do exchange! This is clearly a big vote!

Otherwise, in a serious transaction, how can so many people from the other party be traded?

People in this era, although they think less, but most of them are not too stupid. Basically, things that exchange themselves will not happen.

Members of the happily trade team, such as Mao and Xiong You'er, saw Han Cheng and others who were greeted from a distance, and their smiles became even brighter.

They couldn't help but stand straighter, with a rare spirit.

This feeling of getting a lot of gains and returning successfully is really good, it is very enjoyable, and it is somewhat superior.

Especially after seeing the gods and others who stayed in the tribe, this feeling became stronger after seeing the reaction of himself and the others after they returned, and many people felt a little airy.

Sure enough, what Mao said was not wrong. After returning to the tribe this time, he and others could really be treated very grandly.

The bear carrying the blue sparrow flag thought this in his ears, while scanning his eyes in the returning team.

Most of the people in the newly formed trade team who had returned after a period of hard work consciously or unconsciously gathered around what they brought back.

Some people also moved the things that were originally on their backs to the front, so that everyone in the tribe could better see their gains.

This can be regarded as a more direct way of boasting bravery and harvest.

With such a glorious boasting behavior, Xiong Youear, who has a stronger nature, is naturally reluctant to fall behind the others.

Right now, he also touched his back, and transferred a package he was carrying.

Because the bear has ears and needs to carry the Blue Sparrow flag, there are not many other things he carries along the way, so the package is naturally much smaller than the others.

After moving to the front, Xiong Youer looked up and down, and then looked at the packages carried by the rest of the team, and suddenly he was a little unhappy.

He looked around, then stretched out his hand and scratched his head, looking a bit distressed.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of a good idea.

He put the blue bird flag on his left hand and left shoulder, stretched out his right hand, grabbed it to the right, and then pulled it vigorously. A primitive female whose hands were tied with a rope was pulled by him.

This female primitive is extraordinarily strong, and even the average male primitive can't compare to it.

It can even surpass the most recognized beauty in the tribe-strong and beautiful!

After pulling this woman to his side, Xiong You Er's body became straight, and the whole person looked triumphant and energetic.

This beautifully-looking female primitive person seemed very resistant to such rude behavior as Xiong You Er.

However, in the current situation, there is no good way...

Looking at these things, Han Cheng's brows jumped.

What kind of trade team is this? This is clearly a population plunder!

However, the smile on his face has not disappeared, and the whole person has no special feelings.

On the one hand, it stems from the trust in the trade and others. They feel that they will not act indiscriminately, do not understand the specific situation, and only use the current situation to make rash conclusions. It is easy to make wrong conclusions.

For example, the female driver who was scolded by many people when the bus crashed into the river...

On the other hand, if this matter is really wrong with them, as the **** son of the tribe, he must also be facing the people of his own tribe.

After such a thing happened, he would only issue some regulations after the fact to restrict it.

As for what is happening now, since it has already happened, let's happen first.

The two tribes are pinched, no matter what, it is the last word not to let your tribe suffer, and the rest is vain.

"How is this going?"

After a while, Han Cheng and the others wanted to meet with the trade team who had returned full of rewards. After a brief meeting, Han Cheng didn't have any nonsense, so he asked straightforwardly and went straight to the subject.

Regarding the strange and unexpected things before him, he wanted to understand what was going on right away.

"God, it's like this..."

Hearing Han Cheng asking about this matter, Mao didn't panic at all. On the contrary, his whole person suddenly became energetic and full of energy.

Not only him, but the entire trade team who came back with him are all fighting spirits at this time.

You don't need to ask too much to know that what Han Cheng asked about just scratched the itch of all of them.

Trade's eloquence is still very good.

This seems to be nonsense.

As the first fancy translator of the Qingque tribe, it would be strange if his eloquence is poor.

Following Mao's narration, things gradually appeared in front of Han Cheng.

Because Mao’s story is very layered, it sounds like a picture scroll, slowly opening in front of your eyes——

Time moved forward, and the location changed to an unknown tribe.


A relatively strong male primitive man, talking loudly.

He held a wooden stick with seven or eight spikes in his hand. The stick was thick and looked extremely hard.

In his other hand, he carried a clay pot, which was filled with salt.

In front of him gathered most of the adults in the tribe.

After seeing the two things held in his hands and hearing what he was shouting, the people gathered here suddenly became extremely excited.



They yelled loudly and responded with great joy and eagerness.

Seeing the reaction of these people in the tribe, this strong male primitive man became even more excited.

He raised the weapon in his hand and the earthenware pot containing the salt higher, and once again yelled at the people in front of him, with a hint of howling ghosts.

However, this kind of shouting, heard in the ears of the rest of the people present, but has some other magical powers.

They were already crazy and excited, but they became even more excited at this time, obviously on their heads.

They all screamed loudly and waved the weapons in their hands vigorously. Some of them also clenched their hands into fists and punched their chests vigorously to show their strength and confidence.


After a while, the male primitive man who was obviously the leader screamed again, and pointed the spiked weapon he was holding in one direction.

And then took the lead and walked quickly in that direction.

The rest of the people who had been completely aroused, after getting his order, all started to take action, followed him, and moved in that direction.

Not long ago, the mysterious people who left from their tribe left in this direction!

There is a lot of walking at night, and there are always ghosts.

Just like the Green Bird Tribe Trade Team led by Bi Trade.

In the long-term trade, although most of the tribes are willing to use food in exchange for the salt and pottery carried by the Qingque tribe trade team, they are willing to abide by some special regulations that do not require humans. People can understand and accept the primitive fairness rules. However, if we have experienced more such things, we may encounter some people and tribes who are unwilling to abide by the rules and have other ideas.

The tribe in front of him, under the leadership of the leader, with weapons and full of excitement, is moving forward quickly, is an outstanding representative of it.

Because the tribe in front of me has become undivided, and wants to do some bad things to the Qingque tribe, for the convenience of writing and reading, I will call it non-tribe for the time being.

The leader of the non-tribe once again raised the stick weapon with a wooden thorn in his hand.

Regarding what is going to be done leading the people in the tribe, the leaders of the non-tribe have no resistance or anxiety

This kind of thing, in his opinion, is almost natural and righteous-who allows those mysterious people to have so many good things, and they don't look very powerful?

Isn't this what they clearly let them grab?

Of course, at the very beginning, the leader of the non-tribe didn't think about bringing people to grab the mysterious Blue Sparrow tribe.

At that time, he was completely overwhelmed by the magic of the pottery and the deliciousness of the salt. All of his mind was immersed in these two new things.

It was in such a mood that he faintly agreed to the conditions of the black-looking person who was good at communicating with people, and exchanged the food stored in the tribe for the exquisite pottery from their hands. And table salt that can make food extremely delicious.

From the beginning of the exchange to the departure of the Qingque tribe trade team, he was still immersed in the joy of obtaining these two artifacts, and he did not recover.

Until I got hungry~www.NovelMTL.com~ and needed food to eat, the leader of the non-tribe looked at the food in the cave disappearing a lot of food, and suddenly he was a little confused.

After a while, the leader of the non-tribe made a decision to catch up with the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe who had left the tribe and take everything into their own tribe.

Non-tribes are relatively large tribes. In this area where they live, they belong to the existence that can crush other tribes.

Coupled with the new trade team formed by the Blue Sparrow Tribe, the number of people coming this time is not particularly large, so it is easy for the already swollen non-tribe to raise some thoughts that shouldn't be there.

While the non-tribes and others hurry up to catch up, Mao and others are leading the animals and walking forward with their things, just as they did in the past.

In the alertness, with some relaxation.

After all, at this time, they had already opened up the situation, and the things they carried out this time had already been exchanged.

After all these hours of training, the new members of the trade team, which are mostly newcomers, are basically familiar with these, and many things have become more ready.

After some unknowingly chased by the Blue Sparrow tribal trade team, the leader of the non-tribe, with a stamina of non-tribe, chased up.

The Qingque tribe carries a lot of supplies, plus the animals like deer and donkeys that need to stop to eat grass, and they are caught up in the circumstance of mental arithmetic and unintentional. It is certain.

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