I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 983: Going shirtless against heavily armed

   (for the book friend Li Housheng million rewards plus more)

The leader of the non-tribe was extremely angry, he had never seen such a timid tribe!

I have already deliberately released the water, leaving them plenty of time to escape, but they are still standing here dumbfounded by fright, not knowing to escape!

This kind of thing gave him the urge to jump and curse.


He shouted loudly again, telling everyone to make his voice more sufficient, so as to quickly wake up these frightened people.

If these people don't run quickly, then after some time, they will run to them when they wait for them!

He didn't want such things to happen.

Because once it happens, in the fight between the two sides, he is sure to lead the people of his tribe to kill all these people in front of him, but in this process, the people of his tribe cannot say It is not impossible for some injured or even some to die.

This is not the situation he wants to see.

The worries of non-tribal leaders quickly disappeared.

This is of course not because the trade team of the Blue Sparrow tribe ran away frightened by the powerful momentum they created. They also left the large amount of supplies they carried in place for the non-tribes to pick up. .

The people of the Qingque tribe are not devils who specialize in delivering guns and canned beef.

It was because, by their completely unexpected action, they gave a somewhat stunned trade, gave the order to attack, and took the lead in shooting the bow and arrow in his hand.

After he shot the bow and arrow, the remaining sixteen bows and arrows in the trade team also released their full bows.

For a time, seventeen feather arrows that flew out one after another flew head-on, with great strength.

Trade has enough brains and is a very smart person, especially in observing words and colors.

From the various performances of the non-tribes after they came, he already understood that these people were bad people, so he was not polite. When these people got closer and entered the range of the bow and arrow, he did not He hesitated to issue such an order.

Of course, if under the current circumstances, if Mao couldn't tell that these people were bad comers, then he would have long since become the soul of the trade team.

Trade did not aim at others, but aimed at the non-tribal leader who led people to the front.

Mao is talented enough to remember things. Generally, as long as he meets him once, no matter how long it takes, he only needs to see him again to recognize him in the first time.

Of course he could recognize the non-tribal leader who had just met yesterday.

Even if it was yesterday, the leader of the non-tribe surrounded the animal skins, and today there is no animal skins, he also recognized it immediately.

Of course, there is another important reason why the arrows are shot at the leader of the non-tribe. The leader of the non-tribe runs too far, and whether he wears any clothes is the best target.

Under such circumstances, it is natural to shoot arrows at him.

Many of the other archery shooters targeted the non-tribal leaders who also ran in the front.

Under such circumstances, if the leader of the non-tribe could survive, it would be a great miracle.


There was a sound of something entering the flesh, and a feather arrow got into the lower abdomen of the non-tribe leader who was leading the person running forward and was full of complaints.

The leader of the non-tribe shook his whole body suddenly, before he could exhale in pain, a few feather arrows flew again.

One of them hit his throat by accident.

The leader of the non-tribe was stunned on the spot, then he staggered a few steps forward, covered his stomach with one hand, and his neck with the other, and fell to the ground without a word.

The polished wooden stick with sharp wooden thorns in his hand fell under his body.

His fallen body covered it, and the sharp wooden thorns easily pierced into his flesh.

The leader of the non-tribe who fell to the ground convulsed again.

The non-tribal leader full of ambitions, shirtless, and naked against the enemy, was easily fallen under the bow and arrow of the blue bird tribal archer wearing a defensive armor.

Naturally, it was impossible for all the 16 or 7 feather arrows to be caught by non-tribe leaders. After all, he was not a perfect target with magnetism.

And the members of the Qingque tribe trading team shot out ordinary feather arrows, not some scud butt-tracking missiles. Naturally, it is impossible to strike as accurately as possible.

Along with the leaders of the non-tribes, some of the more advanced people who rushed forward were also greeted by Yujian.

Two people who were shot in the leg fell to the ground uncontrollably.

The people who were shot in the arm and cheek were caught off guard and couldn't help screaming loudly.

However, their screams did not cause much panic among the non-tribes.

This is not because the psychological qualities of the non-tribes are better than one by one.

It's because the people of the non-tribes are desperate at this time, making as loud as possible a shaking roar, so that the people of the Qingque tribe in front are discouraged.

The screams they made were directly submerged in this series of loud roars.

Some people on the side who heard it regarded this sound as deliberately made by these people.

One of them even felt that such a sound was extraordinarily deterrent and shocked after being heard.

He also wanted to imitate it.

As a result, when the voice went down, the throat became a little dumb, and he was also stunned that he could not shout the momentum of the two.

This made him uncontrollably admire the two people.

Fortunately, at this time, their tribe has not yet developed a thumbs-up to express praise. If it develops, they will definitely raise their fingers high and give a big praise to these two people in their tribe, which is useful to show My admiration.

However, his thoughts soon changed.

This is not because he suddenly understood something.

It was because after an arrow was shot out, Mao quickly drew a feather arrow from the quiver around his waist and aimed at this person and shot an arrow.

The feather arrow shot out, hitting the man's left shoulder.

The two people who were here facing his tribe, who exuded a deep respect, screamed when the arrow was shot.

The voice is much louder than the two people who hit the arrow before.

The person who was holding his shoulder with severe pain came to understand at this time. It turned out that the two people in his tribe were yelling so loudly, not because they wanted to frighten the people from the Qingque tribe, but because they It hurts to be hit by this unknown weapon...

It was not until this time that he realized that the people from the Qingque tribe stood still here, not because they were stunned by the number of people like him and their strong momentum, but because of the other side. Prepare to attack right here!

When he realized what was going on, he couldn't help being shocked, and sweat rolled down his forehead.

He released the hand holding his shoulder, took out the stone trapped in his armpit, and threw it at the Qingque tribe who was holding a strange weapon and doing strange movements.

However, the next thing made him dumbfounded.

Because the stone he threw so hard was not a short distance from the people of the Qingque tribe, it had fallen from the air, and even the people of the Qingque tribe had not touched it!

However, at such a distance, the people of the Qingque tribe can attack them with strange weapons!


Just thinking about it for a moment, a boundless fear has already risen from the bottom of my heart.

He turned his head abruptly, shouted loudly, looking at the still forward, moving forward at a not too fast speed, and shouting loudly, wanting to use such a means to'frighten' the blue bird tribe The crowd of people from their own tribe who scared away were full of anxiety and fear.

His voice has been submerged in the crowd, and only a few people have heard it, and these people have not figured out what happened for a while. Under the crowd of people behind, they are still in control. Without holding his own legs, he trot in the direction of the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team.

Even the person who turned around and shouted at the crowd for warnings was also pushed back in a posture, constantly approaching in the direction where the members of the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team were.

This made him even more anxious and fearful.

But his anxiety and fear did not last long.


Once again, he drew out a feather arrow and put it on the bowstring. With both hands, he immediately pulled the bow and arrow full, and then suddenly released, the feather arrow shot away.

Since Han Cheng made bows and arrows, bows and arrows, a powerful weapon with a long range, have been loved and valued by everyone in the Qingque tribe.

Among the Qingque tribe, bows and arrows are almost something that everyone except slaves must master.

Even a person like Bai Xuemei who often weaves can shoot a few arrows with a medium-range bow, and has a not particularly bad accuracy.

Trade as a backbone member of the Qingque tribe is naturally familiar with bows and arrows.

Even more accurate than most people in the tribe.

This is not because he has a talent that is far less than the others in the skill of archery, but because of his hard work.

At the beginning, the donkey tribe was destroyed by the Tengshe tribe. This incident left a deep psychological shadow on the former leader of the donkey tribe and the current trade.

This is the direct root cause of his excellent archery skills now.

After joining the Qingque tribe and seeing Junior Brother Sha's excellent archery skills, Ma has been thinking about one thing all the time.

The thing is, if I have such good archery skills as Junior Brother Sha, I will not be so powerless before facing the ferocious Teng Snake tribe, and my tribe will be able to survive more people, no As for dying so many.

Facts have proved that archery is a job that requires talent.

Mao is not a talented person in archery, but after a lot of perseverance and hard work, archery is not as enchanting as Junior Sha, but it is still very good.

At least this time after encountering a non-tribe, he released three arrows in a row, and every arrow did not miss!

The third arrow, after hitting the middle arrow, discovered the secret of the Blue Sparrow tribe trade team, turned to face the people of his tribe, shouted and warned the back of the person’s heart, directly The non-tribe who was squeezed and staggered back was shot to death.

After three consecutive rounds of arrow rain shooting out, more and more non-tribal people realized that something was wrong.

Some people want to continue rushing forward, continuing what they wanted to do before.

After being surprised, some people began to flee in panic, wanting to stay away from the people of the blue tribe that suddenly became terrifying.

Some people who hit the arrow let out loud screams of pain.

The leader of the non-tribe was dead in the first place, and no one had a unified command to restrain these people.

So chaos happened very quickly.

Coupled with the people who stayed there and did not move much from the Qingque tribe trade, at this time, under the command and lead of the trade, they continued to shoot the feather arrows continuously, and the chaos was soon further catalyzed. Up.

"Bring them here! Block them with a vine shield and stab them hard with a long spear! If you use a bow and arrow, continue shooting far away!"

Originally, during this time of going out for trade, Han Cheng specially dispatched the more rigid Xiong Youer to make him the deputy of trade.

The so-called deputy, in fact, let him be mainly responsible for things related to arms, because Xiong You Er is a very good seed.

However, Xiong Youer came to the Qingque tribe a bit late, and he was not familiar with the combat methods and weapons of the Qingque tribe, which was completely different from the tribe he had been with before.

Therefore, after encountering danger at this time, as the leader of the trading team, the trade directly replaced Xiong Youyi's position to direct the war.

After hearing Mao’s cry, the trade team archers who originally aimed their bows and arrows at the few non-tribal people who were about to rush over, immediately changed the shooting direction and continued to the non-tribes who were still far away. , To carry out long-range strikes on these people.

After the two rounds of arrow rain went down, three or four people immediately hit arrows.

Originally, I saw some non-tribe people who were approaching the place of the Qingque tribe and chose to rush towards the place with them. After being covered by arrow rain, they never dared to rush to the Qingque tribe trade team. .

Choose to flee like the rest of the non-tribes.

After they chose to flee, the non-tribes who rushed to the side of the Blue Sparrow tribe trade team suddenly became alone.

These non-tribal people who rushed in were actually scared in their hearts. The reason why they were able to summon the courage to rush all the way here is because one person’s brain was too straight and he didn’t react for a while. What’s the matter? Follow the rest. People rushed up according to what had been discussed before.

The other four people basically feel that the reason why these people from the Qingque tribe are so terrible is because they hold weapons that can shoot far and far.

As long as they get close, they can hit the people of the Qingque tribe with their weapons, and they can be killed.

The people of the Qingque tribe can no longer cause harm to themselves and others as before.

Seeing those close at hand who only used that strange weapon to attack from a distance, but ignored their blue sparrow tribe, a non-tribe was overjoyed.

Before he even had time to utter a shout, he slammed the stick in his hand at a blue bird tribe who hadn't noticed him.

However, such a stick with great strength did not fall on the Qingque tribe man.

Because a member of the Qingque tribe who was holding a spear, slammed the spear in his hand and pierced him directly!

Then he yanked the spear to the outside, and the spear came out of the person's abdomen. Before the non-tribal person could react, he stabbed another shot, also piercing the front and back.

Two shots down, two transparent holes.

This non-tribe man fell to the ground with a stick with a wooden thorn in his hand, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Two strands of passionate blood, like two small strands of small fountains, cooing outward.

His gaze was dull, he was stunned for a while, and fell to the ground feebly. He didn't even make the necessary dying struggle, and there was no sound.


There are still too many new personnel in the newly formed Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team.

These people are inferior to the old hands of the Qingque tribe in terms of their psychological quality, fighting skills or the use of weapons.

Although they have the advantage of weapons and numbers, when facing the non-tribes who are in front of them, some people still panic, so that there are some mistakes.

A non-tribal person who should have been stabbed to death with a spear at the first time was still alive unscathed because of this flaw. He smashed the barbed wooden stick he was holding on to a pick. On non-tribe people who flee far away with bows and arrows.

The man who was focusing on shooting suddenly staggered, stepped back a few steps, and almost fell to the ground, with some shock.


The bear that killed the non-tribes in front of him had ears. Seeing this, he couldn't help being furious.

He slammed a few steps here, roared, and slammed the blood-stained spear in his hand.

A stick hit the archer of the Qingque tribe, the non-tribe man who was overjoyed in his heart, and was about to hit the second stick, suddenly froze, and the expression on his face became a little dull.

In this respect, at this moment, Xiong You'er stabbed the spear in his hand severely into his stomach. Another reason was that he saw an incredible sight--

The person from the Qingque tribe who was hit by a stick by him was not like the people he had met before. After being hit by a stick, he fell to the ground or felt painful. He screamed and lost a lot of combat effectiveness.

On the contrary, the man from the Blue Sparrow tribe who was hit by his heavy stick only stepped back and moved a few times before continuing to draw out the strange thing from the strange thing hanging from his waist. The small weapon, placed on the crooked weapon, once again shot in the direction of the people of his tribe.

It's as if his stick that used a lot of strength didn't cause any harm to the person in front of him.

This strange thing made him feel extremely shocked.

It was also in such consternation, his gaze fell once again to the place where he was hit hard with a stick on the person.

There was a little sunken in that place, and it didn't get up until this time.

It's just that it was not the body of the Qingque tribe that was sunken, but the kind of thing he wore that looked like something woven out of numerous rattans.

This kind of thing looks a lot like clothes.

Regarding the stick that he smashed so hard just now, what a powerful force he possesses, this non-tribe person has a bottom in his heart, if the people of the blue sparrow tribe in front of him don’t wear the kind made of rattan Strange clothes, the stick that I used just now will definitely beat him honestly!

It was also at this time that this non-tribal person suddenly understood a little bit. Not long ago, why this tribe’s person, watching him and the others rush over fiercely~www.NovelMTL.com~, would stand there in a daze. .

It turned out that they didn't dare to move because they were shocked by the ferocity of the others, but they were shocked by the operation of stripping all their clothes when they were in a fight.

If the body of his tribe were all wearing the same clothes on them, facing the attack of the people of the Qingque tribe at this time, they would certainly not be so miserable.

At least that person from the Blue Sparrow tribe with blood on his face, it is impossible to pierce the weapon in his hand into his stomach...

It's just that it is too late to know this truth at this time.

After the furious bear pierced the ear with a gun, he drew it back abruptly, and slammed it up again.

Not only him, the person who caused the leaks because of being too nervous, also gritted his teeth, blushed, and stabbed the spear in his hand into the body of this non-tribe.

This person from the non-tribe tried his best to throw out the wooden stick he was holding, but unfortunately he had no strength at this time. The wooden stick thrown out hadn’t hit the Qingque tribe’s people before they were powerless. Fell to the ground.

And his life came to an abrupt end with the continuous flow of blood and the wooden stick thrown out and dropped to the ground.

After a brief hustle and bustle, a place here suddenly became extremely silent.

But the smell of blood is a bit big, and the scene is too bloody.

The wind blows, making people feel cold all over the body...

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