I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 980: It seems...something is wrong (2 in 1)

   Days are waiting in this way, living day by day.

It feels longer after the day. When the day is over, I think about it again. I feel that a lot of time has passed in the blink of an eye, and it quickly makes people panic.

In a blink of an eye, summer has arrived.

Han Cheng didn't know when something like a cicada appeared, at least at this time he was living.

The larva of the cicada is called'Crawler' in Han Cheng's hometown.

Han Cheng doesn’t know if it’s accurate, but he can guarantee that the sound is correct.

This kind of thing is definitely a delicacy.

Together with watermelons, small nets, rivers, popsicles, and ice packs, they form the memories of childhood summer.

Holding a flashlight or a heavy miner's lamp at night, and going to the Yangshuyuan or Tongshuyuan to touch the fork is something that I do every summer.

The fork can be touched, but also some other things can be encountered.

Toads are common things. Sometimes when you get lucky, you can see some long worms that burrow out from the cracks in the trees.

Some long worms will stay on the tree trunks, entangle the crawling forks, and compete with humans for food.

After catching the fork, I went back to wash it with water, then put some oil in the iron pan, put some chilies after it was heated, and after stir-frying, it tasted really good.

The taste of chicken.

Especially the part behind the head of the crawling fork, it tastes more delicious and makes people want to stop.

Of course, this is based on the fact that no one has taken the fork.

If someone picks up the fork, the fork that is touched is reluctant to eat it by himself.

But after I went back, I soaked it to death with clear water, put it there and waited for the people who collected the fork to come the next day, and then sold it.

At that time, there was generally no refrigerator in the house, and sometimes people who picked up the fork would come here in two or three days.

In order to prevent the climbing fork from going bad and unable to sell it, a small net bag is put on, the climbing fork is installed in it, the mouth is tied with a rope, and it is hung in the well for refrigeration.

Two forks for one dime, when the most, Han Cheng sold two dollars and three cents overnight.

With the two 30 cents at the time, Han Cheng felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

Don't mention the kind of contentment, it's really crazy and cool, and even the steps that the six relatives don't recognize have come out.

The feeling that you can go to the school's small shop and scan it is really great!

However, with age, this feeling slowly disappeared.

In the past, people who took two yuan and three cents made them feel extremely rich, and those who dared to make a breakthrough everywhere, now they don’t dare to go out with two hundred and three cents.

As I grow older, I gradually lose that simplicity.

I don't know if there are too many things to face and consider, or if I deeply understand the difficulty of making money.

As for spending money...

There are places to spend money everywhere in life...

At this time, Han Cheng was scrambled here.

These forks were caught by people in the tribe who lit a torch and caught them in the dark.

Today's Jinguan City, food is relatively scarce, this kind of extremely delicious food, naturally will not be let go by the Qingque tribe people who do everything possible to collect food.

After being fooled by God Son Han Da, everyone in the tribe shouldn't be too active.

This is the effect produced when Han Cheng has reservations.

If he propagates the slogan "Eat golden cicadas, live for a hundred years" seen on the roads of later generations, people in the tribe will definitely be more active in catching forks.

Of course, Han Cheng was just thinking about this in his heart, he would not say it.

Not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't dare.

People at this time are different from people in later generations.

People in this era basically still exist in the state of'three is three'. Unlike people in later generations, they understand that'three begets all things'. To a certain extent, three can represent infinity.

People in later generations will only smile when they see the slogan "Eat golden cicadas, live for a hundred years", and understand that this is only to say that eating crawling forks has certain benefits for the body. At the same time, it is also a business promotion and encourages farmers to catch and breed. A means of climbing forks.

But in this day and age, it is not.

After he said these words, these people must think that after eating the fork, they can really live for a hundred years.

When the time comes, someone will be counting with their fingers, and they will be careful and careful, and there will be less than one day!

Just think about this situation, Han Chengcheng felt toothache.

Under such circumstances, he would never mention ‘eat golden cicadas and live for a hundred years.’ ’This stubble.

Because this is the kind of person who is uncomfortable and can push his depressed head against the wall...

I touched the fork, wrapped it in eggs, and then put it in a frying pan to fry it. It was really crunchy and chicken-like.

Don't talk about the little primitive people, even the big primitive people can be greedy.

At this time, Han Cheng was holding a fried golden fork and slowly eating here.

At this time, even though he was eating a fork that could make people cry and claim to be able to live for a hundred years, his mood was not as wonderful as he imagined.

Not because the fork is not delicious, but because the nest tribe has not come yet!

At this time, it has been a long time since the nest tribes should come, but now, the nest tribes still haven't arrived.

Waiting for people is really an existence that can torment people to a maddening moment, especially the kind of waiting that you value extremely.

There was Han Cheng who kept chewing on the fork in his mouth. He raised his head and looked at the direction where the older primitive women came.

After looking over the green rice, the harvest is still full of disappointment.

However, this disappointment did not last long, because it hadn't been too long, and under Han Cheng's gaze, some people appeared over there.

Although you can't clearly see the appearance of these people, you only need to see the burdens of these people from a distance to know the identity of the people who come.

These people are the Erdao traffickers trained by Han Cheng himself.

The older primitive females who came, most likely continued to trade with their tribes, and exchanged food and other things obtained from other tribes for their own tribe's pottery, salt, etc., to carry out their duties as a trafficker.

However, there is also a certain chance that people from the nest tribe will come, and the older primitive females will come forward with them.

After all, until now, Han Chengdu did not let people with the nest tribe know the specific location of Jinguan City.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This sentence is not just empty talk, but a real reality.

At this time, Han Chenggong is experiencing such a thing.

The older primitive women finally came again, but they did not bring the news about the nest tribe that he wanted.

It's just a simple trade.

Han Cheng was not the only disappointed person, but the older primitive women were also disappointed.

Because when she came this time, she didn't see that dark, very powerful person called Mao.

You know, for this meeting, in the previous exchange, I walked very fast, and I walked very fast on the way here, in order to be able to see that black black earlier. It is very powerful trade.

However, it turned out that he took people to the rest of the place, and has not returned yet...

This time the exchange started and ended when the two looked glum.

A person will experience many things in his life. Some are extremely disappointing and some are extremely pleasant. Liu Anhuaming You Yicun is not just empty words, but tangible things.

Just like now.

After the new round of exchange is completed, the older female primitives will leave here. Without trade, the older female primitives just feel that staying here in Jinguan City is not much fun. It seems to lose a lot of color all at once.

Well, this is the legendary taste of the marrow.

The older female primitives, carrying the salt, pottery and other things newly exchanged from the Qingque tribe, set off from Jinguan City, preparing to return to their tribe.

Most people are extremely happy.

Of course, this does not include the older primitive women themselves.

The turning point came at this time.

After they walked out of Jinguan City and walked not far in the direction of their tribe, a figure appeared in the southeast of Jinguan City.

Looking at the fluttering, slightly faded blue sparrow flag, and the dogs that jump and bark wildly, as well as the donkeys and deer carrying baskets made of tree stalks, here in Jinguan City Suddenly it became boiling.

Because the situation at this time only shows one thing, that is, they re-led the team before, went out again, and traded with the rest of the tribes back!

People from their own tribe, coming back from outside, can always make people feel extra happy.

Even if he didn't bring back anything, it's just that the people came back, and those waiting in the tribe would also be happy.

This is the same reason that in future generations, even if they didn't bring anything, living outside was unsatisfactory, as long as they could go home for the New Year, the elderly in the family would be very happy.

Han Cheng naturally noticed such a movement the first time, because at this time he was sending the older primitive women out of the tribe, standing outside Jinguan City.

Looking at the people appearing in the southeast, Han Cheng's face was full of smiles.

On the one hand, it was because of the return of Mao and the others, and on the other hand, because of the return of Mao and others, Jinguan City is likely to get a lot of food, which can effectively relieve the food pressure in Jinguan City.

"The Son of God! The Son of God! We are back!"

I have been a little older, and in the eyes of ordinary people, I am very calm, doing things, and extremely well-organized trade. At this time, I am like a child.

Leading the team and walking in the front, he saw Jinguan City standing here and Han Cheng and others standing in front of Jinguan City from a distance, and immediately shouted excitedly.

"The Son of God! The Son of God! We are back!"

The rest of the people who followed also started shouting with Mao, their voices gathered together, and they came from afar, with a wave of excitement and openness.

Han Cheng, who was already happy, was suddenly full of smiles when they shouted like this.

He greeted the past in the direction where Mao and others had returned.

Of course, it is not only Han Cheng and others who are happy to see Mao and others come back, who are carrying the burden and preparing to leave from Jinguan City and return to their tribe. It is also a special surprise.

Originally, she was ready to return disappointedly from Jinguan City again, but she did not expect that at this time, Mao would come back!

Seeing Mao who was getting darker, grinning in this direction, laughing and yelling loudly, the older primitive female suddenly couldn't close her legs in joy.


A person of her own tribe standing next to her asked the older primitive female aloud.

Seeing the older primitive women standing here, carrying the burden, and looking towards the returning Mao and others, but no longer said about leaving, I couldn't help but open her mouth to remind the older primitive women , They should leave from here.

After hearing what she said, the older primitive female with a grin and silly grin returned to her senses.

However, she did not heed the reminder of this person in the tribe, and took the person away from here, instead she took advantage of the trend and placed the burden on her shoulders on the ground.


She said aloud, meaning she won't leave now.

After she said something like this, the person who just asked about it ~www.NovelMTL.com~ was a little confused, couldn't help scratching and scratching his head with his hand, full of doubts.

Because she clearly remembered that not long ago, the older primitive women said that they should leave the Qingque tribe earlier, so that there would be more time to exchange with the other tribes. There is a lot of food in exchange for the people in the tribe to live better.

Why is it that such a long time has passed, so why is it completely different?

Say good efforts to earn food for the tribe so that everyone in the tribe can live a good life?


It may be that some people in my tribe were a little embarrassed about it. After a while, the older primitive female suffocated some words to explain.

What she meant was that when they came back, they might be able to ask them about exchange.

And these days, the big guys have done a lot of things, and they are tired, so they can take a good rest.

The people of the Qingque tribe are so kind and enthusiastic. It’s great to take a break here...

After being fooled by her, everyone who was still suspicious suddenly realized that what the older female primitive said was indeed very right.

It’s just that, after experiencing such a sudden realization, many of these people feel a little weird. It seems that something is wrong, but for a while, they can’t remember what is wrong...

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