I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 979: Green Bird Tribe selling fakes (2 in 1)

The sky looked a little gloomy, there was no sun in the sky, only some clouds were swimming.

In this weather, a blue bird flag was beaten out.

Mao, Xiong Youpi and others set off with a smile on their faces. After they came out, the first tribe they encountered left here and headed for the rest.

Their smiles are of course very bright, because of this exchange, they have gained a lot of things.

This tribe, who had never eaten salt and used pottery before, had a real experience of the deliciousness of salt and the usefulness of pottery after the trade.

So this time they got a lot of food from this tribe.

The ratio of things exchanged is not based on thirty to one when dealing with older primitive people, but sixty to one.

Some people in the trade team didn't quite understand this change, and felt that there was something deceptive in it.

Just told Mao this idea.

For a trade master such as Miao, and someone who has been influenced by Han Cheng, a black-hearted son of God, there will be no pressure to explain such a problem.

He told this person that the reason he would do this is because he and others have paid labor during this process.

For example, at this time, if oneself and others do not bring salt and other things to do this, they can still stay in the tribe and do many other things.

In other words, in order to transport salt and pottery to this tribe, I and others spent a lot of time and did not do a lot of other things.

Under such circumstances, if you still replace with the rest of the tribes in proportion to the replacement ratio of the older female primitives, your tribe will suffer, and the loss is not small.

If this tribe will be like the older primitive women and they will directly bring food and other things to Jinguan City for replacement, then it will be the same as the older primitive women.

After being said so, not only this person, many people in the team showed a thoughtful look.

After a while, some people showed their comprehension.

They really hadn't thought about this before.

Now that the traded says this, they think about it again, it seems that this is really the case.

Everyone looked at Mao, with admiration in their eyes, after all, he could figure out such problems.

Looking at everyone’s gaze, Mao felt very useful, but he waved his hand again and again and told everyone that this was not something he had figured out, but the son of God told him. If the son of God hadn’t told him, he wouldn’t know this. Things are so clear.

Everyone showed a clear expression, and at the same time, there was admiration flying towards the son of God who lived in Jinguan City.

The Son of God is indeed the Son of God!

It is still the same wisdom as before, many things can be considered, and one truth can be said.

In this way, the opportunity cost appeared in the primitive age ahead of time.

In fact, this thing has always existed, it's just that the rest of the people didn't notice it, or didn't say it clearly.

The leader of the chicken leg tribe stood outside the tribe cave, watching Mao and the others leave, with dismay and excitement in his eyes.

The so-called chicken leg tribe is the tribe they met for the first time when they went out this time.

The reason for giving them such a name is because the leader of this tribe prefers to eat chicken legs.

Of course, it doesn't have to be chicken legs, some are birds that look more like chickens.

The leader of the Drumstick tribe at this time, still holding a clay pot in his arms.

The clay pot has been boiled with water, and the outside is stained with a lot of black ash.

For these, the leader of the chicken leg tribe didn't care, he still held it in his arms, the kind that tight.

Under his watch, Mao and others went further and further.

When Mao and the others were completely gone, only the tribe leader, with his hands and the black drumsticks on his stomach, immediately showed a smile on his face.


He spoke loudly with a smile on his face, holding the largest pottery pot exchanged from the Blue Bird tribe trade team in both hands, and headed towards the river.

The other two more prestigious people in the tribe also held the other two clay pots exchanged from the Qingque tribe, and went to Xiaohe with their leader.

After a while, a few people holding clay pots returned from the small river and put three clay pots filled with water on the rocks around the fire and boiled them with fire.

The leader of the chicken leg tribe, under the gaze of everyone, took out a bird that looked more like a chicken, and used a stone knife to break it into pieces.

Then the points were opened to the three clay pots, and the cooking started.

Later, I cherished a little salt in it.

Then the leader of the chicken leg tribe, together with the people of the chicken leg tribe, waited with expectation.

Looking forward to the birth of delicious food.

After a while, the food was cooked, and people from the Drumstick tribe began to take turns drinking this delicious fresh food.

This kind of delicious food does not taste as delicious as the magical tribe named ‘Green Sparrow’, but it’s still very good.

Today, the leader of the drumstick tribe is exceptionally generous.

He patted his chest and said to the people in the tribe that the people in the tribe can eat as much food as they want.

The leader of the chicken leg tribe is generous, and everyone in the chicken leg tribe has become very heroic because of this.

Everyone was drinking with joy, and they transported jars of water from the creek, put them on the fire, and drank them into their stomachs.

The meat in the jar is still the same.

After some eating and drinking, the people of the chicken leg tribe finished eating. The leader of the chicken leg tribe carried a chicken leg that had been boiled and there was not much meat left, and gnawed carefully.

Later, even the bones were chewed up, and after eating, there was no waste at all.

The leader of the Drumstick tribe looked at all the tribes who were eating, with a bright smile on his face.

His gaze fell on the three clay pots again, and the smile on his face became more intense, and he looked at these things more seriously.

This is really a good thing!

Before today, he had never thought that a big bird that could not eat enough for himself in the past could actually eat everyone in the tribe, and it was still the kind of support!

The rest of the chicken leg tribe is stroking the belly-supporting people with their hands, looking at the three clay pots, more eager than the head of the chicken leg tribe.

Before this, many of them were in a state of not having enough food all year round.

As for food support, it is an extremely luxurious dream.

Even many people can't even think about it!

But now, things like this that I didn't even dare to think have been realized in this way, and everyone in the tribe has been realized!

Under such circumstances, how can they not value these three things?

Some people even wanted to knock a few heads at the clay pot.

According to the past practice in the tribe, after eating food in the morning, people in the tribe will go out hunting and gathering wild vegetables.

Prepare food for the following days.

But today, because of these clay pots and table salt, everything has become different.


The leader of the chicken leg tribe, stroked his hand on the braced belly for a while, then looked up lazily at the cloudy sky outside, and spoke to the people in the tribe.

What he meant was that their tribe would not go out hunting today and would rest near the cave.

When talking about these things, he also pointed at the three clay pots.

If it was the past, many people in the tribe would feel uneasy after the leader announced such news to them.

This is not because they like labor so much, but because the food in the tribe is limited. If they don't get food for a long time, many people in the tribe are very likely to be hungry.

But now, everything is different!

They have novel equipment, and they only need very little food to support everyone in the tribe!

Especially some people, after standing in the cave and watching the slowly flowing river, a heart was put in their stomachs.

As long as the water in the creek doesn't dry, they won't be hungry!

As for the water in the creek, when will it be killed...

This is obviously impossible!

As a result, the people of the chicken leg tribe lived a very leisurely life.

The chief of the chicken leg tribe, lying on a mat paved with hay, lying diagonally on the ground, guarding not far from the clay pot, with a smile on his face.

Most of the rest of the chicken leg tribe also made the same choice as their leader, lying lazily on the grass, enjoying this leisure time.

The minors in the tribe, running around the tribe cave, are very happy.

The whole chicken leg tribe was shrouded in this kind of ease, joy and leisure, and everyone was particularly happy.

They are sincerely grateful to the magical tribe named ‘Green Sparrow’.

If it weren't for them, how could you live such a wonderful life by yourself and others...

The leader of the chicken leg tribe stood up from where he was sleeping and walked out of the cave.

After a while, a white and bright water column fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Not only the leader of the Drumstick tribe, but the rest of the Drumstick tribe also ran out of the cave without problems, and the game was just as convenient.

This kind of magical tool is very good for people to eat, but it is too much trouble for people to run to the toilet.



Outside the cave of the chicken leg tribe, there was a sound of one after another.

The leader of the chicken leg tribe looked up at the sun in the sky, and then reached out to touch his flat belly. After tangling for a while, he finally made the decision to continue making food.

Using this kind of food to make food is really good, and it is easy to support people.

I was too hungry to eat, and felt hungry again.

Fortunately, there is a lot of water in the tribe’s creek. You can eat whatever you can't finish.

The leader of the chicken leg tribe, thinking happily, put the clay pot filled with water on the simple shelf around the fire.

Then began to happily wait for the delicious food to be cooked with the rest of the tribe.

After a while, outside the cave of the chicken leg tribe, there was another laughter, and a pot of delicious hot soup poured into the belly of the chicken leg tribe.

Then everyone looked happy and started a leisurely life here...

Four days later...

The tribal leader of the skinny chicken leg tribe, with the same skinny chicken leg tribe, holding weapons, appearing very weak, set out from the tribal cave and walked towards the hunting place in the past.

This action also announced that they rely on a few clay pots, a little food, and the torrent of river water, and their beautiful desires to eat every day are shattered.

People from the Drumstick tribe don’t even dare to look at those rivers now.

As long as I look at it, I feel nauseous, and when I walked, my stomach was sloshing and uncomfortable.


The leader of the Drumstick tribe seemed a bit aggrieved as he walked and muttered.

He was cursing the blue bird tribe who sold them fakes.

The implementation of this ministry is horrible!

Actually let them exchange such a thing with so much food! It's really hateful!

In the cursing of the chief of the chicken leg tribe, the four people of the chicken leg tribe who led the way for the people of the Qingque tribe such as Mao have bid farewell to the people of Mao and others, left the neighboring tribe, and walked towards their own tribe.

There are smiles on their faces.

On the one hand, it was because after completing such a thing, they got some extremely precious things from the mysterious blue bird tribe.

On the other hand, because they have eaten a lot of delicious food in the past few days walking with the Qingque tribe!

After a few people from the Drumsticks tribe left, Mao with a smile on his face removed a clay pot from the back of the donkey and began to cook food with great skill...

Jinguan City is still busy here.

As everyone is busy ~www.NovelMTL.com~, most of the foundation of the outer wall has been built and fired into a pottery state.

Standing on the edge of the rice field, Han Cheng would look to the west from time to time. After looking for a while, he would sigh and look a little anxious.

He was anxious because the nest tribe did not come.

Judging by the frequency with which nest tribes have come before, as early as seven or eight days ago, they should have come again.

However, they have not come until now.

This change made Han Cheng a little anxious.

After all, this time, he was full of energy and wanted to earn a lot of things from the Red Tiger tribe.

Now that the nested tribes acting as middlemen are not coming, these ideas of his can only be some ideas.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason. Through the exchange with the nest tribe, Jinguan City can get a lot of food, which greatly eases the pressure of food shortage here...

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