I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 978: The fruit that was left hit the head, and then became lame (3 he...

In the late summer and early autumn, the sun was shining from the sky, a bit less scorching.

In the Qingque tribe, under the tree outside the carpenter's room, the first carpenter of the Qingque tribe is limp. At this time, he is sitting on a wooden pier with a bamboo cushion, and he cuts the wood with an axe in one hand and the other. With.

A wooden wheel that has been made is placed beside him.

The little carpenter Mao'er and several other woodworkers were also holding an axe, a chisel, or a wooden bucket in their hands, doing things seriously there.

After several months of unremitting efforts, the level of cat ears has made considerable progress, and he is no longer the little student who was difficult to shed tears by the simple line.

What they have made the most now is the newly emerged donkey cart.

Because as the days go by, the exciting and delightful autumn harvest is approaching every day.

At this time, an extra donkey cart with a larger load capacity will be produced, so that after the autumn harvest begins, the tribe will become more relaxed.

If the important matter of the autumn harvest is completed earlier, the people in the tribe can continue to build the bronze highway earlier!

Today’s weather is good, with a gust of wind blowing from time to time, and it’s not sultry at all.

It is very comfortable to stay in the shade without being exposed to the sun, like being lame.

But many times, God won't make you so comfortable.

Just like now, a small accident has happened.

Another gust of wind blew by, the leaves were blowing, and the branches swayed.

In addition to some of the yellowed leaves being blown away by the wind, some things also fell down.

This is a bunch of pecans.

I don't know why, they are generally long and strong, but at this time they were shaken by the wind.


Unbiased, this bunch of pecans just hit the top of the lame head.

After making a sound that seemed a bit crisp, the bunch of pecans were scattered to pieces, jumping all the way to the distance.

The limping who was sitting there seriously, suddenly suffered such an attack, the whole person was a little confused.

I trembled and looked at the pecans flying around on the ground. Then I looked up at the branches and leaves of the pecans above my head, as well as the clusters of pecans that loomed between the branches and leaves. Throw them away after a while The wood in his hand covered his head.

These pecan trees were planted by Han Cheng a few years ago.

Of course, a bare piece of the yard is not enough, and more trees need to be planted for shading.

However, in line with the principle of eating what you can and creating more food, the trees planted in the courtyard are all fruit trees.

And unlike the fruit trees that were planted outside and cultivated by Bugs Bunny in the nursery, the yards were planted in the yard by Han Cheng, who took the fruit trees from the outside, and brought them back to plant with a large pile of soil.

In this way, the tribe can have shades more quickly.

Holding his head in one hand, looking up at the limping image of the hickory tree, the apprentices who looked at the cat’s ears were covering their mouths and they were secretly happy.

Being able to be smashed into the head with such precision is indeed worthy of joy.

After reaching out and rubbing his smashed and painful head for a while, he lamely let go of his hand and continued to work as carpentry.

But after doing it for a while, I stopped, stretched out my hand and rubbed it on the faintly painful head, looked at a few pecans that rolled to the side, and then looked up at the pecans above my head, lame eyes were exposed. Thinking look.

And with the passage of time, the thinking look on the lame face became more intense, and even later, even the axe in his hand was put down, and the whole person was in a kind of thinking.

During this process, the lame expression will change from time to time, sometimes it is bewildering, and sometimes it is the horror of fighting the Cold War...

This state of lameness has continued for a long time, and several apprentices of Maoer looked at the state of lameness, feeling scared for no reason, and wanted to wake up lame in the past, but they were a little afraid.

Several apprentices who quietly moved away from the limp, looked at the obviously abnormal limp with worry and some fear, and whispered whether or not to tell the **** son about this.

At the same time, I decided to stay away from these pecan trees in the future, so as not to be smashed in the head and become lame...

"Okay! Hahahaha..."

It was at this time that I was sitting there silently thinking limp, but at this moment suddenly stood up from the wooden pier and let out a wild laugh.

This sudden move shocked the unsuspecting cat ears, and they were all shivering.

They were still hesitating, whether or not to tell the son of God, now they do not hesitate.

"I'll tell the son of God!"

Cat's ears yelled, then ran away choking.

"I thought about it, I thought about it!"

After laughing wildly, the limp still didn't calm down, clenching his fists and shouting in excitement.

Then he limped and ran into the carpenter's room...

Han Cheng was holding a bowl there, cracking open the duck eggs that floated and couldn't be used to hatch ducklings one by one to see if they could still eat it.

These duck eggs are covered with bloodshot eyes, and there are ducks of different sizes, formed or not formed inside.

Among them are two duck eggs. The ducklings inside have grown hairs and will hatch out in a few days. Unfortunately, I met Han Cheng and the others at this juncture...

These two ducklings with egg yolks looked very similar to the iron-slabred eggs sold on the streets in later generations.

Only one of them is an egg, and the other is a duck egg.

Han Cheng deliberately wanted to put these two eggs on a charcoal fire, but after thinking about it, he couldn't get rid of that mouth.

On the other hand, I listened to Han Cheng's witch talk about food like Maodan, with a look of interest, and wanted to try it.

Han Cheng thought for a while and still didn’t agree. Instead, he threw these to the blessed general who stood aside and watched for a long time. There was a bloodshot duck egg in the bowl with a half-formed duckling floating in the middle. Han Cheng also poured it down. Into the dog pot.

This made the witch who was still thinking about getting some hairy eggs distressed.

This is what Han Cheng was doing. When he was replaced by someone, Wu Fei dragged him to give him a good education.

At this time, the cat's ears ran over violently, far away, and shouted: "God... Son of God! No... bad... limp..."

The appearance of cat ears and loud screams made Wu take back the gaze of Fu Jiang's mouth, who was staring at it in twos and then swallowing two hairy eggs. He was no longer trying to pounce on it and then took it out. Stance.

"What's wrong with the limp?!"

Han Cheng stood up suddenly and looked at the cat's ears running over and asked loudly, his voice full of anxiety.

Han Cheng is very concerned about lameness, which plays an extremely important role in the future development of the tribe.


Some panting cat ears started to talk about the things that happened outside the carpenter's room not long ago. When talking about this, thinking of the lame performance, some cat ears were a little palpitated and shivered.

"God, go and see..."

Hearing what Mao'er said, Wu, who wanted to take the hairy egg out of Fu Jiang's mouth, became anxious, and said anxiously.

Han Cheng hurried to the carpenter's room with Wu and cat ears.

However, Han Cheng's heart had been put back in his stomach, and his panic was replaced by weirdness and another kind of suspicion.

According to Mao's report, the kind of abnormal reaction that lame just now was a manifestation of epiphany!

This guy didn’t get smashed into his head by pecans, and then, like the great scientist Newton, thought of why the fallen pecans didn’t run away, or even flew into the sky, but he just wanted to smash his head. Is this great question?

The final ecstasy was obviously that he had an answer to the question he was thinking about.

This magical guy, isn't he really blessed by pecans?

Then the pecan smashed the brain, and came up with the theory of universal gravitation, which is extremely advanced and important for the development of physics, right?

This... If this is the case, the wind blowing out the wings of my little butterfly is a bit big! It is directly like a tornado!

The more Han Cheng thought about it, the more weird he was in his heart, the more he thought about it, the more he was surprised, and his footsteps began to speed up.

He couldn't wait to see the lameness, and then asked him what he thought of after being bounced off by the hickory, whether it was a matter of gravitation.

If this is the case, then lame is not just as simple as the first carpenter in the tribe!

"The Son of God!"

Han Cheng and Wus rushed to the carpenter's room. The other carpenters who stayed here, after seeing Han Cheng and the others came, immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly greeted them.

"Limp? Where is it?"

Han Cheng lowered his voice and asked these people who greeted him.

Several people were infected by Han Cheng, and they also lowered their voices to answer, and then reached out and pointed to the carpenter's room.

Han Cheng calmed down and walked to the carpenter's room with Wu.

When I came to the door of the carpenter's room, the situation inside was already in my eyes.

I saw the lame sitting on a wooden pier, his hands were constantly moving.

Some flexible canes dangled there with the movements of his fingers.

An invisible thing is gradually appearing there.

Although it is not clear at this time what this object is, but from the perspective of some already compiled, it will be a round object if not unexpected!

Is this guy's head really blessed by pecans?

This round thing, is it not the shape of the earth that is associated with gravity?

Limp obviously hasn't come out of a certain mysterious state now, and hasn't noticed the arrival of Han Cheng, Wu and others, but is just focusing on doing his own things.

In this process, sometimes frowning and thinking...

Wu wanted to shout lame, but was stopped by Han Cheng in advance.

Not only didn't let the witch shout lame, but also told these people in the carpenter's room not to speak loudly.

Before crossing over, Han Cheng did not look at all kinds of things, knowing that people sometimes enter a mysterious realm.

In this mysterious realm, some people can comprehend things that are difficult to comprehend in ordinary days, or do things that are difficult to accomplish in ordinary days.

And if you are disturbed or awakened forcibly in this process, this kind of epiphany will be wiped out at a small amount, and life will be endangered even more seriously.

Although I understand that these networks are generally more ridiculous and the credibility is not too high, but the current state of lameness is really similar to the state of epiphany mentioned in the middle!

At this time, the lameness is disturbed, and it won't be life-threatening, but it's possible that the train of thought is interrupted, and then all of these will be forgotten.

Under Han Cheng's instructions, the carpenter's room was completely quiet.

Han Cheng quietly squatted at the door, stretched his head in and watched the limp knitting things there.

With the limping movements and more and more things under his hands appearing, Han Cheng's eyes became wider and wider, and there were waves of stormy waves in his heart.

The degree of shock was only so small compared to the shock when he learned that he had worn it in a primitive era and had no golden fingers!

This shock reached its peak when the lame woven rattan into a semicircle.

The reason why it reached its peak when it appeared in a semicircle instead of the entire circle was because Han Cheng basically completely believed that the lame was about to knit a ball, waiting for the lame to weave the ball, and told When a ball was placed on the ground under my feet, the lameness suddenly stopped knitting underneath.

After sitting there and thinking for a while, he started to move his hands again, everything has changed, and it is moving in a direction that Han Cheng hadn't expected before.

The rest of the whole semicircular shape did not continue to weave the lameness, but on one side, which occupies about a quarter of the length of the whole semicircle, the rattans that act as ‘bone’ were folded outward.

After folding, continue to knit.

"I go!"

Looking at the room with wide-open eyes, Han Cheng couldn't help but explode with what was completely formed on his lame hand.

Where is this a round ball? This is clearly a helmet woven from rattan!

The half-spherical part is the main body of the helmet, and the part that protrudes forward is the brim.

Looking at the safety helmet woven from rattan in his lame hand, Han Cheng's faith collapsed at this moment.

What is smashed by the pecan and then discovered the universal gravitation, what is the universal gravitation thought of the earth is round.

What kind of epiphany.

These Internet authors talked a lot about each other, and today they believe in their evil!

I was immersed in the things I created, and was so happy that I was limping. I was awakened by Han Cheng's "I go" who was full of speechlessness, collapse, disappointment, wanting to beat others, and so on, and turned his head. It was then that the son of God was standing at the door without knowing when.

I was limping very happy, but now I suddenly became more happy.

Getting good things out, and then showing them to the son of God, and then getting five-star praise from the son of God, is the most lame thing to do.

So he put the wicker helmet that was just woven and warm on his head.

Then he told Han Cheng excitedly about the benefits of the helmet.

"Put it on and it won't hurt your head!"

Limp said excitedly, and glanced at the hickory trees outside the door.

Han Cheng couldn't help but twitched his nose again after watching this action.

Sure enough, not all people are great Newtons.

When Newton was smashed to the head by an Apple, he thought of things like gravitation, but the limp who was smashed to his head by a pecan woven a safety helmet...

Perhaps, the great Mr. Newton did not sit under the apple tree, but under the chestnut tree. If it was a chestnut with a shell that hit his head, what he thought of at the time might be the same as the lameness at this time, not gravity. , But a safety helmet...

It can be seen that you are really particular about what tree to sit under.

The person under the Bodhi tree became a Buddha, the person under the apple tree became a great scientist, and the person under the pecan tree thought of making a safety helmet on his head...


This is really not too much of a human heart drama!

I was picking up a shelled pecan and threw it on the helmet, which proved the usefulness of what I had invented. I limped while watching a long sigh, turning away without saying a word. The divine son, who looked particularly depressed from his back, couldn't help but reached out his hand and touched his still aching head, which was so muffled.

After wearing this rattan hat, the pecans really don’t hurt when they hit the head!

And it's not just the pecans. When fighting with other tribes, they also put on a rattan hat like this. The person who was hit by a stone on his head would basically not bleed anymore. Is this how the son of God is today?

Of course Han Cheng would not tell Lame what happened to him today.

It's a shame to speak of such a rich inner drama, and then being beaten by strength.

But not long after, Han Cheng hid in a small corner and rubbed his hands vigorously on his face, tidying up his mood, and turned back again.

Because Han Cheng knew better than Limp about the role of this kind of rattan helmet.

Not only does the hickory hurt the headache, but it can also be extended to the mines of Tongshan.

After wearing this kind of helmet, the safety of those who mine there will be further improved.

Moreover, after making some changes to this kind of helmet, it can be turned into a helmet and used in conjunction with the rattan armor. When people in the tribe go out to fight, they can also become safer.

Miscalculation, miscalculation!

With such important protective weapons as helmets and helmets, I didn't even think of it before, and I really wasn't a qualified traverser.

"Limp, this thing is very good! Get two more ropes and tie them to your chin, so they won't fall off."

Han Cheng calmed down, gave a lame thumbs up to the seemingly disappointed, and at the same time gave suggestions for improvement.

The lameness who was still a little lost, suddenly turned into a smile again.

According to what Han Cheng just said, I found two twine ropes, tied them to the left and right sides of the helmet under Han Cheng's guidance, and then tied them under the chin.

"God, really can't drop it!"

Limping and shaking his head from side to side, he found that the rattan hat was really not easy to fall off as Han Cheng had just said, he couldn't help but said in surprise.

After limping with the rattan hat and shaking his head for a long time, he was about to take off the rattan hat, but Han Cheng, who might as well stand aside, suddenly smiled and said, "Limp, don't take it off first, try the defensive power of this hat. kind."

Limp stopped taking off his hat after hearing this.

This rattan hat has just been woven, and it is indeed necessary to test its defense capabilities.

Only after the defensive capabilities have been tested can we make improvements based on the strength of the defensive capabilities.

But when I saw the bronze hammer in Han Cheng's hand, I just got this kind of consciousness, and it collapsed in an instant. I wanted to change someone to wear a rattan hat.

"It's okay, I will hammer it slowly."

Han Cheng smiled and comforted the lame.

In other words, the primitive people are more straightforward. If they are from other times, they will definitely go back at this time: "If it's okay, why didn't you bring a rattan hat to me?"

So, in the next moment, a very peculiar scene happened here in the carpenter's room.


Han Cheng held the bronze hammer in his hand and slammed it on his lame head with a rattan hat.

"Does it hurt?"

Han Cheng asked aloud.

I was feeling lame just now, after receiving the hammer, he instantly relieved his heart, he didn't feel any pain just now!

"It doesn't hurt!"

Limply replied excitedly.

When Han Cheng heard this, he raised the hammer again and increased his strength.

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

The limp became more excited.

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"


"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, and a little dizzy..."

Han Cheng, who was accustomed to limping saying that he didn’t hurt, was halfway out of the hammer in his hand, and then he realized that he limped and said it hurts, so he stopped his hand quickly...

Han Cheng put down the hammer, and took off the rattan hat, feeling a little dizzy limp. The two of them sat on the ground and looked at the rattan hat in front of them. They were a little fascinated~www.NovelMTL.com~ This kind of rattan hat made of limp is There is a certain defensive ability, but the defensive ability is not as strong as imagined, but it is not as bad as the inferior helmet worn by ordinary workers who use a helmet with a supervisor to collide with it.

"Can you weave a bigger rattan hat again? Put this rattan hat inside the big rattan hat.

However, the two rattan hats cannot be completely joined together. It is best to leave the upper part free, and the more free part in the middle, the better. "

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng said to Limp.

For what Han Cheng said, Lime didn't quite understand.

He understood that the rattan hat was made into two layers. After all, the defensive ability of two layers was stronger than that of one layer.

But why don't the two layers of rattan hats stick tightly together, but leave a gap? And the bigger the area, the better?

Although he didn't understand the intention of the **** child, Lame nodded very simply, and then directly started to do it.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the lame ability of hands. The seemingly rough and clumsy fingers move flexibly, and these canes walk back and forth just like having eyes, which can almost be described by wearing a butterfly.

Well, although this butterfly is a bit bigger.

After a while, a large semi-circular rattan hat appeared in the lame hand.

Then put the small rattan hat into the big rattan hat, and fix it with the rattan...

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"


"Not dizzy!"

After weaving the double-layer rattan hat lamely and putting it on his head, this conversation came to mind again in the carpenter's room.

The rattan hat was limped by Han Cheng's head, and he suddenly understood why the **** child wanted to leave a gap between the two rattan hats...

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