I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 977: 1 must laugh! (2 in 1)

People will become.

Some people will become bad, some people will become better, some people will forget their dreams as they move forward day by day and in more and more things, and they will even live as the person they once hated the most. Do what you hate most.

However, in the vicissitudes of life, those who are striding forward in the red dust will surely have something they will not forget.

For example, the witch wants the tribe to become stronger and more prosperous, so that the tribe’s rabbits become bigger, more and more delicious.

For example, Heiwa wants to make more and better things, wants to find another tribe with his own beliefs like the Red Tiger tribe, and then burns exquisite porcelain gods.

For example, lame wants to create more and better tools that are conducive to the development of the tribe and can bring convenient tools to the tribe.

For example, Liang wants to identify more drugs and know more symptoms so that more people can be treated with these drugs.

For example, Trade wants to obtain more food for the tribe through trade...

It is not so easy for a traveler to engage in transportation. Even in later generations, with a variety of vehicles and other tools, it is the same hard work to drive large goods.

If this is the case in later life, let alone in this age when distances are all measured by feet and walking in the mountains and forests with no roads.

This is the real windy meals and sleepers, it is really hard, or it can be called dangerous.

After all, on the way out, you must always guard against any beasts coming to attack.

Poisonous insects, beasts, complex and unfamiliar terrain, and other things, a little carelessness can become a deadly existence.

For these, Han Cheng, who lives here, knows very well.

Han Cheng understands that as a person who used to take people to the surrounding tribes for exchange, Trade also knows these things very well, better than Han Chengdu.

However, when Han Cheng came to find him, he told him that he wanted to form a trade team again, let Trade continue to lead the team, lead people, carry goods and other things to exchange with people from other tribes, and get food for his tribe. At the time, Mao still agreed, without any hesitation.

Not only did he have no worries at all, on the contrary, he was also full of joy that he could lead people to do this again.

For this matter, Mao really loves it, the kind from the bottom of his heart.

In his opinion, there is no better thing to make people feel happy and happy than to use the small amount of things he carries to exchange enough food and other things from the rest of the tribe.

After all, at the beginning, he relied on leading the people in the tribe to do such things, and brought a relatively wealthy life with the people in the tribe, so that the people in the tribe can eat most of the time. .

Although, because of the Teng Snake Tribe encountered in the trade, many people in his tribe died...

Now, Ma will not worry about this happening again.

Because, at this time, he was already a member of the Qingque tribe.

There was the flying green sparrow flag, the people of the same tribe who were walking with him, and the son of God, so that he could stand up and walk fearlessly on this strange land.

Because he knows that no matter how far he goes forward, how far away from the tribe, behind him, there is a powerful tribe, there are a group of people who fight for the tribe together, will not see their tribe, let the rest of the tribe The bullying person exists!

These are where his courage lies, and because of these, he can move forward, fearlessly, and promised so simply.

Seeing such a straightforward deal, Han Cheng didn't know what to say for a while.

He stretched out his hand and patted Mao's shoulder vigorously without speaking.

In many cases and in many cases, words always seem so pale and weak, unable to express their thoughts and emotions.

Mao, who was slapped on the shoulder by Han Cheng, had a bright smile on his dark face, as dazzling as the summer sun.

Just do it without delay, it's the Qingque tribe, or the main theme of this entire era.

As one of the outstanding figures of the Qingque tribe, Mao also has such a good character.

So after the two of them determined this matter, they had already begun to prepare for this matter.

The main thing is to determine the manpower.

As for the goods, there is no need to think about it at all, because there is really nothing worth considering about this matter, nothing more than pottery and salt.

In addition, it is the equipment of weapons, and food preparation.

The people of the Qingque tribe, especially the trader, are already proficient in these things. Don't worry about it any more, just follow the steps.

After knowing that some people will be selected, along with the trade, they will bring goods to exchange with the rest of the tribes, in exchange for enough goods for the tribes, these people in Jinguan City are very active, many people think I want to participate in such a thing.

On the one hand, it is because it is more tiring to build houses and fences in Jinguan City, while trade, in the eyes of many people, is easier.

You can walk on the road without doing one thing repeatedly every day.

On the other hand, many of these people living in Jinguan City are new generations of the newly joined Blue Bird Alliance.

They were very impressed with the trade team of the Qingque tribe.

They know about the Qingque tribe. At the beginning, many of them were obtained through the trade team of the Qingque tribe.

They were deeply impressed by the blue bird tribe trading team that carried goods and also some delicious things such as candies and cans.

‘It would be great if you can become a person like the Blue Sparrow Tribe Trade Team and live like them! ’

This is a dream that has appeared in almost all the new generations in the Blue Finch League.

Han Cheng knew a little about these things.

But Han Cheng didn't say too much about this.

At this time, he brought goods to trade with the rest of the tribes, so he knew very well whether he knew it well. Since these people think so, think so.

It is better to look simpler than to look more complicated. In this way, it will be better and easier to choose the trade team's manpower.

As for joining the trade team, whether to do these things well in the future can only be left to their own taste in the future.

Three days later, it was still the best weather.

Under the rays of the rising sun, Trader, carrying a backpack and a donkey carrying a camel of goods, left the Jinguan City under construction with the 29 people selected and walked into the distance.

A smaller green sparrow flag followed them along.

The bears in the same dress had ears, and the other people who were selected and joined the trade team followed Ma, all of them straightened their chests involuntarily, with a lingering smile on their faces, as if they could Joining the trade team and doing this together with the trade is an extremely honorable thing.

Think about it carefully, this is indeed an extremely glorious thing.

After all, many of them have realized their dreams.

Thirty people, fifteen donkeys, plus ten deer, and ten dogs are all the members of the newly formed blue bird tribe trading team.

The reason why two types of livestock, donkeys and deer, were chosen as the main transport force instead of larger cattle, which carried more things, was because there were not enough cattle in the tribe. At present, they are mainly transported to farmland, Train this aspect of pulling carts.

Secondly, the cow walks too slowly. There are no donkeys and deer that walk fast.

Moreover, the body is a bit too large, and it is far less convenient than a donkey to shuttle in places such as woods.

Han Cheng and the others who stayed in Jinguan City stood here to see them off, watching them leave.

As they continued to advance, they became smaller and smaller and disappeared in front of everyone.

The direction they are heading is southeast.

This is because the older female primitives came from the southwest.

If they also travel to the southwest, the exchange area between the two will definitely overlap.

Trade and Han Cheng would not do such things. After all, the older primitive women, to a certain extent, are also earning food from their tribe.

Going to grab business again, that is really uncomfortable for yourself!

Seeing Mao and other people walking away, Han Chengcheng began to order the rest of the people who stayed in Jinguan City to continue to work and then get busy.

By the way, I forgot a little bit earlier. After Han Cheng came to Jinguan City, he also told the people who stayed in Jinguan City.

Regarding these matters, the people who stayed in Jinguan City, represented by Mao, the second brother, etc., did not have any objections, and accepted them happily.

Of course, in the current situation, even if there are objections, it is of no use. After all, these things have already been implemented in the tribe.

However, it was the same as Han Cheng's method when he was in the main tribe. For the second brother, Mao, Mao'er, etc., it was just a new ID card with a modified name.

In daily life, I still use the original name.

Time was rushing, and in a blink of an eye, Mao and others had already left Jinguan City for five days.

In these five days, Mao and others have walked a lot of roads, but they did not meet a tribe or an outsider.

In the face of this situation, Mao didn't seem to panic at all, as before, the people who led the trading team were walking slowly forward here.

While walking, he looked around, secretly taking note of things.

One is to find some traces of human activities, and the other is to mark the way.

No matter what, the road still needs to be remembered.

In this case, it is really a disadvantage to leave the teacher, and you can take the people from the tribe and return to Jinguan City on the same route, so that there will be no damage to the staff.

People in the tribe all admire Mao Ji Lu's ability, and Mao himself is proud of it.

But behind this is not casual success. Apart from talent, the rest is hard work.

Mao was able to achieve this calmness, and the people who followed him were far less calm than him.

After these few days of walking in the wind, eating, and sleeping, many of the people here have lost the passion that they had before setting off.

Recognized the gap between ideal and reality.

Many people who once felt that going out to trade were very good, but at this time they regretted it, and felt that such things were far worse than working in the tribe before.

But it is too late to regret, it is impossible to withdraw at this time.

This situation is very common in life.

A lot of things are watched by others, and I feel very relaxed and envious.

When it's really my turn, I will find that the things I once envied are really not as comfortable as I thought before.

This is probably a common problem of people. When comparing other people with yourself, it is often easy to magnify the beauty of others, ignore the difficulties, and then magnify your own pain by the way.

Mao knew a little about the state of the people who followed him, but he didn't care.

This is mainly due to the fact that these talents followed him to do this. When they have traveled more distances and experienced more things, these people will naturally not think like this again.

"Look! There!"

In such a walk, one of the people in the team suddenly shouted in surprise.

Mao and the others were startled by his shouts and looked at this person one after another.

Then he looked in the direction of his fingers.

The direction this person pointed to was to their left. Upon closer inspection, through the gaps between the lush woods, you could see a not-so-rich plume of smoke slowly rising upwards.

After seeing such a scene, all the people including Mao smiled brightly.

Such a scenario can only illustrate one thing, and that is that someone is moving there not too far away.

After all, except for a few accidents, the fire thing is most often found out.

"Go, go over there!"

After standing here for a while, he smiled and said to the people in the trade team.

"When you see people in a while, you must have a smile on your face, especially if the bear has ears, you have to laugh. If you don’t laugh, it looks scary~www.NovelMTL.com~ If this is the case, people will be scared and afraid Give us an exchange..."

After walking a little further, the smoke column looked clearer. As he walked forward, he turned his head and smiled to explain to the people in the team, and also specifically named Xiong Youer's name.

Smile is the most kind thing in the world.

Of course, this needs to get rid of sarcasm and sneer.

Except for the hatred, these things will not convey a trace of goodwill.

After hearing Mao’s explanation, all the members of the trade team smiled.

The bear who was named specially and looked tall and mammoth has ears, and embarrassedly touched his head with his hand.

The people watching this scene are even more cheerful...


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