I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 934: The old priest of wisdom (2 in 1)

It is a strong person who expresses this aloud.

As he spoke, he raised the somewhat dazzling weapon in his hand, and pulled off the rope on his body by the way, loosening the animal skin entangled on his body, revealing the body inside.

In this way, he showed his strength and the strength of their tribe to everyone in the tribe.

Although some of his things were huddled together because of the cold after the hides were scattered, this did not prevent him from continuing to perform such actions.

The meaning he expressed and the actions he made attracted many people to respond.

Yes, their tribe is so powerful, and they also have sharp weapons replaced from that tribe. If this is the case, why can't your tribe steal the new tribe that has precious pottery and salt. What?

In this way, these things belong to their own tribe!

Sitting in the tree house, the old priest meditating looking at the exquisite pottery and the precious salt in the pottery, he heard louder and louder shouts below.

His drooping eyelids opened suddenly, and the whole person looked very angry.


He got up and came to the open window of the tree house, poked his head out of the window, and yelled angrily at the people below. The people who had just been mobilized and seemed to be passionate suddenly became dumb. fire.

The person who raised the weapon high, after a moment of stunned, quickly put the weapon down, then picked up the rope from the ground, quickly wrapped the scattered animal skins, and shrank his neck down, pretending to be nothing. He walked aside.

It looked funny and made people laugh, but no one laughed.

The old priest groaned when he saw this, retracted his head from the window, and sat down in front of the pottery bowl with salt again, staring at these two things and fell into contemplation.

The humpbacked primitive people didn't dare to bother, so they sat on the opposite side and waited quietly, waiting for their priest to make a decision.

After a while, the old priest raised his drooping eyelids again.


He spoke in a slow voice.

What he meant was to let the humpbacked primitive people wait and set out again, heading to that area, to find the tribe that did the same thing as them.


After understanding the meaning of the priest, the humpbacked primitive man spoke. What he meant was to ask the priest what to do after finding the tribe that did the same thing as them, and whether the tribe was really snatched.

After the priest was silent for a while, he shook his head and spoke again.

He told the humpbacked primitives that after finding the tribe, don't attack them, but to see if the tribe can make these two things by themselves.

If you can't make it, use them to find the tribe that can make such a precious thing.


The humpbacked primitive people spoke again. He was asking their priests what to do after finding the tribe, whether to attack the tribe, **** the things they possessed, and make this precious People who bring things back to their tribe.


Their priest shook his head and pointed his finger in one direction.

That direction is where another powerful tribe is located.

The pottery, salt, and sharp weapons of their tribe were all bought from that tribe.

This priest means that the tribe that can create these is so powerful, and the newly emerged tribe can create something more exquisite than the tribe they know well, I'm afraid it will be even stronger.

Such a tribe cannot be defeated by my own tribe.

When the old priest said this, and recalling the appearance of the tribe where they often traded, the hunched primitive man couldn't help but shiver.

Yes, why did I forget this matter?

Fortunately, there are wise priests. Otherwise, you and the people in your tribe might make a big mistake this time, and your tribe might even perish.


Seeing the appearance of the hunched primitive man, the old primitive man showed some smiles on his face, happy for his own wisdom and the obedient hunchback primitive man.

He continued to speak, and while speaking, once again pointed his hand in the direction he had pointed a short time ago.

The humpbacked primitive man listened carefully to the old priest's words, and gradually found a look of joy and admiration on his face.

I am delighted for what will happen to my tribe, and I am deeply admired for the wisdom of the priest.

The method the priest said is really great! I don't know how much higher than what they thought before.

The priest means that after he waits for someone to find the tribe that does the same thing as his tribe, and then find the tribe that can make such exquisite pottery through that tribe.

Then he waited for someone to exchange with that tribe, and exchanged food and other things for exquisite pottery and delicious salt.

After doing this, your own tribe will then use the exquisite things that they have exchanged to trade with the rest of the tribe and get food from the rest of the tribe.

When the humpbacked primitive man thought that after finding that tribe, his tribe would no longer have to deal with the powerful tribe that was not too far away from his tribe, the old priest opened his mouth again and pointed his finger at that tribe again tribe.


The old priest said slowly, expressing his meaning.

The hump-backed primitive man who was sitting here can no longer sit down after understanding the meaning of the priest of his tribe.

Full of surprise, he quickly stood up, faced the old priest, and folded his hands together to show his respect for the old priest.

It's not that he is a primitive man too conscientious, it is really that what the old priest said is too tempting and too feasible!

It would be impossible not to let him be so admired.

After the old priest guided him, he felt that his own tribe who had obtained exquisite pottery could use these pottery and salt to continue trading with the small tribe with which they had traded, and felt that this would make a lot of food.

But the old priest later said that he would exchange such things with the powerful tribes near his tribe.

When such a proposal first started, the humpbacked primitive man hadn't figured it out yet, and when he figured it out, he immediately became excited.

He had personally experienced the strength and abundance of the tribe closer to his own tribe. That tribe had a lot of food.

The small tribes I met, the food of many tribes combined, did not have as much food as this tribe.

In the past, my own tribe used food and other things to exchange pottery, salt, etc. from this wealthy tribe, and then exchanged pottery for food from the rest of the tribe.

Much of the food exchanged was given to this powerful and wealthy tribe.

He had never thought of exchanging other things for their food from this tribe before.

After all, they are so rich and powerful, with things that other tribes do not have.

But now, things have become different.

Think back to the many foods once seen in that wealthy tribe, and then think about yourself and others using exquisite pottery and these things to exchange many foods from that tribe, and become a wonderful scene of their own tribe’s food, hump-backed primitive people. I couldn't help feeling comfortable, and even my body couldn't help shaking slightly.

The priest is indeed a priest, that is wisdom, thinking about things is the long-term.

If it weren't for the priest to tell these things, he and other people in the tribe would never think of such a way.


The humpbacked primitive man was talking excitedly. What he meant was that he wanted to bring people and the food exchanged this time back to the area where the exquisite porcelain was found, looking for the one who could make these Of the tribe.

He couldn't wait to exchange these exquisite pottery for food from that powerful tribe.


The old priest shook his head again.

He said to the hunched primitive man, let him not be so anxious.

The most important thing the humpbacked primitive people should do now is to take the food from this exchange and continue to the powerful tribes that are close to them, and exchange the food for pottery and salt.

Then, carrying these not so good pottery and salt, headed to the area where exquisite pottery appeared.

In this way, even if they did not find the tribe that could make exquisite pottery this time, they could still exchange these not-so-good pottery and salt with those small tribes.

At the same time, another meaning of this is that the hump-backed primitive people can first bring the exquisite pottery and delicious salt they exchanged this time for the neighboring powerful tribe to see.

See if they are really willing to exchange a lot of food for these two things.

If by any chance that powerful and wealthy tribe doesn't like these two things and does not exchange food with them, then they spend so much food in exchange for a lot of exquisite pottery and salt, which is really bad.

I have to say that there is no reason why this old primitive man can be respected and loved by everyone in this tribe.

This consideration alone has far surpassed many people in this era.

After understanding the meaning of the old priest, the hunched primitive man once again respectfully saluted the old priest...

The humpbacked primitive man left the wooden house that belonged to the priest and climbed into the house where he and other people lived.

When the sun was slanting west and the sky was about to dim, the people of this tribe began to cook.

Because all they live in are tree houses, naturally they can't make a fire inside.

When cooking, it is on the ground below.

Whenever it was time to cook, the old priest would come down from his wooden house and watch the people from his tribe cook here.

It's not because he particularly likes watching such scenes, or because he can't wait to get food, and it's not because he is worried about the people in the tribe, who will take this opportunity to steal it.

It's because when the tribe started to live and cook, the smoke continued to run up, staying in the tree house, often coughing, tears and nose flow down together...

Today, because the humpbacked primitive people brought back a lot of food, this evening meal seemed very rich.

It was also because of their return. There was obviously no wind tonight, but the trees where many tree houses were located were shaking gently.

But this shaking did not include the tree house where the old priest lived.

At this time, the window of the tree house where the old priest lived was half open, and a bright moonlight shone in from the half-covered window, casting a small piece of light.

In this light, a ceramic bowl was placed with salt in it.

The old priest stayed in the darkness on one side, eyes falling on these two things in the moonlight.

There is a mess in his mind, and he keeps thinking about all kinds of things~www.NovelMTL.com~There is that powerful tribe nearby, what he said to the humpback primitive people today, and about this unknown tribe Conjecture.

Before today, he had never thought that there would actually be a tribe stronger than the neighboring tribe.

But now, looking at this exquisite thing, he had to think about it.

Except for a tribe that was stronger than the neighboring tribe, he really couldn't think of any tribe that could make such a thing.

After sitting around here for a long time, the old priest got up and closed some of the windows that had been opened, blocking the moonlight and chill from the outside.

As the night darkened, the sound of shaking trees that would ring from time to time disappeared.

The animals in the area surrounded by sticks and ropes under the tree have not rested yet.

Some of them lie on the ground, and some stand there, chewing with their mouths moving.

As they chewed slowly and slowly, white foam appeared at the corners of their mouths.

Over time, after some bubbles are broken, they will turn into water, patter, pull out long strips and fall on the ground...

What the wise priests said was really heartwarming, and most of their tribe’s food was obtained through exchange, so by the next day, the hump-backed primitives began to clean up.

They left half of the food brought back from the outside during the trip, and put the other half of the food on the animals that had eaten grass and drank water.

Some people carried some on their backs.

After a short period of tidying up, their group left the tribe under the gaze of the old priest and headed in one direction...


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