I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 935: Overbearing tribe that grows rice (2 in 1)

With the blessing of the wise priest, the hunchbacked primitive men marched toward the tribe they had gone to many times, leading the livestock and the goods.

After a few days of walking, the scene in front of me became different.

Pieces of water appeared in front of my eyes, and some people appeared in front of my eyes at the same time.

These people are surrounded by animal skins and carry clay pots in their hands.

Some people hold the rim of the pot with one hand and leaned it against their waist because the pots they held were too large and too heavy to hold them.

This saves a lot of effort.

But there is one thing that requires a lot of people, that is, a good waist.

These people, the empty hand will stretch into the jar from time to time, grab something from it, and then throw it into the water forcefully.

At this time, the weather was still cold and the water was still biting, but these people seemed to be unable to feel the cold, so they walked on the muddy water in the water.

Repeat this action while walking.

On the shore, there are people standing here with dazzling weapons.

Their weapons look larger and sharper than those carried by hunched primitives.

These people didn't work, they just watched the people in the waters work.

The fur on their bodies looks thicker, and people generally look stronger than those who are working in the water.

The humpbacked primitive man is no stranger to such a scene, and he also knows what these people are doing and why they do it.

At this time, what they sprinkled into the waters that were not deep was the kind of small fruits with shells that were delicious after removing the shells.

At this time, sprinkle some delicious little fruits into it. After a while, these little fruits will sprout and grow, just like weeds.

When the leaves turn yellow, these things will grow up and bear more small fruits.

At that time, the people of this tribe would collect all the small fruits that grew on the grass, and they could have a lot of food at once.

This is also a major reason why the tribe in front of us is so powerful and rich.

The humpbacked primitive people are very envious of this way of obtaining food, and they want their tribe to use this method to obtain a large amount of food.

If you can get a lot of food near your own tribe without running around like this, no one is willing to carry goods to far away, and through constant walking, rush to the rest of the tribe, in order to exchange enough for the tribe. Food for human consumption.

But for such a thing, the hunched primitive man can only think about it in his heart, but he dare not really do it.

Because in this large area, the places suitable for the growth of this delicious little fruit belong to this powerful tribe in front of us.

Even if the shallow waters are right next to the life of the tribe, they still belong to the tribe in front of them.

When everything is germinating and growing, you learn from the tribe in front of you to sprinkle delicious little fruits with shells into the water, waiting for these seeds to sprout and grow. This powerful tribe does not care.

But when it was harvested, it could not be harvested.

Regardless of whether these delicious little fruits were grown there by themselves or those tribes sprinkled in, they will automatically belong to their tribe in front of this tribe.

If any tribe dared to disagree and harvested such a delicious little fruit, the people standing on the shore would go to that tribe with sharp weapons.

At that time, not only will all the delicious little fruits harvested be snatched, but all the rest will be taken away by the tribe in front of them.

This also includes people from that tribe.

Most of the people in front of them who are doing such things with bare feet and stepping on the freezing muddy water are mostly tribes who dared to do this in the first place, and the people they gave birth to afterwards.

Such things have happened a lot, and no tribe dared to do such a thing in such a large area centered on this rich and powerful tribe.

Even if the delicious little fruits are on the side of the tribe they live in, no one will harvest them.

Even if the powerful tribe in front of them forgot to harvest, the rest of the tribe didn't dare to touch them as they were eaten up by birds.

Fortunately, this powerful tribe only aims at this delicious little fruit, and the rest of the food does not do so, otherwise many tribes will choose to join this tribe, or move away with people, and leave this powerful. And the domineering tribe.

Each tribe has a way of survival, just like the people of later generations, each person has his own way of living.

The tribe of the humpbacked primitive people who could not grow this delicious little fruit developed the current method of obtaining food through exchange...

From a distance, seeing the humpbacked primitive people and their party, these people didn't care.

After all, they have seen each other more often, and they all know what they are actually doing.

Even after seeing the hump-backed primitive people and their party, many people showed a full smile.

This is indeed a very happy thing for them, because the arrival of the humpbacked primitives means that their tribe will harvest a large amount of food.

These foods are not much, but not too few compared to the small delicious fruits that their tribes harvest when the leaves are yellow.

And all they need to pay is nothing unusual in their tribe.

Like pottery, their people can make a lot.


The humpbacked primitive man was far away with a smile on his face. He spoke loudly and greeted these people who were holding weapons and standing on the shore watching the rest of the people work.

The distance between the two tribes is relatively close, and they often communicate, so the language gap between them is quite large, and most of them can understand.


After hearing what the humpbacked primitive man said, one of these people opened his mouth and answered.

And one of them left here and greeted them toward the humpback primitive.

After a while, the two sides met, and after a few words, the person who greeted them led the hunched primitive people to one place.

In the process of walking, the hunched primitive man saw more people working in the water.

In some places, people drove the animals they led to graze, and the number was much larger than that of their tribe.

The humpbacked primitive people walked forward, and the place they were heading was a mountain that looked rather abrupt.

There are not too many vegetation growing on the mountains here, and some peaks seem to be a little shining under the sunlight.

The main place where this powerful tribe lives is not too far from these peaks.

At the beginning, only the mountain peaks appeared in the eyes of the humpback primitives. As they walked, the rest gradually appeared in front of them.

It was something that appeared on the flat ground, covered with layers of straw.

For these, the hunched primitive people are not surprised, because they have seen it more than once.

And they also know that these things are where the people of this tribe live.

It's the same as the tree house their tribe built on the tree to live in.

After a while, the group of them came to this residence built with straw, branches, mud and other things.

After coming here, the people I saw suddenly increased.

But most of them are children and primitive females with big bellies.

The rest of the strong people are mostly scattered around and further away, engaged in various labor.

Sprinkle delicious small fruits with shells in the waters that are not deep, driving the livestock evolved from the prey to eat grass and gather some wild vegetables...

Under the leadership of that person, the hump-backed primitive people and their party walked through the gap left between the caves for living in.

After walking inside for a while, a clearing appeared.

This open space is located in the center of all the caves that can be used for living. It can also be said that all the caves for living are built around this open space.

This clearing is not a complete clearing, because there is a cave in the center of the clearing.

This cave is the largest of all caves, and it looks much more exquisite than the others.

On the top of this cave, there are even several large pottery still fixed.

Not to mention the rest, this handwriting alone can widen the gap between this cave and the rest.

I don't know how much it is higher than the rest of the cave.

The hump-backed primitive people stopped on the edge of this clearing and did not go further.

They often come to know that generally this tribe doesn't like people from other tribes walking into this open space.

The man who attracted them, said a word to them, stepped onto the clearing and walked towards the gorgeous cave in the middle of the clearing.

He seemed a little cautious, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

This person walked to the front of the cave and did not speak immediately. Instead, he placed his hands on top of his head and bent his body slightly before speaking.

After his voice fell, there was no sound coming from the gorgeous cave. After this silence lasted for a while, the door of the gorgeous cave opened from inside.

But no one came out of it.

The man once again faced the opened door and put his hands on top of his head to give salute before stepping into this gorgeous cave.

When going inside, he first leaned the weapon in his hand against the wall outside the cave.

Seeing such a scene, the hunched primitive man did not say anything.

He knew who the people lived in this gorgeous building.

The people living in it are the witches of this rich and powerful tribe.

Her status in this tribe is similar to the old priest of their tribe.

However, the witches of this tribe are obviously more intelligent and full of mysterious power than the old priests of their tribe.

The precious pottery, as well as the weapon that he holds in his hand, which is more precious than pottery, is said to have been made by this witch.

For such a person, even if he is not a member of this tribe, the humpbacked primitive man is full of reverence, and while revering, he also has some fear.

After waiting like this for a while, the person who entered the gorgeous cave walked out again.

Without empty hands, he held two precious pottery in his arms.

He walked out of the door and walked a distance outside before placing the pottery in his arms on the ground, then returned and continued to return to the gorgeous cave to carry the pottery outside.

When he entered again, he still folded his hands on the top of his head as before, and leaned forward slightly to salute.


Under the gaze of the humpback primitive people, this person came and went many times, and from inside he carried out a lot of pottery and delicious salty soil.

After putting these things in one piece, the man turned and looked at the hunched primitive man and they shouted.

Hearing this person's shout, the hunched primitive people dared to walk towards this clearing.

When they came to this piece of pottery, the hump-backed primitive people stopped and put their bodies and the food carried by the animals on the ground ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and exchanged them.

Both parties often did the exchange, and they were already familiar with it, and there was no need to pay more attention to it. Under the common witness and operation of both parties, the exchange did not take too long to complete.

The humpbacked primitive people had some more pottery and edible salt soil in front of them, and the food they carried belonged to this powerful tribe.


The man looked at the hunched primitive people and opened his mouth with some confusion.

After exchanges in the past, the hunched primitive people would pack the pottery and salt soil they had exchanged, but this time it was uncharacteristically.

They did not clean up, but stood here a little hesitant.

And the eyes of the humpbacked primitive people were still looking towards the place where their tribe witches lived.


Hearing the question from the person in front of him, the hump-backed primitive man hurriedly spoke. What he meant was that they wanted to show the witches how much food they could get for the two good things.

After understanding the meaning of the humpback primitive man, the man couldn't help laughing.

Precious things?

In exchange for food?

Can this thing be more precious than the things of your own tribe?

However, the smile on his face only disappeared for a short time, and the smile on his face changed to an extremely unbelievable one.

His eyes were fixed on the exquisite pottery held by the humpback primitive man.

It turns out that there are really more precious things than the pottery of your own tribe!

He took this precious pottery in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while, then walked towards the gorgeous room with excitement and caution...


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