I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 933: There is a nest tribe (2 in 1)

The people of the Blue Bird Alliance cherish pottery in this way, let alone know that it is extremely precious porcelain at a glance.

As long as you are not stupid and solid, when people see good things, they will have the mind to own them.

The people in the Qingque Alliance are naturally not fools, they naturally want things like porcelain.

Seeing their surprise, the people of the Qingque tribe were also surprised.

This is especially true for Heiwa, who made porcelain.

Because it means that one's own tribe can exchange a lot of things from these tribes.

It was the same as the two years when I and Godzi had just fired the pottery together.

The current tribe happily said that they wanted to buy. When the people of the Qingque tribe were happily ready to sell, a very embarrassing thing happened suddenly.

The thing is that people who want to buy can't exchange enough food, fur and other things.

They can't afford to exchange even the smallest piece of porcelain.

The people of the Qingque tribe don't want to lower the price. This is porcelain!

It seems I don’t know how many times better than pottery. How can such exquisite things be exchanged with less?

There are also people from the Blue Sparrow Alliance who want to get porcelain.

Then, with such unanimous agreement between the two parties, the transaction on porcelain ended.

Although one of them wants to buy it very much, and the owner wants to sell it...

This is the root cause of Heiwa's unhappiness.

Porcelain was finally fired by himself according to the guidance of the **** child.

The porcelain is also very exquisite, even more exquisite than the **** son said.

However, because it is too exquisite, it makes it impossible to exchange things with the rest of the tribe...

The tribes encountered later had basically the same reaction. They all wanted to get porcelain, but they didn't have enough food and other things in exchange for it.

As for lowering the value of the pottery and then exchanging it with the rest of the tribe, the people of the Qingque tribe thought about it, but they didn't implement it.

Looking at the beautiful and indescribable porcelain, reducing the price to deal with such a thing, they could not do it anyway.

As a result, things are stuck here.

It would be great if the surrounding tribes also had a lot of food and other things, so that their tribe could exchange porcelain for a large amount of food and other things from their tribe, instead of being like this, although they all want to exchange, but because Too poor to exchange.

Shoveling a shovel of dung, he threw it hard at the black baby in the surrounding open space, thinking like this.

This is probably a member of the Qingque tribe, who hated the surrounding tribe for being too backward for the first time.

Perhaps, when the fire tribe people come up along the river with linen cloth, you can ask the fire tribe people to see if they can exchange the linen cloth for some porcelain...

Mountain flowers bloomed one after another, and red and purple ones came together in groups. With few leaves and many flowers, it was very lively.

Butterflies and bees that have been silent for a whole winter don't know where they came from. They are flying around here, using their actions to vividly explain what is called attracting bees and butterflies.

The fragrance of flowers permeates here.

God is fair, the extraordinarily gorgeous flowers that bloom are often not very strong, but those white, yellow, and low-key looking flowers are often full of floral fragrance.

An older looking person climbed all the way to the tree along the stick tied to the tree.

The stick tied to the tree, about twenty centimeters in thickness, is not completely flat, but has been cut out of small platforms artificially.

There is one of these small platforms about thirty centimeters apart, arranged along the wooden sticks from top to bottom.

The small platform is not big and can only put down half of the forefoot. People who are exposed to these for the first time must be very unaccustomed to such tools. Some are timid, and even dare not follow such tools. Climb above.

But the tribe in front of him is obviously not in this rank.

They have long been accustomed to such tools, even older people, with the help of such tools, can still climb extremely smoothly.

The old man just now even let go of one of his hands when he climbed up, using only one arm around the tree trunk, and the other holding a jar inside.

This old primitive man climbed up the tree not because he wanted to pick the fruit. Even the premature fruit would not mature in this season.

He climbed up because he was going to rest in the tree.

He stepped on this tool and climbed up for a while, and came to a place seven or eight meters above the ground, where the light seemed much dim.

It's not that this tree is extraordinarily strong, and it is already luxuriant, blocking the sunlight, but because a wooden house built with trunks and other things has appeared here.

And the head of this old primitive man had entered the wooden house from the hole left along the tree trunk under the wooden house.

After walking up two more steps, the old primitive man entered into the wooden house with more body.

He put the jar in his hand on the floor of the wooden house, and the man walked up two more steps along the trunk. The upper foot was already level with the floor of the wooden house, and he stopped climbing. Instead, he stepped on the floor of the wooden house. As a result, the whole person broke away from the ladder made of wooden sticks and came to the wooden house.

The floor of the wooden house, said to be the floor, is actually just an arrangement of half logs split from the middle, and tied with rope.

There is a layer of fur on the floor of the wooden house, and it is very comfortable for people to step on it with bare feet.

The older primitive man came into the wooden house, walked a few steps to a place, fumbled there for a while, then pushed his hand forward, and a window also made of wood was opened. There is sunlight coming in.

The old primitive man came here carrying the jar he had just carried, and sat down cross-legged.

The sun shone on him, it was warm.

Some branches with flowers and buds hung down in front of the window. A butterfly with flower wings flashed its wings silently, and landed on one of the small flowers, closing its wings, and quietly absorbing honey.

Following his gaze, you can see other tall trees. Wooden houses are also built on the trees. Many of the wooden houses are much larger than the one he lives in, but the most exquisite wooden house is where he lives. Of this one.

There are some children or female adults who occasionally follow the tools tied to the tree up and down, moving between the wooden houses. A newly made wooden house even has a lot of branches and flowers bloomed on it. .

There are also two wooden houses shaking in a small area.

As the oldest person in the tribe today, he naturally understands the meaning of the small-scale shaking of the wooden house.

However, what is different from the shame that is gradually developed in later generations is that the old primitive people not only do not feel ashamed of such things, but also feel that such things are very sacred, because only by doing such things more, the talents of their tribes Will slowly increase...


Time seems to be completely still at this time, making people unable to feel its passing.

I don't know how long it took, and there were excited shouts from here.

Then it became lively. Many wooden houses appeared from inside, and quickly came to the ground along the tools tied to the trunk, and ran in one direction with a smile.

When the old primitive man heard the shout, his face couldn't help but show a smile.

He moved to the window, then stuck his head out and looked in that direction. Through the branches of the trees and the leaves and flowers on the branches, he saw a group of people coming from a distance to the forest where his tribe lived. , The person walking in the forefront is a bit piggybacked.

This is the return of their tribe.

After seeing this scene, the seemingly old primitive man retracted his body from the window, then came to the middle of the tree house and climbed down the trunk.

By the time he went down, the hump-backed primitive men and their party had already arrived in this forest with many wooden houses.

With the return of the humpbacked primitive people and their party, the place suddenly became lively and full of laughter.

After seeing some old primitive people, the people who returned with a lot of loads overlapped their two palms on their foreheads. This was the highest etiquette their tribe used to show respect.


When they all finished their gifts, the old primitive man smiled and talked, touching his palms on his foreheads, and then touching the foreheads of these people who had returned from the trip. touch.

This is a way of blessing, and it is also a way to welcome them back.

After such a thing happened, the people who returned began to put down the things they had carried on their bodies or were tied to the backs of animals, and opened them up.

One is to lighten the burden, and the other is to show everyone in the tribe what they have gained through exchanges in this way.

However, unlike the previous time, when the exhibition was carried out this time, the rest of the people who returned with things seemed a little absent-minded about what they showed.

Most of them cast their eyes on the humpbacked primitive man, expecting him to open the package he was carrying and show it to everyone.

This was an unusual scene. Some old primitive people saw it in their eyes, but he didn't ask anything out loud, but stood here with a smile, waiting for the humpback primitive people to open the package.

As long as the package is opened, the things inside can be seen even if he does not ask.

Under the gaze of everyone, the humpbacked primitive man opened the package, took out a ball of fur, appeared to be careful to open the upper layer of fur, and then a ceramic bowl appeared in front of everyone.

After the pottery bowl appeared in front of everyone, the place suddenly became quiet. Even the old primitive man with a smile on his face, which appeared very indifferent, suddenly froze, and then his eyes became involuntary. It's wide, as if seeing something extremely unbelievable.

After this state lasted for a while, the seemingly old primitive man took two steps and moved his eyes to the pottery bowl held by the hunched primitive man. The muddy eyes turned extremely bright at this moment.

After watching this for a while, he stretched out his slightly trembling hands, took the pottery bowl from the hunched primitive man, and watched carefully with his hands in his hands.

The eyes of the rest of the people moved involuntarily to the old primitive man with the movement of this exquisite porcelain.

The humpbacked primitive men and their group all focused their eyes on the pottery held by the old primitive men.

This exquisite pottery was something they had spent a lot of and exchanged from one of the tribes that owned it.

Although they have seen this exquisite pottery a long time ago, when they see it again at this moment, they will still feel a sense of amazing, reluctant to remove their eyes from above.

After a while, the hunched primitive man took out a gourd from the package and poured some white salt out of it, and then told the old primitive man about the benefits of this kind of salt~www.NovelMTL.com~ The old primitive man, who had always been indifferent, looked at the exquisite and unbelievable pottery in his hands, and then at the salt. At this time, his whole body was trembling slightly.

After a while, the old primitive man turned and walked towards his tree house.

When climbing up with a tool made with a tree stick in one hand, the old primitive man gave the pottery bowl he held in the other hand to the hunched primitive man and climbed up with his hands around the tree trunk.

He was worried that his hands would be too shaking and this exquisite thing would be removed, which would cause great regret.

The two came into the wooden house one after another. Just after sitting cross-legged, the old primitive man couldn't wait to ask the hunched primitive man where the exquisite pottery and the unusually delicious salt came from.

Therefore, the hunched primitive people told the old primitive people their experience of going out this time.

This old primitive man is the priest of their tribe and a symbol of wisdom.

However, no matter how wise, he couldn't help his eyes widening when he heard the experience of the hunched primitive man.

In one place, there appeared a tribe that did the same thing as their tribe, and the pottery and salt carried by this tribe were better than their tribe...

When the humpbacked primitive man and the old priest were talking here, the open space below the tree house was also where everyone was talking. Through the recounts of the returning people, the rest quickly learned about the humpbacked primitive man they met. What's the situation?


Someone said excitedly.

What he meant was to find out that tribe and **** it...


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