I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 932: Cultivate seedlings (2 in 1)

Based on the experience gained from soaking soybean sprouts, Han Cheng took the rice soaked in the water tank from it with a strainer and placed it in the prepared long rattan basket.

A layer of rough linen is spread under the rattan baskets to prevent the soaked rice from leaking.

There is not too much rice in the rattan baskets, about one centimeter thick.

After soaking, Han Cheng lifted the rattan basket and placed it on a basin.

There was water in the basin, but not much, it just slightly soaked some of the rice in the rattan basket.

After finishing these, Han Cheng found another piece of burlap, soaked it with water, wrung it out, and covered it on the rice that was spread in the rattan basket, so the initial preparations were completed.

The reason for this operation is that it is often soaked in water, and it is easy to lack oxygen, which is not conducive to the germination of seeds.

Of course, Han Cheng doesn't know much about how to grow rice, and many things need to be explored.

For example, this is the case for cultivating seedlings.

Of the two tanks of rice soaked in water, only one tank was handled by him, and the remaining tank, after being fished out of it, was put in a basket by him, and then he carried it all the way to level it out before him. The land there.

Grasping the soaked rice with my hands, spread a dense layer on the soft ground.

After spreading it as evenly as possible, use a copper shovel to scoop up the extremely finely divided soil on the side, and cover it with a layer of soil to cover the soaked rice seeds.

If the soil is not too thick, it is only about one centimeter. If it is too thick, the seeds will not easily shoot outward.

After covering the soil, the second senior who was ordered by Han Cheng came over with a water tank.

A scoop made of gourd was floating on one of the pitchers.

The second brother put the water jar on the side of the nursery, Han Cheng reached out and took the water scoop placed in the jar, and poured water on it.

Han Cheng watered a lot of water, and he poured a dozen pots of water on areas that were not too big.

After watering it, and staying for a while, together with the second brother, he picked up the grass fence woven from dry weeds in winter and covered it.

Covering with such a layer of grass fence can reduce water loss and keep warm.

Han Cheng has never planted rice seedlings, but he is no stranger to growing vegetables and growing watermelons.

Vegetables are grown early at home, and sometimes such methods are used.

When planting watermelon early, and when you want the watermelon to emerge earlier, you will also cover the ground with plastic film.

Han Cheng couldn't get the mulch and the plastic shed, and now he can only use grass fences and other things to do it all at once. Covering with such a layer is better than covering nothing.

It doesn’t matter if you plant pepper seedlings, tomato seedlings, eggplant seedlings, or rice seedlings, you need to let the seeds germinate. In this case, Han Cheng will use the method of growing vegetables from later generations on the rice seedlings. It will be too much.

As for the nuances, it can only be slowly summarized in the continuous practice in the future, and strive to find a more suitable method for rice seedlings.

After doing this, Han Cheng and the second brother stood here for a while, then returned to the inner courtyard of Jinguan City with tools.

After a while it came out again.

Now, standing here in the inner courtyard of Jinguan City and looking around, this large area of ​​water near the inner courtyard has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the previous time.

The water that used to cover the entire area of ​​water is collected in the ditches, and the rest of the land has become dry land.

The strips of ridges divide this area into irregular areas, and the area is the land that has been turned over.

The people of the Qingque tribe are distributed here, and most of them are smoothing and smashing the land that has been turned over as quickly as possible.

Some other people, in some places farther from the inner courtyard, continued to surround themselves with the land that has not been turned over until now.

After standing here for a while, holding the frequently used brass shovel in his hand, Han Cheng took the second brother out of the inner courtyard and walked towards the land.

Calling seven or eight people to stop their work, Han Cheng took them to the raked land.

After a few words of explanation, everyone began to busy here.

An opening was dug in the ridges of the paddy fields near the canal. Some people were digging small ditches in the ditches. The water that had been collected in the large ditches was led to the fields through the small ditches.

After some excavation, some water was drawn to the edge of the field, flowing into the field along the hole dug on the ridge.

The dry land is slowly being soaked by water, and as time goes by, more and more land is soaked by water.

A few small transparent fish, following the flowing water, entered the field together.

At the beginning, they seemed rather cramped, but as the water in the field increased, they calmed down and began to wag their little tails and slid against the muddy bottom of the water.

Following Han Cheng's actions, more and more ridges of the tidied fields were dug up.

The bright water flows happily into the fields along the gap of the ridge.

Over time, the previously dry land slowly turned into water again.

In the fields re-soaked by water, in some places, a string of bubbles swayed up from time to time.

Standing here and looking at the inner courtyard of Jinguan City, there seemed to be more bright mirrors under the light of the sky.

The rice that Han Cheng placed in the rattan basket and was slightly soaked in water grew small shoots, some of which were more anxious, and some slender roots.

These roots are white and tender, with some tiny hairy tentacles on them.

Once the seeds have sprouted, they are no longer suitable for breeding like this.

Han Cheng and a few other people in the tribe carried the germinated seeds gathered in the basket, and carefully scattered them on the hotbed that had been arranged for them before.

Then they carefully covered them with a thin layer of finely divided soil.

After the soil was covered, watering was also carried out.

Opening the grass fences that covered the ground, Han Cheng discovered that some of the seeds used to plant the seedlings in this way had sprouted and drilled out of the ground. The tender buds looked very beautiful.

The smile on Han Cheng's face was more happier than that of Mei Xuemei in a dream.

Obviously, these seedlings were not enough to plant. Seeing the results, Han Cheng, who was confident, took these people back to the inner courtyard, and made more paddy blisters from the large tank where the rice was stored in the inner courtyard. Prepare for the seedlings of larger scale.

In the busy schedule, time passed quietly, and the direct rays of the sun began to slowly return to the north.

I don't know when it started, the wind was not as cold as before, and the sunlight became warmer, shining on people, and it was warm.

Spring is not only a restless season, but also a good time for all things to grow and sow.

In the inner courtyard of Jinguan City, Han Cheng was digging around a built shed with his head.

Not all planing was completed, but a range of about fifty centimeters in diameter was planed out at about the middle of the three sides of the shed.

Crush the soil finely, then lift out some soil, then put some fertilizer in, and cover it with a layer of soil.

After doing this, Han Cheng took out some seeds from his trouser pocket and placed three or four in one place.

These seeds are not small, and some are covered with a thin film.

These are the seeds of the gourd, which Han Cheng got from the older primitive women.

The gourd is a good thing, and it has many uses, and it is necessary for the tribe to use more.

When these gourd seeds have sprouted, let them climb up the shed.

By the time the green gourd vines crawled across the entire shed, some white gourd flowers bloomed in some places, and there were large and small gourds hanging down in the gaps.

I moved the rattan to the bottom of the shed, and the person lay on it, and then there was a small breeze, and I squinted for a short nap. The feeling was simply beautiful.

It would be even more wonderful if you dream of a group of gourd babies who are barefoot and crying grandpa.

Of course, the entire tribe of such a dream might be possible for Han Cheng alone.

After planting gourds in the shed, Han Cheng planted some more outside the courtyard.

On the east side of Jinguan City, there are still many open spaces that have not been developed, and there is enough space for them to climb.

However, Han Cheng did not finish planting these gourd seeds, but left some of them, ready to bring them back to the main tribe.

After finishing these, Han Cheng also sprinkled another kind of seed not far from the tribe.

These seeds are the orange seeds that were eaten by eating oranges before. At that time, most of them were spit out casually, but some were left by Han Cheng's orders for planting today.

The weather here in Jinguancheng warmed day by day, and the Qingquezhu tribe, the Tongshan residential area and the Qinling sub-region of the adjacent large mountain range quickly felt the breath of spring.

Stepping on the land that had just melted the snow, Junior Brother Sha brought tools, seeds, food, and the people who had built the Qinling sub-tribe with him before, to the Qinling sub-tribe that had developed a certain scale.

The house they built a year ago still stayed there, and no one took advantage of the time they left to occupy the magpie's nest.

After placing the things on his back in the Qinling Sub-district, Junior Brother Sha took the people and immediately plunged into the tense land consolidation.

As soon as the weather gets warmer, the days will pass quickly, and I always feel that there are still many things that are not ready, and spring plowing can proceed.

That’s why Junior Sha’s hurry up like this, wanting to cultivate as much land as possible before spring plowing, and plant more food...

The furnace for smelting copper and tin ingots in the Tongshan residential area also stopped smoking again. Under the leadership of Shang, the people there also plunged into intense spring ploughing.

The Qingque tribe is the same here, and more people are dispatched.

On some land, there are piles of dung piled up, and each pile has about two heads.

Heiwa held a copper shovel in her hand, scooped up a copper shovel from this small pile of dung, then turned slightly and sprinkled it around with her hands, spreading it as evenly as possible.

There are quite a few people doing this with Heiwa, but Heiwa seems a little unhappy.

This is not because he felt that the master craftsman who made pottery and porcelain like this was so unbalanced in his heart and humiliated his identity.

In the Qingque tribe, no one would dislike the job of obtaining food.

When it comes to spring plowing and autumn harvest, as long as there is nothing else particularly important, let alone the black baby, even the son of God Han Cheng will work in the field.

The reason why Heiwa is depressed is not because of farming, but because of porcelain.

After successfully firing the porcelain, looking at the exquisite porcelain, as if it shouldn't have appeared in this world, the whole Qingque tribe was boiling over.

As the person who made the porcelain, the excitement of Heiwa is not to be mentioned. For a long time after that, he was in a state of being beaten up.

Through the efforts of him and everyone in the pottery workshop, during this period of time, ~www.NovelMTL.com~Qingque tribe has a lot of porcelain.

With the gradual increase of porcelain in the tribe, the people in the tribe saw more, and it was not as unusual as before.

However, when seeing the porcelain, everyone still feels amazed unconsciously.

Heiwa became glum, of course, not because of this, but because of the reaction of people from outside to the porcelain.

Nowadays, people belonging to the Blue Sparrow Alliance no longer need the Blue Sparrow tribe to send a trade team to trade with them. These tribes have needs for salt, soft fur and the like, and they will come directly with them. The green bird tribe exchanged.

This kind of thing will release a lot of labor of the Qingque tribe, and there is no risk of walking on the road, just wait for these tribes to send things to the Qingque tribe.

Generally, after the ice and snow melt, some tribes will come to their tribes in exchange for salt, and this year is no exception.

Therefore, the Heiwa was suffocated, and wanted to wait for these tribes to come, and exchanged some newly-fired porcelain from her tribe for something.

Pottery can exchange so many things from those tribes. I don’t know how much porcelain is higher than pottery. These tribes will only produce more and more things.

As Heiwa thought before, those who came to their tribe to trade after the ice and snow melted were shocked by the exquisite porcelain one by one and couldn't move their eyes.

When the people of his tribe said that they could exchange food, fur and other things for these porcelains, Heiwa obviously saw the look of surprise and desire from these people's eyes, but the subsequent development completely exceeded his expectations. ...


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