I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 931: Tell the priest to go (2 in 1)

The humpbacked primitive man turned to look at the precious pottery brought by his tribe, and compared with the precious pottery he saw in front of him, he immediately knew why the tribe in front of him behaved like this.

If your tribe possesses such exquisite pottery, then look at the lifts owned by your tribe, I am afraid it will be like this.

Perhaps more proud than the people of this tribe.

With such exquisite pottery, they are indeed qualified to look down on the pottery brought by their tribe.

But what about saline soil?

Where is the delicious saline soil?

What my tribe carries is not only pottery, but also white salt soil!

Thinking of the salt soil, the humpbacked primitive man immediately gained a lot of confidence.

He stood up from here, then quickly took a jar of delicious salty soil from where they placed things, hugged it, and placed it on this place, raising his head so that only the chin could be seen. The leader of this tribe stood in front of him.


He said loudly and pointed his finger at this jar of salt soil.

The leader of the tribe, who raised his head high, lowered his head a little, looked down with his eyes diagonally, then snorted very proudly, and raised his head again. The deputy is extremely arrogant and domineering.

Fortunately, there is still work to be done, so the leader of this tribe posed a little like this before squatting down and carefully picking up the gourd that was set aside.

Then he pulled it apart, and pouring some salt out of the gourd with great care.

Shaking before the eyes of the humpbacked primitive man, he gathered his hands, leaned on the side of the gourd, and poured it into the gourd carefully.

It seems to be worried that if people look at it for a while, these precious salt will be seen by others.

This is table salt!

Not only is the food made by it tastes extremely delicious, it has no other flavors.

And these are very clean inside.

Unlike the salt brought by these guys, not only does it taste bad, but it also adds some finely divided soil.

I hadn't seen anything better before, I just thought that salt was the kind of appearance brought by these people in front of me.

Having seen something better now, the leader of this tribe immediately attributed the humpback primitives to the ranks of dishonesty.

Seeing that the humpbacked primitive man kept looking at his hand and the gourd, the leader of this tribe thought about it and got the small salt particles in his palm into the palm of the humpbacked primitive person.

After doing this, he clenched the gourd and stood up from the ground, again raising his head with a bump.

But this time I didn't raise the height just now, because the raise was too high and there was no way to quietly look at the humpback primitives, which would lose a lot of coolness.

As the tribe leader raised his head and squinted his eyes down, the hunched primitive man recalled the scene he had just seen, and then took a closer look at the salt particles in his palm. Time is a little dazed.

There is no soil or small grains of sand in the salt. He had never thought about such things before.

But now, he really saw it.

After a short while, the humpbacked primitive man put his palm on the edge of his mouth and carefully sent these small salt particles into his mouth.

A little bit different from the salt inlets that I have seen before, the glasses of the humpback primitive people immediately lit up, with disbelief.

The salt he tasted is not only free of sand, but more importantly, it tastes very good, neither bitter nor astringent!

The humpbacked primitive man only finds today’s experience very amazing. Before that, he had never thought that one day, he would actually be in a tribe that exchanged food for salt and pottery with pottery and salt. These two things were so shocked that they couldn't speak!


The humpbacked primitive man who squatted here and ate a while, shook his head vigorously, and began to ask the chief of this tribe, where they got these two such precious things.

He didn't believe that the tribe in front of him made it by himself.

You know, even their tribe doesn't know how to do these two extremely precious things.

The tribe in front of us exchanged these two things from their tribe before. If they could make it out by themselves before, they would not exchange food or other things with their tribe, but should be the same as they are now. It's shameful to be proud.

The language between the two tribes is not clear. The hump-backed primitive people communicated with the leader of the tribe for a long time, and after paying half a gourd of salt soil, they finally learned the origin of these two extremely precious things.

As he had thought before, such a precious thing was really not something the tribe in front of him could make, but it was also exchanged for food from the rest of the tribe.

That tribe, like them, is also carrying the two precious things in exchange for food.

Just as this tribe doesn't know where its tribe comes from and where it's going to go, people in this tribe don't know where the tribe that trades with them with precious things comes from.

However, one difference is that the people of that tribe do not have large livestock. One way they transport goods is to carry the goods on their backs, and the other is to tie the goods to flat sticks and then carry them on their backs...

The humpbacked primitive people carried their goods and left the tribe with large livestock belonging to their tribe.

This time, not only did they fail to get the food they thought about from this tribe, on the contrary, in order to get news of that mysterious tribe, they also paid half a gourd of salt.

Such things have never happened in their previous exchanges.

The humpback primitive man with a large beast carrying something in one hand and a sharp weapon in the other turned his head and looked behind.

The people of this tribe raised their heads higher, facing the direction they left.

The hump-backed primitive people who watched this scene wanted to take the people back, and they would give the people of this tribe a good meal with their weapons, or kill them directly, and grab the two precious things. go.

However, he still suppressed this impulse.

This is not only because he understands the behavior of these people very well. If their tribe can possess these two things, when facing a tribe that is much stronger than his own tribe, he will also have his head taller. The rise of the people may be higher than these people.

More importantly, the priests of the tribe have told them more than once that when they exchanged outside, as long as the people of the other tribes do not actively attack their tribe and do not do things harmful to their tribe, they cannot take the initiative to do so. Attack the remaining tribes.

The hunched primitive man knew the reason for this.

The way their tribes get a lot of food is different from the way many tribes get food.

The rest of the tribes get food mostly from trees, grasses, or hunting, while their tribes need to get food from other tribes.

These tribes are just like fruit trees that bear fruit. If a fruit tree is killed, they will no longer be able to get fruit from this tree.

If they don’t kill their people and destroy this tribe, their tribe relies on pottery and salt to obtain a lot of things from these tribes, time and time again.

This is the wisdom of their survival and the biggest reason why their tribes are better than most tribes they have ever seen.

When many things are connected with survival, people will pay more attention. Under such circumstances, people tend to become smarter and more persevering, such as the hunched primitive people and their tribes.

Under the influence of their stomachs or life, they got the wisdom of life that suits them forcibly...

The humpbacked primitives left with their team and headed to the other tribes they knew in the area.

Compared with the pure happiness before, the team at this time is not as happy as before.

Most people are still thinking about the amazing things they saw in that tribe not just before.

They are using words they can imagine to describe the beauty of those two things.

Some people are still wondering how good they would be if they could get something like that.

Only the hump-backed primitive man and a few other people are worried about what looks extremely beautiful.

Their tribe relies on two things, pottery and salt, to obtain food, but now they have encountered better ones, resulting in the fact that the things carried by their tribe did not get food in this tribe.

This is not very good news for their tribe.

The humpbacked primitive people are even worried, if there are more tribes like the tribe they just left, what should their tribe do in the future.

I have to say that there are always few smart people, and most people are just ordinary people.

Looking at things can’t be long-term, and often you can only see what you see in front of you.

As for what is represented behind what they see, it is not within their consideration.

With different moods, everyone came to another tribe after a few days of walking.

What the humpbacked primitive people worried about did not happen.

After seeing them coming, the tribe remained as enthusiastic as before.

This gave the hunched primitive man a long sigh of relief.

After some exchanges, the hunched primitives got up from here, took their things, and headed towards the rest of the tribe...

As time passed, some small shoots appeared on the bare leaves, and the green in the withered grass gradually increased and became thicker.

The humpbacked old primitives took their team and began to return.

Compared with the past, their tribe’s transaction took longer.

This is mainly because the three tribes that are expected to trade for their tribes have passed the rest to get better pottery and salt.

This caused them to run more tribes before they exchanged all the things they carried.

The spring mood is getting stronger and stronger, and the people in the team are getting more and more restless, but the hunched primitive people don't seem to have such vitality.

Even if the female primitives with wreaths in the team have passed by him more than once, he still has no extra interest in doing anything.

This is because he is already older and has experienced more of these things, and the demand for these things is far from strong before.

More importantly, I was thinking about what I encountered this time.

It's not that I feel distressed because of the extra time spent. For them, time is the least valuable.

But thinking about the exquisite pottery and delicious salt, and those who own these things and exchange them with other tribes.

This time, they did not meet those who did this thing.


After thinking about it for a while, this humpbacked primitive man said aloud~www.NovelMTL.com~ which means to let everyone do less of the rest and put more energy on the road, those things that don’t matter. , Wait until the rest begins, he wants to take the people and rush back to the tribe sooner.

What he encountered this time completely exceeded his expectations. He had never encountered such a situation before in the tribe, and he couldn't figure out how to deal with these things.

That's why he wants people to hurry up.

Returning to the tribe earlier, he could see the priests in the tribe earlier and tell him these things so that he could come up with ideas.

The priest is so intelligent, he must know how his tribe should deal with these situations that have never been encountered before...

The two donkeys were put on the wooden rake made by the cat's ears and others, and then started to move forward with the hooves of the second brother.

The rake teeth pressed into the ground that had been planed again, and moved forward with the donkey.

Some of the soil blocks that were not completely broken during the wasteland reclamation were crushed by the rake teeth, and the other part was crushed by the horizontal wooden edge of the rake.

This piece of land was very meticulously handled by Han Cheng. After the second brother drove the donkey and raked the ground several times, Han Cheng carried a small dumpling and ran it through it several times, as much as possible. The pieces are finely broken, and the ground is leveled.

In this piece of land, the feces of sheep and donkeys are also mixed.

The reason for the meticulousness is that after waiting for Han Chenggong to cultivate seedlings on this land.

This matter is not sloppy at all, and you can't be too careful.

Handle the land carefully, and the two half-cylinders of rice with shells in the inner courtyard of Jinguan City have also soaked a lot...


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