I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 930: Everything has changed (2 in 1)

Han Cheng’s thoughts were not wrong at all. There are tall mountains blocking each other. The temperature in Jinguan City is much higher than that in the Green Bird Tribe. This can be seen from the ice that can be broken with a little hand. Can be easily derived.

Until now, there have been only two snows here.

And the snow was not too big, only a thin layer, and it quickly melted away.

After spending a winter here in person, Han Cheng finally felt completely relieved.

Time passed quietly, and during the work of everyone in the Qingque tribe, the temperature had begun to rise slowly without knowing when.

People have not felt anything yet, but the growing plants have already sensed the breath of spring hidden in the cold.

Separate a piece of dry grass with your feet, the roots of the grass are already a little green.

Han Cheng stretched his arms vigorously to cheer for himself.

Spring is here, and the distance to plant rice will be getting closer and closer, so I and others must speed up the pace of cleaning up the rice fields...

A group of people are walking among the grass and trees. During the walking, some people will bend down to pick some flowers that are rarely seen in this season and put them in their hair to make themselves look more beautiful.

Everyone has the love of beauty, from ancient times to the future.

It's just that later people do more exaggerated.

Under the bombardment of several big witchcrafts, a shaggy young man can become a beautiful girl after he comes back. A dozen-year-old aunt can even become a little loli who has fascinated countless people. ...

If you can know the tricks of these later generations in advance, the female primitives who have inserted some flowers in their hair, and then constantly wandered around in front of the other male primitives, showing their beauty, will surely be surprised by the mess. Hair that looks a little curly is straightened.

There are a lot of people in this group, there are as many as fifty or sixty.

They also carry a lot of things, and almost everyone has something to carry.

Not only on them, but also on some of the large animals that were led forward by some of them, they were also **** with many things.

These things have fur, food, and of course, the pottery that they value most and the salty soil that can make food incredibly delicious, as long as people can't refuse it!

They attached great importance to these two things. Someone accidentally fell while walking, and they all fell as far as possible, letting themselves land first, so as not to damage the precious things they carried behind their backs.

Of course they cherish these things incomparably, because they can use them to easily exchange for many things from other tribes.

It is also by virtue of these things that their tribe will be richer than most tribes they have seen.

The weather is still relatively cold, and their faces and hands are very rough when driving in such weather for a long time.

Many people's hands and faces have been frozen with some small holes.

But everyone's emotions seemed very high.

This is not only because some of them are already accustomed to this kind of life. For them, it is not in the eyes, nor is it only because the female primitives among the peers bring the flowers here to continuously turn the atmosphere and attract For their minds, the more important reason is that they only need to walk for a while before they can walk to a tribe that has exchanged things with their tribe.

They haven't been here for a long time in this area. Even if the salt soil that these tribes exchanged from themselves and others had not been eaten, there was not much left.

You don't need to think too much. Based on past experience, you can know that you and others will be greatly welcomed by them this time, and by the way, they will replace the food they have accumulated for a long time.

Pottery may not be bad for use, but the delicious salty soil, even if you save it when you eat it, there will be a day when it will be eaten.

This is the experience they have gained after doing this for a long time.

Another experience is that the longer they usually pass, when they come again, they can get more things from the tribes they exchanged before.

It's a reason to go with their tribe to gather and dig wild vegetables.

If you go to the same place too frequently, you will get less wild vegetables from that place at one time. If you go again after a while, you can get a lot of wild vegetables from that place at once...

As the people walked, some of the yellow grass was broken and broken by them, and a lot of vegetation seeds were stuck on everyone's body and the animals they were holding.

The seeds of these plants are extremely sticky, some of which are not very sticky, and will fall to the ground after a while.

After a while, if you encounter the right water and temperature, and if you are lucky enough to wait for a ray of sunlight, it will take root and sprout here, and eventually become a new plant...


The withered grass appeared to be much lower than elsewhere. There was a dark hole on a bulging mountain peak. This was the cave where the tribe they were going to lived in.

Around the cave, there were some people scattered. Some adults were leaning on rocks or vegetation, seeming to be lazily basking in the sunlight from the sky.

Some small minors are chasing and frolicking there, everything looks so beautiful.

The leader of the team was a primitive male who was a little older and had some wrinkles on his face.

He was carrying something on his back, I don't know if it was caused by carrying things on his back for many years, or because of something else.

However, even if it is a bit packed, it looks stronger.

He held a piece of wood in his hand, and the other end of the wood contained something dazzling in the sun.

He walked in the forefront, and after seeing the cave and the people staying near the cave, he yelled.

This is to tell the other party that they are coming.

On the one hand, these people can be prepared in their hearts so as not to be too flustered and treat them as enemies. On the other hand, they can quickly prepare food and other things in exchange for the good things they carry.

Just as he imagined, after making this yell, those who heard the movement stood up and looked towards them, thinking about the various things that are coming, he took the people and accelerated his pace. Walk towards this tribe.

But unlike usual, this tribe did not greet them with joy after hearing their shouts and seeing their group of people.

However, such things were ignored by the hunched male primitives.

They were thinking of a good harvest, but they accelerated their pace and headed there with joy.


It didn't take too long for them to come to the place where this tribe was.

The hunched primitive man smiled and said something that the people of this tribe could not understand, and then gave the leader of the tribe a hug.

Two fleas took advantage of this opportunity to exchange the positions of their respective owners, ready to change their tastes.

During this time, the hump-backed primitive people had removed the things they were carrying, or the animals, and placed a piece of it.

Among them, pottery and some saline soil filled with gourds or other things are placed in the most conspicuous place.

After all, in general, these two things are what these people need most.

The humpbacked primitive man let go of the leader of the tribe, then turned around and smiled and pointed his finger at the goods they placed here.

It was until this time that the humpbacked primitive man discovered something wrong.

In the past, after placing things here, without inviting the leaders of this tribe, they would be like the other tribe leaders I met, surrounded with excitement and people from their tribe, to see myself and others. Brought over.

But now, even in the face of his own invitation, the leaders of this tribe and the people of their tribe have no intention of looking in the past.

This situation made the hunched primitive man a little startled.

Among the tribes that had exchanged with their tribe, he had never encountered such a situation.

After deeply experiencing the beauty of the things carried by my own tribe, I saw them again and the things they carried. It was so indifferent, and the tribe in front of me was the first one.

How is this going?

Is the things carried by your tribe not good enough?

He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, then turned his head to look at what his tribe had brought this time.

It's no different from before!

The things that my tribe brings are still so exquisite, and they look so attractive. Why are the people in this tribe indifferent?

They weren't like this before.

Could it be that the things that I had exchanged from my tribe in the previous time have not been eaten?

The humpbacked primitive thought so.

Although I feel that after such a long period of time, the people of this tribe may not have finished eating, but now it seems that there is only one reason that can explain the current situation.

In addition, he really didn't want to understand how strange this tribe's reaction would be.


The humpbacked primitive man spoke again, pointed at the pottery and salt soil they had brought, and made an exchange gesture that both sides could understand.

Then he looked at the leader of the tribe in front of him hopefully, wanting to see him as before, taking out things to exchange for their tribe.

However, something extremely disappointing happened to him.

Even if he had already expressed the matter very clearly, the tribal leader in front of him was still indifferent to his invitation.

Not only that, this time after looking at the things brought by his tribe, the guy in front of him actually shook his head vigorously.

Not only the leader of this tribe, many people in this tribe shook their heads vigorously with their leader.

The hunched old primitive people couldn't believe their eyes.

The people who came with him also couldn't believe their eyes.

They were completely stunned by the strange operations of these people.

Do these people in front of you know what they mean now?

At this moment, I shook my head so hard, when I waited for someone to leave, they would have no way to exchange these precious things!

Under the dizzy gaze of the hunched primitives and others, the leader of the tribe turned and returned to the cave.

Due to the fact that his body was too straight and his head was raised too high, when the leader of this tribe entered the cave, he bumped his forehead onto the mouth of the cave.

Standing in place, he shook his head that was dizzy and a little red. The leader of this tribe didn't dare to raise his head so high, bent down a little, rubbed his head and got into the cave.

Such a funny scene originally was able to make many people laugh.

At least the humpback primitives who like to laugh must laugh out loud.

But now he didn't mean to smile at all.

This is not only because the reaction of the people of this tribe makes him feel strange ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ More importantly, the tribe leader who hit his forehead has already emerged from the cave.

Of course it wasn't because he didn't think it was good to laugh in front of others, but because he had already seen what was held in the arms of the leader with a pimple on his forehead.

The eyes of the hunched-backed older primitive man were wide, and everyone who came with him widened.

Their eyes were all attracted by the thing that the tribe leader held out, and moved with his movement.

After the leader of this tribe saw their reaction from the hump-backed primitive people, let alone the triumphant energy.

In the past, people from this tribe in front of them were proud of them with pottery and salt. Now it is their turn to be proud of them.

Even if a pimple had just been knocked out on his forehead, the leader of this tribe couldn't help but raise his head high.

The people in his tribe all followed their leader's way, pushing their chests up vigorously and raising their heads high, looking a little funny.

But they all maintained this posture and refused to change their looks.

He carefully placed the exquisite pottery he was holding on the ground, and there was also a gourd on the ground.

The pottery is very large and round, without any gaps, and looks extremely beautiful.

The hump-backed primitive man stretched out his fingers and touched the pottery carefully with his hand, seeming to be unbelievable.

The leader of this tribe quickly reached out and wiped the place where the hump-backed primitive man had touched with his hand. He was afraid that the precious pottery would be damaged or touched by the hump-backed primitive man...


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