I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 924: White pottery (2 in 1)

Under the gaze of the older female primitives and their expectation, Han Cheng ordered the trade, and brought a hook from a distance.

The middle part of the hook has become smooth and shiny because it is often worn on the shoulders and the back of the neck.

Looking at the smiling Maao and the flat, strange-looking stick in his hand, the older female primitive people seemed very puzzled, and they felt confused.

They couldn't understand how to use this strange stick in order to solve the difficulties they encountered.

This kind of stick is flattened, and two wooden hooks are tied with rope on both ends of the stick.

But even so, can't solve the problems they encountered?

What they need to solve is the problem of how to transport as many things as possible at one time, things like sticks, but they can’t hold things...

The older female primitives looked suspicious, and Mao looked in his eyes and couldn't help but smile to himself.

I feel very honored to have a son in my tribe.

He didn't explain much to the older primitive women. It was not easy to explain it clearly.

Instead, they brought the fish cages that were magically used by the older female primitives.

Then began to put rice into the two fish cages padded with leather.

After it was full, the two fish cages were placed separately, and then the hooks were picked up and placed horizontally on the shoulders, holding a hook in one hand, and they hooked the ropes on the mouths of the two fish cages very skillfully.

Then he straightened up, and the two fish cages filled with rice that were hooked by the hooks also moved off the ground.

After doing this, Mao began to move around.

As the trader walked, the softer hook and shoulder jumped gently.

The pace of trade also moves with this rhythm of beating up and down, which looks very rhythmic.

Of course, this is not to look good, but to save energy to the greatest extent.

After holding the shoulder horizontally for a while, Mao switched it to his right shoulder and walked with a single shoulder. The hook also changed from horizontal to vertical.

After walking around in a circle in the yard for a while, Mao replaced it on his left shoulder.

After the two fish cages filled with rice were carried by Maodan with a hook, the older female primitives and their doubts disappeared in an instant, and each of them was full of a sudden sense of clarity.

At the same time I felt that I was suddenly enlightened, I also felt deep admiration for the wisdom of the Qingque tribe.

It turns out that this strange stick is used like this!

It turns out that the solution to this problem is so simple!

Didn't you remember such a simple way when you waited for someone?

With this kind of mood, the older female primitives just walked around the circle with the millet on a hook and shoulder, and they refused to move their eyes for a moment.

"you try."

The familiar trader who has already played with the hook and shoulders, in front of the older female primitives, showed off his very proficient skills in carrying the load, and then gently put the load down and smiled to the old man. Some primitive women said.

While talking about this, he pushed the hooks that hooked the two fish cages toward the older female primitive.

The older female primitives naturally can't understand what Mao said, but they can understand Mao's movements.

So she looked nervous and novel and took the load from Mao's hands, and then she was very rusty after learning Mao, bending over and placing the load horizontally behind her neck, and then straightened up.

As she stood up, the two fish cages with rice also moved off the ground.

The older primitive women who saw such a scene were delighted.

What made her even more delightful was still behind. After standing on the spot for a while with the load, she experienced the benefits of this simple tool.

Using this tool, not only can you transport a lot of things at once, but it is also very easy, far less heavy than I thought before.

On the shoulders, the weight of the millet in the two fish cages seems to be about the same as the weight of a fish cage when it was held by hands before.

This makes the older female primitives extremely surprised.

This principle is actually very simple, that is, the strength of the arm is not as great as the strength of the whole person.

It feels heavier to carry something of the same weight with your hands. After you put it on your shoulders, you immediately feel very relaxed.

After standing here for a while and feeling the usefulness of this new tool, the older primitive women began to tentatively move forward.

Then something that made her feel uncomfortable happened. It was very stable on Mao’s shoulders, as if it were a general burden growing on it. As she moved, it immediately swayed back and forth uncontrollably, with a very wide range. Big, the older female primitives were swayed and almost made them fall, even the rice in the fish cage was scattered.

Such unexpected things made the older primitive females hurriedly stand there, and dare not walk around anymore, just like seeing the oranges.

At the same time, he looked at Mao, who was standing not far away, with a look of confusion and confusion, with some plea for help.

She really didn't understand why such a good thing would be impossible when it came to her.

Mao is an enthusiastic person. After seeing the older female primitive looking for help, he took the initiative to explain, and taught her how to carry the burden.

Han Cheng, who was standing not far away, couldn't help sniffing after seeing such a harmonious scene.

Fortunately, this guy Mao is living in this era, otherwise he is definitely a model for helping widows carry water...

After completing the exchange, I learned some techniques for carrying burdens. After I became more familiar with burdens, the time was not so early. The older female primitives did not leave in this line, but stayed here for one night. , They were placed in the slave hut outside the inner courtyard by Han Cheng.

The tribe where the older female primitives belonged, in addition to regularly holding joyous parties and other things, met other tribes, if time permits, they will take some other actions.

As a result, the singing in the slave hut that night seemed particularly loud.

Of course, before doing such a sacred thing, the people of the Qingque tribe boiled water and let the older primitive women and the group wash them.

The people of the Qingque tribe, under the leadership of Han Cheng, this **** son, are very particular about hygiene.

Han Cheng naturally knew about this. He had been away from the tribe for so long. To be honest, he was also a little uncomfortable. However, after carefully recalling the dignity of the older female primitives and their line, the fire that just ignited was very It will automatically go out soon...

Early the next morning, the older female primitives left Jinguan City with the things they exchanged and returned along the way.

Among them, the older female primitive and three others carried a kind-hearted blue bird tribe on their shoulders, and they were generously gifted to them.

On the wooden hook of the bail hang precious pottery tightly bound with thick straw rope twisted with straw.

The older female primitives looked back from time to time as they walked forward, looking a little reluctant.

It is so comfortable to live here in the mysterious Qingque tribe. The kind-hearted people have plenty of food to make them full.

Before leaving, Mao used his method to communicate with the older female primitives some news about the exchange and the unknown tribe.

Compared with the past, the communication between the two has become smoother and tacit...

After the older female primitives left their business, Han Cheng and others continued their work before opening up paddy fields to prepare for the next year's cultivation.

After working here for a while with the copper shovel, Han Cheng straightened up his waist and rested slightly with his hand on the copper shovel handle, staring in the direction where the older primitive females left.

It's not that after the older female primitives left, Han Cheng began to regret the reserved behavior he made last night, but to think about the news of the unknown tribe that also had bronze and other things.

This time, the older primitive women did not bring news about that tribe, because they never met.

The tribe they went to exchange, and that tribe did not exchange it recently.

This matter, come slowly.

After Han Cheng pondered for a while, the whole person also recovered a little bit. Even after spitting some saliva into the palm of his hand, he rubbed his hands vigorously against each other, and then he held the smooth wooden handle of the copper shovel and continued to work.

Originally holding a slippery wooden handle that was not easy to exert, after encountering saliva, the friction immediately increased a lot, making it easier to handle...

As the weather became cold day by day, the leaves of the apricot and peach trees in the Green Bird Tribe had already withered, leaving only bare branches.

Looking around, only the bamboo forest and dozens of pine seedlings transplanted from the Tongfu Inn remain green, but the color of the leaves has also become darker.

Most of the fields developed around the tribe are bare. Only the fields where rape, a crop that can survive the winter, does not appear so monotonous and desolate.

Heiwa and some other people stayed here near the brick kiln outside the tribe.

These people are mainly from pottery workshops.

In front of them, there is a kiln with a smaller specification that is different from the brick kiln.

This kind of kiln with simple structure is common in Qingque tribe, which basically uses such kilns for pottery.

Heiwa stretched out her hand and touched the wall of the kiln for a while without feeling any temperature. She took a small notebook and looked at the date written on it. After thinking about it, she decided to open the kiln.

Without letting others do it, he opened the kiln by himself.

With the opening of the kiln, there was a small amount of dust flying up from the inside, but Heiwa ignored the flying dust, but immediately squinted into the opened kiln.

White leaked out from the open kiln mouth, and Heiwa's heart couldn't help beating.

He took a deep breath and calmed the agitated mood a little bit. He reached for the kiln entrance and felt the temperature again. There was no scorching heat, only a slightly higher temperature than outside.

Dang Even reached out and reached inside, touched the white utensil on the side, and took it out of it carefully.

After Heiwa stretched out his hand to take it out of it, the onlookers on the side all cast their eyes on the device.

Including the two giants of the Qingque tribe, Wu and Big Brother.

This is an ordinary bowl.

However, the big difference from the bowl commonly found in the Qingque tribe is that the bowl that was just taken out of the kiln by the black baby is white all over and looks very unique.

This is fired from kaolin.

In fact, some of these white utensils have appeared in the Qingque tribe.

Ever since the people of the Xi tribe ate kaolin by mistake, they were cured by the enthusiastic Tietou tribe with dung scoops, and they knew from the wise **** son that this kind of white clay can be burned more than pottery After the more beautiful porcelain, Heiwa, who likes to make pottery, is already trying to make porcelain with this white soil called kaolin.

Some of the white pottery currently owned by the tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ is the by-product of Heiwa's groping and firing of porcelain during this period of time.

Holding this white utensil in his hand, Heiwa's eyes fell on it impatiently.

But soon, this look full of expectation became disappointed again, and the excitement became lost.

After watching this for a while, he bent his fingers and bounced against the white bowl in his hand.

"When, when, when..."

Along with his movements, he was bounced into the white bowl and there was a sound.

After hearing this voice, Heiwa's disappointment became more intense.

Because this bowl made of kaolin is no different from other utensils made of kaolin in the past, not only is it rougher, but the sound when it is struck is also dull and urn.

The pottery that was previously fired in the tribe, flicked with your fingers, or tapped lightly with other things, made a sound similar to this white bowl.

Before leaving the tribe to develop Jinguan City, Shenzi once told him that the porcelain is not only smooth and delicate, but also very tough. If you flick it with your fingers or tap it lightly with other instruments, the sound is clear and sweet. .

Now, the bowl was fired with kaolin again, and it did not achieve what the **** child described. In other words, this firing failed again.

What I fired with kaolin is not porcelain, but white pottery.

Put the white pottery bowl on the ground, Heiwa then took the burned utensils from the kiln.

After a while, all the fifteen white utensils in the one-size kiln were taken out...


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