I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 923: The cunning place of the traverser (2 in 1)

After thinking of the wise **** child in the mysterious Qingque tribe, the older primitive females became full of expectations and very confident.

Through this kind of contact, they unwittingly developed some dependence on the mysterious Qingque tribe. After encountering problems, they would involuntarily think of them, and they naturally put their tribe into the Qingque tribe. the following.

With this feeling, the older female primitives stepped on the grass that has turned yellow but has not yet completely turned yellow, and they walked forward, getting closer and closer to the place where the mysterious Qingque tribe lives in their memory. .



After seeing the place where the mysterious Qingque tribe lives, the older female primitives suddenly let out a cry of exclamation, their eyes widened, their mouths wide open, and their faces were all incredulous. , Which is similar to the reaction of people who see ghosts in later generations.

Even though they had seen the terrifying and earth-changing ability of some members of the Blue Sparrow tribe during the few days they had stayed here, at this moment, all of them who came here again were shocked.

Originally, on the opposite side of the water was a relatively flat highland, where there was nothing except some grass and some trees that did not grow very tall.

When they came before, there was an extra weird cave on it. Now when they come again, there is an extra weird hill!

If it was before, they would still think that this weird mountain grew by themselves, but now they don't think so.

Because when they hadn't left here last time, people from the mysterious Qingque tribe dug a lot of ditches on the hill.

Everything I saw and understood at the time was telling them that the things that appeared before them were not grown by themselves, but built by the mysterious Qingque tribe people!

It is precisely because of this that they will be so shocked.

How could such a mountain-like thing be built by humans?

They could barely accept the weird cave, but during the time they left, this weird hill rose from the ground, even if they had already seen some of the blue sparrow tribe’s methods before, it still remained at this time. Full of incredible.


After this sluggishness lasted for a while, the older female primitive felt that her cheeks were a little stiff, so she closed her mouth, rubbed her cheeks with her hands, and shook her stiff neck, ready to divert her attention. , Look elsewhere to alleviate this strong impact.

Then her gaze swept across the waters between her and others and the mysterious blue bird tribe on the other side.

At the beginning, the older primitive woman didn't care much, but then her eyes became dull again.

She had just recovered her flexible neck, as if she had never seen iron rust.

She twisted her neck slowly, her sluggish eyes slowly sweeping over the water before her, moving to the distance.

Where is there any water in front of me? Only a few crooked, wide and narrow gutters flowed downward, and the rest became dry.

The various waterbirds that lived in this place in the past have basically disappeared.

Looking further down the place where the appearance has changed dramatically, many people belonging to the Qingque tribe are scattered there.

Holding in their hands the tools that look a little dazzling in the sunlight, they are constantly doing work that they can't understand or understand the meaning of.

But whether you can read it or not, the older female primitives know that this huge astonishing change in front of them was made by the mysterious Qingque tribe!

Her exclamation drew more people back from the shock of the mountain built by the people of the Qingque tribe.

They looked dumbfounded, and they looked at the older primitive female who had a huge reaction. After seeing the older female primitive finger pointing to the water in front of them, they looked in the direction of her finger, and then These people all fell into a deeper shock.

What kind of tribe is this?

Why are the same people, but they have such incredible abilities, able to do such shocking things!

The older female primitives, after being in shock and disorder for a long time, finally gathered the courage and walked down the slope, and came to the ground that has changed greatly after the transformation of the Qingque tribe. , Appeared to be a little cautiously stepping on the soil and the dead water plants growing on it, and walked towards the people of the Qingque tribe who were working below.

Han Cheng, holding the polished copper shovel with a wooden handle in his hand, stopped working and looked at the older primitive women who came to them with food on their backs, with smiles on their faces.

Of course he was happy. After all, these people came here to give them food, and they could also learn more about things around here.


The older female primitive came to Han Cheng and the others who had walked out of the mud, and began to speak some words and make some gestures.

Compared with the last time, the attitude is more respectful.

The others did not speak, but when facing the people of the Qingque tribe, their attitude was as respectful as the older female primitives.

The Qingque tribe's first fancy translators trade has already been prepared, and they have begun to have in-depth exchanges with older female primitives here.

After such things lasted for a while, some people were left here to continue digging the canal. Han Cheng, Mao, and another part of the Qingque tribe took tools and led the older female primitives. The party headed towards Jinguan City, which was built.

Standing in the tall inner courtyard of Jinguan City, the older female primitives were all shocked.

It was not until this time that they knew that something like this mountain was actually built by the mysterious Qingque tribe to live in!

Although I have never seen such a strange cave before, let alone live in such a strange cave, but looking at the tall, mountain-like things surrounding the surroundings, the older female primitives are inexplicable. A strong sense of security is raised.


Mao did not urge, but stood here with Han Cheng and the others, smilingly looking at the older female primitives. They looked shockedly at the Jinguancheng inner courtyard built by themselves and others with a lot of effort. .

After waiting for a while, and seeing that they were seeing almost the same, they began to lead them to a place in the courtyard.

This is a hayloft built of wood and grass, and all kinds of pottery are placed under the hayloft.

Both the quantity and style of pottery are very large.

Far beyond what they saw the last time they came.

Undoubtedly, this kind of big work once again deeply shocked the older female primitives.

They only think that after the last exchange, the pottery of the mysterious Qingque tribe will be reduced, and on the way, they are still worried that after trade again and again, they will take all the precious pottery owned by the Qingque tribe. What should they do if they are all exchanged? How will they carry out this exchange in the future? How can they exchange food from the rest of the tribe through such a thing.

But now, after coming to the mysterious Qingque tribe, they knew that their worries were unnecessary.

The pottery of the Qingque tribe not only has not decreased, but has also increased a lot!


The older female primitives danced with excitement and asked Mao why pottery would increase.

After Mao understood, he smiled and told her that his tribe can make pottery.

The older primitive women were even more surprised by such things.

Shouldn't such precious and exquisite things be born?

How can it be built by humans?

People, really have such great ability?

Such doubts did not last long, and they were all eliminated.

Their gazes turned to the tall and thick caves with mountain walls around them, and they remembered the waters that had undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the rest of the tribes said that the precious pottery was made by humans, the older female primitives would not believe anything, but now they are told about this, and they have made so many incredible things. The mysterious tribe of things, it can't help but they don't believe it.


After the older primitive woman recovered from the surprise, she began to speak with excitement.

After conveying her thoughts, she and the people of her tribe who understood what she meant, couldn’t help holding their breaths, looking at Mao with anticipation and tension, and the mysterious person standing next to Mao. People who the tribe calls the Son of God.

"Want to see how to make pottery?"

Han Cheng repeated the meaning of the older female primitives that Mao had translated, and couldn't help but smile.

How is this possible? My tribe still wants to use these things and continue to exchange for things. How could it be possible for you to see the production method?

This is today, but it can be called the core secret existence of the tribe.

"No, tell them that only the talents of our tribe can watch and learn how to make pottery. If they really want to watch how to make pottery, they can choose to join our tribe.

This way not only can you watch, you can also learn how to make pottery. "

Han Cheng said to Mao with a smile.

So Mao began to convey Han Cheng's meaning to them. After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, the older female primitive heart couldn't help but beat violently.

For her, who knows how precious pottery is, learning how to make pottery is extremely tempting.

She even wanted to agree to the matter in one bite.

But this impulse was finally suppressed slowly when thinking of his tribe halfway up the mountain.

She can't do such a thing.

He already has a tribe, and he can no longer join the mysterious tribe in front of him.

Although the mysterious blue bird tribe in front of you looks so powerful and rich, and after joining, you can learn the magical pottery making...

After hesitating for a while, the older primitive woman shook her head resolutely.

This should be the most correct choice, but I don’t know why. After shook his head, the older primitive women suddenly became no longer beautiful, as if they suddenly lost something important. Things are average.

Han Cheng was not surprised by the older female primitives making such a choice. He had seen too many similar things.

And the main reason why he said this just now was to stop the older female primitives, and make them convinced, nothing to say-this is not our tribe's stingy, not letting you learn. The road has been laid out here for you, but you are not willing to learn...

Well, this is the cunning of the traverser.

Although it is a bit unkind to play with generally simple primitive people, but sometimes, they have to do so.

After all, it is impossible to do everything in this world. Hello, me, everyone.

After this episode, the older female primitives began to exchange the food they brought.

According to Han Cheng's request, most of the food they brought this time was rice.

There was the last transaction method, so this time the exchange did not last too long. The only place that took more time was that there were too many pottery placed here. The older female primitives were picky and appeared. Difficulty in choice.

After these things were done, the older primitive women began to tell Mao about the difficulties they encountered.

This difficulty is how to carry as many goods and exchanged food as possible at once. They want a solution from the Qingque tribe.

After expressing this meaning ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the older female primitives looked a little nervous at Mao and Han Cheng, and they became nervous.

It was not that they were worried that the people of the mysterious Qingque tribe would not be able to solve this problem, but that they would say again that they needed to wait for someone to join the Qingque tribe before they would tell themselves what they should do.

After knowing what the older female primitives said through the trade, Han Cheng was not embarrassed this time, but generously sacrificed the hook-dan, something that had already appeared in his tribe. .

In this matter, Han Cheng did not hesitate.

On the one hand, it’s because this kind of thing doesn’t involve the core secrets of your own tribe, so it’s okay to spread some out.

On the other hand, the older female primitives and their profession are equivalent to working for their own tribe, and while earning food for their own tribe, they can also bring some news about other tribes.

To put it bluntly, to help the older primitive women is to help their own tribe.


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