I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 925: Birdman Stone (2 in 1)

Seeing the 15 neatly arranged white pottery in front of her, Heiwa was disappointed.

After inspection, none of the fifteen bowls, basins, jars, cups and other things made of kaolin were qualified, and all of them were white pottery.

This time, compared to the previous time, he burned for a full day, but the result was disappointing as usual.

Compared with the white pottery fired before, these things that have been burned for a day longer have not changed significantly.

The witch standing aside, seeing Heiwa's look, came over and patted his shoulder.

"Don't be sad, it doesn't matter if our tribe uses pottery, it's still a long time, you can burn it slowly."

Wu smiled and said to Heiwa.

Since the death of Huo I and Huo 2, Wu has naturally become the oldest person in the tribe.

Although Heiwa had grown up and had a few children, he was still a young man in Wu's eyes.

After hearing what Wu said, Heiwa couldn't help but smiled and nodded to Wu.

He just saw that the kaolin was fired into pottery again by himself and was somewhat lost.

This kind of loss will not last for long, and he will gather energy to do it again.

After so many years, he may still lack other things, but he is not lacking in this kind of tenacity.

If this were not the case, he would not have achieved what he is today.

When Wu saw Hei Wa say this, he nodded in satisfaction, and he was very pleased with a child to teach.

After the kiln was opened, most of the Qingque tribe who had witnessed the results here dispersed.

They have other things to do and cannot possibly stay here for a long time.

At this time, although there are no crops to serve, the rest is not much work.

Collect firewood, store fuel for the winter, scatter the accumulated dung in the ground, and carry out some wasteland reclamation and land ploughing in preparation for spring plowing in the coming year.

This is how the life of farming is. Regardless of whether it is busy or slack, there are always endless tasks for people to do.

The women of the tribe are not idle either. Some people gather food, some pound the grain at the small river, and some people make thin ropes of hemp that has been stripped and washed and dried. Prepare for the following weaving.

The leeward of the wall is covered with straw mats woven from millet stalks, on which are nitrated fur, some linen cloth, needles, knives, bronze thimbles, awls and other tools.

The dexterous women of the tribe gathered here, sewing clothes, hats, and footwear stitch by stitch, preparing for the coming cold weather.

Around them, there are also some movable cradles, in which little babies lie.

Some babies are asleep here, the soft breathing points on the top of their heads move gently up and down with their breathing, and some babies play here with their sullen eyes sucking their fingers.

The primitive female who was holding a child who belonged to the one-eyed tribe and was named Yu by Han Cheng was also in the ranks of sewing clothes, hats and other things.

Don't look at Yu Yu who has a body that is no less than strong, like a flower, and they are strong like a man, but in fact they have a pair of dexterous hands.

Although the time to join the Qingque tribe is not long, she is already able to do these tasks well.

Not far from Yu's side, there is also a small cradle. She said that she would not let go of anything before and gave her life to defend the little baby, now lying in it.


The sleeping little girl woke up from her sleep and lay there playing with her sullen eyes for a while. Before she saw her mother, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth without teeth. When I started crying, my two calves were still kicking.

The cry of the little guy awakened a few babies who were also sleeping, so there was a cry of crying.

When he put down the awl and soft fur in his hand, he got up and picked up the crying little guy, then he clasped his clothes around and started feeding the child.

The other women who did needlework here also got up and started doing things similar to Yu Yu.

Looking at the little girl who was greedily eating ready-made food in her arms, all her faces were smiles.

Compared with the previous time, the little baby has grown a whole circle, and there is meat on his whole body.

This growth rate is almost as good as that of soybeans soaked in water.

Feeding the child, Yu turned her head and looked around. Looking at everything around her, the smile on her face became more intense.

The quiet, comfortable and prosperous life in front of her was something she had never imagined before.

Without thinking about it, she knew that she really liked the life she is now.

Holding the child, she once again sighed with her good fortune. If it were not for that accident, she would have said that nothing would be possible to meet the tribe today and live the current life!

After feeding the baby, Yu put the baby back in the cradle, and she sat back to where she had not finished.

The full baby is very honest, does not cry while lying there, and plays with his fingers by himself.

When I was sewing the clothes, I looked up at the little baby after a while, and the smile on his face never disappeared.

She is so fascinated and cherished for the current life. If anyone wants to break this life and want to be detrimental to their blue sparrow tribe, she will definitely work hard for them and will be able to hold what they have The pendant pierced into the body of the person who wanted to do this!

In the early winter before the snowfall, the sun was shining down and warmly shining, everything seemed so quiet and fascinating.

Of course, the black baby who squatted on the edge of the kiln with his head in his arms and looked at the kiln was stupefied and could not feel this tranquility.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to make things made of kaolin and burn them into the porcelain that God said.

Previous experiments have shown that prolonging the fire time is not enough, and the pottery produced by this method is still pottery, not the porcelain that the **** child said.

In other words, this method cannot raise the temperature mentioned by the **** child.

Shenzi said that if the temperature in the kiln is not high enough, only kaolin can be used to make white pottery, but not white porcelain.

The **** child also said before how to raise the temperature, but it was not too clear.

Shenzi said there are many ways to increase the temperature in the kiln, one of which is to change the fuel in the kiln.

Use fuel that burns better and releases more heat than wood or charcoal to burn the kiln.

This fuel **** child also said that it is a black stone that can burn.

However, this kind of magical black stone does not exist in his tribe.

Even if he told all the people in the tribe about this matter, and asked them to pay more attention to them, there was no trace of the black stone.

Apart from this black stone, what is left is how to make the fuel in the kiln burn more fully and release more heat.

When talking about this, the **** son also cited Feng Gulu as an example.

It is said that the wind blows inside to make the fuel in the kiln burn more fully.

When in the base kiln, there are holes under the fire place to ventilate, in fact, it is to make the firewood inside burn more fully.

As for why the flame will increase and the fuel burning will become more full after the wind enters, Heiwa also asked at that time, but Heiwa did not understand the answer of the **** child.

‘Air is made up of different gases. There is a kind of oxygen in it. Oxygen burns. So when you blow wind into the stove, the flame will burn vigorously.

Wind is moving air...’

Heiwa once again recalled what the son of God had said, which sounded very inscrutable.

During this period of time, he did many things according to the gods' words. For example, in order to increase the temperature and make the fuel burn more fully, he created a larger wind and blown into the stove.

As the son of God said, after changing to a bigger wind grunt, the wind did increase and the flame burned more violently.

But the things burnt are still white pottery.

Heiwa, who was convinced of what the son of God said, knew that this was not because the method said by the son of God was wrong, but because the air he sent into it was still too little, the firewood was not sufficiently burned, and the temperature in the kiln was not high enough.

Make Fenggulu bigger?

This thought came to Heiwa's mind, but he quickly threw it aside.

Today's Fenggulu is big enough, it takes a lot of effort to turn, and it won't work if it is too big.

After thinking about it for a long time, Heiwa scratched his head in distress.

After a while, he began to dismantle the built kiln.

It was demolished, and after some rest and renovation, construction began again.

During the construction process, based on his years of experience in disc kilns and stoves, he tried his best to make this kiln dish as perfect as possible so that it could burn better.

I can’t find a new type of fuel called ‘coal’, nor can I make a bigger and better wind grunt. The black baby can only work **** the kiln and make a fuss.

When it was about to get dark, the Heiwa once again set up a kiln in its original position.

The material of the Lei kiln is refractory bricks made by mixing the quartz stone and other things mentioned by the gods.

After the kiln was re-cooked, the black baby could not wait to put firewood in it and set it alight.

After carefully watching the burning situation of the firewood, he took the firewood out of it, and then reached out to remove some of the mud that was stuck in some parts of the kiln, and some of it was stuck in some places.

After doing this, continue to put the firewood into the fire, and watch the burning situation, and then withdraw the firewood in the kiln again, and then repeat the previous thing.

After doing this again and again, Heiwa finally stopped, and was quite satisfied with this time.

So he put more firewood in it and let the firewood burn in the kiln, and he returned to the tribe with a few laymen...

Early the next morning, Heiwa, together with a few people in the pottery workshop, took the mud embryos that had been made with kaolin and put them in the re-plated kiln.

After the firewood that Heiwa put into it when he left yesterday, the inside of the newly prepared kiln was already dry.

Put the pottery in it and seal the kiln, then light it up and add high-quality charcoal to start the fire.

The big wind grunt was also turned around, sending gusts of wind into the kiln.

As they moved, the flames quickly burned.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Heiwa felt that the flames this time were indeed larger than before. This gave him hope again. After opening the kiln this time, he could get something different from before. Get the result you want...

When Heiwa and the others began to burn the kiln again, as the next witch in the tribe, the stone was also not idle.

In the morning, he taught Chinese courses for fifth-grade and sixth-grade students in the classroom, and spared time to make some corrections to the homework of these students with red pen.

After having lunch at noon and taking a short nap, Shi Shi put on his coat and took a small notebook and charcoal and went out~www.NovelMTL.com~ as the next senior in the Witch and Qingque tribe, because Bai Xuemei Because of this, this year's feather clothing, which is newly popular in the tribe, also has a stone.

However, unlike those in the tribe who have feather garments, the way stones wear feather garments is particularly unique.

Others wear feather clothes with the feathers facing in and the fabric facing outwards, so that the soft feathers next to the clothes inside will become extra warm when worn.

Stone has to do the opposite. He likes to turn the feather clothes over and wear them, so that the feathers sewn in the clothes are exposed, even if he knows that the clothes are not very warm, he will never get tired.

This made it appear from a distance that the stone was completely wrapped in feathers, a full bird...

But the stone doesn't care about this, just wear it this way, it seems to wear it this way, I don't know when, he can suddenly have the ability of a bird, and he can fly into the sky.

Although knowing that such a thing is impossible...

The stone dressed in extremely cool clothes left the tribe, walked east along the road for a while, then off the road, and walked down the river along the left ridge.

After walking for a while, I came to a place not far from the ream pond.

All the hemp in the retting pond has been fished out, and even the water in it was carried by the hard-working people of the Qingque tribe into the fields to be used to fatten the fields.

There are piles of peeled sticks on the ground nearby. After a while, these sticks will be collected by the people of the Qingque tribe and used as firewood.

Stone put the notebook and charcoal pencils on the grass, took a stick with a hook from a distance, and plunged into the pool...


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