I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 922: Let’s make a deal (2 in 1)

After seeing the large number of pottery carried on their backs, these people seemed more at ease.

Because past experience tells them that people who come to exchange with them carrying pottery will not do anything to harm the tribe.

However, when these people with pottery on their backs got closer and closer to them and stopped not far from their caves, these people didn't seem too calm.

Because they discovered that the people who came with the precious pottery on their backs were not the ones in the past, and they were no strangers to these people.

In the past, the people in their tribes also gathered with the tribes of these people who had come, and some other tribes nearby, and then they did some very sacred things together.

These people know a lot about these people and their tribes. They know that they are similar to their own tribes. They rely on gathering, hunting and other means to obtain food. At the same time, they will use food to show the mystery that comes here irregularly. Tribe, in exchange for precious pottery and delicious white things.

But now, the inherent cognition has been completely broken. This tribe, which is similar to his own tribe in memory, has so many precious pottery on its back suddenly, and it seems that it is also ready to exchange.


The older female primitive smiled and said to them, and at the same time added some gestures.

After some exchanges, the older female primitives successfully conveyed her meaning to each other, and asked them to put down the precious pottery they were carrying, and at the same time opened the gourd containing the salt, appearing to be extremely careful with the contents inside. Table salt, pour some into a pottery bowl.

These people, looking at the pottery brought by the older female primitives, and the white salt in the bowl, which did not exist in the soil, they couldn't help but stared into their eyes, full of surprise and shock. look.

They are more surprised to learn that this more familiar tribe has also embarked on the road of exchanging precious pottery and salt for food.

Because the pottery and the white salt that I saw in front of me were far more exquisite than the same things I saw before!

They surrounded the pottery brought by the older female primitives, and the small half bowl of salt poured into the pottery bowl to look back and forth. Some people wanted to reach out and touch them, but they shrank their hands halfway through. come back.

I was worried that this exquisite thing would be broken, and I was also afraid that the people of this tribe in front of me would be unhappy.

Seeing the reactions of these people, the older female primitives smiled, and they couldn't help but a little pride.


The older female primitive smiled and stretched out her hand to hold the hand of the tribe left near the cave, which should be the tallest person among all the people, and put it on a beautiful clay pot.

This male primitive dared to reach out his hand and carefully rub this exquisite pottery, his eyes full of wonder.

The older female primitives were a little bit strange about such a scene.

From the mysterious and wealthy blue bird tribe, bring these precious things in exchange for delicious little fruits back to the tribe where they originally lived. They told the leaders who stayed in the tribe about the miraculous things they had encountered and were in the tribe. After staying for a few days, leaving two exquisite pottery, and a gourd more delicious salt in the tribe, for the people in the tribe to use, the older primitive female took the people who were with her before, and carried These precious things replaced, as the people of the mysterious Qingque tribe said, began a glorious and great Erdao dealer journey.

This is already the fourth tribe they have come to. Similar to the scene before them, the older primitive women have seen it several times, so they are not surprised.

However, seeing these people become what they are today because of the things they and others have brought, the older primitive females still feel comfortable.

This kind of psychological satisfaction and comfort is something that you couldn't get by hunting and gathering fruits in the tribe.

This kind of psychology urges them to become more agree with and love this new way of obtaining food.

This male primitive man stretched out his hand and rubbed it for a long time before he took his palm away from it reluctantly, and then excitedly expressed to the older female primitive people that their tribe was willing to exchange food for food. These beautiful and precious things.

Then three people were pulled out of the tribe and asked them to stretch out their palms and count them.

This is the method used by the previous tribe that traded.

The older female primitives naturally would not agree with this exchange ratio.

They used this price before to exchange these from the mysterious blue bird tribe. Now these people actually want to exchange the same amount for these precious things, how is this possible?

So the older female primitive people did not hesitate to pull out six people from their tribe, put these six people in a row, and stretched out their fingers.


Even if they were primitives, after understanding the prices expressed by older female primitives at this time, they couldn't help taking a breath.

This is too surprising!

Before, when replacing the pottery and salt that the tribe brought, the food used was already very surprising. It's hard to imagine that this familiar one who once did extremely sacred things together in the grass. The people of the tribe didn't talk about feelings at all, and they asked for so much food all at once!

The male primitive looked at the painful fingers of the older female primitives, and then looked at the exquisite pottery and the white-looking, unpleasant table salt. After all, there was nothing. Be cruel to drive away the older primitive women.


He was talking to the older primitive females, meaning that he couldn't take charge of this matter, and he had to wait until the leader of their tribe returned.

After some waiting, the sun gradually slanted to the west, and the leader of this tribe came back with people who were out and food.

After understanding the meaning of the older female primitives and seeing the delicious salt and exquisite pottery, the leader of this tribe was equally surprised.

After knowing the price of these things, the leader of this tribe couldn't help taking a breath and became hesitant.

For such a situation, the older primitive female was not worried at all, she just waited here with a smile on her face.

Previous experience told her that no tribe can face such a precious thing without being tempted.

After struggling for a while, they will eventually exchange what they said with themselves and others.

Sure enough, after entangled for a while, the leader of this tribe eventually fell. He agreed to continue the exchange according to the older female primitives and took out the food that their tribe had stored...

Early the next morning, the older primitive women left this tribe with the exchanged food, as well as some of the remaining precious pottery and salt, and headed for other tribes.

In their ranks, there are a few more people, these few people are the people of this tribe.

This tribe is the last tribe known to the older female primitives, but the precious pottery and some salt they exchanged from the Qingque tribe have not yet been completely exchanged.

The older female primitives want to do this thing for a long time, and they want to rely on this kind of thing, just like the mysterious blue bird tribe, they eat three meals a day, and they eat every meal. full.

Of course they don't want such things to happen.

The older female primitives have a way to deal with this situation, and that is to let the people in the tribe in front of them take them to a tribe they haven't been to before.

People in this tribe naturally refuse to do such a thing.

Is it not good for them to stay in the tribe and pick some food at such times? Why do you follow these people to do such things for no reason?

In the face of such a situation, the older primitive females did not panic at all except for a little pain.

Because when they left from the mysterious Qingque tribe, the person who was called the "child of god" by the people of the mysterious Qingque tribe, who existed like a leader, had already told them that if something like this happened How to solve it.

She gritted her teeth and took out smaller pots from their remaining pottery, indicating that if they were willing to take them to do this, this pottery belonged to the tribe in front of them.

The tribal leader who had been extremely firm had become incapable of resistance in front of the exquisite pottery. After understanding what the older female primitives meant, he nodded and agreed with this matter without any hesitation.

This is the origin of the older female primitives and their ranks.

After standing here watching the older female primitives leave, the leader of this tribe led the rest of their tribe back into the cave of their tribe.

Seeing that there was a lot of food stored here that was lost all of a sudden, the uncomfortable and regretful energy in the heart of the leader of this tribe was no longer mentioned.

After suffering for a while, he turned around and came to the side of the cave. He picked up the bone knife used to cut meat, and then put one of his hands on the wooden pier below. The hand holding the knife raised After a few years, it did not fall.

It hurts too much to chop it down.

After making the gesture for a while, he finally didn't make up his mind to chop his hand, put the bone knife back in its place, and came to the fire.

There were two clay pots on the fire. These two clay pots were bought from the older primitive women who left not long ago.

After a while, the food was ready, and some brand new salt was added to the food cooked in a new, exceptionally beautiful clay pot.

After the leader of this tribe ate a bite of this food, his eyes suddenly brightened.

It's really worth it to pay so much food.

Of course, after eating this breakfast, his feelings quickly disappeared a lot.

Seeing that a lot of the food that had been stored with great pains was reduced all of a sudden, the leader of this tribe has the urge to pick up a knife and chop his hands...

He is not the only person who has similar impulses. Those tribes who have been patronized by older primitive women and have used pottery and salt to clean up the tribe. The chief of the tribe may be in charge of the tribe. People basically have such thoughts...

Between busy and busy time, time passed and passed away quietly. It seemed to take a long time, and it seemed that it was just inadvertently. Many days are gone forever.

Stepping on the grass that has become a little yellowish, the older female primitives, with the people who followed her all the way, carrying most of the food they got from this trip, once again went to the mysterious lovebird tribe.

Compared with the time before, the older female primitives seem to have a lot of energy. Although they are burdened with a lot of heavy food, this does not affect them to have an extremely wonderful mood.

The trade this time gave them a taste of the sweetness.

Through this kind of trade, their group of people can get more food than they did when they worked hard before, and accordingly, they eat better than before.

This allows them to see the hope of making their lives better through such things.

But there are also things that bother the older primitive women.

That is, the food they can carry is limited. After the two tribes are exchanged, they have to return to the tribe because the food exchanged is too much to take.

Then bring precious pottery and salt, and set off from the tribe to the rest of the tribe.

It’s okay if the other tribes are closer to your own tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ If the distance is far away, it will become troublesome and it will take a lot of time to waste.

When encountering things that are closely related to their own interests, people tend to become smarter, such as older female primitives. After this trip of the second traffickers, they have begun to consider the cost of time. .

Although they do not know that what they are considering is the cost of time, it is undeniable that this is the cost of time.

However, even though they are aware of such a thing, they don’t have much to do to change this problem, even if they take off the beautiful things they wear from the caves built by the mysterious blue sparrow tribe. Putting animal skins inside to hold things is still not enough.

Or this matter needs to be asked about the person known as the "son of the god" in the mysterious blue bird tribe. He seems to be so wise that he predicted before he and the others brought things to exchange with the rest of the tribe. When he arrived at some of the problems that he and others might encounter, and gave a solution in advance, he should have a solution for such things...


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