I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 921: Congratulations to 3 people for successfully holding hands (2 in 1)

The formation of any system must be supported by actual conditions, and it must conform to reality, such as the spouse system of the Qingque tribe.

In the tribe itself, there is a situation where one person has multiple wives, and Han Cheng, who only married a Bai Xuemei, has no compulsory requirements. Everyone in the tribe must be monogamous with him.

This is not about machismo or the like, but the actual situation in the tribe is here, and it won't work if you don't follow this.

In the tribe, there are now more than twice as many adult women as adult men. If monogamy is forced, more than half of the primitive women in the tribe will be bachelors and become old girls.

This is not good at all, it is not conducive to the internal unity of the Qingque tribe, and it is too cruel for these primitive women.

How can you sleep alone in the long night?

If you really live alone, the key is that the Qingque tribe still implements Datongpu. Except for a few, a family can live in a house, let alone a person. A house now.

So the problem has come, listening to the melodious original tune, it is difficult to fall asleep...

Another reason is that this is extremely detrimental to the increase in the population of the Qingque tribe.

It is also because of this that the Qingque tribe's current spouse system is not particularly clear, but is basically a convention.

It is foreseeable that as the proportion of men and women in the tribe gradually balances, this system will definitely change, gradually moving closer to monogamy.

After all, no one wants to lie on the kang at night, just listening to others humming small songs...

The chilly wind can't stop everyone's fiery person either. The rough and tactful singing sounded relatively loudly here. After a short while, there was a pair of young people who attracted each other because of their singing, and they were thrown away. The hemp he was peeling in his hands went to the river to wash away the mud on his hands and arms, and then ran happily to a small forest that was not particularly far away.

With their successful examples, the remaining young people suddenly became more active, especially those male young people, each of them was so excited that they sang much louder.

Even a few people who are not very good at singing on weekdays or are relatively shy, they all opened their mouths and sang loudly. Among them, the sister of the son of God who once taught everyone to sit on the bow is the most sung. .

The second is "Crossing the River" that the son of God once taught everyone, which is the song ‘a crooked river in front of my brother, and my sister sings sweet~sweet~.

After a short while, someone once again ran to the grove not far away holding hands.

The only difference from the previous couple is that this time there are three people running to the grove holding hands, one man and two women.

Wu was sitting on a small bench, holding a torn pockmark in one hand, holding a pockmark in the other hand, blocking it against the small wooden post nailed in front of him, and then pulling it hard, hemp. Was pulled down.

He is very skilled at such things.

While peeling the hemp, Wu raised his eyes and looked around, watching these young people who were singing hard, or running towards the grove after singing, all wrinkled faces were smiling.

He always doesn't see enough of such things.

After such a thing as today, after a while, many newborn babies in my tribe have fallen to the ground.

People are about the same. When I get old, I always want to watch my children get married and have children, and then children and grandchildren run around their knees. Even if a little guy accidentally makes trouble, I still feel sweet in my heart.

Those who are older and already have a spouse are also looking at these with great interest, recalling what they have done, comparing with the scene before them, and their hearts are full of warmth.

There are also some that are more playful, not only remembering for yourself, but also helping your partner remember.

From time to time, I would get to my partner's ear and whisper something that only two people knew, which made the other party laugh.

Because this event was supposed to be a relatively painful work of stripping numb, it suddenly became warmer.

Everyone was doing these things with talking and laughing, and they didn't feel how bitter it was at all.

One more thing to mention is that the young people of the right age living in the Tongshan residential area will rush back to the main tribe from the Tongshan residential area before the start of stripping mahjong to participate in this In other words, the most grand spouse selection event.

Fortunately, humans far surpass the rest of the species. As long as they have sufficient food and energy, they can do it anytime and anywhere, unlike the rest of the species, which have a fixed estrus period.

Otherwise, the mate-choosing meeting of Pe Ma antithetical song will be changed to spring.

Of course, the Qingque tribe’s current system still has a lot to be improved. One of the most important things is how to avoid the problem of unknowingly close relatives.

Since it is still in its infancy, everything is in perfection, and the next generation has not yet grown up, or has not been born directly, so this matter is not too urgent.

In addition, the **** son Han Da is very busy day by day, so he has been put on hold for the time being, but later, he will find ways to solve it...

"Puff chuff~"

A copper shovel was inserted into the soil, and a piece of soil with water was pried out.

Because of the water, when the mud block is pried up, it will make such a sound.

With his trouser legs rolled up, Han Cheng moved his hands slightly, buckled the piece of soil on the copper shovel, straightened up, his back ached.

Reclaiming paddy fields is not easy at all, it is more tiring than dry fields.

On the one hand, there are a lot of aquatic plants in the water, and various roots are intertwined. Often a shovel can’t dig up a piece of soil. It needs to be surrounded by several copper shovel to smash the roots on this piece of soil. can.

On the other hand, there is water, it’s inconvenient to walk, and there are frozen feet and legs. The shackles are such sharp tools that basically cannot be used, because once the shackles go down, a piece of water will splash, and because of the bottom The mud is too soft to pry, and there is no fulcrum.

For this reason, the pace of opening up paddy fields is far slower than that of dry fields.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that as time goes by, the weather gets colder day by day, and the water gets colder and colder. When the time comes, you can't go into the water to do this kind of thing. .

If you have long rubber shoes or rain pants, you can still do this, but the current Qingque tribe obviously does not have such conditions.

But if work is suspended in winter, the paddy fields will definitely not be opened up, and there will never be too much rice to be planted next year.

Not to mention that all the rice obtained now is planted into seedlings, and it is already very good to be able to plant one-third of the rice obtained.

Of course Han Cheng didn't want to see it happen.

Because this means that if you want to open up Jinguan City here, you need to invest more manpower and material resources and spend more time.

However, it is not easy to solve such a thing. After all, there is a lack of various tools, and Han Cheng, a traverser who has seen the world, will be exposed to dry fields more in later generations, but not to paddy fields. , I don’t know enough, and there are not many ways to think about it accordingly.

However, people are often forced out.

Well, if you don't force yourself, you will never know how good you are.

Faced with such a situation, after a lot of hard work and contemplation, the son of Han Da came up with a solution.

His method is plain and simple.

Since paddy fields are difficult to develop, just turn them into dry fields.

Of course, this so-called turning into dry land does not completely turn it into dry land. After all, Han Cheng developed these fields to grow rice, not millet, and this era has not yet cultivated the kind that can be directly used in Rice grown in dry land.

The change to dry land he said is only temporary.

It is to first dig a ditches around a delineated area, and use the excavated soil to surround the ridges to isolate this area from the outside waters, and then make a hole to surround it. Let the water inside.

In this way, the water inside will slowly dry out, changing from water to dry land.

After becoming dry land, the speed of development will be greatly improved. In winter, people can continue to develop these dry land without worrying about the cold water soaking their feet and frostbite their bodies.

After turning over these fields and cleaning up the intricate grass roots that have grown for many years, and turning the wasteland into farmland, you can dig a hole on the outer side of the ridge to bring in water and treat it. Good fields have been turned into paddy fields again, which are used to grow rice.

Of course, just relying on building ridges on the outside would not be able to do this, because the surrounding water is not easy to flow completely clean.

Therefore, while doing this, Han Cheng also led people to continue digging and widening the deeper water areas according to the topography of this shallow water area, turning them into channels.

In this way, all these waters have gathered in this meandering channel and flowed downstream.

After such things are completed, there will be many places that were originally submerged on the surface of the water, and they will dry out day by day.

Cooperating with the methods adopted, many places have become dry land.

What Han Cheng is doing now is digging a canal with the rest of the people here, trying to get as much dry land as possible before the weather becomes completely cold and unsuitable for people to enter the water barefoot.

In this way, when the weather started to get cold in winter, he and the people in the tribe could excavate these places with peace of mind.

In order to excavate as many ditches as possible and gather the water from this area of ​​water together, after the construction of the twelve tiled houses in the inner courtyard of Jinguan City, Han Cheng directly stopped the construction of houses. Let these people join the work together.

As this matter progressed, Han Cheng and the others also got another gain by the way.

This harvest is a lot of fish and shrimp.

After a large area of ​​water became waterless under Han Cheng’s efforts, many fish and shrimps that did not have time to leave with the flowing water were left in place, tied to shallow puddles or In the mud.

These guys who ran extremely fast in the water, after leaving the water, immediately couldn't get up, only to stay there and be ‘picked up dried fish’ by ​​the Qingque tribe’s people.

As a result, the number of fish and shrimp obtained by the Qingque tribe has doubled during this period.

Han Cheng didn't worry about the fishing in the river. As long as they opened up this area and re-introduced the water source, fish and shrimps would grow back soon in this area of ​​water.

When the time comes, a fish pond may be cleaned up nearby, specifically for breeding fish fry.

After putting water into the paddy field in spring, put some fry into the paddy field and let it grow with rice.

After the rice is harvested in autumn, let out some water, and you can harvest the last batch of fish and shrimp happily.

Moreover, the growth of fish in it will not only not affect the growth of rice, but also eat a lot of insects, and fish manure can also provide a lot of nutrients for rice.

It is not possible to harvest and plant rice in two seasons a year. While harvesting rice, harvesting the last batch of fish and shrimp is also very good.

Looking at this place that has undergone tremendous changes due to their efforts, Han Cheng imagined a good life in the future, and then started digging with everyone here with a copper shovel.

A good life is not something that can be obtained by just relying on imagination. It takes a lot of effort to realize it and live the kind of life you want.

While Han Cheng and the people from the Qingque tribe who went south ~www.NovelMTL.com~ are working hard to build everything they dream of, the older female primitives are also working hard for what they want.

After walking for some time, a cave appeared in the eyes of the older primitive women.

Near this cave, there are some old and weak beings, they are playing here, or getting some food.

For the older female primitives who appeared in the field of vision, most of these people appeared to be more alarmed, and hurriedly ran towards the cave, preparing to hide.


During this process, someone yelled out strangely.

As he shouted, the people who rushed into the cave in a hurry stopped and looked at the older primitive women who were gradually approaching their cave.

Their gaze fell on the pottery that was carried by the older primitive women...

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