I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 917: All things are born to support others

The sky is high and clear, and the sun is shining down, and it is warm on people.

If you don't look at the yellow leaves in the distance, it will give people the illusion that it is spring.

Han Cheng sat on the grass, facing some yellowish but more pale green waters.

With the return of Han Cheng and others, the various waterbirds living near Jinguan City once again moved away from here and flew to a place at least one mile away.

Only some are silly and bold, and some are like goldfish, who only have a few seconds of memory dare to continue wandering here.

In the distance, from time to time, birds spread their wings and fluttered in the air, and the chirping sounds came from afar, setting off the quietness of the afternoon time.

Fu Jiang was lying next to Han Cheng, basking in the warm sunlight, and receiving the itching from his master, squinting his eyes was very pleasant.

After a while, he would turn over, expose his belly, and bite Han Cheng's fingers with his mouth, while the four legs flicked and flicked, playing with Han Cheng.

Fu Jiang's belly is a bit bigger, it is no longer known how many litters he has been pregnant with.

Time passed quietly, and more than ten years of time passed without knowing it.

Fu Jiang, the little milk dog who had been around him looking for milk, has now become a somewhat old dog.

Many of its descendants have also multiplied, and they have developed along with the development of the Qingque tribe, even faster than the development of the Qingque tribe.

As a result, in recent years, I always find some dogs that are not very obedient, and they are brought to the wild to be strangled with a rope quietly, skinned and eaten meat, in order to reduce the number of dogs in the tribe, and prevent them from overflowing. Disaster.

For eating dog meat, Han Cheng has no psychological burden, as long as it is not the dog he raised by himself, the rest is basically no problem.

In order to prevent the dogs from becoming a burden in the tribe and not to deal with them until the time is up, Han Chengcheng only fed the lucky generals and the five little blessings by himself a long time ago. The rest of the dogs were not fed.

Xiaofu was lost and became the wolf king elsewhere. Since the big brother and the others met once, there has been no news of Xiaofu since then.

I don't know if he is still alive.

Han Cheng only regarded it as alive, and he was still the wolf king leading the wolves foraging. When it was okay, he bullied the little she-wolf, and then screamed at the moon with the language he had taught him.

In other words, the entire tribe only has the blessed generals and the big blessings to the Sifu to have the gold medals for avoiding death. The rest of the dogs, if they do not have the ability to herd sheep or deer, and are not very obedient, they may be mysterious. Lost.

This is actually no way. The reproduction speed of these guys is really too fast. At first, it is fine when the number is small. After the number is large, the speed of reproduction is simply not too fast.

Although they have basically changed to vegetarianism, if they don't take such measures to control them, it will definitely become a burden for the Qingque tribe.

As for driving out the dog who couldn't keep it and making him a stray dog, Han Cheng had considered this matter before, but he gave it up later.

In later lives, stray dogs hurt people from time to time.

And these dogs of their own tribe have not been domesticated for a long time, and they will return to the wilderness faster. If there are more, they will hurt people.

Han Cheng didn't want more people in the tribe whose ears were bitten off like Chen.

All things are born to support people, this is Han Cheng's view, especially in this era.

Compared with the huge number of various animals, humans seem to be the species that should be protected.

After playing around with Fu Jiang, who is not sure which offspring he was pregnant with, Han Cheng stood up and announced the start of work after enjoying the quiet time in the afternoon for a while.

Following his order, the people who had a short rest after lunch started to act again and continue their previous work.

Some people were separated and went to find and carry stones nearby to prepare for the foundation laying.

However, there are not many rocks around here, and a small amount of rocks can still be found, which is not a problem.

However, the stone used to lay the foundation is obviously impossible without it.

This matter is a bit difficult.

In order not to affect the progress, Han Cheng carefully considered it for a while before making a decision not to use stones for the foundation of the inner courtyard wall.

This is mainly a reference to the wall of the inner courtyard of the Green Bird tribe.

The wall of the inner courtyard of the main tribe was constrained by crude conditions when it was built. It also didn't use stones to lay the foundation. Now eleven years have passed and it can still be used.

Of course, this is also related to the repairs made in recent years.

However, a fence of this magnitude is currently sufficient.

Of course, compared with the construction of the wall of the inner courtyard of the main tribe, there is also a certain degree of improvement when laying the foundation.

There are two main points.

One is to first use rammed earth tools to vigorously compact the excavated gully.

The second is that the wooden piles used to nail the foundation and used as steel bars are first put into the fire and burned, so that the surface has a certain degree of carbonization, and then nailed there.

After these years of life in primitive times, Han Cheng also explored and learned many tricks that he didn't know before. For example, wood that has been carbonized on the surface is not perishable when buried in soil.

In the evening, the older primitive women returned with their tribesmen, once again collecting food.

Undoubtedly, they collected all day's delicious small fruits today, except for a small part of them left for their own consumption, the rest have changed their surnames.

What the Qingque tribe paid was only a small amount of pottery that had already been ubiquitous in their tribe. This was the beauty of trade.

As the two tribes began to cook, the older female primitives were undoubtedly once again suffered heavy damage from the Qingque tribe.

The night was completely shrouded, and Jinguan City fell into silence here.

Inside the tent belonging to the Qingque tribe, the older primitive female lay not asleep.

This tent is a member of the Qingque tribe, who is temporarily lent to live in it out of benevolence, lest they sleep outside at night.

These people are about to start working for the Qingque tribe, and they will become the glorious Erdao dealers controlled by the Qingque tribe, and they should be better.

Otherwise, if he gets sick, who will continue to serve the Qingque tribe?

The older primitive female holding a fine clay pot really couldn’t sleep. She was in the tent but her mind was outside. On the foundation of the wall.

If it is not personal experience, it basically forms a rectangular, large ditch. The older female primitive people will definitely be the same as the strange cave when they first saw it, thinking that it exists naturally there, or It grows from the ground.

But just because they have experienced this personally, older female primitive talents will find it even more incredible.

In their view, it shouldn’t be something that humans can accomplish. Now it’s easily completed by these people. It took a very short time. It was just the time she took people to collect two small fruits...

Exquisite pottery, delicious salt, numerous foods, terrifying abilities... and this kind of fur made of fur that can make people lie down and sleep...

What kind of tribe is this tribe named Qingque!

The older female primitives once again sighed in their hearts...

Time flies quickly, just a flash, and three days have passed.

The older female primitives finally collected all the delicious little fruits they discovered newly, and exchanged these newly-collected delicious little fruits for some precious things from the green bird tribe.


The older primitive female with a fish cage on her head, holding a large clay pot, turned and shouted at Jinguan City, which stood there, meaning that they would come back again.

The rest of the people are also full of dismay.

This is not only because they have seen so many things that they could not imagine before, but also because every time they eat, they can eat the delicious food given to them by a kind-hearted tribe at the bottom of a gourd... …

As the older female primitives left, Jinguan City was immediately relaxed. Everyone did not need to cover up, and they could completely let go of their hands and feet for construction.

In the first time after the older female primitives left, Han Chenggong asked people to build some semi-troglodyte round houses within the walls of the inner courtyard under construction as temporary residences.

Those minors who use fish cages and cards to get food can also use these two things to get food as they like, without worrying about being learned by people from other tribes.

Out of consideration for his own safety issues, Han Cheng also temporarily did not let people develop this area of ​​water and open up paddy fields, but concentrated all hands and energy to build the inner courtyard.

Under such circumstances, the construction progress of the inner courtyard is extremely fast, which can be described as one-by-day.

Thirty-fifth days after the older female primitives left, the wall of the inner courtyard had been built.

The wall is three meters high, with a thickness of two and a half meters at the bottom, and slowly shrinks upwards. When it reaches the top, the thickness is only one meter and twenty.

The entire inner courtyard is one hundred meters long and sixty meters wide. Although it is not as large as the inner courtyard of the main tribe, it is enough in today's circumstances.

Han Cheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after several carpenters in Mao'er installed the heavy wooden door on the gate.

With this inner courtyard, even the tribe that also owns the bronze is really powerful and has a large number of people, and if you find it here, your tribe will have the power of a battle, instead of having no bottom in your heart like before.

Of course, another prerequisite for making the inner yard a dependency for them and others to live here is to drill two more wells in the inner yard to ensure adequate water supply.

In this way, even if the tribe who really came was very wise to surround the inner courtyard, and did not launch an attack, with these two wells, their tribe would not be forced to have no way out because of the water source.

In order to build the inner courtyard as quickly as possible, Han Cheng urged everyone in the tribe in a hurry.

Now that the wall of the inner courtyard is completed, it is time for everyone to have a good rest.

After all, humans are not machines, and it is impossible to spin forever without knowing it.

Combination of work and rest, relaxation and relaxation is the right way.

Therefore, the **** son Han Da let go, and gave everyone a three-day holiday to allow the tribe to move freely in this area.

After such a decision was announced, there was a burst of cheers.

As a result, the stressful life suddenly becomes soothed, and time becomes leisurely.

Some people choose to lie down in the house during this time to sleep well, restore their spirit and physical strength, and those who are energetic will look for fruits around Jinguan City, hunt animals, and contribute to dinner.

Two of the sheep in the flock accidentally slammed their heads on the rock in the hands of the second brother, and then ended their short life and contributed to the evening banquet of the Qingque tribe...

Three days passed in a flash, and the people of the Qingque tribe got busy again after taking a break.

Several people who know how to make pottery continue to make pottery, while carpenters like cat ears continue to carry axes and saws to make ping-pong-pong.

Through their efforts, the number of trolleys began to increase.

The trolleys currently owned by Jinguan City were all made after coming here.

The main reason is that the mountain road is too rugged, and the trolleys in the main tribe can't be pushed, otherwise everyone will push the trolleys, and this trip will transport a lot of things.

For the cart, the cat ears can also be manufactured independently. In addition, when Han Cheng came over, he took these things into consideration and directly carried the most important axle, so it was not too troublesome to make.

Even after ~www.NovelMTL.com~, after a while, Cat Ears are preparing to make two donkey carts...

In the inner courtyard, some people began to dig foundations, preparing to build houses for citizens.

However, unlike when the wall was built before, Han Cheng did not let everyone except getting food, herding sheep, making pottery, and wheelbarrows into the construction of the house. Instead, more than half of the people were assigned to Shuize. Paddy fields are opened here.

The paddy field must be carried out quickly. Although there is a mountain barrier here, it will not be too cold in winter, but even if it is too cold, it will also be winter. At that time, go into the water to clean the paddy field under bare feet. I really suffered...

The location came to the green bird tribe.

The autumn harvest has been completely completed, and all the crops have been harvested and returned to the warehouse after drying.

In the wilderness around the Green Bird tribe, there are many people who are digging through the soil with tools and harvesting the last batch of autumn silkworms. She looks a little dazed and worried...


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