I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 916: They are eating again...

In Han Cheng’s calculations with a smile on his face, the older female primitives once again completed the transaction, replacing all the remaining rice with the pottery and salt that Han Cheng brought with them.

Han Cheng looked at the piles of rice belonging to his tribe with smiles in his eyes. Older female primitives looked at the exquisite pottery and delicious salt they exchanged. Then imagine using these things. The scene of swapping more food from other tribes is also full of smiles.

After this exchange, the people of the two tribes were extremely happy.

After this exchange, the pottery that Han Cheng brought with them was much less.

But it doesn't matter.

In the Qingque tribe, there are many people who can make ordinary pottery, and this time there are people with pottery workshops.

After a while, a kiln is built here, and the pottery that has been consumed will be refilled immediately.

After such an exchange, the relationship between the two parties has become much more harmonious.

At least the people of the Qingque tribe will no longer think about arresting these people as slaves, and the older primitive women also understand that these strange and wealthy people in front of them are not evil.

In such a situation, not only did not take away the things belonging to their tribe, but also did not kill themselves and others because they and others occupy their caves. Instead, they exchanged with the people in their tribe and told them to wait for a quick Ways to get food.

After tentatively setting these things down, a long time has passed.

The main reason is that the language between the two is not communicated. Fancy translation is very time-consuming.

The original plan of the older female primitive was to come back, put the delicious little fruits collected here, and then go to the place before to collect the little fruits.

But after this tossing, time was not allowed, so she made the decision to take people to gather and obtain food in nearby places.

As for the precious pottery that was just exchanged for all the delicious little fruits and the delicious white things called "salt" by this tribe, at the beginning, she was going to let people in the tribe carry them all the time.

However, it is too inconvenient to do so, and in the process of gathering food, it is easy to be touched and damaged.

After some hesitation, she made these extremely delicious things that she had just exchanged, and placed them in the weird cave where they had lived for a while and now belonged to the weird tribe before them again.

Many people in their tribe expressed concern about this decision of the older primitive women, fearing that the precious pottery and salt they had exchanged for a lot of things would be returned by that tribe.

After all, these two things are so precious.

But the older primitive women still did.

In addition to being inconvenient to carry around, there is another reason that she feels that people in this tribe will not do such things, because they already have a lot of such things.

What seems extremely precious in their tribe, does not seem to be very precious in their tribe.

The more important point is that if these people really have this meaning, they can directly deprive them of everything they have before, and there is no need for such trouble.

I have to say that the older female primitives are still very insightful.

At the same time, this has once again proved the correctness of the phrase'people are good, horses are slippery'.

What these people didn't know was that it was precisely because of their actions that the people of the Qingque tribe had a lot of affection for them, and at the same time they had a lot of respect for them.

This is the power of trust.

And it is precisely because they did not take people away to gather the fruit, but stayed nearby, they were able to further understand the wealth of this weird tribe, which claimed to be called the "Blue Sparrow".

Not to mention the rest, just the sheep, deer and other prey that were driven out from far away shocked them once again.

They have never seen it before. Which tribe can have so many prey at once, even the oldest female primitive among them, have never heard of it, let alone seen it.

Han Cheng and others did not pay attention to the exclamation of the older female primitives. Instead, they chopped down some branches and other things with the bronze axe, and then chose a place that didn’t get in the way near the slave hut. A fence was set up to keep the sheep, donkeys, and deer brought in captivity.

Not only can these animals be kept in captivity and not let them run around at night, but also they can be used to resist the attacks of some beasts that may exist.

While doing this, some smaller fences were also erected for the chickens brought in by captivity. As for the bumps along the way, several pairs of rabbits that had lost two full circles and were completely skinny were temporarily placed in two. Inside a large pottery.

The fact that these guys dig holes is too strong, and they need to be treated with caution.

After waiting for two days, I need to find some stones to use as a primer.

While doing this, Han Cheng asked people to set up some tents to carry.

This is because there were a lot of people here this time, and the slave huts built before were not enough.

Of course, in fact, they could also choose to build a few domed, semi-troglodyte houses to live in, but this matter was temporarily suppressed by Han Cheng.

He wanted to wait until the older primitive women and them left before letting the people in the tribe begin to build.

This can prevent as much as possible some things that Han Cheng thinks are more necessary to keep secret from leaking.

As for the animals in captivity, they will see it when they see it.

Really learning and breeding is not necessarily a bad thing for your tribe.

They have more things in their hands, and their own tribe can get more things from them through trade.

Between the busy schedule, the time has come to the evening.

After this short half-day of busy work, the people of the Qingque tribe who came again have initially arranged some necessary things, and they have simply settled down, and they will be able to officially invest in the construction of Jinguan City tomorrow.

In the open space outside Jinguan City, several piles of flames were burning. This was a simple stove temporarily set up with stones.

After Huang Chengcheng's millet is washed, he adds water to it and cooks it. In addition to the millet, it also contains dried fish stored on the way.

These dried fish were cut into small pieces by several ‘cooks’ from the Qingque tribe with sharp copper knives.

When it is about to be boiled and when it is about to come out of the pot, put some chopped wild vegetables into it, and some salt, and stir it back and forth, not to mention the taste.

When several ‘chefs’ from the Qingque tribe were busy here, the older primitive females were also not far away cooking.

Compared with the meals of the Qingque tribe, their food is much simpler.

Before, they would boil some rice to eat from time to time, but the exchange this afternoon made all their rice become Qingque tribe’s. Therefore, the clay pot only boiled wild vegetables in clear water. Then gnaw some collected wild fruits.

But because they only exchanged a few gourds for table salt today, they also put some salt in their boiled wild vegetables for seasoning.

In the past, such food has been supremely delicious for them.

In fact, as long as there is salt, even if there is not even a bit of wild vegetables in the water, it is extremely rare and delicious for them.

But now, everything is different.

After one person ate a delicious food presented by a kind-hearted gourd-bottomed person from the Qingque tribe, they then ate their own clear soup and watery food, and they suddenly felt that they didn't feel like it.

For a meal, the older female primitives have a very hard time eating. Watching the people of the Qingque tribe, eating the delicious food one after another, and then looking at themselves and others as a bowl. The water and wild vegetables in the gourd, these people feel dull.

This is no harm without contrast.

Including the older female primitives, they were wondering how good they would be if they could, like these people in the Qingque tribe, eat this kind of food every meal and also have their belly open to eat.

With such deep envy, the older primitive female's eyes fell on the exquisite pottery and the gourd filled with salt, and her heart became firm.

As long as you take people with you, run to some tribes, and use these things to exchange food from the rest of the tribes. When time comes your tribe will be able to live this life and eat this kind of food.

With this in mind, the older primitive females became hot in their hearts...

Early the next morning, after experiencing intense envy again, the primitive women who had had breakfast took their tribe and left here, toward the large tract of small fruits that had not yet been collected by them.

She will take people to collect all the small fruits there, use them to exchange a lot of pottery and salt from the kind-hearted tribe, and then use these to exchange more food for other tribes!

After the older primitive females left, Han Cheng and the others were also busy.

Some people graze donkeys and sheep around, and the minors lower the fish cage they brought into the water.

Han Cheng gave a special explanation about the fact of getting off the fish cage, that is, he should not let the older female primitives see it, and prevent them from knowing the real method of using the fish cage.

After all, fish cages are indeed a kind of fishing weapon for this era, and they are the kind that can be effective in a short time, so it is better to control some.

As for the fish cages that were previously placed in the room and taken away by the older female primitives, Han Cheng also generously did not want to return.

Just watching them wear them as hats on their heads, they can't help but want to laugh.

If the older female primitives and their tribe can be passed down for a long time, in the future, this may become a cultural symbol, which will be completely integrated into their lives...

In addition to these, the remaining people began to prepare for the construction of Jinguan City.

In the beginning, Han Cheng's idea was to build the house first, and then build the wall, so that it would be convenient to collect soil and transport other materials.

But after learning that there was a tribe that also owned bronze in this area, this idea changed radically.

The wall must be constructed first.

As for the troubles when building houses later, it can only be troublesome.

Trouble is better than having no sense of security.

Moreover, the construction of the wall has also been adjusted, and a small inner courtyard has been constructed first.

Then use the inner courtyard as a base to build a larger outer courtyard.

After this line of thinking was set, Han Cheng and some people who came to take measurements with a measuring tape. Based on the traces they left last time, they determined the location and measured the size of the inner courtyard. Start digging down the foundation non-stop.

When these people excavated the foundation of the wall, some people cut down trees from the surroundings and pulled them over. Then, the carpenters who came to the carpenter's room made them into wooden rafts in preparation for ramming the earth soon.

Jinguan City, which seemed deserted before, immediately became lively and prosperous.

By noon, when the older female primitives returned with the people and the fruits they collected, the place had changed a lot.

On the flat ground, trenches were excavated, and the moist soil was turned over on the edge of the trench with some grass roots or tree roots.

The older primitive women and them all opened their mouths and looked dumbfounded.

This is not only because of such a big change, but more importantly, these people are eating food again!

Haven’t you already eaten it in the morning?

Shouldn’t I eat food again until it gets dark?

Why are they eating now?

Moreover, their food still smells like that~www.NovelMTL.com~ still looks so delicious...

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that watching them eat food here, the stomachs of others are becoming so hungry!

Especially after one person ate the food generously given to them by the kind-hearted tribe, their stomachs became even hungry.

After getting some clear water from the bottom of the gourd and drinking it, the older primitive females took their tribe and left here with tools.

This is not because she wants to bring people and quickly gather more delicious little fruits, but because she is worried that if she continues to stay, she can’t help but also make people boil even when the food is far from being eaten. Cook food to eat.

After leaving hurriedly all the way, unable to see the place where the Qingque tribe could not be seen, the older female primitive talent dared to slow down.

She reached out and touched the groaning belly, and couldn't help sighing.

Because she found that she wanted to eat food like the people of the Qingque tribe, it was really difficult...

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