I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 918: Sister, run!

The growth of autumn silkworms is very good. The hemp in the tribe, after years of continuous selection and cultivation, is also much taller and larger than before. With the increase in the planting area, you will be able to peel off more after waiting. Hemp.

This is an excellent thing for Bai Xuemei who likes to weave. In previous years, she would be very happy at this time.

But this year is different. Although she is also happy this year, she is always not as happy as before. She always feels a little empty in her heart and has no support.

Moreover, the whole person is often in a daze, looking worried.

Bai Xuemei did have something on her mind, and it was not small.

Her thoughts were triggered by Han Cheng's visit to Jinguan City for construction.

When Han Cheng left, he made it clear that this time he needs to stay in Jinguan City for a long time, and he needs to wait until the spring of the second year, almost this year when he returns from the south, before he will return from Jinguan City. come back.

The fastest is half a year.

Bai Xuemei has never left Han Cheng for such a long time.

This little daughter-in-law, who was rescued by Han Cheng from the edge of the fire and slowly cultivated by one hand, had a strong dependence on Han Cheng.

Although now I have two children, and I have been separated by the two children, I still have that kind of dependence.

Perhaps, this kind of dependence exists between every pair of partners, but there are strengths and weaknesses.

Think about it, too, the long life journey, the most familiar, in fact, is the partner.

Bai Xuemei is not the kind of person who does not understand the truth. She has lived in a large collective family since she was a child. She has a strong collective consciousness. Knowing what her adult brother does is very important to the entire tribe, even It is related to the survival of the entire tribe.

In this regard, she understands and supports it very much, but understanding belongs to understanding, and support belongs to support. It is certain that she feels uncomfortable in her heart.

Moreover, this kind of unpleasantness will gradually increase as Han Cheng leaves the tribe with more time each day.

When these emotions accumulated to a certain level, at a certain moment in the last few days, Bai Xuemei suddenly had a bold idea.

Brother Cheng left the tribe and went to Jinguan City in the south for construction, to find a way for the tribe.

The reason for doing these things is because the weather is getting colder, and this situation may continue and get worse.

Thinking about it from another aspect is that if the weather doesn't get cold, then Brother Cheng doesn't have to leave the main tribe and run so far to build Jinguan City.

After clarifying these things, Bai Xuemei couldn't help but feel heartbeat, and her heart rate accelerated.

Of course, she didn’t think of a good idea to stop the weather from getting colder. Even though she had great limitations in cognition due to the time of her life, she knew that this was not something she could do. Arrived.

What she thought was whether she had the ability to do something to deal with such a situation.

Let the people in the tribe have stronger resistance to the cold.

Instead of just staying in the main tribe as it is now, letting Brother Cheng take a person in Jinguan City in the south and work hard for this matter.

As the best person in the tribe who raised silkworms and reeled silk, as well as weaving twine and linen, after such an idea arose, she could easily associate it with her area of ​​expertise.

If you can make warmer cloths and clothes, even if it gets colder in winter, people from your tribe can also be outdoors and do some things.

After this thought arose, Bai Xuemei suddenly became happy.

But after experiencing the initial excitement, she soon gradually gradually calmed down, and slowly developed into a daze like nothing else, and seemed worried.

Many people can ask a problem, but it is something that many people cannot do to give a solution to the problem.

Because the two are not at all on the same level.

Xuemei Bai is now caught in this problem.

The idea was right, but when I wanted to put it into practice, I found that this matter was far from being as simple as I thought.

So far, excluding grass and leaves, which are very cool things, there are mainly three kinds of things that can be made to wear in the tribe.

One is fur, the other is hemp cloth, and the other is the original silk woven from silk with a small output.

And two of these were made after Brother Cheng gave some suggestions.

Before, I didn’t think about it here. Bai Xuemei didn’t think there was anything. Now she really started to think about this. She suddenly realized that she wanted to make a new one from scratch. It's so difficult to keep things warmer.

From this, I can also feel the wisdom of the adult brother who easily came up with two new materials that can be used to make clothes.

It would be great if Brother Cheng was in the tribe, he was so wise, he would definitely be able to give a good solution to this matter.

Bai Xuemei, who had been stunned for a while, thought about it again unconsciously.

After this thought arose, she couldn't help but shook her head.

I have already thought about it before. This time I have to solve the problem by myself and not cause trouble to Brother Cheng. Why do you think of asking Brother Cheng for help?

In the courtyard, seven or eight wild geese with their wings cut off, and now the geese of the Qingque tribe, are scattered there leisurely and leisurely.

Reaching out, pulling on Little Myolie, the little pea with the pandas came back from the outside, wanting to enter the inner courtyard.

The two parties met in this way and looked at each other through the door.

Being cheated by his unscrupulous father at the beginning, Xiao Wandou had a certain psychological shadow on these overbearing guys.

Now, after seeing these big geese blocking the way here, he instinctively wanted to retreat away from these guys.

But Little Myolie had to go back to find her mother.

Little pea, who was the older brother, coaxed it for a while and was useless, so he mustered up his courage and moved his little head.

"Sister, wait a while, brother will drive the big goose away..."

Little Pea tugged at Little Myolie and said.

Then let go of Little Myolie's hand, turned around and came to the panda Tuantuan's back, and pushed the panda Tuantuan's buttocks hard to make it go ahead.

According to this guy's size and fighting ability, there is absolutely no problem dealing with such a group of guys.

But the key is that this guy who has a strong combat power is also stunned.

Before, Tuantuan also suffered from the poisonous beaks of these big geese, and the national treasure hair on the buttocks was pecked off more than a handful.

I even tried the sour and refreshing taste that shocked the panda's body, which is really unforgettable for the bear.

This guy looks stupid, but he is not stupid at all.

Seeing this kind of brutal guy blocking the way in front of him, his little master came back to push himself again, obviously it was a big pit, naturally he refused to go forward.

When Little Pea didn't push it, this guy could barely stand still to stay calm. Now that Xiao Pea pushed it like this, he couldn't keep calm immediately.

Not only didn't go forward, but started to back away continuously.

Little pea is small, where is its big opponent? He was quickly pushed back involuntarily.

Even a child about the same age in the tribe was able to urinate higher than anyone else and then drenched himself. It was also not a fat Tuan Tuan opponent.

He and Tuantuan, a super combatant, have experienced the horror of the big white goose, but the young Myolie didn't know that he was still at the age when a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers.

When Xiao Pea held her hand before, it was barely possible.

Now Xiaowandou released his hand and joined the team in a group battle. Little Myolie, who was eager to find her mother, quickly put aside his brother's account.

Throwing off his short legs, and ran into the yard at unsteady steps.

In this scene, the geese who craned their necks, stood motionless in onlookers, battled with bears, and acted as melon-eating crowds were a little startled.

It wasn't until Little Myolie rushed into the middle of them that she didn't react.

The mother goose is relatively docile, and the male goose who intends to show his mighty and mighty in front of the mother goose is not so easy to talk.

Flickering with broken wings, he craned his neck and chased after Little Myolie, and made a cry.

In this scene, Little Pea was stunned.

After a daze, the little guy squeezed his small fist vigorously, and rushed to the chaotic big goose.

"Sister, run!"

"Kill you!"

"Flapping, huh, uh, uh..."


Just as Bai Xuemei's brows were shrinking and she was thinking about these things, such a voice suddenly sounded in the yard.

My child, with long ears, this sentence is true.

It didn't take much time to distinguish, Bai Xuemei instantly heard that it was her son who was yelling and her daughter who was crying.

When I heard the voice of the big goose, I immediately knew what had happened to my children.

She thought about things with her brows tightened just now, and immediately stopped thinking about it.

He stood up directly from the wooden pier, and then rushed out of the room like a gust of wind, and rushed towards the place where the chickens and dogs jumped over the wall.

At this time, the little pea who rushed into the flock of geese was guarding Little Myolie in front of him and ran forward and down.

Behind them, two geese were flapping their wings and craned their necks to catch up.

One pecked the hair of some small pea, and one was greeted by the ass.

As for the guy who has super combat power and suddenly looks like a big brother with sunglasses, he is quietly backing up, and after a few steps back, he also raised a front paw to block it. In front of the dark circles, he looked like he couldn't bear to look straight.

In such a scene, the sister Bai Xue was angry and angry.

She is different from Han Cheng, an unscrupulous dad. She did not encourage her children to challenge the big goose. Birds still protect eggs, not to mention her mother-in-law.

Dang Even galloped all the way over.

She didn't first protect Little Wandou and Bai Xuemei behind her, but flew up and kicked the big goose that stretched its neck to peck Xiao Wandou's head.

This is probably the first time this wild goose, which has been bred as a big goose, has tasted the taste of flying since it was born and had its wings cut off.

However, this kind of flying experience is not good at all.

It hurts not only when taking off, but also when landing. When falling from the air, the goose was thrown into the split.

Moreover, a lot of feathers were kicked off. The geese fell on the ground, and the feathers that were kicked off were still flying in the air.

Another big goose that caught the little pea's **** and pecked at it, also experienced the wonderful feeling of flying.

After falling to the ground, he turned a somersault and shook his long neck vigorously before he stood firm.

Facts have proved that even the big goose, who is known as the country's No. 1 hegemon, can only take a break when meeting the mother who protects the cub.

After being kicked off by Bai Xuemei, these unbelievable guys stopped immediately, flapping their wings, screaming in panic, turned their heads and ran to the outer yard, just those two who wanted to be in front of the little goose The muscular goose takes the head.

Tuan Tuan, who was shocked by the operation of Bai Xuemei and forgot to continue backing, immediately suffered, and the defeated goose took a few bites on her body.

The big goose, who likes to greet her ass, didn't know when he learned the magical skills of the second brother, so he turned his mouth to the key part of Tuantuan.

Since becoming an adult, Tuantuan, who was not called Huan very much, suddenly suffered such a heavy blow, and he called out, and his fat body became extremely dexterous at this moment, and he jumped directly from the ground!

Then this guy didn't dare to stay here any longer, spreading four leg hairs, and rushing out of the tribe at an unprecedented speed, heading towards the bamboo forest.

It is really terrifying here. Not only are people terrifying, but even these big geese are just as cruel.

The little bamboo in the bamboo forest is green and cute and bears...

After actual combat appraisal~www.NovelMTL.com~ This is a panda who can't know how to fight...

Xuemei Bai Xuemei, who usually doesn't show the mountains and the dew, suddenly started to rush, not only stunned the panda who can't know how to kung fu, but even Xiao Xing'er forgot to cry and lifted a hand from her head The little pea that was taken away, looked at his mother, with a look of admiration, and a pair of dark eyes flashed with light.

The lingering anger Bai Xuemei kicked the big goose fleeing in a hurry and hurried back to see the two children.

Little Myolie was fine, the main reason was that she was very scared, and all the subsequent attacks were blocked by Little Pea's brother's flesh shield.

Little pea was pecked off some of her hair, and there was nothing on her ass.

This was mainly due to his older age, and the weather was already a bit cold at this time, so Bai Xuemei replaced his crotch pants with crotch pants, otherwise this time is destined to end.

Seeing all this, Bai Xuemei, who was carrying her heart, let go of her heart and pulled a fluff from Little Pea's head by the way...


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