I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 915: Is our pottery not good enough?

The older female primitive thought this in her heart, but quickly put this idea behind her mind. How could this be possible?

Now, they and others are all surrounded by these people. If they need it, they can kill themselves and others at any time, and they can also take away all the food they have collected hard.

Under such circumstances, how can oneself and others get these precious things?

Moreover, the other party had a reason to kill himself and others, after all, he and others occupied their cave.

At the beginning, the older primitive women stubbornly believed that the weird cave grew out of the ground, just like a big tree.

As for what these people said it was built by them, the older female primitives didn't believe it at all. How could such a thing be built by humans?

But by now, they had believed what these people said, and believed that this weird cave was built by these people in front of them.

This is not just because the people in front of you are equally eccentric, but more importantly, they can make so many precious things!

Richer than the tribe that brought things to their tribe for exchange!

In front of the dazzling weapons, exquisite pottery, and delicious white things, they unconsciously agreed with these weird caves, which they had built.

"Do you want to have something like this?"

When the old primitive people were in a daze, they got the instructions from Han Cheng to convey this to them, and pointed their fingers at the pottery on the ground and the salt in the pottery.

When expressing these meanings, the whole person of Mao smiled, giving people the feeling of wanting to trick the children into lollipops.

Trade is very proficient in dealing with others. After all, this is another area of ​​his expertise besides fancy translation and live maps.

After understanding the meaning of Mao, the older female primitives were taken aback for a moment, and then filled with smiles.

Of course she wants to have these things, she wants them all in her dreams.

With a smile on her face, she nodded vigorously, and the chick conveyed her meaning like a pecking rice.

At the same time, this urgency carries a lot of incredibleness.

The weird tribe in front of me is so open, such a precious thing is willing to give to my tribe who meets for the first time...

"Then you can exchange food and fur with us..."

Maou smiled and conveyed this meaning.

Expectingly waiting for the people of this weird tribe, the older female primitives who gave them precious pottery, after understanding the meaning conveyed by the smiling trading station, the whole person couldn't help stiffening.

Don't you ask me if I want it?

Why is that after I said I wanted it, you didn't give it anymore, instead you let things like food be used instead?

Han Cheng saw the stunned look on the older female primitive, and couldn't help but smile to himself.

What do you think?

Do you think those in later generations are shouting, ‘Who wants Chinese cabbage? Who wants big red dates? ’It’s really a free gift?

Give it to whoever wants it?

If you don't give the money, just go and try it?

Even a man like Guan Erye, who sells dates, can sacrifice the Qinglong Yanyue Knife!

Fortunately, the older female primitive person is a person who has met the world. When she was in the tribe, she had seen transactions between her tribe and that tribe, and she was more acceptable to these.

So it didn't take long to walk out of that deep disappointment.

She looked at the two pottery belonging to her tribe and the white things in the gourd, and then looked at the two things that belonged to this tribe on the side.

What used to make them extremely precious and proud now looks so ugly.

In this contrast, she quickly aroused the idea of ​​replacing these things in her tribe with those things in the tribe in front of her.

However, after such a thought arose, she was soon suppressed by her.

It's not that she doesn't want to own this exquisite thing, but because they can't exchange it.

To exchange these things from the previous tribe, they had to pay a lot of food, which made them feel heavy.

Now, these things in front of them are more exquisite, they must use more food to get them.

And their tribe can't afford so much food.

If there are so many people in their tribe, it is very likely that some people will starve to death.

She looked reluctantly and looked away from the pottery and salt of the Qingque tribe, then slowly shook her head while watching Mao, and conveyed her meaning.

"Tell them that they can exchange these things from our tribe at the original price."

Han Cheng said to Mao with a smile.

Mao then conveyed Han Cheng's meaning.

After understanding Mao’s meaning, the older primitive woman was once again stunned. She confirmed to Mao with a heart full of disbelief. After seeing Mao nodded seriously, the older primitive woman suddenly nodded. Became extremely excited.

Not only her, but the rest of the people who squatted here and understood the meaning of the trade show were also extremely happy. Some even couldn't help cheering.

The same price as before in exchange for something much more exquisite and delicious than the original, even primitive people know that this is a big bargain.

As a result, these people suddenly became full of affection for the people from the Qingque tribe that surrounded them.

Seeing that the matter has been discussed, these people are unlikely to resist or run away, Han Chengcheng let the Qingque tribe people dispersed and released these people.

After a little exchange, the two sides began to exchange.

The older female primitives, as well as the people of their tribe, kept watching the pottery brought by Han Cheng and they wanted to choose the one that suits their hearts.

The pottery is so exquisite that they want to look at them.

After such a long struggle, the older female primitive chose a jar.

This jar is much larger than the one they had before, and there are some small tadpoles and frogs painted on one side of the jar, which looks extremely exquisite and top-grade.

After seeing this pattern, the older female primitive couldn't move his eyes at once, and immediately recognized the jar.

After identifying the pot, she cautiously held the pot to the place where the rice was dried, and then called three people, and asked them to stretch out their palms and spread their fingers.

After finishing this, she started filling the jar with rice.

After filling a jar, press it with your hands and add some more to it to make it flush with the upper edge of the jar. Then, holding the jar and walking to one side, pour the rice in it to the ground.

Then he returned to the place where the rice was dried, holding the jar, and continued to fill it with rice.

After she had done this, the person beside her curled a finger.

In other words, thirty pots of rice are needed to exchange for a clay pot.

Han Cheng who saw this scene couldn't help being speechless, that unknown tribe was really ruthless!

They all dare to exchange for such a ratio.

However, he did not shout for price cuts. It is always good to be able to exchange more rice. Anyway, the tribe will not suffer.

After some manipulation, the fingers of the three people who were used as counting tools were all curled up, which also meant that the transaction for this clay pot had been completed.

The older primitive females looked at the jar that had belonged to their tribe, and they were very happy and couldn't put it down.

Han Cheng looked at the pile of rice piled up there, and he was also very happy. According to this exchange ratio, they will soon be able to own a lot of rice.

The older female primitives who completed a transaction were excited for a while and then began to select.

After some operations, they exchanged five more bowls and two gourds of salt.

The bowl is also thirty to one, which is thirty bowls of rice, in exchange for the bowl used to hold the rice.

As for the table salt, they used their tribe’s jars, 30 jars of rice, in exchange for a gourd salt.

One earthenware pot, five bowls, and two gourds of salt were almost exchanged for half of the rice that was collected by the older primitive women and them.

This made Han Cheng couldn't help feeling that, given the source of customers, doing business is indeed a good way to make a fortune.

After exchanging these things, the older female primitives stopped their hands. Although their eyes were still eager to look at the remaining things, poverty and high prices stopped their desire to continue to exchange.

"Why don't you continue to exchange? Is our stuff not beautiful and delicious enough?"

I got the trade of Han Dao Dao and conveyed this meaning to the older primitive women.

The older primitive woman who understood the meaning of Mao shook her head quickly.

It's not that your stuff is bad, but ours is too poor.

"Isn't there still there?"

Mao pointed to the remaining rice to express to the older primitive women.

After taking a look, the older primitive woman shook her head.

The remaining delicious little fruits cannot be exchanged, otherwise they will have to eat the soil when the time comes.

"You can exchange food from your tribe with us, and then exchange the pottery with the rest of the tribe. Use more food than when you exchanged with us, and exchange with the rest of the tribe."

Trade continued to convey Han Cheng's meaning, making persuasive inducements.

After understanding Mao's meaning, the eyes of the older primitive women suddenly lit up.

She looked back and forth over the exquisite pottery and rice, and the brighter she looked.


You can exchange these things from this tribe first, and then trade with the rest of the tribe!

The pottery of this tribe is so exquisite, and the white delicacy is so delicious, far exceeding the things of that tribe.

Even if they let the other tribes exchange more food, they would definitely be willing.

This kind of exchange is much faster than collecting and picking small fruits in person. This is a truth that the older female primitives have summed up through previous exchanges.

Thinking of these things in her heart, the eyes of the older primitive women were getting brighter and smiling.

Then she couldn't bear it and put the thought of "buy, buy, buy" in her heart into action.

Looking at the older female primitives who happily used the newly selected pottery to fill rice and trade with each other through his step-by-step instructions, Han Cheng's face was also full of cheerful smiles.

After undergoing a series of changes in external conditions, Han Cheng's thoughts about how to deal with these people living in the tribe's slave huts also changed accordingly.

After some thinking, he felt that it would be best to develop these people into Erdao traffickers controlled by their own tribe.

First, in this way, your tribe can get a lot of rice and some other food without having to separate any manpower to find and gather.

These foods, on the one hand, supplement the food of their own tribe, and on the other hand, they can lay a solid foundation for the rapid spread of rice cultivation in the coming years.

As long as there is enough rice, they will soon be able to develop rice cultivation, instead of having enough seeds for large-scale planting after several years of planting and harvesting like millet.

Secondly, these people can be used to inquire about the situation of the tribe that also has bronze.

If they sell goods of the same kind but of completely different quality in similar areas, these people will definitely meet that unknown tribe.

Even if they can't meet them on the way of business, and find that they have no one to buy the pottery and salt soil that their tribe exchanges, they will definitely take the initiative to find someone who grabs the business.

In this way, the two sides will definitely overlap, but it is only a matter of time.

In this way, you can get some news from each other, and the older female primitives can become the perfect buffer zone.

The third reason is that we can learn more about this area through the walking of older female primitives.

After all, people in this era ~www.NovelMTL.com~ are relatively homeless, and they don't interact too much with each other.

Even the older female primitives have been living here for a long time, and they don't know much about the more and farther surroundings.

Through the exchanges with them, Han Cheng knew that they only knew how to get to the four tribes next to them, but not even more.

But it doesn't matter. As long as they taste the benefits of Erdaomongers, they will actively seek out more tribes, just like they did when trading them.

In this way, Han Cheng and the others will be able to get more news about this area by the way.

The fourth is that they can use their hands, as well as salt and pottery, to exert pressure on the rest of the people in this area with some influence from the Qingque tribe.

In this process, the Qingque tribe didn’t pay much...


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