I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 914: Train 1 2 dealers (2 in 1)

Han Cheng looked at the people around him, and then thought about the unknown tribe that also had bronze weapons. For a while, he didn't know how to express his feelings.

From the perspective of future generations, from the perspective of the development process of human history, he should be very happy with the situation before him.

But as a person who has been caught in this era and lives here, he doesn't want to see such things.

At least I don't want it to appear close to my tribal life.

Because this is a more dangerous thing.

Competition is everywhere. When facing the other weak tribes, the unknown tribe may still get along with them peacefully. As it is now, they will use clay pots and salt soil, and the tribe in front of them. Of people make deals.

But when you encounter another relatively powerful tribe, it will definitely not be so peaceful.

Just like Han Cheng himself.

At this moment, after suddenly learning such a news, I was thinking about all kinds of things. The unknown tribe, even if he didn't think so much and so far-reaching, but slowly realized it. questionable.

When the time comes when the two tribes meet, unpleasantness will happen if they do not.

Especially when both parties have a very rich production surplus relative to this era.

Take someone back? leave here? Will give up here?

This thought just appeared in Han Cheng's mind, and he did not hesitate to throw it out of his mind.

It is impossible to give up here. I will never give up on anything.

Not to mention the pre-investment that I have spent a lot of energy with people here, just because the weather may continue to get cold, he can completely cut off this idea.

This is the place where their tribe will be built to fight the severe cold. They have abandoned this place, and the temperature really continues to drop. What should be done?

Could it be said that I have to lead the people of the tribe, continue to trek through the mountains and rivers to find new and more suitable places to live, and then start from scratch?

Not to mention whether you can find such a place in a short time, just say that even if you find it, how can you ensure that there is no tribe like the one that doesn't know its name?

If this is the case, what should we do next?

Is it possible to continue migrating with the tribe?

There are many things, but blindly avoiding it is not enough, you need to bravely meet up, this is the real solution.

Blindly avoiding it will only make things worse and more troublesome, and nothing else will be gained.

Moreover, I am a person from a later life. Although I don’t have any golden fingers, my mind is filled with many things that people in this era do not know how many years ahead and how many years ahead. With these things, I would still be afraid Fearful and frightened by the civilization that was born in this era, it really embarrassed the army of the traversers, and they can all be dealt with withdrawing from the group.

With these in mind, Han Cheng's ideas gradually became more accessible.

No matter what, build yourself as quickly as possible and make yourself stronger is the last word.

Many times, many things are like this, as long as you become stronger, then the remaining things will be solved without problems.

As for the tribe that doesn't know its name, it doesn't matter if you don't come to provoke yourself. If you really come to provoke your own tribe, then you just do it with arms.

Of course, if you want to think like this, you still have to pay attention to methods and strategies when you really do things.

"Mao, you can ask them again, when dealing with them, there are not many people."

After thinking for a while, Han Cheng said aloud, continuing to explain things to the trade.

According to Han Cheng's intention, Maobei continued to ask the older primitive women about these things.

After understanding the meaning of Mao, the older female primitives and the primitive people around her who understood the meaning of Mao suddenly became distressed.

They have not learned how to count, but they don't know how to express the number of those people.

I only know that there are quite a few of those people, but I don't know how many there are.

This is because they don’t know how to count, and they didn’t record the exact number of those people. On the other hand, it’s been a long time since the most recent visit of those people. They didn’t have such a thing. Special attention, at this time has not remembered clearly.

After thinking about it hard for a while, and having some conversations with the rest of the people around, the older primitive female began to gesture with her fingers.

After some tangled gestures, Mao finally understood the number of people who had traded with the older primitive women and their tribes, and quickly told Han Cheng.

"Roughly between forty and seventy? Are all adults?"

Han Cheng, who got the answer from Mao, whispered here.

It seems that what I thought before was not wrong. A tribe that can develop bronze is not too simple, and it is not comparable to the tribes I have encountered before.

Just doing foreign trades can dispatch so many adults at once, which shows that the number of adults in that tribe far exceeds this number.

When Han Cheng was thinking about things, the older female primitives who answered the question, and the people of her tribe, had their eyes unconsciously burned outside the two places not far from Mao’s feet. Look at the black earthenware pot, and the gourd filled with salty soil.

With desire and anxiety in his eyes.

They hope to have these extremely precious things that belong to their tribe again, and worry that these people will **** the precious things away, and they will never return them.

As for whether these two things will be destroyed, they are not very worried.

Because these two things are too precious.

They understand the preciousness of these two things, and they don't believe that anyone can destroy such precious things.

Han Cheng, who was thinking about things, thought of other things.

The reason why he feels pressure on that unknown tribe is because on the one hand he knows that the other party has bronze, but more because he knows too little about it. He doesn’t know how far the tribe has developed and how many people it has. .

As he often said, the unknown is terrifying, and people will always raise them unconsciously, but make brain supplements.

After hearing some news about that tribe, he also inevitably fell into various conjectures.

As a person who has always had a sense of anxiety, what Han Cheng guessed was basically a bad situation.

Wanting to solve this problem is actually easy, that is, contact with that tribe and thoroughly know the depth of the other party.

Once you know what you have in mind, then there will be no such situation.

The height of the rising art of war is, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will never end.

However, it is not easy to find a tribe in such an era.

Otherwise, in spring, the bark that once lived in the main tribe will not bring the people from the Blackstone Alliance to the Tongshan residential area.

Moreover, the tribe has not fully established its foothold here. The most important thing to do at present is to build Jinguan City as quickly as possible and develop paddy fields at the same time. Under such circumstances, it is obviously not. It's too suitable to send a certain amount of manpower to do this.

Thinking about these things in his heart, Han Cheng's eyes fell on the older primitive women who were squatting on the ground, and gradually he had an idea.

They are not suitable to do this right now, but they can let people from other tribes do it.

These people in front of you are good candidates.

These people themselves live in it, and they must know more about the surrounding environment than themselves and others. No matter what, they know the location of some of the other tribes, and they have also traded with that unknown tribe. .

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Chenggong asked people to come to the room to take out a few clay pots, and a jar of salt.

Someone took the order and came out of the room after a while. The crowd separated into a small aisle. Several people carrying clay pots and salt pots came here, and put these things in front of them according to Han Cheng's orders. The two clay pots owned by the tribe and the side of the gourd filled with salt.

The older primitive women who were still thinking about what Han Cheng meant when they left, and what those people were doing when they left, immediately stopped thinking about these things, because all her mind was so amazing in front of her. One scene was attracted, leaving it without the rest of the mind to think about other things.

The older primitive women had wide-eyed eyes and wide-open mouths. The reactions of everyone in their tribe were similar to those of the older primitive women.

Some people's breathing becomes rapid, and some people forget to breathe.

But no matter whether they breathed or not, at this time, their hearts were filled with shock.

There was also a strong unbelievable in the shock.

This tribe in front of you actually owns such precious equipment? !

And their utensils that can be used to cook food look big and round, and they are extremely beautiful.

Compared with the kind of utensils that these people brought out, his tribe was extremely rare, and the two precious pottery suddenly seemed ugly.

The key is that they have so many beautiful and extremely precious things!

When the older female primitives were caught in a constant shock, Han Cheng spoke again.

After a while, the person who was blocking the direction of the slave hut separated a passage, which was facing the door of the slave hut.

At the door of the slave hut, a piece of pottery was placed at this time. These were brought by Han Cheng and they were used on the road. If you count the bowls for each person, there are about a hundred big and small. As many as sixty or seventy.

In order to achieve a stronger visual impact and cause a stronger shock to these people, Han Cheng deliberately let people put the original piles of bowls there, take them away, and put them there individually.

The older female primitives didn't understand for a while why these people who surrounded themselves and the others would suddenly make such a strange behavior and break out such a path.

They squatted on the ground, driven by curiosity, reluctantly moved their gazes from the exquisite pottery in front of them that made people reluctant to remove their eyes, and looked at the split gap.

Then these people were stunned collectively, shocked and surprised, clearly hanging on each of them.

The exquisite pottery in front of them was enough to shock them, and they all thought they were all the pottery owned by this weird tribe in front of them.

However, at this moment, they realized that they and others were all wrong, that it was only a small part of the exquisite pottery owned by this tribe, and they also had more pottery!

Although I have seen people from other tribes exuding all sorts of wonders because of their own tribe’s pottery, the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe at this time still feel extremely wonderful and feel comfortable all over.

This thing is the same as the original tune used to pass the time at night. Although I often hum, I just enjoy it, not one is enough.

"and this."

At the sign of Han Cheng, Mao took two steps forward and blocked the eyes of these people looking at the entrance of the slave courtyard. He reached out his hand to hug a sealed jar and opened it, revealing the used inside. Salt crushed in a stone mortar.

After exposing the salt in the jar, Mao picked up the gourd that the older primitive people used to hold the salt soil, poured out some, and placed the hand holding some salt soil flush with the salt jar. .

His actions quickly attracted the attention of the older primitive women.

After realizing what was in that large, exquisite pottery, the older female primitives were once again strongly shocked...

Their white things seem to be different from the things their tribe exchanged from that tribe, and they certainly don't have the taste of their own tribe.

The stunned older female primitive found some differences between the two, so she comforted herself in her heart.

However, she soon knew how outrageous her idea was.

The white things of this tribe have only the delicious taste, not the bitter taste, let alone the sandstone teeth.

When the older female primitives were amazed~www.NovelMTL.com~ Under the sign of Han Cheng, a few people from the Qingque tribe brought a dozen jars of the same size from the door and put them in Here, and then open it, it is filled with salt.

This time, Han Cheng brought a lot of salt. Not only they needed to eat salt, but also the animals in the tribe.

And unlike food, if there is not enough food, you can get some from the wild. If there is not enough salt, there is no way to replenish it without knowing where there are salt mines. In addition, they need to stay here for a long time. So I carried a lot.

The brains of older primitive women are no longer enough.

In the past, she thought that the richest tribe in the world was the tribe that traded for them, but now she discovered that there was a tribe that was richer than that tribe.

In the tribe in front of them, all the pottery is more exquisite than that tribe, and the white things are more delicious than that tribe. In their view, this is richer than that tribe.

If your own tribe can have these...

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