I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 913: News about that unknown tribe (2 in 1)

Not only the older primitive women were surprised, but the rest of the tribe where the older primitive women understood this was also astonished.

Shouldn't it be such a huge cave that is very comfortable to live in?

How could human beings be able to build such a huge cave?

The impact of these words is much greater than that of being suddenly rushed out by these strange people and then surrounding them all.

Mao thought that they didn't understand, so he scratched his head and continued to express in different ways.

This group of primitive people from outside, Mao feels that this is the most difficult group he has encountered over the years.

After expressing this change for a while, the older female primitives who had recovered from the extreme shock finally started to respond to the trade after sweating a little from the tired trade.

Guided by the trade, after the two communicated for a while, the people on Han Cheng's side also roughly understood what happened when these people discovered and lived here.

Han Cheng nodded secretly, this point was just as good as his brain.

After knowing this, Han Chenggong asked some people to go to the slave hut, take out the two clay pots and the gourd with salt soil, and asked Mao to ask them about the pottery pot and salt soil. This is what Han Cheng cares most thing.

Seeing the extremely precious pottery that my tribe had spent a lot of food to exchange from those people, it was picked up by these people casually with one hand, and they appeared to put them on the ground without caring at all. Everyone, including these primitive women, feels distressed.

Especially after seeing those delicious and equally precious white things that were casually poured into their hands by that person, these people only felt that their entire hearts were twitching.

If it weren’t because they couldn’t beat them, and these people were holding weapons made of more dazzling things in their hands, the older primitive females would definitely jump up and fight these guys fiercely and let them Know the preciousness of these things.


The older female primitive, who was distressed and twitching, looked at the two black clay pots that were smothered by smoke and the trader held the gourd in her hand for a while, and began to use her way to treat Mao talked about the origins of these two things.

The precious pottery and delicious white things were bought by them from other tribes, not owned by them themselves, so the older primitive women didn't hesitate to speak.

Even, worried that the stranger in front of her could not understand what she meant, she racked her brain to express it several times.

Of course, there is another reason for doing this because she is worried that what she said is not good enough. These people will **** away the arranged pottery and delicious things, and will not return them.

Once such a thing happens, the older female primitive people dare not imagine what will happen in the future, which is really a disaster for them.

"In exchange for another tribe?"

After hearing what Mao said, Han Cheng couldn't help but muttered something, and he found it more and more interesting.

Things in the world are never synchronized, even among people there are many gaps.

As for the differences between countries at the same time and between regions and regions, the difference has also gone.

Even when the later generations are so developed, the whole is about to become a global village, there are still primitive people.

Before Han Cheng crossed over, he also watched the news that a missionary of Midi wanted to go to an island in the Indian Ocean to influence primitive people, and then was dragged to death by primitive people with a rope tied to his neck.

In such an era, the gap is still so big, and it is not surprising at all to encounter some relatively advanced civilizations in such a situation where news is extremely closed.

Han Cheng finds it interesting at this time, and it makes sense. After all, since he came to the present, the tribes that have both salt and pottery are both important to the development of civilization and are not only their own tribes, and some tribes that have obtained both through their tribes Outside of the tribe of things, the rest have never encountered it.

Now, here, he suddenly knows a tribe that has both, and is very likely to be like their tribe, capable of producing and manufacturing these two things. As a person from later generations, he is of course more interested.

Moreover, that tribe already knew to use these two things in exchange for means of subsistence, which showed that the other party's level of civilization has surpassed all the tribes Han Cheng has encountered today.

"Ask her if she knows where that tribe is."

After thinking about this for a while, Han Cheng spoke to Mao.

So Mao continued to dance.

Where is that tribe?

The older primitive woman shook her head after understanding the meaning of the exchange.

She really didn't know where that tribe and the people in their tribe.

When dealing with that tribe, people from that tribe came with precious pottery.

Sometimes they come once a year, sometimes twice, and sometimes they never come.

Their tribe only trades with those people when they come to their tribe and exchanges food for their precious pottery and delicious white things.

People from their own tribe have never been to the tribe with a lot of pottery.

This is the same as before in my own tribe. It belongs to the dispatched trade team, carrying salt and pottery to trade with the people of the rest of the tribe in exchange for fur food.

After listening to what Mao had conveyed, Han Cheng thought to himself.

I have a new understanding of the situation of that tribe.

Maybe... it could be another situation.

Han Cheng turned his attention to the trader who stood not far away and acted as a translator.

At the beginning, the trade tribe did not encounter the Tengshe tribe, it was the existence of Erdao dealers, who exchanged pottery and salt from his tribe, and then went to other tribes for trading.

In other words, the tribe that trades with the tribe in front of you may also be a second trader.

If this is the case...

Han Cheng sniffed, the level of civilization of the unknown tribe seemed to be higher than he had previously thought.

After all, it's just a tribe that trades directly with other tribes, and there is a big gap between a Erdao dealer and other tribes.

Generally speaking, the level of development of tribes with Erdao dealers is higher than that of tribes without Erdao dealers.

"Mao, you can ask them again to see if you can get more news about that tribe."

Han Cheng said to Trade.

At the beginning, Han Cheng thought that the pottery and salt soil in the room were made by the people of this tribe in front of him.

They have the ability to make pottery and know where the saline soil exists.

At that time, his focus was on salt soil.

I want to see if I can find salty soil resources nearby, and then I can refine and produce table salt here.

After all, if this is the case, they will be able to transport some salt from the main tribe to here in the future, reducing some of the transportation burden.

However, as he learned more about the situation, Han Cheng’s thoughts gradually changed. The focus of attention was also shifted from the previous salty soil resources to the unknown salty soil resources, and the ability to make their own. The tribe out of the pottery.

After listening to Han Cheng's words, Mao immediately began to convey Han Cheng's meaning to the older primitive women.

After this exchange, the older female primitives are more familiar with these expressions of trade, so they understand more and more smoothly.

It didn't take too long for the older primitive women to understand what trade meant.

After understanding Mao's meaning, she thought about it and turned her gaze to the bronze weapon on the cane shield held by the people next to Mao, and then began to dance to Mao to express her meaning.

This time, Han Cheng, who was on the side, basically understood the meaning of some female primitives without using a trade interpreter.

Han Cheng, who understood the meaning of the primitive woman, became less calm in his heart.

He held back the thoughts in his heart and waited for Mao to finish talking with the older female primitives and translate to himself.

After all, the older female primitive just pointed her finger at the vine shield, and he couldn't tell too clearly. The other party was referring to the vine shield or the bronze thorns on the vine shield.

There is a huge gap between the vine shield and the bronze thorn.

While Han Cheng was waiting, Mao ended the conversation with the older female primitives, and began to summarize and translate what he had learned from the conversation to Han Cheng.

"She said that the tribe's weapons are made of bronze. They look different from our tribe's weapons, but they are all made of this material."

Han Cheng's heart jumped involuntarily.

Holding the bronze weapons, surrounding the older primitive females to the rest of the blue bird tribe, they all became surprised.

Because until now, bronze weapons are the patent of their tribe.

Except for their own tribe, they have never seen or heard of any tribe with weapons made of bronze.

Moreover, they all have a deep understanding of the good use of bronze weapons and tools.

If it were not for the son of God to lead his tribe and others to smelt bronze, and use the smelted bronze to produce various weapons and tools, his tribe would definitely not have developed to this level.

Not to mention the rest, the cultivated land of the tribe alone should be at least half as much as it is now.

But now, they got the news that there was another tribe that also had bronze weapons.

How this does not surprise them.

My own tribe has bronze tools because of the son of God, and that unknown tribe actually has bronze tools, could it be...

Could it be that their tribe also has a **** son who is as smart and as wise as their tribe?

About this matter, they couldn't help but not know the history of the Qingque tribe, so they didn't think about it.

Han Cheng couldn't help being silent after learning the news.

Compared to the people of the tribe, he got more from such a news and thought more.

He has come from later generations and clearly understands the meaning of bronze.

It is a staged symbol of human civilization, a product of getting rid of the Stone Age and one step closer.

For this unknown tribe, even though Han Cheng had a relatively high level of mental preparation for its civilization level before, at this moment, the news he heard far exceeded his previous expectations.

When I went back from Jinguan City this year and learned that the Black Stone Tribe had a meteorite iron that was more useful than bronze, Han Cheng had not been as excited and emotionally developed as he is now.

Because meteorite and bronze represent two completely different kinds of information.

Although meteorite iron is far superior to bronze in various properties, meteorite iron is not produced by humans, but naturally produced.

It is a resource that is not controlled by human beings and can be produced artificially.

A tribe can have these, it can only be said that the luck of their tribe is really good, but this does not mean anything.

But bronze is completely different. Bronze does not occur naturally, but only after people smelt it.

Its appearance means that the tribe has mastered the bronze smelting technology.

Regardless of whether its technology is mature or not, this is a qualitative leap!

A tribe that can possess bronze, pottery, and saline soil at the same time is far from a tribe that can pick up meteorite.

Because what bronze represents is a civilization.

Being able to own these tribes will definitely surpass the rest of the tribes at the same time.

From stone tools to bronze, this is really a qualitative leap.

Even Han Cheng, a person from later generations, understands that development in the world is uneven, but at this time, after learning the news here, he still can't help but feel a little complicated.

It can even be described as vibration ~www.NovelMTL.com~ In this basin surrounded by mountains, there is a tribe with bronze.

Now that my own tribe has come to this basin, and is planning to build a sub-tribe here, and take root, then the situation is a bit delicate.

Generally speaking, when two civilizations of similar level meet, nothing too good will happen. When there is contact between the two and there is no third party nearby, it is certain that some friction will occur.

For example, the battle between the Yandi tribe and the Huangdi tribe, and the battle between the Yandi Alliance and the Chiyou tribe, can all be seen.

These people in front of them can come here from their tribe to live here, which shows that their tribe is not particularly far away from here.

And that tribe can carry salt, clay, pottery and other things to trade with people in this tribe, which means that the tribe will not be too far away from here!

After all, the traffic is inconvenient now, and everyone basically relies on their two legs to walk...

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