I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 912: Seeing the tribe shame, I feel relieved...

In the lower reaches of the waters, which is a certain distance from the slave huts in Jinguan City, people headed by older female primitives are constantly collecting that delicious little fruit here.

As they continued to move, many delicious little fruits fell down and landed on the skins they pulled up.


The older primitive woman straightened up, rubbed her waist vigorously with rough hands, and looked around.

With their constant movements, many small fruits have been collected by them.

Even in order to be able to pack more of these delicious little fruits at one time, some of them are smart people who put animal skins in the kind found in weird caves, which are very beautiful and easy to use. Inside, something woven out of tree sticks, and then put this delicious little fruit into it.

In this way, there is no need to worry about these delicious little fruits falling out of the gap.

And there are many such little fruits around that have not been collected by them.

She took a cursory look, and they could roughly collect the same number of days as the fingers of one hand.

This made her extremely happy.

Because this discovery not only means that they can get a lot of delicious little fruits from here this year, but in the coming season, people from their tribe will basically be able to come here to collect the same amount of delicious little fruits!

Seeing that the utensils she carried were already filled with such delicious little fruits, the older primitive female raised her voice and spoke.

Everyone got busy at the answer.

After a short while, these people carried or carried things packed with delicious little fruits one after another, starting from here, towards their weird cave.

Along the way, these people walked faster under the leadership of older primitive women.

Because they go faster, today they can collect another delicious little fruit from here and send it back.

Because I was in a very good mood, in the process of returning, some people even opened their mouths and shouted, making sounds they thought were very nice...

As everyone walked, the distance between them and their strange caves got closer and closer.

When the figure of the weird cave appeared far away in the field of vision, many people couldn't help shouting.

Then he quickened his pace and headed towards the weird cave.

When they returned to the weird cave, they could put down the things they were carrying, and could rest for a while before doing the task of collecting small fruits.

Han Cheng, who was squatting in the grass in a rather wretched posture, was overjoyed when he heard this voice.

Wearing a straw hat for a certain degree of disguise, he quietly raised his head and carefully looked in the direction of the sound.

Through the fragmented vision divided by the weeds, he saw people walking quickly towards here.

Roughly counting, it is not much different from the number of people he estimated based on the number of gourd bottoms in the room not long ago, which are more than 20.

It's just that the number of people estimated from Huludi is 29, and now the number of people counted is 27.

After seeing the people coming over there, Han Cheng quietly looked around and in the grass on the opposite side.

Except for these people around him, he did not see anyone else in the rest of the place.

And the people around him, even if they heard the shouting, they just squatted here without moving.

Except that the expression on his face became excited and intolerable, the rest was no different from before, even more cautious than before hearing the incomprehensible shout.

Although they have not experienced professional training, they have experienced many similar things, and each of them has already become veterans of squatting grass.

The level of patience is no less than the cat owner squatting in front of the mouse hole, waiting for the mouse to come out.

Seeing this, Han Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

This is really following someone to learn from.

Under the leadership of his unscrupulous **** son, the entire Qingque tribe has been taken a bit wretched.

However, Han Cheng, the leader of the tribe, felt very relieved to see that people in the tribe were so shameless.

Under the eyes of Han Cheng who was squatting in the grass, those people got closer and closer.

They carried some animal skin packages, or some sticks.

Some of the more sturdy people who are not afraid of the cold even walk directly with their upper body naked.

They seemed very happy, walking towards this side, no one looked at the surrounding grass and other places.

The group of people went straight to the edge of the open space in front of the slave huts to dry the rice, put down the packages or fish cages they carried or carried them, then dumped the rice inside and spread them out with their hands.

When doing these things, they all seemed very happy.

Because this not only means that they have more food to eat, but they can also exchange these foods for the precious white delicacy.

Han Cheng, who was squatting in the grass, was also very happy watching the first scene like this, because there was more rice than he had previously expected.

With these rice grains, next year, as long as the rice fields here are closed, a large area of ​​rice can be planted here.

He picked up the gong from the ground and wrapped it with a linen cloth to wrap up a lumpy gong mallet, and hit it against the center of the gong.

"Kang bang 哐..."

The hurried voice suddenly sounded, and the people of the Qingque tribe, who had been squatting in the grass for a long time, heard the sound of the gong, and immediately rushed out from inside, holding these weapons, and headed towards the slave hut. Sprint.

Presents a semi-enclosed structure.

At the same time, the door of the slave hut whose door was closed was also suddenly opened from inside.

The people of the Qingque tribe hidden inside, filed out.

The people who came out of it first did not rush towards those people directly, but quickly flashed to the side.

After everyone came out of the house, they had also lined up here, and then holding their weapons, they seemed to slowly push towards the older female primitives.

The older female primitives were directly confused by such a movement.

The sudden harsh sound shocked them, and some of the weapons in their hands fell directly to the ground.

They subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and then they saw an extremely unforgettable scene-with the sound of the sound that they had never heard before, a lot of them burst out of the calm grass. Many people!

These people rushed towards them like this!


After the older female primitive stayed for a while, she immediately screamed, not even the delicious little fruits just collected, and ran towards the weird cave with people.

When they are at the edge of the cave, they encounter unmatched dangers, and they run into the cave, which is their instinct.

Because the cave can help them resist many unmatched dangers.

However, they just turned their heads and before they had time to run, the older primitive women were dumbfounded.

Because in the weird cave that belonged to them, many people who looked very weird suddenly emerged.

These people, like those who rushed out of the grass, are also coming towards them!

Such a scene completely stunned them. For a while, even the most thoughtful and older primitive females didn’t know what to do, but stood there with panic and sluggishness. Here.

They were sluggish, but the people of the Qingque tribe were not sluggish. They had already planned for a long time, and they rushed towards here non-stop. After a while, all the people were connected together and formed a complete encirclement. The people on the side of the millet that were still drying were completely surrounded, and quickly contracted, narrowing the distance between the two sides.

After this kind of encirclement is formed, let alone the older female primitives, they have not yet reacted, even if they have fully reacted, they cannot escape.

The older female primitives didn’t even think about escaping. They were panicked, looking at the crowds of the Qingque tribe, or to be precise, the bronze weapons in the hands of the crowds of the Qingque tribe. There was a look of horror and some doubts.


Looking at the weird people who are getting closer and closer to herself and others, and the weapons held by these weird people that look a little dazzling in the sunlight, the older primitive female screamed loudly. He took the lead and dropped the weapon in his hand, then squatted neatly on the ground.

Driven by her like this, the rest of the people also took action.

Those who had weapons in their hands threw them away, and then squatted neatly on the ground together with those who did not have weapons in their hands.

Looking horrified at the rushing Qingque tribe people.

Han Cheng who was running here was protected by a vine shield with bronze thorns. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help being stunned.

How is this going?

Why are the enemies I encountered in the past two times more easily toppled?

The people of the nose ring and earring tribe, at any rate, can be regarded as fighting for the people of their tribe for a round before throwing down their weapons and surrendering. The tribe I am encountering now has not even fought, so it surrenders simply and neatly?

It seems that your own tribe didn't set up any traps this time, and didn't beat the drum of war, right?

Why did you surrender so easily?

Could it be that he really possesses Liu Da'er's upgrade skills, and he yelled aloud when he rode on the horse-is Zilong on the other side?

Then Shijiazhuang Zhao Zilong rolled his saddle down and came down?

But the problem is that so far, apart from ringing the gong, I haven't said a word.

Moreover, even if they surrendered themselves, these people would not understand it!

Not only Han Cheng was confused, but even the rest of the Qingque tribe and others, who were ready to fight, felt confused and uncomfortable.

Why don't you know how to resist?

Why did you just surrender your weapon so easily?

Now, how can it be so difficult to fight a battle?

Could it be that the element of surrender is popular now?

Amidst the rumblings, more than a hundred members of the Qingque tribe had already surrounded them, and surrounded the older primitive women who had thrown away their weapons and squatted on the ground.

The female primitives who didn't dare to resist before, now they dare not resist even more.

They squeezed together so hard that there were almost no gaps left between them.

Looking at the golden weapons in the hands of the Qingque tribe, they were full of awe.

This kind of weapon that looked a little dazzling in the sunlight, they had seen it before.

The tribe that traded with their tribe for exquisite and easy-to-use pottery and delicious white things possessed this kind of dazzling weapon in the sun.

This kind of weapon is really sharp, far from the wood, bone, and stone-made weapons they possess.

Of course, the weird weapons held by these weird people in front of them are different in shape from those of the tribe.

But since they were all weapons made with something that was so precious to a bit dazzling, no matter how weird they looked, they were equally sharp, which they could not resist.

This is the main reason why they will surrender so simply and neatly.

Otherwise, even if things happen suddenly, there are many of these people, and they have a certain amount of courage to try to escape...

"Ask where they come from? Why do they occupy the houses of our tribe."

Han Cheng himself didn't have any preparations for a big killing. At this time, these people surrendered so simply and neatly, and there will be no excessive actions.

After waiting here for a while, the long Ge in the hands of the people and the weapons thrown by these people on the ground were all drawn away, Han Cheng thought about it and said to the trade.

As a result, trade came out more and more, and they even said and made gestures to the frightened older female primitives, conveying meaning like a awkward dance.

While doing this in the trade, Han Cheng also asked two people holding the shield to go out with the trade ~www.NovelMTL.com~ to stand by the side of the trade to guard against any accidents in the trade.

The rest of the people are also very nervous, looking at these people without blinking, and are ready to shoot them to death if they want to make harmful actions.

Mao deserves to be the first fancy translator of the Qingque tribe, who is self-taught and possesses a high level of talent. After a set of moves, seeing that these people didn't understand his meaning, he immediately changed another set of moves.

After the second set was still not understood, the third set was changed.

The older female primitive people were stunned, not because she regarded Trader's behavior as a courtship behavior of a male bird, nor was it because she realized that she actually understood what this person was conveying.

But because...

She turned her head, looked over there through the gap between the legs of the blue bird, and saw part of the slave hut.

Didn’t this weird cave grow out by itself? How come these people got it?

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