I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 899: Rice harvested (3 in 1)

The morning wind is blowing, with some coolness, and people can't help but tighten their clothes.

The green sparrow flag was gently dancing in the air driven by the wind, making some noises.

Han Cheng, who was carrying a backpack and leggings, turned his head and glanced back.

In front of the tall wall of the Qingque tribe, there were many farewellers standing.

Among them, Little Myolie and Little Pea, standing beside Bai Xuemei, were still there, waving their little hands at them.

Han Cheng waved his hand vigorously at them, then turned his head and continued to move forward with everyone.

It seems that there is a little old-fashioned blessing general, following Han Cheng's side, walking with Han Cheng.

It has reproduced a large group of offspring, and now it has become quieter, not as lively as before. Even when it was in the tribe, it was no longer the same as before. It was fine with Uncle Deer.

Compared with the last trip, this time the team is much larger.

In addition to forty adult citizens, Han Cheng also brought 60 adult slaves.

Among these slaves, twenty were old slaves in the tribe, and the remaining forty were new slaves from the Blackstone Alliance who had joined the tribe for a few months.

In addition, they brought twenty minors who were about eight years old or older.

These minors can also do many things.

For example, fish cages are used to catch fish and shrimps, bamboo cards are used to catch loach in the swamp, and they can help everyone get food.

No matter how Han Cheng promotes education in the tribe, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, the current level of production in the tribe is simply impossible to support all minors to attend full-time classes.

While going to school, these children have to participate in labor. While mastering basic life skills, they also need to learn some techniques and delve as deep as possible.

Except for a small group of people who can go further on the road of learning, more people will formally participate in the various production and life of the tribe after the end of the fifth grade of elementary school.

After being nurtured and enlightened by Chinese and mathematics, it is easier for them to make some achievements than the original people in various production and life.

Learning is never the purpose. Through learning to master and understand something, and apply it to life, to make life better and work more brilliant is the real purpose of learning.

The things learned through study can be some knowledge or some spirit.

For this reason, Han Cheng took these twenty minors on this trip.

Of course, their studies will not be delayed. When they get to the place, he will be the principal of Qingque Elementary School, who has just set up the framework and has closed before school officially starts to teach them.

Compared with before, the composition of the citizens coming this time is also different from before.

Both the living map of Trade and Junior Brother Sha, the **** archer, followed, and once again followed him to the south.

There are two other carpenters' rooms in Mao'er, each with their tools in the team going south.

In addition to them, there are several people who are good at making pottery and burning tiles, as well as two masons who have learned about wood from masons.

Compared with the last time, this time there are more technical staff.

Of course, limited by the number of people, many things cannot be professionalized, the Qingque tribe still takes the path of the whole people.

These technicians also participate in training, but not so frequently.

Even so, these people can also rush forward with their weapons in a crisis situation.

In addition, forty-eight heads of livestock, the donkey and deer, which are mainly used for consignment, were also brought.

At the same time, they brought one hundred and fifty live sheep, and some chickens with their wings cut off in the tribe.

The chicken is going to be raised in Jinguan City.

As for this group of sheep, Han Cheng is also preparing to raise them there.

Of course, bringing so many at once, in addition to raising them, another use is that when there is not enough food to eat, some of these sheep are slaughtered for emergency.

Because of the dogs, deer, donkeys, and this large herd of sheep, Han Cheng and his line seemed a bit like the migration of nomadic tribes.

Amid the barking of lambs, and the barking of dogs before and after running, Han Cheng and his group headed south.

The tall tribal wall behind and the people standing in front of the wall are gradually being left behind.

As the people walked, the sun gradually rose, the thin morning mist dissipated, and the fields on both sides of the road and the crops in the fields slowly disappeared and were replaced by weeds and bushes...

The people who were standing in front of the gate of the tribe to see off were also slowly dispersing, picking up sickles, setting up donkey carts or deer carts, and carrying wooden branches to the fields to harvest and pull crops.

Among them, the grains that were cut neatly and put into piles were loaded on the cart, and the most people were transported to the threshing ground.

This is because there is moisture in the morning, and transporting these is not only easy to load, but also the grains are not easy to fall off.

Therefore, the grains that were cut down yesterday were not transported to the threshing ground.

In the threshing yard, some people also used wooden forks to knock down the piles of millet piled there, or drag them down with a rake.

Then he pushed it with a wooden fork to spread the whole scene in small piles, and then shake it away.

These grains were piled together and had some heat. After being spread out, they were scorched by the sun and blown by the wind. They were easily "scorched". Then let the donkey or the deer pull the stone roller back and forth. After grinding, a lot of grains will fall from above...

When Han Cheng and the others left the tribe and headed towards Jinguan City, the second tribe, when the people in the Qingquezhu tribe and the Tongshan residential area were working hard for the autumn harvest, they surrounded a place in the south. The people wearing animal skins and holding simple weapons left their cave halfway up the mountain and walked towards a place under the leadership of an older primitive female.


While walking, the older primitive female still turned her head and said something to the people in the tribe, with a sense of excitement.

When she said this, many people in the team seemed excited. They also talked about it in the same way. Some people even stretched out their hands and opened their arms to forcefully compare something with a big head.

Driven by them, some people who were a little bit reluctant and worried because they left the tribal cave, gradually became happy.

In the cave behind them, people came in and out one after another, all dressed in the same way.

Most of them transported a package, a package, or some fruit in a fish cage to the cave...

With vine armor on his body and a short bronze spear in his hand, Mao identified the path there.

"Go from here!"

He greeted people.

Now what they are walking is no longer the path they took when they first went, but the corrected path when they came back.

After two or three months of growth, some grass grew on the path that they opened up when they came back, and was blocked by some newly drawn branches.

However, the previous traces are still there, and it is easier to recognize if you don't encounter sparse vegetation.

When passing by, many people waved the sickles and hatchets in their hands, removing the branches and branches of the road.

For this reason, after they passed, the passage here became wider.

While becoming more conspicuous, it is also easier for people to pass.

This is already the sixth day that Han Cheng and the others left the tribe. They walked straight as far as possible to the south. They had already left the sphere of influence of the Blue Sparrow Alliance yesterday.

After these few days of walking, the minors in the team who originally appeared to be more cheerful and novel are not as cheerful and novel as before, but appear a little worried.

However, after seeing the flying blue sparrow flag and the **** son walking in the team, some of their worries and fears that they had caused by going to the unknown territory also disappeared.

The son of God also has the blue bird flag, and he is with himself and others. What is there to be afraid of?

Not to mention, Shenzi and the others have already built some houses there, and they have also discovered delicious rice and sweet millet.

Waiting for someone to pass this time is to build the place together with the son of God.

Not only have to build walls and houses, but also open up fields there to grow delicious rice and sweet millet that can be used to make sugar out of the tribe's surroundings.

When the time comes, all you can see are rice and sweet millet that can be eaten. Just like the main tribe now, there are corn, soybeans and other crops everywhere.

After such thoughts and beautiful scenes emerged in their minds, these minors no longer felt embarrassed. On the contrary, they couldn’t wait to come to Jinguan City earlier and devote themselves to the construction of the tribe. The sub-tribe will be built as soon as possible, just like when the **** sons and leaders built the main tribe...

Time moved forward, and the place came to Jinguan City where there was only one house.

With the departure of Han Cheng and others, the peace and serenity of the past has been restored here again, with some primitive boundlessness in the serenity.

All kinds of waterbirds are active in this swampland.

Some stood motionless like old monks entering Ding, some walked gracefully with their long legs, and some were singing loudly.

One or two supported the ground with one leg and stretched the other leg backwards. At the same time, the wings on that side also spread out, looking like they were stretching their waists.


It was in such an atmosphere that shouts rang from a distance.

Almost into the grass on the chest, some people were revealed.

These people are surrounded by animal skins, holding some crude weapons, and other miscellaneous things. It was the older female primitives who set off from the tribe a few days ago and headed here. One line.

At this time, the older primitive female who was walking in the front, stood on tiptoe and stretched out her arm, pointed at the slave courtyard on the distant high ground, and shouted excitedly, showing off with excitement.

After all, such a magical cave, but she led people to discover it, and tried to figure out its true effect.

If it weren't for her, how could you get such a good cave to live in in your tribe?

The rest of the people who followed all followed the direction of the older female primitives' fingers and looked there, and saw the weird cave located in the high ground.

They, who had received some news about the cave from the older female primitives, looked at the weird cave from a distance, with novelty and excitement.

As the older primitive women said, this strange cave belongs to their tribe.

And being able to own such a cave is undoubtedly a very happy thing for them.

So, the next moment there was a burst of excited shouts.

Then these people waded in weeds and waited for these things, running there hop and hop.

This kind of movement quickly alarmed the birds that lived quietly here.

So soon there was a sound of flapping wings, and large groups of birds flew up from this large area of ​​water, like pieces of clouds moving fast.

Several primitive people looked at the flock of birds flying over their heads, couldn't help shouting loudly, and threw out the sticks or rocks they were holding.

However, this kind of behavior was obviously futile, and even a single bird's feather was not touched, and what was thrown in his hand fell weakly to the ground.

These people can only watch these birds swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva, and after uttering a few words, they find the weapon that has just been thrown out, and then continue along the shore towards the downstream.

When they came to the place where they used to go to the opposite bank, they appeared to be cautiously entering the water, stepping on the mud and some plants growing on it, and heading towards the opposite bank.

They can't wait to come to the strange cave and take a closer look at the new cave belonging to their tribe.

Such a desire is so urgent that they don't even pay attention to the small and delicious little fruits that grow in the water.

After some seemingly difficult trek, these people who were soiled with mud on their legs came to the other side of the water.

After rubbing the mud-stained feet on the grass on the shore a few times, and roughly removing the mud on the feet, these people, under the leadership of the older female primitives, headed directly towards the weird ones. Away from the cave.


After a while, the people with mud on these legs and animal skins came to the slave courtyard in Jinguan City.

When you get closer, you can feel the height of this weird thing even more.

The cave they used to live in was halfway up the mountain and integrated with the mountain. It was actually bigger than this small slave house.

But because it is connected to the mountain, after being compared, it seems less noticeable.

Now the house stands alone in this place where there is not much, without the high mountains as a foil, it will naturally appear tall.

This is actually the same as Mount Tai, which is the head of the Five Sacred Mountains. In terms of tall and majestic Mount Tai, on the third step, it is not as good as many mountains on the first and second steps, but because of the surrounding flat terrain, it suddenly appears to be exceptional. Grow taller.

In the sound of everyone's amazement, the older primitive woman stepped forward.

On the door knocker, the vines that were entwined on it when they left last time are still entwined as before, and there is no sign of being passive, which makes the older female primitives more at ease.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what she thought before, the cave is just abandoned.

Otherwise, why so long has passed and the people of this tribe haven't come back?

She untied the vines that were entwined on it with her hands, and then reached out and pushed the door open.

This makes the house look like a monster with an open mouth.

Some people who came here for the first time and saw these, seeing this scene, couldn't help holding the weapon in their hands tightly, with a look of fear on their faces, and even ready to turn their heads and run away at any time. ready.

But the older female primitive walked straight in, turned around after walking in, waved at them with a smile, and let them all come into this weird cave.

In such a scene, all the people who came here for the first time were amazed and admired the courage of the older primitive women.

However, what they didn't know was that the older female primitives who had their backs to them also unmarkedly twisted their hands on their stomachs, then pushed the door open, and walked away casually. Go in.

Led by the older female primitives, and led by other people who had been here and entered the house, these people have successively entered the cave that they looked extremely strange.

All kinds of novelties have followed, especially like the monkey group of Huaguo Mountain that has just entered the Shuiliandong.

And those who have been here, began to talk to these people with gestures about their previous experiences. The person with the fish cage on his head brought many people to the fish cage. In that room, I was telling everyone about the discovery of something magical, beautiful, and useful.

After a lot of excitement, these talents finally calmed down.

They put the things they brought with them in a place that seemed pleasing to the eye in this weird cave according to their own aesthetics, and then took out the fruits and other things they carried and started eating food.

After eating for a while, and resting in the house for a while, these people, led by the older primitive women, walked out of the house, closed the door, and walked towards the place where they had been before.

After dripping muddy water and walking a short distance along the road that I had walked not long ago, a piece of grass with his head hanging down appeared in front of him.

This grass is covered with finely chopped fruits.

So, under the greeting of the older female primitive people, these people once again descended into the muddy water and came to the edge of this piece of water plants full of small fruits.

Some people spread out the animal skins they held, pulled them with their hands, or pulled them apart together, and connected them under the water plants.

Others hold these ears of grass in both hands, stroke the small fruits on them, or rub them off.

With the continuous movement of their hands, these little fruits with shells fell one after another.

Most of them fell on the animal skins stretched below, and a small part fell into the muddy water below.

Although these small fruits have matured, some of them are still relatively strong. After such operations, most of them will fall down, but there are still some scattered ones.

These people are obviously not doing these things for the first time, and the movements seem to be very skilled, especially the older female primitives.

As they continued to move, the paddy on this large piece of rice was gradually removed by them and collected.

After they passed, the place became messy. There was no rice on the rice, and a lot of grain stalks were trampled down. They got into the muddy water, and the ones standing there looked skewed...


After filling up all the animal skins that he brought, the older primitive female spoke again and gave the order.

Under her order, these people carefully pulled up the animal skins, carefully wrapped the rice stored on it, and then carried them downstream, crossing the waters from the original place, all the way. Go to the front of the slave courtyard in Jinguan City.

Under the rumors of the older female primitives, someone began to pull weeds vigorously, clearing out an open space in front of the house ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and stepping on it firmly with their feet.

After finishing these, the older female primitive took the lead in spreading out the animal skin package she had brought over, and then pulled the edge of the animal skin package up, these rice grains that they had just removed from the rice stalks , It poured onto the ground.

When the others saw this, they followed the older female primitives, spread the animal skins, and poured the rice wrapped on it on the clearing that they had just cleared.

After everyone did this, the older primitive female knelt on the ground and crawled on the ground.

While crawling, stretch out a hand and spread out a small pile of rice by hand.


She didn't finish this kind of thing. After spreading out about half of the grain in this way, she opened her mouth and pointed a finger at a primitive woman and the remaining rice.

So this primitive woman just learned what she was just now, and seemed a little unskilled to spread out the remaining small piles of grains by hand, spreading them out as evenly as possible.

After doing this for a while, the older female primitives took these people and set off again, dripping across the water from their original location, and after finding this kind of aquatic plants, they continued to use the previous method to pick such small fruits.

In the evening, these people transported back twice.

A lot of rice was piled up in front of the Jinguancheng Slave Yard.


When the sky gradually dimmed, some people began to squat there to make fire.

When he drilled wood to make fire, the older female primitives brought some people together, gathered the rice that had been dried outside, and covered it with animal skins and pressed stones on the animal skins.


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