I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 898: Movable type printing (3 in 1)

The time has come to fall, and the sky becomes very high without knowing it.

Above the blue sky, there are some white clouds like cotton candy.

The cooler wind blew by, and the leaves on the tree rattled.

The papers in front of the children who were taking the test were also rustled by the wind. In the rustling sound, two children put down their pens and moved their calves to chase the papers that were blown away by the wind.

Han Cheng, the invigilator, couldn't help but smiled when he saw this scene. Suddenly, he felt a sense of chaos in time and space.

It was as if I had returned to elementary school when I was squatting in the open space outside the classroom when I was taking a small bench I brought from my home.

The surrounding area was quiet, the sun was shining on the body, it was warm, and there was nothing wrong with the rest except the numbness of the legs when sitting for a long time.

As time passed quietly, people began to hand in papers one after another.

This time, Han Cheng did not rewind the papers, but handed the matter to Shishi, Yuan and other teachers of the Qingque tribe.

There are only four proctors plus Han Cheng. This is because the minors in the tribe are very sincere and will not cheat on this. On the other hand, the third batch of subsequent papers has not yet been transcripted. After copying, the rest of the people were still working overtime to copy the papers.

The test papers with the names written on them were collected together, some were full of words written on them, and some had large blank spaces.

Han Cheng let these minors who had taught papers rest for a while, and then continue to take math exams later.

During their break time, Han Chengshitou and a few people went to the toilet, and they divided the papers into four parts and prepared to start correcting them after a while.

Among them, Korean ingredients have the most papers, almost half of them.

Sitting on a wooden chair with a backrest, Han Cheng took the time to correct more than a dozen papers and got up to announce the start of the second exam.

These minors returned to their previous seats, and soon they were seated.

Stone, Yuan, and Huang Chong began to send out math test papers.

After watching for a while, Han Cheng sat down again, leaned back on the back of the chair, tilted Erlang's legs, put the paper on his lap, holding a pen dipped in red ink in one hand, and corrected the Chinese paper here.

The surroundings are quiet, only occasional wind blows over the leaves, and the sounds of some children flipping through test papers.

Fu Jiang didn't know when he came over, lying next to Han Cheng, placing his chin on his front paws, and shaking his tail lazily from time to time.

After correcting the paper for a while, Han Cheng raised his head and looked around, then lowered his head to correct the paper in his hand.

Time is beautiful, with peace and quiet.

Even Han Cheng had the urge to become a teacher in the tribe.

The first batch of papers were very simple, so they were corrected very quickly. When the children handed in the math papers, Han Cheng and the others had almost finished correcting them.

After the math test was over, Han Cheng and the others took the papers and went back. After marking all the Chinese papers, Han Cheng took all of them, and he, a very fast counting person, added up the total score.

The rest began to correct the math papers.

According to the plan, two more exams will be held in the afternoon to select second-grade students, so we must hurry up.

After a lot of work, both Chinese and math papers were corrected.

As in the previous exams for teachers, the number of qualified Chinese is much higher than that of math.

This time, there were 453 people who took the test, 371 people who passed the Chinese language test, and 252 people who passed the math test.

There are two hundred and two people who are qualified in Chinese and mathematics.

Han Cheng's plan is to start from preschool with those who have not accepted the reading and writing of Chinese characters.

Those who have only one pass will start in the first grade, but will no longer participate in the second grade assessment.

Only those who are qualified in Chinese and mathematics can take the second grade exam, which is the exam in the afternoon.

Those who fail the exam in the afternoon will continue to the first grade. Anyone who passes the exam can enter the second grade.

The rest are followed by analogy.

After lunch and busy for a while, Han Cheng and the others made statistics and wrote out the names of those who passed only one exam and notified them to enter the first grade.

At the same time, we also made a statistics for those who did not pass a subject and let them go to preschool.

Those who pass both subjects will continue to take the exam.

After such a selection, Han Cheng found that there were a lot of first-year students.

There are one hundred and sixty-nine people who only passed the Chinese test, and fifty people who only passed the math test, and the two totaled 219 people.

And so on, plus those who didn't pass the second grade exam, I'm afraid it's easy to break through 250.

It easily surpassed the sum of the number of people of all ages from the second grade up.

There is no doubt that the number of people in preschool and first grade is the largest.

It will take more than two years for this situation to gradually normalize.

The afternoon passed quietly. In the lighted room, Han Cheng and others continued to correct, total, and copy scores, and related matters...

Two days later, all the exams have been completed, and the class and grade have been divided according to the exam results.

As expected, the more you go up, the fewer qualified people will be.

For example, in the fifth grade, the highest grade, there are only 13 students, and except for three who are qualified in Chinese and mathematics, all the rest are qualified in a single subject.

The preschool class is divided into two classes, each class has more than 70 students, and the first grade is the most. There are four classes in full, and each class has more than 60 students.

Except for these two heterogeneous classes, there are fewer classes in the remaining grades, with only one class.

After the grades and classes are well separated, teacher resources need to be allocated.

Because of the small number of people in the upper grades, the two highest level stones and circles are taught at the same time in the fourth and fifth grades.

In addition to learning cultural classes, these children also need to learn other things and participate in labor, so they only have half a day of class a day.

And it is two days off in seven days.

In this way, Shishi and Yuan, the two professors of the two grades, were completely busy.

For the remaining thirteen teachers who have passed the exam, Han Cheng picks up people with a lower level of literacy and good personalities as teachers for preschool and first grade. Some people also need to teach two classes.

After finishing all these tasks, I was looking for a free house to be used as a temporary classroom before the new classroom was built.

These series of tedious and trivial things, but can't be omitted and sloppy things, have not finished their work, the autumn harvest in the tribe has already begun.

After a sumptuous feast opening, the Qingque tribe entered the annual harvest season.

The children in the tribe are very lucky. They have just passed the exams and assigned their grades and classes. Before school can start, they are already on vacation. Together with the adults, they join the autumn harvest.

As for Han Cheng, he still didn't take anyone away from the tribe. He still had some things to keep busy.

It's still about teaching.

When compiling the textbook before, he did not expect to grade the students in the tribe, so now he has to revise the textbook previously compiled.

At the very least, the textbooks for the respective grades should be compiled.

Therefore, the two books compiled before were split by him and expanded and extended on the basis of the previous ones.

The later the Chinese text and the higher the grade, the longer the text and the deeper the content.

Mathematics textbooks continue to deepen, not only to figure out the perimeter area and volume of geometry.

Including the angle, these are also written out.

At the same time, reciprocals, fractions, decimals, one-dimensional linear equations, simple squares, and cubes were all compiled into the corresponding textbooks by him.

Because he has been thinking about things like Jinguan City and rice in the south, Han Cheng really worked hard during this period of time. From morning to night, he kept writing these things, really day and night.

Even when I was humming some minor tunes with Bai Xuemei at night, my mind was thinking about how to write a certain text, or what a certain law was.

In the past, he always envied people who hold pens and sit in the office. Now, he doesn't envy them at all.

Who said it’s easy to sit in the office?

The pen holder is not easy to hold.

This is not only mentally intensive, but also very physical.

After a busy day, the whole person is dizzy.

It was not until this time that Han Cheng suddenly woke up, that his thoughts were wrong some time ago.

If time can go back, space can be changed, and I can go back to the past, I will definitely no longer have the idea of ​​shutting a certain point of ink into the small black room.

I won’t play his little hook again if nothing happens...

In the busy day by day, time passed quietly.

After he was busy with these things and confirmed the teaching materials, the first batch of millet planted in the tribe had been harvested, and the second batch of millet planted had already been harvested.

Han Cheng rested for a while, then gathered the stone, circle, yellow worm and others for a meeting.

The main thing is to explain the transcription and application of these newly compiled textbooks, and let them all seize the time to study the textbooks of the grade they are teaching, and ask him if they don't understand.

After all these things were resolved, he quickly took people south.

For this reason, Han Cheng also specifically approved them so that they do not need to participate in the tribe’s autumn harvest for the time being.

So Shishi and the others began to study intensively. When they encountered something they didn't understand, they asked Han Cheng, and quite often they would write down some things Han Cheng told in a small book.

Stone’s task is heavier. This is not only because he needs to teach the fourth and fifth grades. Another reason is that Han Cheng also explained to him some things about making bamboo paper later, so he can write it down until the time is up. Go for it.

Moreover, during this period of time, he still needs to instruct several people in the tribe from time to time on how to produce the kind of paper already in the tribe.

This is because with the compilation of textbooks and the progress of various examinations, the demand for paper in the tribe has suddenly increased, so it is necessary to hurry up and produce a batch.

While doing these things, Han Cheng also took the time to check what the tribe had prepared for this southward journey.

The senior officials in some tribes, such as the witches, big brothers, and so on, were gathered to arrange matters for the second half of the year.

The main thing is the holding of the Winter Games, the selection of qualified tribal slaves to make them citizens of the tribe, and the need to hold a meeting to dissolve slavery later, and drinking green sparrow wine with newly joined citizens.

These things are very important to the development and stability of the tribe and need to be arranged properly.

And if there is no accident, he will have to wait until the next year to open up the paddy field and plant the seedlings before returning, so these things need to be arranged in advance.

The final negotiated solution is to sacrifice heroes and the Winter Games as scheduled.

As for the removal of slavery, a discount is needed.

When the Winter Games is held, the list of all those who will be released from slavery will be announced.

At the same time, these people will also move out of the slave yard, live in the inner yard, and enjoy all the rights and interests of the citizens of the Qingque tribe.

However, the issue of the resident identity card and the drinking of the Qingquejiu who joined the tribe must wait until Han Cheng returns.

On the one hand, Han Cheng thought that these things should not be borrowed from others. On the other hand, the things that were only made after Han Cheng arrived, from the beginning to the present, when they were held, they were all Han Cheng is playing the leading role. People in the tribe are used to it, and there is a tendency to develop in the direction of unwritten rules.

If you give it to the witch and the big brother, not only the people in the tribe will not agree, but the witch and the big brother are not used to it.

The two ceremonies will be postponed later, and the things that will be held after Han Cheng comes back are the two of them initiatively proposed.

In addition to these things, Han Cheng also brought together the black baby, lame, grain, bean, and old sheep, and explained that in the second half of the year, on the basis of all kinds of good existing land, he would continue to cultivate land and strengthen grazing. And these things such as building a blue brick school.

Things are piecemeal, but they have to explain one or two things.

After explaining all these things, Han Cheng also found Lame and Heiwa alone and explained to them about printing.

The science and technology tree of printing must be opened up. During this period of time, various books and papers were copied, which really made Han Cheng fed up.

Now, seeing the need to copy a thing into dozens or hundreds of copies, Han Chengcheng feels his wrist hurts.

"...Wait, you can make clay or wood into small cubes, and engrave the words on one side of it... If you use frequently used characters, you can engrave more characters. Engrave less... In the future, there will be something in the tribe that needs a lot of copying. Just arrange these words one by one. After making it firm, apply ink on it, and then print the paper on it, and you will get one immediately. New article..."

Han Cheng told the two people about printing.

Instead of taking the road of engraving and printing first and then movable type printing, it directly sacrificed movable type printing.

Block printing is not suitable for the current tribe.

Even the one thing with the highest repeat rate in the tribe is about 300 copies, most of which are 100 copies, or even less.

Under such circumstances, it is really not cost-effective to engrave a plate for it and then print it.

You can copy it manually without waiting for the engraving to be completed.

The movable type printing that can be removed and reorganized is more suitable for such small-scale printing in the tribe.

After all, the biggest trouble with movable type printing is that when movable type was made before, as long as the movable type can be made well and some other problems can be overcome, it will be much more convenient to use.

Moreover, if one of the characters is broken, just replace it. It doesn't need to be like an engraving. As long as one of the characters is broken, the entire board will be scrapped.

Han Cheng is no stranger to movable type printing, because he had learned such chapters in history textbooks when he was going to school.

Although I haven't done it before, and don't understand some details, it is enough to have such a general direction and framework.

The remaining things can always be found out through many experiments.

After all, the most important thing is creativity.

Lame and Heiwa are a carpenter and a weaver, and the other is a potter and a model maker. They are still groping towards the path of porcelain making. They are not in the same system as culture and education.

Therefore, after hearing Han Cheng talk about movable type printing, although he was also new to this idea of ​​the son of God, his feelings were not particularly great.

But people such as stone, circle, and yellow worm are completely different.

After Han Cheng confessed the matter to the lame and Heiwa, they all became excited when they learned about movable type printing.

These days, they have been copying things, and they can deeply understand how such things can really be made, which will bring great benefits to the tribe.

They can be liberated from the heavy work of copying things, not to mention, they can also quickly promote the development of tribal teaching.

Regardless of the rest, textbook issues alone can be resolved quickly.

After all, textbooks are different from papers. There are so many words in the textbooks that it takes a long time to copy one copy.

Think about the children in the tribe. When the autumn harvest is over, everyone can hold two new books and sit in the classroom to listen to the class. The stone, the circle, the yellow worm, the Xiaomei, etc. can't help it. A moment of excitement and intoxication.

Such a scene is so beautiful, just need to imagine it will make people very fascinated.

While admiring the idea of ​​the genius of the son of God, these fifteen people collectively came to find their son of God, and expressed to the son of God that they all wanted to participate in this matter, and wanted to give such a good thing earlier. Made it out.

They were worried that Han Cheng would not agree, and before Han Cheng could speak, they promised that they would never affect the copying of textbooks and lesson preparation.

They all talked about it, and Han Cheng naturally had no reason to refuse.

Moreover, their move also gave Han Cheng a wake-up call, that is, to hand over relevant things to relevant people to complete.

Although people like stone, circle, and yellow insects are not carpenters and potters, they will often deal with writing in the future. It seems more appropriate for them to perform seal carvings.

As for the use of clay for pottery movable type and the firing, let Heiwa give some pointers.

Moreover, the lame and the black baby have a lot of things to be busy.

For example, the carpenter's room headed by lame needs to hurry up to produce a large number of tables and chairs specifically for teaching.

There are also many blackboards hanging on the wall and small blackboards for minors to use.

In addition to these, when building blue brick houses, doors and windows need to be made by them.

As for Heiwa, he is also very busy. In addition to pottery and molds, he is still exploring how to use kaolin to make porcelain. At the same time, he is also the person who is mainly responsible for the firing of blue bricks in the tribe.

And movable type printing, a new tool that involves several difficulties, requires someone to settle down and spend a lot of energy and time to study it seriously.

Lame and Heiwa ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is obviously not very suitable for this task.

In contrast, it is more appropriate to give it to Stone, Yuan, Huang Chong, and Xiao Mei.

After thinking about these things, Han Chenggong recruited Lame and Heiwa and gave a new explanation, so that the study of movable type printing should be based on the stone and the others, and the Lame and Heiwa were supplemented.

For Han Cheng's re-arrangement, Lame, Heiwa and Shishi all seemed very happy...

After so many piecemeal things were arranged one by one, the second batch of millet planted in the tribe had already been harvested in half.

And Han Cheng, finally set off.

In the early morning with some mist, many people gathered on the square of the Qingque tribe.

The various materials that have already been packed, as well as the people who have been clearly told that they will go to Jinguan City with Han Cheng, are all gathered here.

Han Cheng, carrying a backpack, appeared in front of everyone with a small pea in one arm and Xiao Xing'er in the other.

After the two little guys kissed each on the face, Han Cheng put them on the ground.

The two little guys were very obedient, and didn't hug Han Cheng Rang much. After being put down, they followed Han Cheng obediently.

"God, be careful, the road is slower, don't be so anxious, we will take care of the tribe..."

Wu gave an explanation there.

He had already said similar things a few days ago and said it many times.

Han Cheng listened patiently and nodded vigorously to make Wu feel relieved.

What should have been said before, so Shang Hancheng didn't say much, just stayed here for a while, and set off with someone...


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