I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 900: Who? ! (2 in 1)

The ‘chich’ sound kept ringing until the person who kept rubbing the stick with his hands felt that his hands were about to smoke, and finally there was smoke from the fire-lighter.

He accelerated his hands, and after rubbing a few more vigorously, the smoke thickened upward.

So he stopped his hands, quickly removed the wooden stick, picked up the smoking firelighter, and then carefully blew it.

Soon a flame began to flicker.

He used the flame to light the rest of the firewood prepared in advance, and the room quickly became bright.

Some people looked at the fire and couldn't help cheering.

When people looked at the male primitive who got out of the fire, there was respect and admiration in their eyes.

The eyes of a few primitive females were even more brilliant, and there seemed to be flames flickering inside.

This male primitive man enjoys the worship of everyone with peace of mind.

He solemnly put away the tools used to drill logs for fire, and placed them in a relatively high place in this strange cave, and then surrounded the fire with some stones that had just been moved in.


At this time, the older female primitives had already brought people together to gather the grains outside.

She walked in with someone, and then came to the depths of the room, bending down carefully picked up a clay pot, and solemnly handed it to someone who followed her in.

That person also took it very carefully, holding it cautiously, for fear of falling to the ground.

The older primitive woman bent down again, picked up another clay pot from the ground, and gave it to another person.

After she spoke a few words to them, they nodded vigorously, holding the clay pot in their arms, accompanied by the other two people, all the way to the water.

After filling the two clay pots with water, they stood up and took turns holding the clay pots in pairs to the weird cave.

After arranging these people to fetch water, the older primitive women were not idle, and she took out some of the things they brought this trip.

These are a few stones with pits cut out on them, and some wooden sticks.

After dividing these things among several people, she wrapped them in animal skins and brought in some rice from the rice pile outside and placed them in front of them.

These people began to grab these small shelled fruits and put them in the stone pit.

After putting it on, hold the stick in your hand and pound it down.

Soon there was a ‘pop’ in the room.

As they moved, the small fruits inside the stone pit began to crack, revealing the white fruits inside.

After a while, several people who went out to fetch water have also returned.

The person in charge of the ignition had already lit another fire on the side at this time, and also circled it with stones.

Seeing these people returning from a trip to fetch water, they took the clay pot with water from their hands and placed it on the fire.

Because of the surrounding stones as support, the clay pot was not directly pressed on the fire.

There was a clay pot on it, and the flames that had risen in the past ran around the pot and surrounded it.

Putting the two clay pots in sequence, the male primitive then added firewood under the two clay pots to make the flames burn more vigorously.

After a while, the older primitive female who had been watching by the few people who had been smashing rice called to stop everyone's movements.

Then let the people grab the fruits in the stone pit one by one and blow them out between the two palms.

As they blew, the shells of the pounded fruit flew out and fell to the ground, leaving only the white fruit in the palm.

Of course, the rice smashed in this way will not be particularly clean, and many have some shells on it that have not been removed.

But this is enough for the older female primitives.

They put the white fruit blown out into a wooden container.

After a few people had cleared the fruits from the stone pit, the older female primitive picked up this wood-like, roughly circular container, and poured all the white fruits inside into one of them. Inside the clay pot that started to steam.

While she was doing this, those who had just cleaned out the white fruits continued to put small fruits into the stone pit and then poured them with sticks.

After a while, another batch of white fruits were cleaned out by them and poured into another clay pot by the older primitive women.

After doing this, the older female primitive took out some of the fruits collected on the road before to everyone, and let everyone start to eat.

And she, while gnawing at the fruit in her hand, continued to take out some things.

These are quite a few containers, the same as the one she used to hold the pounded white fruit just now.

They are all similar to wood, presenting circular containers that are not particularly regular.

After waiting for a while, the fragrance in the room began to diffuse.

After another while, the male primitive who had been burning there picked up something and plunged into the steaming clay pot.

This is a rope made of sticks, bark, and a tool made of a round container similar to wood.

He plunged it into it, stirred it twice, and pulled it out. The container was filled with some whitish soup.

He tilted the container to one side, and the soup in the container fell back into the clay pot, and the wooden container revealed some large white fruits that had been cooked.


After he took a closer look, he said with some joy.

So, the older female primitive who was waiting on the side stepped forward, took the long-handled container from his hand, and began to push the soup inside and some boiled white fruits to the side. It is placed in a wood-like container placed on it.

After a while, these people all started to drink the white, steaming soup with a container like that.

Compared with ordinary soup, this kind of soup cooked with white fruits tastes more delicious.

At the end of the drink, boiled white fruits will appear at the bottom of the container.

Some can be poured directly into the mouth and eaten, and some will stick to the edge of this container and not come down.

In this case, someone will stretch out their finger, remove it from the wall, and then continue to pour into the mouth.

Time is passing, and as the night darkens, the slave hut in Jinguan City also begins to become quiet.

The people who drank the soup from the two jars of white fruits began to lie down on the hay to sleep.

For the first time sleeping in this kind of weird cave, many people thought it was very novel and couldn't sleep.

There was no extra entertainment in the primitive era, so it didn't take long for some people here to start humming primitive minors.

In a place far away from here, the temporary camp surrounded by ropes and sticks gradually calmed down.

Except for the deer ruminating, and the two watchmen, the rest were already asleep.

Walking for a long time makes everyone very tired. When I lie down here, I will soon fall asleep.

Time passed quietly in the quiet night, unconsciously, the night gradually faded, and the light came again.

As the light descended, there were birds singing ‘tweeting’ among the trees not far away, sometimes spreading their wings and flapping their wings.

The water droplets gathered at the tips of the dark green leaves couldn't bear the shaking and fell to the ground.

The temporary camp where the Qingque tribe people rest has also become lively here.

Some people led deer, donkeys, and sheep to graze around the temporary camps, taking advantage of the opportunity to cook and clean up, allowing these animals to eat more grass.

Otherwise, if they walk up later, they will not have enough opportunities to eat grass at ease.

In the morning light, cooking smoke curled up, and the smell of food diffused with the cooking smoke.

When the sun rose for some distance, the group of people who had used breakfast and packed up, led the animals to continue the journey, and followed the corrected route toward the south...

At the same time, the older female primitives who drank the porridge made from white fruits again, spread out the small fruits that had gathered in a pile, and then left Jinguan City with utensils. In the slave hut, went to pick and collect this delicious white fruit...

The sun never knows to be tired, it repeats the same thing every day, rising from the east, slowly crossing the sky, and then setting from the west.

At this time, the sun is already a bit westward, and the sun spreading down is much softer than at noon.

The sun shines on the earth, setting off the whole world with exceptional tranquility and serenity.

However, this is only the surface. By focusing on individual individuals through this overall peace, you will find that this world is not as peaceful and beautiful as it seems.


The group of monkeys playing on the tree and catching lice suddenly boiled. Many monkeys screamed and jumped on the tree continuously.

A bird of prey retracted its wings and swooped down like a sharp sword. Its copper-cast iron claws grabbed a half-large monkey that hadn't reacted, and it flew into the distance in horrified wailing.

A bee humming and dancing happily hit a large white net arranged between two trees. The whole bee couldn't fly and couldn't be happy anymore.

It began to struggle desperately, trying to get rid of this terrible bondage, and the entire net was shaken.

The spider lying quietly in the middle of the net immediately started to act. It moved its long legs and quickly climbed to the side of the peak, and then circled endlessly.

White silk thread gushes from behind its belly, winding around the bee's body in circles.

After a while, the bee struggled less and less.

A primitive man with animal skins and loose hair was running desperately.

There is some blood on her body.

As she ran, branches were constantly being touched, hitting her face and body.

However, she ignored these, holding a baby in her arms, she just hugged the baby in her arms and ran desperately.

While running, he turned his head to look behind from time to time, as if something terrifying behind was chasing her.

The little baby in her arms seemed to perceive the danger coming. She did not cry when she was held in her arms by her mother, but looked around in fear with her eyes full of horror.

A net appeared in front of the female primitive, and rushing to run, she didn't see the net and ran into it directly.

After breaking it, he continued to flee.

After feeling this huge shock, the spider who had not had time to be happy was immediately dumbfounded.

Because even with it, it was hit and fell to the ground.

After struggling for a while, the already restrained bee seized this opportunity and finally flew into the sky again, humming the ‘humming song’, and left this terrifying land in panic.

After the female primitive ran, the branches that were driven by them gradually calmed down, and the spider slowly crawled to go back to the tree and repair its broken web.


This calm and tightness only lasted for a while, before it was broken again.

While the branches and leaves were swaying, three more primitives ran from the direction of the female primitive who just ran past, paused for a while, and then moved in the direction where she ran.

They held weapons made of stones and bones in their hands.

The hapless spider had not had time to climb onto the tree~www.NovelMTL.com~, but was trampled into a pool of water by a big foot that fell from the sky.

These people didn't feel the slightest feeling about it, and they still chased forward.

Calm was restored here again, and only the broken webs and spiders that became a pile of fleshy remained...

The female primitive suffered some injuries, and she was still holding a baby in her arms, and she was not physically as strong as the male primitive, so she was gradually caught up.



The male primitives behind were shouting loudly, and the female primitives became even more frightened.

She was already almost unable to run, but she didn't know where she came from, so she ran again.



Suddenly the whine of beasts rang in front, and several wolves appeared among the branches and leaves.

This kind of change made the female primitive be stunned, and subconsciously wanted to change the direction and run to the side.

However, the weeds and trees on the side are denser, and the people who are chasing behind are already close to the front. If they ram into it, they will definitely be caught by the people behind.

The critical situation did not give her any time to hesitate, but after a little hesitation, she gritted her teeth and rushed in the direction where these wolves were.

Sometimes, compared with the beasts, the same kind is more frightening.



Just when she was ready to be bitten by these wolves, an absolutely unexpected sight suddenly appeared before her eyes.

Some strange-looking people appeared in front of them, they were holding some strange weapons in their hands, and they were screaming something she didn't understand...


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