I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 891: 246 people!

Flames flashed in the cave, and the smell of food spread in the cave.

For the first time, the grass tribe minors who had eaten food cooked with salt and pottery, felt a little bragging belly, all of them were extremely novel and longing.

After dinner, they did not go to bed early as before. Instead, they surrounded the leader of the grass tribe and kept asking about the Qingque tribe. Their small faces were full of longing. .

What the leader said about the Qingque tribe made them deeply fascinated.

For those who look a little strange, but are very good, and like to laugh at themselves and others, and also make delicious food for themselves and others, they don’t feel scared anymore. Instead, they feel that one by one Very kind, as if they were from their own tribe.

After this situation lasted for a while, these full-fed minors finally felt tired and began to fall asleep.

With unprecedented satisfaction and peace of mind.

They fell asleep and followed, but some people could not sleep, such as the leader of the grass tribe.

She came to the sleeping grass roots lying on the ground covered with hay and animal skins, and pressed against them...

According to the aesthetic standards of the people of this era, the leader of the grass tribe is of the kind that looks very good.

This can be seen from the fact that she can become the leader of the grass tribe.

As a woman, to be the leader of a tribe, she cannot rely on wisdom alone, she must have a strong body.

In this era, being strong represents strength and beauty.

So the grassroots was not very polite, and after a while, the touching primitive minor tune sounded in the cave.

The melodious original minor tune ended, and the grassroots soon fell asleep.

But the leader of the grass tribe is still very energetic. She did not sleep, but came to the male citizens of another Qingque tribe...

The night was already deep, and the cave where the grass tribe was located finally became completely quiet.

With the leader of the grass tribe, five male citizens of the Qingque tribe, as well as an old male slave of the Qingque tribe, and a new male slave all fell asleep.

Since starting from the tribe, they have never slept in this way.

The vigil was the female citizen from the Qingque tribe, and the old slave of the Qingque tribe grouped with the leader of the Hecao tribe.

But the two of them were also a little sleepy, and they couldn't help dozing off sitting there.

On the one hand, they all seemed very tired because they had been on the road for nearly twenty days in a row. Another reason was that they were influenced by the leader of the grass tribe not long ago, and they all joined the ranks of humming songs.

Although not as much as the leader of the grass tribe and humming for a long time, he still felt sleepy at this time.

The leader of the grass tribe, who is considered to be definitely tired, did not actually fall asleep at this time.

Lying there secretly opened her eyes a slit, looking at the scene in the cave.

Originally, according to her previous assumptions on the road, after experiencing these things, under such circumstances, she should have quietly brought some people from the tribe and left quietly.

She is very familiar with the surroundings of the tribe. As long as she takes the people from the tribe to leave here in the dark, and then find a place to hide, these people will definitely not find themselves and others.

And these people still have to go back.

The Qingque tribe is so far away from their own tribe, it is impossible for them to run so far specifically for themselves to find the trouble of themselves and others.

I only need to take people to hide outside for a while. After these people leave, they can return to the caves of their tribes and continue to live here without worrying about the evil Blackrock tribe. Oppress yourself and others.

And I, during a period of life in the Qingque tribe, also learned a lot of things, and I have the confidence to lead the people in the tribe to live a better life.

But now, the leader of the grass tribe is lying here without moving.

It was not because she was too tired to walk, but because she suddenly realized that her previous thoughts might not be right.

The children in the tribe were happy and cherished eating fruit candy, once again appeared before her eyes.

Such a scene made her both happy and sad.

In the Qingque tribe, the children there can eat some fruit candies every three to five, and they can often eat an egg in the morning or add water and salt to the egg and steam it in a clay pot after stirring. , What people there call egg custard.

Deer's milk and goat's milk are often drunk. Some children of the Qingque tribe don't even like to drink these things anymore. They need adults to reprimand them to drink them reluctantly.

In addition to eating, the clothes you wear are also very enviable.

The children of the Qingque tribe have their own shoes, and they can also wear clothes that are different from fur, but are particularly comfortable when the weather is warm.

Wearing this kind of clothes, you don’t have to worry about getting a layer of very itchy little bumps on your body, and you don’t have to worry about peeling your body from the strong sun.

The children there don't have to work every day. They have half a day every day, sitting in the spacious and bright house, and being taught something by the people of the tribe.

What exactly were taught, the leader of the grass tribe didn't know it, but she knew it was a very important thing.

Because the minors of the Qingque tribe, who are often taught in this way, seem to be much smarter and smarter than the children of their tribe...

Although I learned something in the Qingque tribe, there are more things that I haven't learned, and even if some things are learned, it is of no use to leave the Qingque tribe.

For example, she did most of the ground planing and hoeing there.

Although I heard that through this kind of work, you can get a lot of food in time, but after careful thinking, the leader of the grass tribe realized that after leaving the Qingque tribe, this kind of thing did not have much effect on him. .

Because she couldn't make that kind of sharp and easy-to-use tools, and at the same time, she didn't have the kind of delicious little fruit to sow the ground.

As for those things that are led by deer and donkeys, called columbine carts or plows, they are even more powerless.

Not only these things, but candies, salt, pottery, comfortable clothes...Sit in the spacious house and learn things to make the children in the tribe smarter, and so on, all these things and things are done by yourself Does not come out.

In this way, even if you can take the people from the tribe and escape smoothly, what can you do if you return to the tribe?

The life he can live is still far behind the Qingque tribe.

The children of the Qingque tribe still eat things that the children of their own tribe cannot eat anyway.

The children in the tribe, following themselves, can get nothing except suffering and suffering.

Not to mention the terrible cold that might come again...

The leader of the Cao tribe lay here, squinting his eyes and contemplating the scene in the cave, constantly thinking about these things.

After a while, she stood up quietly, and then walked towards the blocked hole in a weird posture.

Quietly removed the blocked cave and came to the outside of the cave.

The female citizen of the Qingque tribe who was dozing off in charge of the night watch quietly glanced at the entrance of the cave, tightened the weapon in her hand, and continued to doze there.

For these, the leader of the grass tribe did not see.

When she came to the outside of the cave, she squatted on the ground and looked up at the stars in the sound of water for a while.

After the sound of water disappeared, he stood up and looked around.

The surrounding area shrouded by night looked extremely vast, it seemed that the open mouth of a giant beast could swallow people in one bite.

The leader of the Cao tribe looked at all this with a smile on his face.

She didn't stay outside any longer, turned and walked towards the cave where the firelight leaked.

After coming to the cave, he closed the hole gently and quietly returned to where she slept. Not long after lying down, she fell asleep.

This was the deepest and most stable sleep since being captured by the Qingque tribe.

The female citizen of the Qingque tribe who watched the night glanced at the head of the grass tribe who was sleeping, and continued to sit and doze there...

Without knowing it, the sky brightened again, and inside the cave of the grass tribe filled with the smell of food, there were laughter and laughter.

After breakfast, the morning sun rose from the east, and before the morning dew disappeared, a group of people had already walked out of the cave of the grass tribe and headed away.

The minors of the Cao tribe looked novel and eagerly running, with a burst of laughter.

After walking like this for a while, the grassroots leaned over and picked up a little tired guy who was walking, put it on the back of the deer, and let the deer carry her away.

The unprecedented novel experience made this little primitive man seem a little scared.

But after sitting on it for a while, the fear has completely disappeared, and all that is left is joy with excitement.

Such a scene, the minors of the other grass tribes who watched it were envious.

So, not long after, they were taken turns by the grassroots and others to walk on the backs of deer or donkeys, and the children were so happy that they could not close their mouths together.

The leader of the Cao tribe looked at all this, the smile on his face has not disappeared.

After climbing a hillside with few trees, everyone rested here. The leader of the grass tribe looked back and glanced in the direction of the cave where he once lived.

The cave is no longer visible, and it is connected to the hill as one.


The leader of the grassroots shouted, the team set off again, the leader of the grass tribe also hurriedly stepped, walking with everyone, leading the way for everyone, and never looked back...

After the leaders of the grassroots and the grass tribe returned to the place where the Blackrock tribe was located, they waited two more days, and all the teams that went out returned.

Among them, the grass tribe has the most people, including 29 adults and children.

Most of the people in the other tribes are between ten and twenty.

This is because the cold last winter caused most of these tribes to suffer heavy losses. Minors who did not grow up, and weak people died the most.

As for the senior brother and the others, no one took it this time out.

Because when they passed, there was no one in the cave, only some stumps that had stinked after being bitten by wild beasts...

After the crowd gathered, they stopped for half a day and one night in the Blackstone tribe, and then divided into seven groups again, and headed for the remaining seven tribes.

As for the people who were taken over, they all stayed in the Blackstone tribe for the time being, waiting for the return of the big brother.

Because when they met people from their own tribe, these people had already been told that they had become members of the Blue Sparrow Tribe and would go to the Blue Sparrow Tribe to live a good life, so together with the Black Rock Tribe, there were seven tribes in total , I get along more harmoniously here.

After all, in their consciousness, they are all members of the Qingque tribe, and they are members of the same tribe, so naturally they don't have to fight too much.

Even the people of the original Blackstone tribe, such as Pine Needle, are now very friendly and no longer oppress the people of the other tribes as before.

It was another six days, divided into seven groups of outgoing elder brothers, grassroots and other members of the Qingque tribe, once again all members returned to the Blackstone tribe.

During this process, no one had resisted things. They were very happy to leave the place where they lived and come to live in the Qingque tribe...

The current Blackstone tribe seemed very lively, more lively than when the leaders of the Blackstone tribe were still there.

This time, from the Blackstone tribe, plus 13 other tribesmen, the big brothers received a total of 246 people.

If the other tribe was not attacked by wild beasts, causing everyone who remained in the tribe to die, and if there were not so many people frozen to death in the previous winter, the big brothers would be able to receive more people.

However, even so, there are enough people gathered here now.

In addition, the forty-five citizens of the Qingque tribe and the big brothers and the thirty-four new and old slaves who came here have gathered here, and there are as many as 335 people!

After taking all the people from the tribe, and only resting here for one night, the senior brother took the people from here and headed towards the direction of the Qingque tribe.

This is because he wants to return to the tribe earlier, and on the other hand, there are too many people here!

It’s not that the big brothers are worried that these people will make troubles. There are two hundred forty-six people who are mainly old and weak, but few young and strong. There are not too many big brothers carrying the vine shield with bronze thorns. Take it to heart.

There is no need for the new and old slaves to do anything, they, the citizens of the Qingque tribe, can easily suppress these people.

It's because there is not much food.

The food that so many people eat every day is a very scary existence.

Even when they set off from the tribe, they carried an extremely sufficient amount of food, and when they passed through the Tongshan residential area, they also supplemented a batch. On the way forward, when they encounter a place with sufficient food, they will supplement it. But after walking all the way and coming to the Blackstone Tribe, a half of the food they carried has also been consumed.

During the thirteen and a half days of staying here, these foods were further consumed.

Today, the food they carry is almost half of what they had when they came.

But there are more people who need food than before.

If you don’t hurry up, and you don’t return to the tribe, the food you carry will be eaten.

Even if we hurry up, the food is not enough.

So, after starting to hurry, the big brother began to cut the daily food supply.

While doing this, I also asked these new slaves to explain to the people of their original tribe, explaining that the reason why they do this now is not that the Qingque tribe is not rich, and there is no food in the tribe, but the long distance When walking, the food they can carry is limited.

This situation is only temporary now, and it won't be like this again after I get to the tribe.

Such an explanation quickly settled down those who were a little panicked.

However, there are still a few people who are more panicked, such as the pine needles of the original Blackstone tribe, but the big brothers did not care about this time.

They have already explained what should be explained. If these people are still panicking and don't want to listen to their explanation, then they have to continue to panic.

If they dare to cause trouble, they won't be polite.

They didn't mind allowing these people to see the other side of Qingque tribe besides kindness and wealth.

There is no way, a person with a knife is so powerful.

Of course, in addition to saving food, the elder brothers are also collecting as much food as possible while on their way.

For example, hunting the beasts encountered and encountering large edible wild vegetables and fruits will cause the team to temporarily stop and let all the people gather food together.

As for the camping place, where there is a water source, there are many fish cages down inside, which is even more routine.

However, although the big brothers wanted to return to the tribe earlier and were more familiar with the road than when they came, they still didn't move fast when they came.

This is mainly because there are too many minors in the team. Although these minors have extremely high enthusiasm, they are not physically good enough to keep up with adults.

At the beginning, it was okay. After a few days of walking, some people couldn't keep up.

The big brother will ask someone to support them on the back of a donkey or a deer.

Sometimes adults will be allowed to carry them forward.

This is not the most troublesome, the most troublesome is that they encountered a lot of rain on the way back.

The heavy rain not only delayed their two days on the road, but also made some people sick.

They came out this time, although they carried animal skin tents and hats, but there were too many people going back, and it was impossible to cover all of them.

Even if they boiled chaihu slices for these people in time, three people died.

Before returning to the tribe, three people died. Such things did not affect the morale at all. On the contrary, after such things happened, these people became more enthusiastic and wanted to join the youth earlier. Sparrow tribe.

This is mainly because, this time, there are 19 people who have a fever and become ill due to the rain.

In this situation, in their tribe in the past, half of the people who can survive is already very good, but now, under the operation of the Qingque tribe, only three have died!

The rest are getting better one after another.

With such a cure rate, in future generations, the clinic has already been smashed by people, and even doctors will be beaten by the patients' family members.

But in this era, this kind of thing is simply a miraculous existence for these people who don't have much knowledge of the magic of herbs!

In this way, everyone went all the way. Seventeen days later, the elder brothers, who looked rather embarrassed, finally reached the Bazi Ridge to the north of the Tongshan residential area.

Walking along the **** out of the Bazi Ridge, a piece of farmland appeared in front of everyone.

Looking across a piece of farmland, the strange-looking Copper Mountain in the southwest and the residential area of ​​Copper Mountain not far below the Copper Mountain appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at this large piece of millet that has already drawn out the grains and the Tongshan residential area that stands there, the big brother and others ~www.NovelMTL.com~ can't help but take a bite, with the ease of returning With joy.

And some people from the Qingque tribe working in the fields have already seen the big brother and their group.

There are so many people in their group that it is impossible to let people discover them.

These people working in the fields, seeing the drenched people of the big brothers, their first reaction is that there is another existence similar to the Blackstone Alliance, coming to attack the tribe.

After the consciousness rose like this, not only did they not panic at all, on the contrary, they were more excited one by one.

The next moment, when their eyes fell on the blue bird flag that was being raised, the excitement in their hearts just increased.

"The leader! The leader is back!"

With this shout, the Tongshan residential area suddenly became boiling.

As for the people who finally came to the Tongshan residential area after traveling all the way, all of them were already stunned.

They looked at the large number of people who greeted them, looked at the extremely tall, hill-like cave, and looked at the various prey in the weird cave, all in awe.

It turns out that this is the Qingque tribe, it turns out that there is such a strong tribe in this world.

In the evening, they had a meal here. For them, after an extremely rich and delicious meal, they had a more intuitive understanding of the prosperity of the Qingque tribe.

However, three days later, after they arrived at the Blue Sparrow Tribe along the bronze highway, they discovered that the tribe they had been amazed by before was just a sub-tribe of the Blue Sparrow tribe.

There is also a bigger and better blue bird tribe...


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