I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 892: Ignorance does not mean innocence (3 in 1)

"Good job! You worked hard this time!"

Within the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng looked at these two hundred people with some fear, but more curiosity and excitement, and affirmed the big brothers who were obviously thinner and looked shaggy.

"You go to wash up first, the food in the tribe is already being made, and you can eat it when you wash up."

Han Cheng pointed to the bath basket that was carried over, and smiled and said to the seniors.

Inside the bath basket are changed clothes, soap, bronze razor, wooden comb and other things.

"Take these children to wash as well."

Suffering and daily interaction can promote the rapid development of relationships between people.

After walking from the Blackstone tribe to the Green Bird tribe for nearly 20 days, the two hundred or so people, mostly minors, have become acquainted with the big brothers and others.

Especially after the big brothers and others carried them on their donkeys, or even walked directly on their backs, as well as treating illnesses and saving people after the rain, these children who had gone back to the tribe had a lot of affection for them We have completely regarded them as members of a tribe.

Also regard the Qingque tribe as its own tribe.

So after understanding what the senior brother said to them, these children happily went to the open-air bath by the river to wash up with them.

With so many big brothers and others arriving on the battlefield, after the rain on the riverside, the natural baths that were cleaned up again immediately appeared overcrowded, like a pot of dumplings.

Generally, the spectacular sights that can only be seen at the seaside or the beach on the lakeside during the holidays of later generations appear in Qingque tribe in advance.

Seeing these children who were happily following the big brothers to take a bath, behaving like a tribe, Han Cheng felt that he should adjust his handling of these children.

Originally, he meant that after taking all these people back, they would all become slaves in the tribe.

Let them start as slaves in the tribe and gradually become citizens.

But now, after looking at the appearance of these children, Han Cheng's thoughts have been shaken.

Compared with adults, minors who are growing up in all aspects are undoubtedly the easiest to be integrated into the tribe.

This can be seen from the reactions of these children and the children of the tribes of the Blue Sparrow Alliance.

In addition, these newly arrived minors have not experienced the previous battle of the Blackstone coalition against their own tribe, and will not leave a feeling of hatred in their hearts because of this, and it will be easier to integrate into their own tribe.

And making these seemingly innocent children into slaves, Han Cheng didn't feel good either.

One more important thing is that after experiencing the skyrocketing number of slaves this year, Han Cheng will surely liberate a large number of slaves and make them citizens of the tribe by the time of the New Year.

And these freed slaves will basically be old slaves in the tribe.

In other words, when time comes, the proportion of old slaves will be greatly reduced among slaves.

For a long time in the future, these new slaves will become the main body of slaves in the tribe.

Although these new slaves were not from a tribe, they all came from the Blackstone Alliance, which gave them a natural sense of intimacy.

If you add these large numbers of minors, it's hard to guarantee that they won't have any thoughts they shouldn't have.

In this period of time in the future, what Han Cheng wants to do most is to develop quietly, build the second tribe as soon as possible, and develop rice planting.

Although I know that it is unlikely that these slaves in the tribe will start moths, and even if they can make things happen, if there is no major accident, it will not harm the tribe’s roots, but if such things happen , Will still affect the tribe.

Such things are obviously not what Han Cheng wants to see.

Therefore, it is better to prevent problems before they happen. Preventing problems before they happen is always better than remedying the situation.

But it’s not good to let these children become citizens of the tribe directly. After all, in the past, people from the Tengshe tribe and the semi-agricultural tribe only came to the tribe and the children born would automatically become the tribe’s citizen.

Moreover, when his mother was taken care of until one year old, he received the inner courtyard from the slave courtyard and raised the children with the citizens.

Those minors who were born before coming to the tribe are still slaves in the tribe.

If you really do this, it will definitely make these minor slaves who have basically been assimilated by your own tribe aroused resentment.

He still knows the truth about not suffering from lack and inequality.

Such a thing is really distressing.

Han Cheng scratched his hair, a little helpless.

However, his state did not last too long, he came from later generations, and he has too many things for reference.

Now, Han Chengcheng has figured out a solution to this matter.

This method is ‘dual standard’.

Of course, the double label here only refers to the superficial meaning, not the kind with some irony.

Han Cheng's idea is that adult slaves will still be promoted through normal channels according to the original standards.

For these minor slaves, another standard is applied.

After such an idea emerged, Han Cheng's thinking suddenly became broadened.

Squatting in the shade, picking up a tree stick, and sliding it on the ground from time to time. After this state lasted for a while, Han Cheng had a general idea of ​​this standard.

This matter also needs to be carried out in stages.

For those children who still need to be held by others at all times, as well as those minor slaves who have just been running around, babbling, and not sensible, they can directly become citizens of their own tribe and then accept them. Go to the inner courtyard and be raised by female citizens in the tribe with the rest of the children.

These children are still ignorant. After being raised, they will be the same as the children of their own tribe. There will be absolutely no problems with things like loyalty.

They only know that they are pure blue sparrows, and know nothing about the rest.

When the time comes, even if someone comes to tell them that you used to be a member of the Blackstone Tribe and a slave of the Blue Sparrow Tribe, and the Blackstone Tribe is your true tribe, these grown-up children will not believe this.

The most likely thing is that the weapon in your hand will be cruel to the person who said this, and by the way, he will become a slave of the Blue Sparrow Tribe and work well for the tribe.

For those who are already sensible, remember many things, and older minors, this approach cannot be used.

Han Cheng's idea is to let them become slaves of his tribe first, and then after a certain amount of effort, become citizens of his tribe.

There is no casual success in this world.

The least valuable and least cherished things are easily obtained.

Of course, these children who have not yet grown up cannot be asked like adult slaves.

They need to work out a standard that is more suitable for them, so that they can get rid of their slave status through their own methods and become citizens of the tribe.

Han Cheng also has a general idea of ​​this standard.

That is, let them be taught to learn Mandarin and Chinese characters, and after a period of time, they will be assessed.

People who are good at learning Mandarin and Chinese characters can become citizens of the tribe and live in the inner courtyard.

Of course, this kind of exam will not be conducted only once, it will be conducted once after a period of time, and it will not be a lifetime exam.

But it will not be without time limit and frequency limit.

At this time, Han Cheng tentatively plans to set it as three years and the number of times as five. ::

After the prescribed time or number of times has been used up, those who still fail the assessment can only rely on the path of contributing to the tribe to get rid of the status of a slave and become a citizen of the tribe.

Of course, this regulation is only temporary. After being implemented for a period of time, it will be adjusted according to the effect of the implementation and the problems in the implementation.

Make it more applicable.

After Han Cheng thought about these things, some people who had already taken a bath came back from some places in the lower reaches of the river one after another.

Seeing these children who had taken a bath, Han Cheng showed a smile.

And the food that the tribe has been preparing, after these people came back, began to come out one after another.

Those who came to the tribe for the first time, as well as those slaves in the tribe, have had some improvements in their food.

Although it is far from the masters and the others who can eat well, the food of this level has far exceeded the best imagination of the children who joined the tribe for the first time. They felt deeply. What is the taste of the Qingque tribe.

What kind of life can be called a real life.

In the recent period of time, the population of the tribe has really experienced an explosive growth.

There were fifty-eight people in the Xi tribe, plus two hundred and forty-three new arrivals, and 301 more people came out of the tribe.

With so many people, housing alone is a big problem.

Fortunately, Han Cheng had already prepared for such a thing. After digging the two wells, he asked him to build a third slave courtyard in the outer courtyard.

The tribe has a complete set of tools and a large number of people, and there is no need to worry about food. So before the big brothers came back, the ‘East No. 2’ slave courtyard with 36 houses had been built.

Now, except for some humidity, there is nothing wrong with the rest, to the extent that you can move in with your bags.

Of course, the fifty-eight people of the Xi tribe who joined the tribe were citizens, and they would not live in the slave courtyard.

After eating meals, it was the issue of arranging accommodation for these newcomers. People in the tribe have experienced many such things, and Han Cheng doesn’t have to worry about it. Grassroots and other people who are mainly responsible for tribal slave affairs, As far as the arrangements were made, they were all done in accordance with Han Cheng's previous practices.

After arranging these people properly, Han Cheng also brought together a group of senior officials from the Qingque tribe, such as the witch, senior brother, second senior brother, brother Sha, lame, stone, black baby, trade, valley, and bean. In the meeting, he talked about the things he had considered before.

Before convening this expanded meeting, Han Cheng had already called Wu Wu and Big Brother to talk about it.

As the confirmed next witch, Stone was also called in by Han Cheng to listen.

Before talking about this matter, the giants of the three tribes had reached a consensus before they knew it with the high-level leaders of the tribe. In addition, the people in the tribe all respected and respected Han Cheng, the son of God. No one spoke out against anything.

Of course, Han Cheng gathered these high-level leaders in the tribe. The main purpose is not to let them discuss whether this is feasible, but to inform them of this matter.

On the fourth day after the meeting, under Han Cheng's proposal, the tribe held a meeting of all members in the tribe on the square of the Qingque tribe.

Except for the ignorant children and some people in the Tongshan residential area, everyone in the tribe participated in this conference.

The slaves in the tribe also joined in, standing behind the citizens of the Qingque tribe.

Junior Sha and other fifty people participated in this conference in a unique way. Unlike most people, they were fully armed, wearing vine armor and holding weapons. Ten people guarded the high platform under the blue bird flag. The other four Ten people, divided into two rows, guarded the left and right sides of Qingque Square.

With Junior Brother Sha and their fifty fully armed men guarding the surroundings, the temperament of the entire conference immediately became different, becoming more solemn and formal, and more ritual.

Under the gaze of all the members of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng, who was sitting in the middle of the table, spoke to everyone.

The first is a brief review of the important things that have happened in the tribe in the past six months, and deliberately clicked on the tribe to find a place to live that is no longer afraid of the cold, and to find two crops of rice and sweet millet.

The discovery of kaolin and the appearance of meteorite tools both expressed congratulations, and expressed a high degree of welcome to the joining of the Xi tribe.

He also called on the people in the tribe to love each other and live in harmony with the newcomers of the tribe, and to contribute to the development of the tribe together and not to bully the newcomers.

The Blackrock Alliance came to attack the Tongshan residential area, and the increase in the population of the tribe was the focus of the story.

Han Cheng once again commended Wu, Big Brother, Shang, Durou, Sparrow, etc., and praised all those who contributed to this incident, and once again affirmed the defense of the tribe and the fight against the enemy. The justice and necessity of

Being praised by Han Cheng, Wu, Big Brother, and Han Cheng sent people to the Tongshan residential area in advance to notify the people who came back to participate in this conference. They were all happy and proud, very honorable.

After affirming this matter, Han Cheng also gave an explanation to the citizens and old slaves in the tribe, asking them not to have any hatred or hostility towards the newly joined slaves from the Blackstone Alliance.

This is not only because they have become slaves to their own tribe, but more importantly, these people are ignorant people who have been bewitched by the evil Blackrock tribe leader and the bark of the deported before they come to attack. Own tribe.

For this matter, the son of Han Da is very familiar with it.

However, after saying this, the son of Han Da also emphasized that ignorance is not the same as innocent. Therefore, these people who defeated the captured Blackrock tribe coalition forces became slaves of their own tribe for atonement, and it became a matter of course. thing.

Part of these words were for the citizens of the tribe, and more were for the slaves in the tribe. They had to understand how merciful the Qingque tribe was before they were not killed.

It is a lucky thing to become slaves in the tribe and let them have the opportunity to become citizens of the tribe through hard work.

These things Han Cheng said, the old slaves in the tribe sounded basically no obstacles, but the new slaves sounded and understood a little difficult, and most of them didn't understand them.

But it doesn't matter. After the conference is over, someone will explain these things to them specifically so that they can understand.

After talking about these things, Han Chengcheng talked about the things that all the old slaves of the tribe were very concerned about.

"...This year, there will be a hundred people who will be dismissed from slavery and become citizens of the tribe. Who are the specific ones? Except for the iron eggs, the two worms, and the peas... these 13 people are left. The eighty-seven people who are going down have not yet been determined. I still have witches, leaders, etc., and will conduct serious inspections and audits based on your daily performance and your contribution to the tribe.

Until this year’s New Year, all the remaining 87 people will be identified, and a meeting will be held to allow these one hundred people to officially become citizens of the tribe and be granted citizenship ID cards! "Update the fastest computer terminal::/

After saying such a thing, the old slaves in the tribe cheered all of a sudden, all of them excited.

Although they defeated these people in the Blackrock Alliance and captured a large number of the Blackrock Alliance as new slaves in the tribe, the old slaves in the tribe knew that many people would be released from slavery this year. As a citizen of the tribe.

Moreover, after the son of God returned from Jinguan City in the south, he also made it clear that he would do so.

However, how many people will be lifted from slavery and granted tribal citizenship has never been said.

Now, the son of God announced the matter in front of everyone, and the number of places was unexpected.

Before these people thought it would be great to have 40 or 50 people, but now, the Son of God has announced that there are 100 places!

How could they be unhappy with such a big surprise?

After a brief period of excitement, almost all the slaves who understood Han Cheng's meaning clenched their fists in excitement, and decided that in the days to come, they will definitely perform better and strive to be bigger. His contribution, and then get rid of the status of slaves and become a citizen of the tribe.

There are still 87 places!

Faced with such a large number of places, who doesn't want to fight for it?

Seeing the reactions of the slaves, Han Cheng smiled to himself, with a hint of success.

This is his biggest intention when he announces the quota in advance, but doesn't directly determine everyone.

Reward this kind of thing must be announced in advance to be able to have the desired effect on people.

For example, you didn’t tell your children until the day before the college entrance examination that if you succeed in the exam, what a reward will be. At this time, no matter how good the reward is, the child wants to get it. There is no use anymore.

Of course, in addition to these and tribal conventions, all the lists will not be announced until after the winter, and the ceremony of disarming slavery and becoming a citizen will be held. Another intention is that Han Cheng wants to let These old slaves mostly lived in the slave courtyard for several months.

In this way, it is better to prevent these newly joined slaves from making any moths.

Waiting for a few more months, these new slaves will be able to get further assimilation of the tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ When they leave, the risk will be much smaller.

Han Cheng looked at these with a smile, and after they vented the joy and excitement in their chests for a while, he signaled that they were all quiet, and then continued to speak.

This time, I'm talking about the adoption of new methods of becoming tribal citizens for minor slaves.

After understanding what Han Cheng said, many old slaves expressed envy, because they felt that such a selection was too easy and simple.

But after thinking about his remaining 87 places, this emotion quickly disappeared.

But not everyone thinks that this selection method is simple. More adult and old slaves would rather accept the selection method that currently applies to them than this method of evaluating God’s language and words.

Because they think these two things are too difficult, especially the writing of God's words.

They would rather work than write God's words with pen and paper.

However, when they saw the underage slaves standing with them and others, joy rose in many people's hearts again.

Because they are different from adults like them, these underage slaves are more proficient in speaking the language commonly used by the Qingque tribe.

The mastery of the words of God is generally better than them.

These people are basically their descendants, and they are of course happy that they can become citizens of the tribe earlier.

If there is no such new rule promulgated by the Son of God, these minor slaves want to become citizens of the tribe, except for one or two people with great opportunities, the rest will have a long, long time to endure...

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