I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 890: The tearful head of the grass tribe (3 in 1)

The true incense law seems to be a law applicable in all ages, whether it is posterity or primitive.

For example, the rest of the Blackstone tribe. After learning that the leader died and all the people who survived the tribe had joined the Qingque tribe, and the life of the Qingque tribe was still very good, they were very angry not long ago. Songguo questioned, and made up his mind. They said nothing but joining the Blue Sparrow tribe, and they soon wavered.

After the big brother took out a bamboo tube from his backpack and opened it, he poured out fruit candies from it and distributed them to them. After tasting the sweet taste from the Qingque tribe, these people instantly stopped hesitating and chose all of them. Join the Qingque tribe.

As for the previous determination...

What it is?

Is any fruit candy delicious?

A bonfire was burning in the cave of the Blackrock Tribe that had been cleaned by the remaining people of the Blackrock Tribe by the masters and them.

Not far from the bonfire, piled up a pile of not-so-large meteorite iron.

This is all the meteorite iron obtained from the blackstone tribe cave after the big brothers came.

Adding some weapons that have been made into weapons by the people of the Blackrock tribe, there are forty-six pieces in total.

The number of these meteorite irons has surpassed those captured by the tribe before.

The big brother and the people of the Qingque tribe, look at the meteorites piled here, and then look at the ones that are honestly waiting at the edge of the cave. As long as they touch the eyes of themselves and others, they will show a flattering smile. Everyone in the Blackrock tribe felt that this trip was worthwhile.

This time, he and others not only found more meteorite iron, but also brought back many people from the tribe.

These people don't look strong at the moment, but as long as they bring them back to their tribe, eat a full meal in their tribe, and eat more salt, they will soon become strong.

Can do many things for his tribe.

At least what they have done can exceed the value of the food they eat.

However, this is just the beginning. In addition to the people of the Blackrock tribe, there are also 14 tribes who are waiting for them to meet.

A Blackrock tribe can get more than 30 people. If you bring the rest of these tribes together and bring them back to your tribe, how many people will your tribe get at once!

There is no doubt that his tribe will become stronger.

As long as you think about such a thing for a while, the big brother and others can't help being excited.

But while being full of excitement, there are also troubles appearing in my heart.

That is, the remaining tribes are scattered around the Blackstone tribe, and the nearest tribe cannot be reached within a day.

Moreover, because these people basically only know how to get from their own tribe to the Blackrock tribe, but don’t know how to get from other tribes to their own tribe, so after receiving someone from a tribe, they need to return Blackrock tribe, and then go to another tribe from Blackrock tribe.

After such an operation, it would basically take four or five days to welcome a tribe without stopping too much.

Fourteen tribes, it will take longer.

The big brother picked up a branch and listed a long list of 4+4 calculations on the ground according to the method taught by the **** son.

After some seemingly difficult calculations, he came up with a result of fifty-six days.

They set off from the tribe to reach the Blackstone tribe, it took a total of 16 days, and it took almost 16 days to go back.

The big brother took the branch, and after a while on the ground, he came up with the number eighty-eight.

Looking at the numbers written by himself on the ground, the big brother scratched his hair in distress.

Eighty-eight days, nearly three months, this is definitely not acceptable to him.

When he came, he had already made up his mind to go back before the autumn harvest.

When they came, the millet in the last field where the tribe planted millet was already over the ankle. Three months later, the last millet planted by the tribe was almost ready to be harvested.

But for a while, I couldn't think of a good way to solve this problem.

As a new slave who can understand more than half of the tribe's common language, the leader of the grass tribe quickly learned about the problems of the big brothers.

After knowing the troubles of the big brothers, the heartbeat of the leader of the grass tribe began to accelerate.

She had always been distressed for not being able to get rid of the monitoring of the Qingque tribe. Through this incident, she suddenly discovered a way to get rid of the Qingque tribe!

This method is to tell the people of the Qingque tribe, let them have a lot of shares, and go to these tribes to pick up people at the same time.

In this way, these people in the Qingque tribe will be dispersed.

In the face of so many people from the Blue Sparrow tribe, the leader of the grass tribe did not dare to make any changes, but after the separation, the number of people decreased, it was different.

She tried her best to calm her mood, and she thought about it for a while, and then she was going to tell the old slave of the Qingque tribe who was in a group with her, and told her to tell the story. The leader of the brother.

However, before she started to act, the big brother over there had already made a decision.

Separating the people who came and set off from the Blackstone tribe to travel to the remaining 14 tribes together. After calculating the number of days it would take one tribe to pick up the tribe, the big brother was already thinking about it.

But it has been unable to make this determination.

Because he was worried that after such separation, fewer people from his tribe would go to various tribes, and these tribes might resist this and cause damage to the people of his tribe.

The place he struggled is here.

But when he remembered that he could go to seven tribes instead of fourteen tribes at once, these entanglements disappeared.

The people who came this time, plus him, the citizens of the tribe total forty-five, plus the seventeen old slaves who were grouped one-on-one with these new slaves, a total of sixty-two people.

Among the sixty-two people, none of them came from the Blackstone Alliance. In other words, there is no need to worry that these people might be chaotic like these new slaves.

Sixty-two people, divided into seven points, and go to seven tribes at the same time. How many people can one tribe go to? This difficult math problem involving division cannot be done by the master.

He took the stick to write and draw on the ground for a long time according to the algorithm once taught by the **** son in his memory and called the division formula by the **** son, and he smashed his hair a lot, but did not calculate it.

The angry big brother slammed the tree stick that he used as a pen to the ground.

In the end, another person in the tribe with some accomplishments in this area came up with a way to solve this difficult problem.

Of course, the method used is not a division formula, which is so difficult that it makes hair fall, and only a small part of the tribe can master it and apply it to real life.

This clever member of the blue bird tribe took out seven meteorite irons from the meteorite pile, and placed them separately to represent the seven tribes that are going to go.

Then they found small wooden sticks, and according to their total number, a total of 62 paragraphs were folded.

Then began to place a small wooden stick in front of a meteorite.

After some operations, the masters finally solved this difficult mathematical problem.

The result is that six tribes go to nine people, and the remaining one tribe goes to eight people.

Nine trained people with weapons of their own tribe can accomplish this.

After all, the rest of these tribes are basically not very strong, or minors.

At the beginning, under the leadership of the witch, only nine people took the son of God to the tribe. Now there will be nine more people to pick up these people. There will be no problem.

After getting this result and knowing how to allocate personnel, the big brother started to act.

After some allocation, the people who came were divided into seven groups.

Except for the group where the big brother belongs to a total of eight citizens and old slaves, the rest of the groups are all nine.

"After getting there, take the rest of the people here first.

Those who came back first are waiting here, and after all those who went out come back, we will pick up the rest.

If people from any tribe do not agree to come, tie them up and bring them over.

If the people of any tribe dare to hurt the people of our tribe, kill them all! "

After dividing into groups, the senior brother gave an explanation before departure here, and what he said was murderous.

This is the idea that Han Cheng has always instilled into them, that the lives of noble people from other tribes are not as precious as those of their own tribe.

If a member of a tribe kills a member of his tribe, he must find ways to attack that tribe.

No matter how noble the person who killed his own tribe is, he must have his head cut off, and he won't even leave them the opportunity to become a slave.

As for the people of this tribe, those who dared to resist were killed, and those who did not resist were arrested as slaves to their tribe.

The big brother's explanation to these people at this time was to reiterate the idea that Han Cheng had instilled in them more than once, but it was more strict than what Han Cheng said.

The reason why the elder brother will talk about this at this time, and will make the conditions more stringent, on the one hand, is because he is worried that these people in his tribe will suffer a loss after grouping, and on the other hand, they will return to the past A warning for the new slaves of the living tribe.

I want them to understand that their tribe not only has enough food, but also has sharp weapons that can kill people.

"Those who dare to hurt our tribe will kill them all!"

After listening to the explanation of the big brother, the people of the Qingque tribe who were grouped also repeated them, and these words sounded particularly exciting.

After making such an explanation, the elder brothers and others left the caves of the Blackstone tribe one after another. Under the guidance of the slaves of those tribes, they went in different directions, and finally they could not see each other again.

The cave of the Blackstone tribe, which had been lively for most of the day and one night, became quiet again as the big brother and others left.

Pine Needle stood not far from the tribe cave, watching from a distance the people of the Qingque tribe who had been scattered and left, with dismay.

There was a bamboo stick in his mouth, which was used to make lollipops.

The fruit candy on the top has already been eaten by pine needles, but the pine needles are reluctant to throw it away and still hold it in their mouths.

After a while, the pine needles came under the tree where he often lay again. After sitting here for a while, they lay on the ground again, resting their head on the root of the tree exposed to the air. .

There was a bamboo stick in his mouth that he couldn't bear to throw away, and it seemed that there was a sweet taste that I had never experienced before reverberating back and forth.

Think back to the food that I ate last night and not long ago, containing a kind of white stone, and all the beautiful things pine cones said. Pine needles feel as beautiful as sleeping on a cloud in the sky. .

It is great to be able to join the Qingque tribe!

After getting there, I have to eat this very sweet food every day, and the kind of food with white stones!

After eating, I lay on top of something called Kang that Songguo said to sleep. After sleeping well, I got up and continued to eat...

This kind of dream is not only done by Pine Needle, but also by the rest of the Blackstone tribe who have experienced the same things as Pine Needle.

However, what they didn't know was that Songguo only told them about the benefits of living in the Qingque tribe, but didn't mention the various jobs he did in the Qingque tribe.

As for his two pairs of calloused hands, Pine Needles have not even noticed...

The leader of the Cao tribe is leading some people from the Qingque tribe toward the place where his tribe is located.

The members of the Qingque tribe, as she had thought of before, were divided into groups, allowing people to go to many tribes at the same time.

But the leader of the grass tribe was not happy at all.

Because the grouping of the Qingque tribe was totally different from the grouping she imagined.

In addition to the old slaves of the tribe with which she was grouped one-on-one with her grouping, at most two or three citizens of the Qingque tribe followed.

In that case, she felt that she was very sure that she could take the people of the tribe and get rid of the people of the Qingque tribe.

but now……

She looked at the six citizens of the Qingque tribe behind her, as well as three old slaves of the Qingque tribe, and two other new slaves of the Qingque tribe just like her, and she only felt desperate.

The leader who doesn't seem to be particularly wise, started to do things, why is it so dripping?

Why is it that he is always overwhelmed by him?

Entangled all the way, all the way forward, when it was getting late, the leader of the grass tribe came to a low-lying place with the grass roots and his party.

There are some burnt ashes here. This is what used to be when the leader of the grass tribe took the people and food of his tribe and went to the evil Blackrock tribe to deliver the food that he got hard. He rested here and stayed.

At night, their party rested here. When they slept at night, the grassroots and other people in the tribe took turns taking care of the campfire and held a vigil.

It took a long time for the leader of the grass tribe to fall asleep...

No matter how far the pipeline is, as long as you keep walking, there will always be a day of arrival.

In the afternoon of the third day, under the leadership of the chief of the tribe, Caogen and others came to the place where the tribe was.

Like the Blackstone tribe, after the leader of the grass tribe left with a large number of strong people in the tribe, the grass tribe also looked deserted here, and the people left in the tribe were also more frightened.

However, unlike pine needles and other people who are gradually lazy, the people of the grass tribe who live a good life for a short time have not yet learned that noble quality.

After the leaders of the grass tribe left, the remaining people were basically incapable of hunting far away. They were not strong enough to leave the cave too far, they just moved around the cave of the tribe.

Carry out digging wild vegetables and fishing with fish cages.

Because of the small number of people, relying on these, the passing is not bad, at least better than the half-dead people like Pine Needle and others.

However, there is no sense of security.


The leader of the Cao tribe looked at the group of them coming over, and the tribe ran into the cave in a panic and screamed loudly and declared his identity.

After a while, these talents will approach the leader of the grass tribe suspiciously, full of caution and temptation.

When it was really certain that the people in front of him who had become beautiful as a whole were the leaders who had not returned for a long time after their tribe left, these people ran up happily and surrounded the leaders of the grass tribe, happy again. Jump and jump.

Some minors started crying, telling the leader of their worries and fears after they left.

Hearing that the leader of the grass tribe squatted down and hugged them tightly in his arms, repeatedly telling them not to be afraid, he came back.

Being hugged by the leader in this way, the minors of the grass tribe soon stopped crying and became at ease.

Then some people happily asked the leader of the grass tribe if they found the Qingque tribe, whether they got the food that could not be eaten, and at the same time asked where the rest of the people in the tribe had gone and why they didn't come back with the leader.

He pointed at Caogen and other people from the Qingque tribe and asked the leader of the Caomen who came back with her.

The leader of the grass tribe wanted to tell these people in the tribe that they found the Qingque tribe, but they did not take it down. Instead, many people died. Those who did not die became slaves of the Qingque tribe.

The reason why the people of their own tribe did not come back was because they became slaves of the Qingque tribe.

When I came back this time, not only didn't bring back any special good things, but under the guard of these people, I took the people who remained in the tribe and went to the Qingque tribe together and became the slaves of the Qingque tribe.

And she wanted to take them to escape, to get rid of the people of the Qingque tribe, not to become slaves.

However, looking at these expectant children and the people in the tribe, she couldn't say anything like this.

(The following dialogue is translated by the author and processed to a certain extent.)

After a while, she smiled and nodded vigorously, and said with joy to the people of the tribe who looked at her with anticipation: "We have found the Qingque tribe! The Qingque tribe is even bigger than we thought. Good! There are so many delicious foods that you can't finish eating.

There, you can eat three meals a day, and you can support yourself.

There is a cave called a house that is very comfortable to live in.

There, there is no need to worry that there will be an evil tribe like the Blackrock Tribe to bully us and let us hand over the food we have obtained so hard.

over there……

The people in the Qingque tribe are also very friendly...

We have all joined the Qingque tribe, and now I come back to take you to live with the Qingque tribe and live this life...

These people are the kind-hearted members of the Qingque tribe. They are with me to take you to the Qingque tribe and live a good life..."

The leader of the Cao tribe was full of joy and longing to talk to these people in the tribe about their experiences and the goodness of the Qingque tribe.

These children who looked at their leader expectantly, as the leader said, they all became longing and cheerful.

The kind of life that the leader said is really good. Now the kind-hearted people from the Qingque tribe are coming with the leader to pick themselves and others to the Qingque tribe. They will soon be able to live that kind of good life with the leader. Up!

Grassroots stepped forward at the right time, took out a sealed bamboo tube from the backpack, smiled and handed it to the leader of the grass tribe, motioning her to open it to the people in the tribe.

The leader of the Cao tribe was stunned, with some disbelief.

At the grassroots signal again, she took the bamboo tube from the grassroots hand, and looked a little awkwardly tore open the seal on it, and poured beautiful fruit candy from it.

After the beautiful fruit candies were poured in their hands, the minors of the Cao tribe couldn't help exclaiming.

"Leader~www.NovelMTL.com~What is this?"

Some minors couldn't help but asked.

"This is fruit candy! It's so delicious!"

The head of the grass tribe with a smile on his face, his chest straightened up involuntarily.

She has never eaten fruit candies, and praised the deliciousness of fruit candies to the children of the tribe.

At the same time, distribute the good-looking fruit candies to the children of the tribe, and those who are not very strong and stay in the tribe, let them eat fruit candies.

"Really delicious!"

"So sweet!"

The children who were assigned the candies, put the candies in their mouths, and they were immediately surprised by the wonderful taste. They never knew that there is such a delicious food in the world!

Seeing the joy of the children in the tribe, the leader of the grass tribe is full of smiles.

"Chief, you eat it. It's sweet!"

A little girl bit her own piece of fruit candy with her teeth. After a little weighing, she left the small piece and took the big piece to the head of the grass tribe.

"The chief does not eat, I have eaten, in the Qingque tribe, I eat a lot, you eat."

The leader of the Cao tribe smiled and rubbed the head of the children in the tribe, and said to her aloud.

The little primitive girl didn't follow, insisting on sending the candy to the mouth of the leader of the grass tribe.

The leader of the grass tribe had to open his mouth to eat it.

The sweet taste instantly fills the mouth.

When the other minors saw this, they all bit their candy and sent them to the leader of the grass tribe.

This fruit candy is really as sweet as the old man in the tribe said.

The leader of the grass tribe with fruit candy in his mouth, thinking about it this way, with a smile on her face, she has already burst into tears...

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