I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 889: The leader is dead

The tribe where the bark, which has become a ruin, is now welcoming new visitors.

Big brother and others will stop here tonight.

This is considered to be the southernmost place of the Blackrock Tribe's allied forces.

Looking at the low, rough and sloppy surrounding wall surrounding this darkened cave, the big brother and other members of the Blue Sparrow tribe couldn't help but smile.

There was pride in his tribe in this smile, as well as a mockery of Bark, the man who had been expelled.

How can the things that Professor Shenzi gave to himself and others can be easily imitated by others?

How can their Qingque tribe be able to imitate any of them?

Forcibly imitating can only be like a tree bark, building a wall that is inferior to their tribe’s pigpen...

As night fell, a fire ignited in the cave where the tree bark once lived.

The people who had been on the road for a whole day soaked their feet in hot water for dinner, and soon fell asleep. Only the two people who were arranged to watch the night had not gone to sleep.

The two of them did not watch the night together, but one guarded at the edge of the stone-filled cave, and the other guarded the burning fire in the middle of the cave, adding a firewood from time to time. , Don’t let it go out.

In fact, in addition to the two of them, there is one person who is not asleep in the cave. This person is the leader of the grass tribe.

People who are attentive and overthinking are always prone to insomnia. This is the case with the leader of the grass tribe.

Although she closed her eyes at this time, her thinking was very active, thinking over and over again about things she had thought of more than once.

The reason for this state is not only because the thing she wants to do is too big. Once she fails, the consequences are extremely serious.

Another reason is that she finally returned to a familiar place, and within a few days she will be able to return to the original tribe.

Another reason is that the leader of the grass tribe has not figured out what to do to leave the Qingque tribe completely.

Originally, the leader of the grass tribe thought that as long as she could follow the people of the Qingque tribe north and return to the tribe where she had lived, she could figure out a way to leave the Qingque tribe.

But when she really went north with the team, she realized that her previous thoughts seemed a bit wrong.

Along the way, the members of the Qingque tribe remained vigilant enough under the command of the leader called Senior Brother.

She didn't let her see any chance to escape at all.

For example, now, according to the truth, living in such caves and blocking the cave entrance with stones is already very safe.

There will be no beasts at all.

Even if a beast came over, it couldn't open such a hole, but the leader just wanted to arrange people to change shifts here and watch them all night.

Moreover, it is not enough to arrange one, but two at a time...

Just think about this matter, and the leader of the grass tribe feels particularly heartbroken.

Ever since she met the Qingque tribe, she felt that she was being constantly rubbed on the ground.

Fighting, not beating, the wisdom she has always been proud of is even harder to even think of the gods in the tribe.

Moreover, besides the son of God, there are many people with great wisdom in the tribe.

For example, the witch who looks very old, the circle that is round and beautiful everywhere, and the stone and others are far more intelligent than her.

This time, there were none of these people in the team going north, and the leader of the grass tribe felt relaxed and felt that his wisdom finally had a place to be used.

However, when I was in the tribe, I couldn't see how smart a leader was, but he easily suppressed her...

This feeling is so uncomfortable, it has made the leader of the grass tribe doubt life more than once.

She really couldn't understand why there are so many wise people in the Qingque tribe...

I don’t know how long it has been, the leader of the grass tribe, who still hasn’t figured out a good way, finally fell asleep...

Having eaten the next morning, the seemingly mighty group of people set off again, heading directly towards the Blackstone tribe.

There is a reason why he will go directly towards the Blackstone tribe, rather than the past of a tribe.

The first is that in this era, there are no existing roads connecting the various tribes.

Moreover, subject to environmental conditions and the way of life and transportation, a tribe’s daily activities will not be too large, generally centered on the place where the tribe lives, and radiates towards the surroundings.

The radius is basically the distance you can go back and forth in a day.

Therefore, one tribe often does not know how to go to another tribe.

For example, these people who belong to the Blackstone Alliance basically only know how to get from the Blackstone tribe to their tribe, and how to get from their tribe to one or two surrounding tribes, or how to get to two or three tribes. Up.

The second is that there are meteorites in the Blackstone tribe. This is something that big brothers and other people who have seen the usefulness of meteorite iron tools are thinking about.

Now that I have come here, I naturally need to go there earlier to get the meteorite iron.

Therefore, after everyone left the tribe where the bark was located, they went directly to the Blackrock tribe...

The sun seemed to be a little hot, and there were some people in the shade of the trees outside the Blackrock Tribe cave.

These people look very happy, lying in the shade of the trees and blowing in the cool breeze, very comfortable.

Pine Needle sat up from the ground, opened his mouth and yawned, then habitually looked towards the south of the cave.

As always, no one appeared to the south.

If it hadn't been more than once to see the bravery of the leader holding the black stone weapon and the people of his tribe, and this time there were so many people who went out all at once, Pine Needle would be a little worried about the leader.

The pine needle is the strongest person left in the tribe after the leader of the Blackrock tribe took away a group of people, and its status in the tribe is not low, so after the leader of the Blackrock tribe and they left, the pine needle He became the temporary leader of the remaining people of the Blackrock Tribe.

The sound coming from his stomach made the pine needles who looked at the south side in a daze to recover.

He looked down at his stomach and reached out to touch it.


After a while, he opened his mouth and pointed to the river not too far from the cave.

Then there were a few people who were not particularly strong, stood up lazily from the ground, took a few minors, and walked over there.

After a while, these people returned, carrying some fish pierced with branches in their hands.

Seeing the fishes carried by these people, the pine needles couldn't help muttering there.

I don't know what's going on anymore. These fish cages that used to be extremely easy to use are now becoming less and less useful. There are fewer and fewer fish caught every day, and even fewer fish are caught today.

Of course, these fish are not enough for them to eat, but the pine needles have no intention of letting people go hunting.

Although with bows and arrows, hunting is much easier than before.

In the past few years, relying on eating food from the conquered tribe, and having fish cages that can easily obtain food, many people in the Blackstone tribe have become lazy.

They don't want to hunt anymore, they just want to enjoy ready-made food.

The stomachs of these fish were broken open, and there were some existing greasy fish intestines, such as mud, sand, aquatic plants, and other internal organs, which were thrown to the minors from the Lanhua tribe.

After the remaining fish are cooked, they will eat them from the authentic Heishi tribe.

After eating two fish and mixing one and a half full, the pine needles lay lazily under the tree again, resting on the roots of the tree, and looking to the south.

Then, as usual, imagined the leader who led the people to defeat the Qingque tribe and returned with all kinds of good things.

Then he can eat these foods wantonly.

This is the idea of ​​pine needles and the vast majority of the Blackstone tribe who stayed in the cave-now relying on fish cages and other things, hanging for life and starving, wait until the leader and they come back with sufficient food, then everything Will all get better.

It's impossible to hunt anyway, and you won't hunt when you are hungry.

The weather is so hot, hunting so tiring, it's so comfortable to lie in the shade of the trees and blowing in the cool breeze.

Not all tribes have a traverser like Han Cheng, and not all tribes have wisdom. After the tribe’s living conditions have been improved to a certain extent, they can continue to be as diligent as before. Hunting and getting food.

Laziness is an excellent quality, both primitive and modern people will have.

Eat the pine needles, lying here thinking. I don't know how long it took, and fell asleep in a daze.

In his dream, he dreamed that the leader and them came back and brought back enough food to eat.

This made him laugh out loud and woke him up.

After waking up with a smile, he looked to the south for the first time, but the result was still disappointing, the leader and they still did not come back.

After pine needles sat up and watched for a while, they lay down again, resting their head on the roots of the tree, and continued to sleep.

It’s better to sleep. After falling asleep, you can get a lot of beautiful things. Not to mention, the delicious food that can't be eaten alone is enough to make people's heart.

However, Pine Needle did not dream this time. This was not because his sleep quality was so good that he achieved a good state of dreamlessness for a night, but because he did not wait for him to fall asleep, and he was startled by the movements of the people around him. Eyes!


The pine needles sitting upright quickly, in the voice of his companions, saw the scene he dreamed of-in the south of the tribal cave, a large number of people appeared!

It is the leader who are back! The chiefs came back with plenty of food!

When Pine Needle saw the large number of people, it suddenly became excited.

He, who had been lazy before, jumped up directly from the ground and ran over there, ready to meet the leaders who came back with a lot of food.

After running four or five steps forward, Pine Needle stopped and looked at the people coming to his tribe with amazement.

It wasn't until this time that he realized that these people looked so weird, and they weren't from his own tribe at all.

After a daze, he hurriedly ran back to the place where he had just slept, picked up the black stone weapon, and screamed for the rest of the people, so that they would also pick up the black stone weapon.

With the Black Stone weapon in hand, the guts of the pine needles suddenly became bigger.

Even if there were a lot of these strange-looking people, he didn't feel so scared, and he didn't even think about leading the people around him to the cave.

No one, no tribe, is their opponent holding the Black Stone weapon!

This is not arrogance, but what Pine Needle told them from the previous battles.

There are no people from any tribe who dared to deal with them near the cave of their Blackrock tribe.

Even if the leader is not in the tribe, Pine Needle feels that he and others will be able to convince them.

Thinking like this in my heart, after seeing the things carried by these weird people, Pine Needles, and the rest of the Blackstone tribe, suddenly became happy.

Because they saw the deer following these people, some animals larger than deer, and some wolves.

These people came here to bring food to themselves and others!

Although Pine Needle can’t remember when his tribe attacked such a tribe, his experience in the past few years told him and the rest of the tribe that these people had come to bring them food, just like those who were attacked by them. The same tribe down.


Pine Needle yelled loudly, and led the rest of the excited people in the tribe toward the group of people carrying a lot of food.

Many people even couldn't help but swallow.

They haven't eaten enough for a long time, and they have to be full this time.


The pine needles that hadn't taken a long time came forward, and stopped again with someone, and scratched his head with his hands in doubt.

Because he found that he actually understood what the strange-looking person said, and that person called his name.

Such a weird thing made him feel extremely incomprehensible.


Amidst his doubts, from among the group of people who appeared to be puzzled, a person ran out and ran toward them quickly while shouting loudly.

After hearing what this person was shouting, Song Needle became more confused.

This weird man actually said his name was Songguo.

He looks so weird, how could it be a pine cone?

And didn't Songguo go with the leader and them to attack the wealthy blue bird tribe? Why did you come back alone?

However, after this person walked in, Pine Needles completely confirmed that this person was Pine Cone.

Although his hair has become shorter and his face looks white, he can still recognize it.

Songguo followed the leader and them to attack the wealthy Qingque tribe. Now Songguo is back, that means they have attacked the wealthy Qingque tribe!


Pine Needle looked at Pine Cone and asked excitedly.

It means whether they have found a wealthy blue bird tribe.

The rest of the Blackstone tribe also surrounded them one after another, and couldn't wait to know news about this.

Pine Cone, who had already changed his face, looked very excited and said to them: "#4%@#……"

It means that they have found a wealthy Qingque tribe, and the Qingque tribe is richer and more beautiful than Bark said before. There are more good things and people don't want to leave.

After hearing this from Songguo, the people of the Blackstone tribe who were left in the tribe by Pine Needle were all very happy.

This is really exciting news for them who endure hunger, wait for their leaders to return from victory and bring good news, and lead such an excellent life.

(For the convenience of expression, the following dialogue has been translated and processed by the author.)

After jumping for joy for a long time, Pine Needle finally remembered, and now only sees Pine Cone, not the leader of his tribe.

He looked at the group of people who were walking here not too far away, dressed as weird as the pine cones in front of him, and felt that the leader should be there.

"Where is the leader?"

While looking there, Pine Needle asked Pine Cone with excitement.

"The leader is dead."

The excitement on Songguo's face did not diminish at all, and he answered very neatly.

It seemed that what was said was the same as the beauty of the Qingque tribe just mentioned, and it was something that was extremely exciting and exciting.

"Oh, the leader is dead."

The pine needles repeated one side with the pine cone, the excitement and excitement on his face did not diminish at all.

However, his excitement and excitement did not last long. He gradually realized what Songguo meant, his expression slowly froze?

"What are you talking about?"

He stretched out his dark, greasy hand, grabbed the pinecone and asked again.

"The leader is dead."

Songguo's answer was still simple and neat.

Pine needle looked at the unabated pine cones in front of him, and his expression became even more sluggish.

The leader is dead, the leader is dead...

This news kept circling back and forth in his mind, like a rolling thunder, constantly surging.

But shouldn't the leader's death be a very sad thing?

What are you so excited for?

Are you still from the Blackrock Tribe?

"Why did the leader die?"

People from the Blackrock tribe who were equally sluggish asked.

"Those who were stabbed to death with a black stone weapon by bark have their heads chopped off."

Songguo still said with excitement and joy.


The people of the remaining Blackstone tribe, including Pine Needles, couldn't help but took a breath, and at the same time became even more astonished.

This news, to them, was even more shocking than the death of the leader.

In the past, Bark, who was often bullied by himself and others, actually killed the leader? Also chopped off the head?

But what surprised them even more is yet to come.

"Then, where's the bark?"

"The bark was killed by the people of the Blue Sparrow Tribe."

"Where are the people from the Qingque tribe?"

"This is the people of the Qingque tribe!"

Songguo, who became more excited, pointed to the people of the Qingque tribe who had surrounded him during the time he was talking with Songzhen and others, and said loudly.

Always immersed in shock, and because of the changed pine cones, they subconsciously regarded these strangely dressed people who came close to them as their own, and turned their heads mechanically.

Seeing these people who are holding weird weapons and surrounding themselves and others in Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan with the weird weapons.

"Are you still from the Blackrock Tribe?!"

The pine needles finally couldn't help it, and roared loudly at the pine cones in front of them.

However, facing the roaring questioning of Pine Needles, Pine Cone was not moved. On the contrary, an expression of pride and pride appeared on his face.

"No! I am from the Qingque tribe!"

He was extremely proud of the people from the same tribe and declared loudly, as if this was an extremely glorious thing.

"The chiefs are evil! They are damned! The Qingque tribe is kind, wealthy and powerful. Join the Qingque tribe, you can eat delicious food every day, and you can support yourself!..."

Songguo is here loudly proclaiming the goodness of the Qingque tribe to the people of the former tribe, and sent them an invitation to join the Qingque tribe...

Join the Qingque tribe?

How can this be!

People from their Blackrock tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ actually need to join the rest of the tribe?

Looking at the pine needles with excitement in front of them, they were preaching the goodness of the Blue Sparrow tribe, the pine cones of a former tribe, and could not wait to poke the black stone weapon in his hand against him!

Waiting for others, how could it be possible to join the Qingque tribe!

This traitor!


"Look, there is still a black stone here!"

The Blackstone tribe, which appeared deserted by the departure of the leader of the Blackstone tribe and others, became lively and popular again with the arrival of the big brothers and others.

In a place not too far away from the cave of the Blackrock Tribe, I held a tree stick, plucked it on the ground for a long time, made a muddy pine needle, and held a small piece of meteorite stained with some mud. Yelling loudly.

There was a wave of excitement in the voice, and the whole person was very excited, and looked forward to the big brother who was standing not far away.

After the big brother heard his cry, he walked over.

Pine Needle respectfully handed the black stone in his hand to the big brother.

Under the expectant gaze of the pine needles, the big brother took the black stone and looked carefully for a while, confirmed that it was a meteorite, and took out a lollipop from the backpack he was carrying and gave it to the pine needles.

After Pine Needle saw the lollipop, the whole person seemed extremely happy, he took it from the big brother, and then couldn't wait to send it into the mouth.

The sweet smell instantly filled his mouth, making him squinted happily.

After standing here and enjoying the sweetness of the lollipop for a while, the pine needles hurriedly went there to dig the soil again, hoping to find the black stone...

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