I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 852: Listen to the sound of heartbreak

The people on the wall looked at the buns and sparrows riding a donkey along the bronze highway all the way to the east, and their faces couldn't help but smile.

There is a bronze highway that has been completely built, and the donkey is there. By tomorrow morning, the two of them will be able to reach the main tribe, and tell them the news here and the leaders.

The leader and they will soon be able to reflect on it. It is estimated that they will be able to come in two and a half days. By the time these people will all become slaves to their tribe!

Thinking of this, everyone in the Tongshan residential area couldn't help feeling deeply admired for the divine son's foresight.

If the son of God had not proposed to build a bronze expressway and put it into action, in this situation today, people from here will start to go to the main tribe to report the news, and those who arrive in the main tribe will rush over, at least ten. day.

Ten days can change a lot of things.

At least I feel that if he drags these people who suddenly come to violate his tribe here for four days, he can do it. If it takes ten days, he really can't do it...

It didn't take long for the early women in the tribe to prepare the food and lift it above the fence.

The food is very rich. In the early morning, the rice is very hungry.

Shang also killed a sheep, boiled two large tanks of mutton soup, and poured dry rice with mutton soup.

Fighting is very labor intensive, and it can't be done without food.

Shang delivered food to his mouth while squinting to see the enemies.

At this time, those people had already risen one after another, and in the distant millet fields, there were several smoke rising.

These people were scattered in twos and threes there and further away, constantly walking around.

In such a situation, I want to go out and poke some transparent holes in these guys one by one.

That was the field of their tribe, and that piece of land had already been raked, and more than half of the area had been planted with millet, but now it has been ruined by these people.

Shang has made up his mind. After he has captured all these people, he must pave the ground for the tribe. If they don’t cry, he won’t be called Shang!

Yesterday, I worked in the field for a day, and only slept for a short while last night. Even so, Shang still seemed very energetic and energetic, but there were bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

As time went by, the sun rose and changed from red to yellow, and the thin morning mist was dispersed, and everyone could see the situation there better.

The people in the Tongshan residential area have been eating for a long time, and the people headed by the Heishi tribe are still chaotically roasting food around the fire.

Until the sun goes three poles, the last tribe is considered to have eaten food.

However, they did not immediately organize an attack on the Tongshan residential area, but scattered at a certain distance from the Tongshan residential area.

Some people find the water source and put these fish cages inside, while more people are looking for stone slabs and peeling thick bark from trees.

They are ready to use these things to resist the bow and arrow threat from the Qingque tribe.

With yesterday's experience and lessons, and appreciate the fierce attack by the people of the Qingque tribe, these people no longer dared to rush towards the Tongshan residential area in such a careless manner.

Instead, according to the instructions of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, they are looking for something that can cover their body.

They didn’t find many things like stone slabs, mainly because the surrounding area was relatively flat and could be called stone slabs. As early as a few years ago, the industrious Qingque tribe people brought it to the Tongshan residential area. , Used to pave the ground.

Therefore, what they did the most was to chip away the bark from the trunk with stones, and then peel off the large pieces for self-defense.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe has also become more generous, letting the people of their tribe use sharper blackstone weapons to cut some tree trunks, and then use stones to nail the sharpened sticks to the trunks. After a row of tree sticks are nailed down, this The trunk will be opened, and rough simple planks can be obtained from this.

These stretched wooden planks, the Black Stone Tribe, did not ask for it, but gave it to the rest of the people.

Compared with the bark, the defense ability of this rough plank will undoubtedly be stronger, not to mention feather arrows, even if a stone hits it, those who stay behind will be fine.


The leader of the Heishi tribe stood here, looking at the Tongshan residential area from afar and yelling.

What he meant was that he really didn't know how this tribe managed it. There were no trees in a large area around it, so they had to pick up a bark, chop down some trees, and have to run far behind.

The lack of these vegetation is not only inconvenient to cut down, but also makes them unable to hide their bodies, and they have been seen far away.

"These people are so nice. They have already started cutting trees before they become slaves to our tribe."

Above the wall, a member of the Qingque tribe who saw this situation smiled and said to the people on the side.

When people saw what he said was funny, they all laughed.

Shang was leaning against the wall and taking a nap. Judging from the behavior of these people, he would not come to attack his tribe in a short time.

And there are so many people watching, those people are so far away from their own tribe, when they start to attack, they start to react again, it's time.

Yu Shang even let more than half of the people get off the wall and let them go to sleep in the house, while others feed the animals of the tribe.

It won't be possible to spend all of them here, or wait until those people really start attacking their own tribes, they should lose their energy.

However, Shang also gave a special explanation, that is, when sleeping and doing other things, he is not allowed to remove the vine armor from his body.

This way, when you hear the warning gong sound, you can run to the fence as soon as possible to defend.

As for why those people didn't come to attack their tribe, Shang was not too worried.

It's good if they don't attack, and he is happy too, and he will kill one more at this time, and later his tribe will lose one slave.

As long as they don't run, love will be true.

It's best to wait until the people of the main tribe come over, they are like this, don't attack.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe stood on the bronze highway, turned his head and looked east along the bronze highway.

This kind of thing that looks very flat, and has no trees growing, has stretched out a long way, leading to a place he can't see.

He stood here, watching all this, scratching his head in confusion.

He couldn't figure out why such a thing appeared, or what it was used for, let alone where it led to.

This was the first time he saw such a strange thing.

The bark looked at this strange-looking thing, leading from the wall to a place where there is no end, but also confused.

He has lived in the Qingque tribe for a while, but he has never seen such a strange thing.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe seemed to be a little alert and walked slowly on top. Seeing that there was no special reaction, his courage began to slowly enlarge.

He accelerated his walking speed and increased the strength on his feet, and even jumped up and stamped his feet vigorously.

But no matter what he did, there was no response to the strange thing under his feet.

This made him faintly proud.

After walking back and forth on this, even after running a few times, the leader of the Blackrock tribe probably knew the purpose of some of these strange things.

Through the test just now, he found that it would be more comfortable to walk on such a strange thing, and there is no need to worry about something tripping over his foot.

If you run, it will run faster than in other places.

After knowing this, the leader of the Blackstone tribe laughed. He felt that the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe were really stupid, how could they spend so much effort to do such a thing.

This kind of thing is useless except for some comfort when walking.

And, even if you run faster on it, what use is it? This strange thing is bare on it, with only some grass, not even large trees, and there will be no prey on it.

There are a lot of people in this Qingque tribe, and there are so many good things, but they didn't expect to be so stupid and make such useless things.

With such strength, wouldn’t it be good to find someone to drill the grass together?

After experiencing the events of yesterday evening, the leader of the Blackstone tribe was still a little worried about this blue bird tribe.

But now, after discovering that they were actually doing such a stupid thing, the faint worry in the heart of the leader of the Blackstone tribe disappeared.

People in this tribe can do such a stupid thing, how can they be able to stop such a wise self?

The bark standing on the bronze highway with the leader of the Blackstone tribe was full of amazement, and he was once again startled by the great efforts of the Blue Sparrow tribe.

Can people really build something that is invisible at a glance?

As for stupidity?

Bark does not think so.

Although he has not lived in the Qingque tribe for a long time, he has a deep understanding of the wisdom of the son of God. That person doesn't do stupid things. He has his own intentions in everything he does. This seems to be completely Unlike things that can be done by humans, it must be very important, otherwise this tribe's **** son will definitely not let people do it.

Above the wall, some people from the Qingque tribe laughed loudly when they looked at the people who seemed very curious and made all kinds of weird actions on the bronze highway.

Because the behavior of these people looks very funny, they are completely unseen...


The piercing gong finally rang again, and at this time, the sun was already west again.

The people in the Tongshan residential area who had been mentally prepared for a long time heard the harsh sound of gongs, and they were all ready. Those who were already on the fence took up their bows. Those slaves who could not use bows and arrows, Inside, holding javelins and rocks.

The people resting in the house or the courtyard, also when the gong sounded, quickly came to the wall, and before any chaos, they had found their respective positions.

And after the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe had made preparations, those coalition forces such as the Blackstone tribe who had attacked here again had not reached the battlefield.

Yesterday, everyone rushed towards this weird tribe, and didn’t feel anything. Today everyone has the experience of yesterday, and at the same time, they are not rushing forward like yesterday, and then hear the harshness. Voice, seeing the people who quickly appeared above the weird cave in this harsh sound, I felt different in my heart.

After blocking the bark or plank in front of them, people who felt very confident, watching this scene, some of the confidence that they finally built up, immediately disappeared more than half.

It's not that they don't have the guts, but the people of the Qingque tribe reacted too quickly.

In addition, yesterday evening, they were brutally abused by members of the Qingque tribe. It would be weird if they didn't panic when they saw such a scene.


The leader of the Blackrock tribe shouted again and raised the longbow in his hand high.

Such behavior made these people feel a lot of peace.

As a result, the alliance against the Blue Sparrow tribe with the Blackstone tribe at its core moved forward again.

They are not walking fast, on the one hand, because of some fear in their hearts, on the other hand, the leader of the Blackrock tribe made an explanation specially.

And the people who walk in the front are all people **** in front of them or holding rough wooden boards in their arms.

Those who do these things are basically tribes that don't have bows and arrows.

Those tribes with bows and arrows followed behind these people, holding bows and arrows in their hands, and walking forward.

They waited for a while and needed to be responsible for shooting arrows above the weird cave of the Blue Sparrow tribe, and shooting down those people above the weird cave.

War, or suffering, is something that can make people smart quickly, just like now.

After experiencing yesterday’s casualties, these people no longer roared towards the Tongshan residential area, but learned to block wooden boards, bark and other things on their bodies, and knew to let those who own them stand in front. , So that people with bows and arrows can shoot from behind.

The Shang on the wall was watching the actions of the Blackrock Tribe.

Shang was still very surprised by what these people did at this time. He didn't expect these people to know how to use this method.

You know, among the enemies they have encountered in the past, no one knows to block these things in front of them to resist attacks.

And these people also have bows and arrows!

The fact that these people have bows and arrows, they had already known it yesterday. There must be some surprises at the time, but they would not be too surprised.

This is because up to now, bows and arrows are no longer the patent of the Qingque tribe.

Those tribes closer to the Qingque tribe have basically learned how to use bows and arrows.

It is not what the people of the Qingque tribe can teach, but they learn it themselves.

Those tribes were curious about the bows and arrows of the Qingque tribe as early as before. Later, after the Qingque tribe attacked the semi-agricultural tribe, they had a more intuitive understanding of the power of bows and arrows.

Faced with such a good thing, it would be strange if they didn't learn.

Moreover, the structure of an ordinary bow is not complicated, as long as a rope and a tree stick are enough, so it is easy to imitate.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is that ordinary bow and arrow.

It is precisely because of this that they will not be surprised to see these people also have bows and arrows.

Those bows and arrows made by imitating their tribe are much less powerful than the bows and arrows owned by their tribe itself.

After all, their tribe has had bows and arrows for longer, and there are people like Junior Brother Sha who like to work **** bows and arrows, and there are also gods.

As for the people who attacked their own tribe, why do they have bows and arrows? They didn't think much about it.

There is really no need to think about this, because as long as they are caught, you will know what is going on.

Under the gaze of Shang and others, these people who came to attack the Qingque tribe slowly approached the battlefield yesterday.

Stopped at the extreme edge of death, and then under the command of the leader of the Blackrock tribe, those who used bows and arrows began to pull their bows and shoot arrows toward the Tongshan residential area.


The leader of the Blackrock tribe roared excitedly, and then took the lead to loosen the bowstring in his hand.

Amidst the trembling of bowstrings, feather arrows rushed out.

The rest of those who used bows and arrows released the bowstrings in their hands with the shout of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, and many feather arrows flew towards the Tongshan residential area.

Many people who watched this scene were very excited.

In the past, they used bows and arrows to hunt, but a tribe of people used bows and arrows to shoot, and they could get a lot of prey.

But now, so many of them who use bows and arrows get together and use their bows and arrows to shoot arrows toward the weird cave together, so many feather arrows fly over, how can they resist it!

They didn't use planks and bark like they did to make something that could defend against feather arrows.

The morale that seemed to be relatively sluggish in the first place rose a lot in an instant with this wave of arrows.

Many people even shouted in excitement, thinking that the people on the weird cave would fall down one after another at the next moment, and after a few more incidents like this, they would be shot to death. They will be able to capture the Qingque tribe.

Especially when they found that facing the feather arrows they shot out, the people above the weird cave had actually stood there and did not hide, they felt more and more certain.

However, what happened in the next moment completely dissipated their excitement.

Under the excited gaze of everyone, those feather arrows carrying all their hopes flew for a certain distance in the air, and then fell to the ground. The feather arrows that flew the farthest did not touch the wall of the Tongshan residential area.

This completely unexpected event stunned everyone, including the leader of the Blackrock tribe, and looked at the feather arrows that fell on the ground, their eyes straightened, with extreme disbelief.

As the feather arrow fell, the sound of heartbreak became a sound.


On the fence of the Tongshan residential area, Shang and the others couldn't help grinning and grinning as they watched this scene.

As early as when these invading enemies stopped there and shot arrows at them, they knew it would be such a result.

Standing tall, the feathers and arrows can be shot far. The people of the Qingque tribe have already known this. And by comparing with those tribes that imitate their tribe to make bows and arrows, they know that their tribe has more bows and arrows than the rest The tribe’s bow and arrow shot farther.

The people of these hostile tribes stay where they stand on the wall, the farthest effective range.

In such a situation, it would be a weird thing to be able to shoot feather arrows above the wall.

"We also shoot with bows and arrows, but only some of us can shoot with arrows, and the rest wait until I let them attack before they start to move.

Otherwise it will scare them away. "

Shang ordered this, and added another sentence at the end.

The people on the fence couldn't help but laugh again after hearing Shang say this.

The languages ​​may not be communicated between the various tribes, but the laughter is indeed the same.

Listening to the laughter coming from the wall, and watching everyone in the Qingque tribe laugh, many of these offensive people felt ashamed.

At this time, a feather arrow flew down from above the wall.

Some shot empty, some nailed to a wooden board, and three or four feather arrows got into the flesh, and the people who were recruited immediately screamed in pain.

In this situation, these people were surprised and a little panicked.

Many people have doubts about the feather arrows in their hands.

Why can't I wait for someone to shoot them, but they can shoot a feather arrow to myself and others?


At this time, the leader of the Blackrock Tribe shouted in excitement.

What he meant was that when the members of the Qingque tribe started shooting with bows and arrows, many of them were shot dead and injured.

But now, this time, only a few people have been shot, and none of them died. This shows that their preparations are still very effective.

After his reminder, everyone looked at the current situation and compared it with yesterday's situation, and suddenly became excited again.

Yes, compared to yesterday, the injuries they received are indeed much smaller.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe shouted loudly, and everyone began to push forward again, and decided to get closer so that their feather arrows could also work and cause harm to the people on the wall.

As they advanced, they were also opening bows and arrows, shooting at the leaders of the Blackrock tribe.

However, only ten or twenty people did this at all times, and none of the others attacked.

In this way, the enemies approaching can be hit, but it won't hurt them too much, and they will run away without looking back.

"Hold us with the vine shield, and the others squatted down!"

Seeing that the numerous enemies began to stop and were about to shoot arrows at it, Shang gave orders.

So someone picked up the vine shield on one side~www.NovelMTL.com~ and pushed it against the low wall outside the fence. There was a gap between the two vine shields, and the person holding the bow and arrow could pass through this gap. Shoot.

The rest of the people who did not have a task all bowed down according to Shang's orders.

If those people keep shooting with bows and arrows, they won't be dispatched. If they want to hit the gate, they will act.

In order to delay these people as much as possible, Shang and the others also racked their brains.

All of them wear cane armor, but cane armor can only cover the upper body, and more than half of their arms can't be covered.

The manpower on the fence is very wealthy at this time, and these people are idle as well. It is also very good to erect the vine shield here to shield the archers.

Seeing this strange big thing suddenly appeared on the weird cave, and the people who suddenly disappeared, the Blackrock tribe and others who were about to shoot arrows were all a little confused.

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