I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 851: Miko late wisdom

While they were eating on the wall, the leaders of the Blackrock tribe were also eating food.

Compared with the steaming food eaten by everyone from the Qingque tribe like Yu Shang, the food eaten by the leaders of the Blackstone tribe is much simpler.


Some tribes didn’t have enough food, and someone gave an opinion-go to the weird and terrifying tribe and bring back some of the people who died there today.

After such a proposal was made, it was not immediately implemented.

This is not because they can't bear to let go of that mouth, but because they need to get close to that terrible tribe if they bring back some dead people.

After a while, seeing that no one had dared to go, the leader of the Blackstone tribe opened his mouth. The general idea was that as long as you have enough food, you will have the strength to better attack the tribe.

It was said that he was reluctant to give them the food that their tribe carried. Instead, he let the tree carry a few people from the Blackrock tribe and led them to do this with weapons.

He also told everyone that it was night now, and people from that tribe couldn't see them right now.

After understanding the meaning of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, Bark wanted to jump up and point to the nose of the leader of the Blackstone tribe and curse severely.

Shameless, why don't you do something like this?

I thought so, but I didn't dare to do it like that, so I had to bring Blackstone weapons and, with some people, head towards the tribe that looked terrifying.

The bark well carried forward the style of the leader of the Blackrock tribe. He firmly blocked the large rough plank in front of his body, and walked at the end of the crowd with several other members of the Blackrock tribe, and moved towards that Like a giant beast creeping away from the tribe...

After eating more than half of the rice in the bowl, Shang's face suddenly showed a strong expression of joy, because he remembered how he could keep as many people as possible who had invaded the tribe.

"Liu Tou, Sparrow, you two eat quickly, and go to bed after dinner."

After moving the bowl here, Shang raised his voice a little.

The two people who were named by him looked a little surprised and raised their heads: "I'm not sleepy, I want to guard here."

One person said this aloud, and the other also followed: "That is, I am not sleepy, I also want to guard it."

"You two come here."

Shang said aloud.

Two people who were also holding the bowl came to Shang's side.

"I thought about how to catch these people. When you are full, go to sleep. I will let people feed the donkeys and prepare water and food for you. You will ride the donkeys to the main tribe early tomorrow morning. Run, tell Wu and the leader what happened here, let the Wu and the leader lead people over, go around behind those people, and quietly arrange traps.

It's the same as when the **** child attacked the semi-agricultural tribe..."

After these two people heard Shang telling his plan, their eyes lit up, and they never said that they could not go to bed anymore and would continue to guard on the fence.

The rice in the bowl was cleaned three times and then, once the bowl was put here, he went to bed in a hurry.

"I'll feed the donkey!"

People who often take care of donkeys also heard what Shan said and knew what Shan wanted to do. Without Shan's order, they took the initiative to ask to do this.

After rushing the rice in the bowl, he hurriedly went down to feed the donkey.

"I will prepare food for them."

Someone who came up to deliver the food heard it, and couldn't help it. After speaking, they followed the wall.

It didn’t take long for the people on the wall and within the tribe to know what Shang was about to do. People who were still thinking about how to catch these people to the greatest extent suddenly became excited. , The eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky.

This is indeed a good way!

Especially the people who have followed Han Cheng to attack the semi-nong tribe, they are even more excited. They followed the son of God, but they saw with their own eyes how the son of God used this method to catch the people of the half-nong tribe.

At that time, except for the people of the semi-agricultural tribe who died in the battle, the rest were captured by them.

The leader was responsible for the ambush there. At that time, a lot of people were caught. Later, it was Chang Ge in his hand, chasing a large group of people alone.

Now, they learn to deal with these people like the son of God, and they will be able to catch many people.

Let these people who dare to attack their tribe become slaves of their tribe and dig ore for their tribe!

Such a thing, as long as you think about it, makes people feel very beautiful, no less than the happiness that can be brought by humming an original song.


Several dogs that were led to the wall suddenly screamed at the outside of the courtyard wall. Everyone was vigilant, put down the dishes and picked up the weapons that were at hand.

There were also several people who blew a simple fire fold with Shang to light the grass ball, and threw it to the outside.

Several burning fireballs swept across the night sky one after another, tearing apart the darkness outside.

With a flash of light, everyone saw the situation outside.

Some people appeared there, but these people did not come straight to their tribe, but at the edge of the battlefield, sneaking dragging or carrying dead bodies on their bodies.

"Don't beat them, let them carry it!"

When someone saw that these people really dared to approach their tribe at night, they immediately became angry, and they would shoot their bows and arrows at them. After seeing them, Shan hurriedly stopped them.

"Don't scare them away!"

Shang continued.

After hearing that Shang said this, those who were still wondering why Shang did this, suddenly woke up.

Shang was right, this really couldn't be beaten too hard. If they hadn't waited for the news from the main tribe to come over, and scared these people away, then they would have lost a lot this time.

As a result, there was a clear laughter over the wall.

Shang and some other people kept lighting the grass **** and threw them outside, so that the people on the fence could see clearly whether they were just carrying dead bodies and whether they took the opportunity to rush into their tribe.

When the fireball pierced the sky and tore the darkness outside, exposing the bark and the others to the light, those who acted cautiously, including the bark, were shocked.

Some people couldn't help but ran away, while Tree Bark was constantly cursing at the leader of the Blackrock tribe.

This is what you said will not be discovered!

Wait for someone to touch it, OK?

Someone took the lead in the run, and the rest of the people couldn't help but started to run. Everyone, whether they found the corpse or not, immediately followed.

Someone tripped over a stone while running, thinking it was shot by a terrifying feather arrow, and shouted loudly and struggled desperately.

Everyone in the Qingque tribe on the fence saw this scene, and felt amused, and worried that these people would really be scared and would not leave their tribe, very entangled.

Under such circumstances, the bark that cherished his life more and more stopped, turned his head and looked at the wall that was constantly thrown down by fireballs, and listened carefully to what was coming from it. words.

After coming over for a while, the tumbling bark in his heart then turned and followed those people, and under the light of the thrown fireball, ran towards the distance with the dim light.

Of course Bark was excited, because just now, he heard the familiar language!

He had learned this language when he was in the Qingque tribe. The half-year-old child named Shishi was very serious when he taught them to learn this language. If he said bad things, he would beat his palms with a board.

It's just that he didn't master this language too much because he had only been in the Qingque tribe for a few months.

Because this language is too awkward and difficult to learn.

In addition, he has left the Qingque tribe for so long, and has not been exposed to these languages ​​for a long time, so the things that he had forcibly remembered before have also been forgotten.

But this did not prevent him from recognizing that the language he had just heard was Mandarin, because this language was so distinctive.

They were very clear word by word, not the same as in other languages, and just now, he heard some words that he felt familiar.

This tribe is really the Qingque tribe!

At this time, the bark has been determined, and the tribe in front of me is the Qingque tribe.

If it is not the Qingque tribe, why can this tribe have a courtyard that looks very similar to the Qingque tribe?

Why have bows and arrows and slings? Why do you still speak a language that Qingque tribe only speaks?

As for why the scenery around the Qingque tribe has changed, even the mountains behind are different from the previous ones, Bark also came up with a reasonable explanation at this time.

That is, after he left, the people of the Qingque tribe didn't know what happened to them, so they left from the original place, came here, and re-established the tribe.

Tribes relocate. Such things rarely happen because once they do, it will take a long time to recover.

Apart from the rest, it is very difficult to find a cave suitable for tribal life.

But the Qingque tribe is completely different. Under the leadership of that clever **** son, they can build a house suitable for living on flat ground, which is more comfortable than living in a cave.

Just like this seemingly insurmountable wall.

Things must be like this. If it weren't, there would be no way to explain the tall wall that appeared in front of you and everything similar to the Qingque tribe.

In the evening, he leaned too far behind the leader of the Blackstone tribe, and at that time everyone was shouting in chaos, attacking the Blue Sparrow tribe.

Then, in various screams, screaming and running around, the bark did not notice the words and shouts from the wall.

Now, the heart of the bark has become hot, and the dissatisfaction with the leader of the Blackrock tribe asking him and some other people to pick up the corpse has disappeared.

If it weren't for him to let himself come and pick up the corpse, how could he hear them? How could he confirm that this tribe was the Qingque tribe?

Now, Bark was completely relaxed, no matter whether the leaders of the Blackstone tribe could attack the Blue Sparrow tribe, he didn't worry much.

Of course, what he most wants to see now is that the leader of the Blackstone tribe is shot to death by a feather arrow, and then after the leader of the Blackstone tribe dies, the rest will attack the Blue Sparrow tribe.

In this way he can abduct the **** son and go to have fun.

As long as there is a son of God, Bark feels that when the time comes, he can have a larger courtyard than the current Qingque tribe.

He can have everything that the Qingque tribe can have when the time comes.

While the rest of the people were cheering for all the beauty of the Qingque tribe, they ran away with the most important son of God. If you think about it, Bark feels very happy.

The group felt the black and hurried towards the firelight where the leaders of the Blackrock tribe were.

Because they were discovered just past, they did not bring back many corpses, only three.

Of course this is not enough.

Therefore, the leader of the Blackstone tribe began to let the tribes that carry more food to take out some of their food and feed them to the tribes that did not have enough food.


Those tribes were unwilling to do such things, so the leader of the Blackstone tribe raised their voices and persuaded them in general.

What he meant was that only when everyone was full and had the strength to conquer the Qingque tribe.

And as long as the Qingque tribe is broken down, there is no need to worry about food anymore. Everyone will be able to eat all kinds of delicious foods, the kind that can be eaten.

In this case, it would be very convincing if they did not experience the terrible defeat in the evening. Now, after the terrifying battle in the evening, many people have fear in their hearts. Unable to attack the Qingque tribe, I have already begun to drum.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was too far away from the Ministry, and the life of the Qingque tribe was really tempting, many people would want to go back and stop provoke the terrible tribe.

Seeing this, the leader of the Blackstone tribe beat all the leaders who refused to take out the food, and then took the lead to take out some of the food carried by their tribe for the rest of the tribe to eat.

With his fight and taking the lead, the effect came out immediately.

Those tribal leaders who have been beaten, faced with such a powerful Blackrock tribal leader, can only choose to take out some of the food they carry and feed them to the tribe with little food.

After the food was eaten and they were no longer hungry, the courage of everyone seemed to increase a lot, not as panic as before.


Under the bonfire, the leader of the Blackrock tribe began to speak. His voice was loud, striving to let everyone hear his voice.

While speaking, he successively picked up his Blackstone weapon, the longbow, and the rough wooden planks that could be hung around his neck and tied with straw ropes to resist attacks.

It means that there is no need to be afraid of the Blue Sparrow tribe, they also have black stone weapons, and many long bows, and they can also use ropes to make things that can withstand feather arrows.

With these, coupled with so many of them, it is certain that the Qingque tribe can be attacked.

The distances between these tribes are relatively close, and the languages ​​are relatively similar.

Although there are not many places that are different, the overall meaning is basically understood by everyone.

Hearing the leader of the Blackrock tribe said this, everyone began to have some confidence.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe was still talking, and called the grass tribe and some other tribe leaders with bows and arrows to his side, meaning that by tomorrow, let these tribes who have bows and arrows shoot the blue bird tribe weird The people above the cave, don't rush forward like yesterday.

As long as they use their bows and arrows to shoot all the people on the weird cave of the Qingque tribe to death, they can easily enter the Qingque tribe.

Those good things will become theirs...

As soon as the specific plan came out, everyone's confidence increased a lot.

Not only those tribes with bows and arrows have become more confident, those without bows and arrows have more confidence.

As for the terrible extent of bows and arrows, they had a real experience this evening.

Now, being reminded by the leader of the Blackstone tribe, they suddenly realized that they also own bows and arrows.

The opponent can shoot himself and others with a bow and arrow, and the other person can also shoot each other with a bow and arrow!

At the same time as this surprise, many people also feel deep regrets. If this evening, they are not so anxious, but first let those who have bows and arrows to shoot towards the weird caves of the Qingque tribe. , Maybe they have already slept in the blue bird tribe now, let alone die so many people...

The bonfire was beating, propping up a circle of light in the boundless darkness.

The leader of the Heishi tribe, holding the Heishi weapon in his hand, looked at the sleeping people around him with a smile on his face.

The leader of the Blackrock tribe felt very proud that he could come up with such a method and calm the people who had feared in their hearts, and let them become confident again.

On the wall of the Tongshan residential area, Shang is still thinking about things. He has always had a relatively rigid personality for the enemies who came, but now it is different.

Now the gods, witches, and leaders are not by his side. The entire Tongshan residential area is now the biggest one, and all the burdens are on him, making him easily afraid to be impulsive as before.

As previously thought, although there are many enemies who have come, as long as they don't leave the tribe and guard them well above the wall, these people can't help them.

Coupled with the plan he had come up with before, none of these people could please.

But Shang felt that it was still not enough. The son of God asked him to guard here, so he needed to securely guard the Tongshan residential area, and there should be no mistakes.

The walls of the Tongshan residential area are all made of stone. Although they are not as tall as the walls of the main tribe, they are unusually strong.

With them guarding them, these people will definitely not be able to climb up, and there is no need to worry about the fence.

Shang thought this way, his gaze slowly fell on the side wall door.

With the advent of bronze tools and the continuous improvement of their craftsmanship, the gates of the tribal wall have also been updated, from the previous strong and flexible fence gate to the gate made of thick wood.

But a wooden door is a wooden door, not as strong as a stone wall.

Although they knew that they were guarding it, even if someone rushed over and approached the wooden door, they would still not be able to break through, but Shang still felt uneasy.

"You guys are guarding here and throw some fireballs down after a while.

You continue to sleep and wait to get up to take their place here.

You come with me. "

After sitting here thinking for a while, Shang began to arrange things.

Let some people continue to guard here, others sleep on the wall, and the slaves of the tribe followed him down the wall.

After a short while, several fires ignited in the Tongshan residential area near the gate.

Everyone was carrying the shackles and copper shovel, and they were digging in the doorway of the wall and near the doorway.

In the middle of the night, a big hole in the shape of a ‘convex’ is formed.

After the big hole was dug, someone took the sharpened wooden sticks and jumped into the big hole, arranged them, and inserted the two pointed wooden sticks into the hole.

Then I started to put things on it, and finally spread soil on it, and used tree sticks to circle the whole trap to prevent people in the tribe from falling into it after not paying attention.

Some people use lime powder to circle the road left in the trap.

This set aside is for one's own people to go outside.

The people of the Qingque tribe knew what this meant, and those enemies didn't know what was circled in lime.

Looking at the trap set up, Shang smiled, feeling very stable in his heart.

With this trap, even if the gate of the wall is accidentally attacked by these enemies, nothing will happen to the tribe.

You know, when the **** child used this trick, he pitted the big guy in the Tengshe tribe who seemed to make people daunted, and also killed many people in the Tengshe tribe by the way.

Now I am learning the appearance of the son of God, setting up traps here, and I do not believe that those people can escape the trap after opening the door ~www.NovelMTL.com~.

Not only the smile on Shang's face, but also the people who arranged the trap together...

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just bright, and the two people who had fallen asleep early last night, the two people who had fallen asleep early last night, led the two donkeys along the road circled by lime powder, and carefully came to the gate of the tribe.

Shang opened the door to them himself.

"You go back to the main tribe earlier and tell the witch and chieftain about this."

Shang confessed, the two nodded vigorously, indicating that they both understood.

Shang didn't say much, stretched out his hand and patted **** their shoulders before letting them leave.

The two led the donkey out of the Tongshan residential area, and stepped on the stepping stone to turn over the donkey and ran along the bronze high speed. The two and four donkeys quickly disappeared from the sight of everyone...

(Book friends, happy Mid-Autumn Festival.)

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