I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 853: The tribe of green sparrow masters who got the news


The Heishi tribe coalition forces, who were still proud of knowing that they used wood planks and bark to hide in front of their bodies, were stunned after seeing the operations of the Qingque tribe on the Tongshan residential area.

They looked at the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe, who were almost invisible under the cover of the huge objects, and looked down at the heavy and rough wooden boards and trees in their hands that could not even be covered. Suddenly a deep sense of frustration arose from these things.

This kind of frustration was even stronger than when Hancheng and people from the original donkey tribe were bathing in an open place by the river.

Where did this tribe get such big things? It's really shameless!

How do you shoot arrows? No amount of arrows can shoot them!


The leader of the Blackstone tribe screamed again, what he meant was that these shameless people blocked themselves with such things, and there was definitely no way to shoot them.

They can take this opportunity to rush towards the weird cave and take it down.

"Swish swish..."

Before this meaning was expressed, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and ten or twenty feather arrows shot out from the gap in the erected vine shield, and flew towards the Blackrock tribal coalition forces.

Immediately there were a few painful screams. Among those who made such screams, two people had bark in front of them.

The defense of bark is of course far inferior to that of rough wooden boards.

When it was far away, it could still guard against the feather arrows of the Qingque tribe, but it wouldn't be possible when it was close.

This is because as the distance increases, the strength contained in the feather arrows greatly increases. Another reason is that the feather arrows of the Qingque tribe are equipped with bronze arrows.

The ability to break defenses far surpasses the feather arrows used by the Blackstone tribe and others, which are burned out with fire.

Originally wanted to greet the leader of the Blackstone tribe who used this opportunity to rush to the ghost cave of the Blue Sparrow tribe, but couldn't say anything else.


He swallowed half of what he had said, then replaced it with the current words, and while speaking, he opened his bow and shot at the wall of the Tongshan residential area.

What he meant was to let people shoot arrows toward the gap between the erected things, and he didn't believe that he couldn't shoot these damned people.

The rest of the people holding bows and arrows also learned the appearance of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, shooting the feather arrows in their hands towards the wall of the Tongshan residential area.

"The archery man squatted down!"

Through the gap between the two vine shields, the person who saw this scene yelled loudly, and then took the lead in squatting down neatly, the whole figure being covered by the low wall.

After hearing Shang's order, the others all squatted down following Shang's manner.

Then there was the sound of feather arrows hitting the vine shield or the stone fence. Some feather arrows shot too high, leaping over the fence and falling into the courtyard.

The leaders of the Blackrock tribe and they shot for a while, and found that since they started shooting, no feathers had been shot down from the weird cave, and they all became happy.

I think those **** guys have been suppressed by them, and some people have been shot to death by them.

After a while, someone started to stop shooting arrows, and the leader of the Blackrock tribe also stopped his movements, and even wanted to give people an order to run to that strange cave...

Squatting here and waiting for a while, hearing the sound of feather arrows hitting became sparser, Shang led people to stand up, and through the gap between the two vine shields, once again shot at the Allied Blackrock tribe.

Immediately following their actions, the hapless Blackrock Tribe Allied forces were shot and screamed. There was a particularly hapless guy who even fell directly on the ground and stopped moving.


After suffering such an attack, the leader of Blackstone immediately changed his mind. He shouted loudly and drew a feather arrow to shoot towards the upper part of the Tongshan residential area.

The rest of the slackened Blackrock tribe coalition forces also hurriedly caught up with feather arrows to shoot quickly.

Seeing that the desired effect had been achieved, Shang ordered people to squat again.

After the baptism of feather arrows, after hearing the impact of feather arrows become thinner, Shang once again let people shoot, and continued to provoke the people of the Blackstone tribe to relax and let them keep shooting.

After doing this three or four times, looking at the vine shield still firmly erected on the weird cave with some feather arrows inserted on it, the people including the leader of the Blackrock tribe felt a deep weakness. sense.

Their hands hurt when they were shooting arrows, and it seemed that they didn't even shoot anyone, which was really frustrating.

Many people started to move in place, wanting to leave here.

Shang once again let people use bows and arrows to shoot at the Allied Forces of the Blackrock Tribe, which was different from the previous stabbing a hornet's nest. Only a small number of people responded this time, and it seemed that many people wanted to leave.

Such a thing is certainly not what Shao wants to see.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and then said to the person holding the shield next to him: "I screamed, you squat down with the shield."

The man didn't understand what Shang was talking about.


Shang uttered a miserable and loud scream, and then dragged the person beside him who still seemed ignorant of what was going on and let him squat down.

The scream of Shang was so loud that everyone else on the wall was taken aback. Everyone looked over here, and there were even many people who ran towards this side with concern and tension in their mouths. Inquiries.

Chaos occurred in the shield wall that was tightly closed.

"It's okay! It's okay! Seeing they want to run, I want to keep them."

While explaining to everyone, Shang looked under the wall to see how these enemies reacted.

The leader of the grass tribe looked at the bow in his hand, and then at the weird cave where there was a gap and chaos, the whole person was a little confused.

Just now, she shot an arrow towards there, but as before, the arrow was blocked by that extraordinarily tall object.

The leader of the Cao tribe saw it very clearly, and her arrow was indeed blocked.

But the screams and the sudden fall of that piece of stuff in, and the chaos that was happening above the weird cave, made her doubt what she had just seen.

Shouldn't the arrow that I had just been stopped? If he was stopped, where did that scream come from? Why does that strange thing fall back again? Why are the people on the weird cave in chaos?


The leader of the Cao tribe suddenly raised the big bow in his hand, shouting loudly, with excitement in his voice.

She is declaring to everyone that she shot the arrow just now!

The things that everyone could do nothing but were now shot away by her with one arrow. Of course, this is something to be proud of and boast about.

It is precisely because of this that the leader of the grass tribe will speak out about this matter to everyone.

Although she has been a little confused by now, why her arrow that seems to have been stopped can produce such a big effect.

But now, these are no longer so important.

Sure enough, as the leader of the grass tribe raised the longbow in his hand and shouted out such words, everyone who was amazed by such surprising changes in that weird cave immediately all cast their respect to the leader of the grass tribe. look.

Many people in the Cao tribe looked at their leader and cheered happily.

The head of the Blackrock tribe looked at the head of the grass tribe with a look of approval.

He felt that after the Blue Sparrow tribe was attacked, he needed to drill more through the grass with the leader of the grass tribe.

It is best to be able to give birth to a child and raise it.

This way the child can be as strong, capable and intelligent as he and the leader of the grass tribe.

The allied forces of the Blackrock tribe, who were originally frustrated and wanted to end this offensive, resurrected in full blood under the great power of the leader of the grass tribe.

The crowd screamed, pulled up their bows and arrows, and shot at the Tongshan residential area.

The success of the leader of the grass tribe made them realize that they are not incapable of causing harm to the people above the weird cave.

Listening to the screaming of these people, and the dense sound of raindrops beating on the earth, on the wall, the people of the Qingque tribe who understood what was going on, could not help but laugh. , I deeply admire Shang for being able to come up with such a damaging idea.

It's really no one to have such a joy in fighting.

Well, attacking the Qingque tribe is like a besieged city, people outside the city want to go in, people in the city... really can play.



The rain-like attack lasted for a while, and the Blackstone Alliance's offensive gradually weakened.

So under the sign of Shang, two more people screamed desperately, and then "falling" with their shields on the wall. There was chaos on the wall, and two gaps appeared in the shield formation again.

Seeing that he and others had achieved such results, the people of the Blackstone Alliance became excited again.

So the attack became fierce again...


The sun is slanting harder to the west, and it will go down in a while.

The leader of the Blackrock tribe looked at the weird cave with several gaps, and shouted proudly.

He is going to take people back and return to where they lived last night.

It's not that they don't want to attack this wealthy blue bird tribe in one fell swoop, but that the feather arrows they carried have been exhausted.

And because of the excessive number of bow openings today, many of them had their arms trembling, and some of their fingers were stripped off by the bowstring.

Under such circumstances, of course it is not suitable to continue doing this.

However, unlike the panic, panic and panic that happened yesterday evening, the morale of the people who retreated under the orders of the leader of the Blackrock tribe at this time was very high.

Today, under the leadership of the wise leader of the Blackstone tribe, they have caused great damage to the people of the Qingque tribe.

By the time they retreated, not many people attacked them with bows and arrows.

This made them all see the hope of breaking the Qingque tribe.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were not enough feather arrows, maybe they would be able to attack the Qingque tribe today, and they could spend the night in the Qingque tribe tonight!

Seeing those who retreated, they were still in high spirits, and they were as excited as the enemies who had fought a big battle. Everyone in the Qingque tribe was there to endure a smile.

Before today, they had never thought that fighting could become so fun.

Everyone looked at the squat and looked down quietly, seeming more wretched, they all gave their thumbs up, and expressed their sincere admiration for the shameful operation that Shan could come up with.

This is the affirmation from the Qingque people.

Shang is also very happy now, because through the reactions of these people, he already knows that these people will not escape after retreating this time, and they will definitely continue to attack their tribe tomorrow.

I can at least successfully drag these people here for two days.

Compared with the battle yesterday evening, today's battle is not too easy.

Seeing those enemies retreating, Shang also asked the women on the fence to cook.

The older minors in the tribe went down to carry some stones on the wall.

In today's defensive battle, these older children are also staying on the fence.

Through this method, the next generation in the tribe can feel what war is, and let them understand what they need to do when they encounter someone invading the tribe.

Such precepts and deeds can well keep the next generation of the tribe brave, and when encountering an enemy attack in the years to come, they can have the courage to take up arms to defend their homeland, and not become soft-hearted.

The sun slid down toward the west inch by inch, and when there was still not a short distance from the west horizon, it made a strong leap, and the whole disappeared completely, leaving only some magnificent clouds.

At this time, the cooking smoke in the Tongshan residential area had been rising for a while, and after a long time, some women were carrying the cooked meals, holding piles of bowls on the wall.

Shang took a bowl of rice, stirred up some food, blew it slightly, and sent it to his mouth.

He stood up from the wall with the bowl in his hand, chewing on the food while looking east.

The flat bronze passed through the fields on both sides at high speed and extended towards the east, and finally disappeared in the woods in the distance.

Those enemies who came to attack their tribe didn't know where this road led, but they knew where this road went.

At the end of this road, there is the fetters of all the Qingque people-the tribe of the Qingque master.

This is the birthplace of their Qingque tribe, and there are more people who guard the tribe with them and want the tribe to become more prosperous.

On this road, there are two people rushing back in order to convey the news here back to the main tribe.

Liutou and sparrows should have arrived at the Tongfu Inn where there are many pine trees.

They rested at the Tongfu Inn for one night, and they will set off at dawn tomorrow. It is estimated that they will be able to return to the main tribe before noon...


The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the bronze highway that travels through the mountains, forests, grasslands, etc. like a long snake, and it looks very quiet.

A hoarse humming sounded, following the prestige, something ran from the direction of the setting sun and drove east along the flat bronze highway.

The two and four donkeys turned into silhouettes in the afterglow of the setting sun.

As time went by, the sound of hoofs became louder and louder, and the two and four donkeys became louder.

A heavy panting sound followed, whether it was the running donkey or the person on the back of the donkey, panting hard.

The donkey galloped by, sweat fell on the ground, broke into eight petals, and was instantly absorbed by the ground.

This place has passed Tongfu Inn. It is between Tongfu Inn and the Qingque master tribe, and there is still a long distance from the Qingque master tribe. It is impossible to drive back to the Qingque tribe before the sky is completely dark. Yes, but the two people on the back of the donkey didn't mean to stop. They still urged the donkey to go east along the bronze highway.

Liu Tou felt that his throat was about to smoke, and he almost fell apart.

Especially the inner side of the thigh, which has been worn out, a **** piece, soaked in sweat, and worn by the back of the donkey, the taste is too wonderful.

He felt that he could no longer hold on.

In fact, this thought had already arisen before he passed the Tongfu Inn.

But until now, both he and the sparrow are still holding on, leaning on the back of the donkey and continuing to run forward.

While taking a break at the Tongfu Inn, he and the sparrow ate some food and just wanted to fall asleep.

And the rule that Shang gave them was to rest at the Tongfu Inn and wait until tomorrow to continue running.

He just didn’t know why. After taking a short rest and feeding the donkey some peas and fodder, he and the sparrow climbed onto the back of the donkey again, urging the donkey to continue running along the bronze high speed.

The sky gradually darkened, and several bright stars appeared in the southeast direction. After a short while, the last ray of sky light was also swallowed.

Fortunately, after a short while, a bend of the moon appeared in the sky, taking over from the sun and illuminating the way back home for this person who was walking through the night.

The crooked moon is naturally not as bright as the full moon, but the bronze high-speed is built flat, with few vegetation growing on it, it is very conspicuous under the reflection of the moonlight, and it will not go wrong.

Liu Tou wanted to stop and rest, sleep well, and never run again.

Just let the donkey stop, after reaching the mouth, it turned into a urge to move forward: "Ha!"

He couldn't stop, nor dared to stop, as long as he stopped here, he felt that he would never be able to climb on the back of the donkey anymore.

It's not just him and the sparrow, even after the donkey stopped, it is estimated that he could not run.

Although he and the sparrow are both small and light people, they can't stand such long-distance running.

After all, they were riding donkeys under them, not the kind of big and running horses that the gods said.

Sweat slipped from the forehead and entered the eyes. The stinging eyes would sting, and the head shook his head vigorously without using his hands to wipe it.

The howls of some wild beasts that sounded from time to time in the darkness made Liutou and Sparrow feel scared.

If it were before, staying with the people in the tribe would not be afraid of these beasts, but now there are only two people, he and the sparrow, and neither of them has much strength.

Even so, Liu Tou didn't feel regret. These people attacked his tribe, and he had to tell the witch and the leader of the news earlier.

Let the leader and them lead people to catch all those people, none of them can run.

These people attacked their own tribe and trampled their own tribe’s fields. They must all be caught!

"Go back soon!"

I don't know how long it took to run. The road where the donkey's hoof stepped on has changed from the previous earthy road to a stone paved road. The donkey's hoof stepped on it and made a loud noise.

The field of vision also began to widen, and the trees on both sides of the road began to sparse.

After running forward for a while, the field of vision became wider, and it was possible to see that the land on both sides had become overturned fields.

The sparrow who hadn't spoken much yelled out of excitement, and the spirit of the head was shocked.


Liu Tou shouted loudly, urging the donkey under him to run faster.

As the donkey ran, the outline of the tribe appeared before their eyes.

Looking at the tribe standing there quietly under the moonlight, the two people, Liutou and Sparrow, only felt that there was a lot of strength emerging from their bodies, and their hearts were ups and downs.


The sound of the donkey stepping on the stone slab as it was running seemed very loud at night, and the husky shouts of the two also spread far away under the moonlight.

The dogs in the tribe murmured when they heard the movement.

Those who patrolled on the fence became alert.


Someone asked.

Seeing the tribe, hearing the dog's barking, and this shout, the two heads and sparrows only felt warm.


Li Tou shouted loudly.

"who am I?"

Listening to the sound from above the fence, the head was a little confused, don't you know who you are? Come to ask me?

"I will know who you are?"

Liu Tou shouted loudly.

The people on the fence heard this tricky answer and couldn't help but get angry~www.NovelMTL.com~ But they also knew that the guy who ran back this night was from their own tribe.

After all, no tribe can speak Mandarin so well, and can give him a good answer.

"I'm a sparrow, and that guy is Liutou. We ran back from the Tongshan residential area. There are enemies attacking the Tongshan residential area. We are back to report!"

Shouted the sparrow.

In this case, the people patrolling on the fence immediately became calm as soon as they exited.

"You wait! I'll open the door and let you in! Dare to attack our tribe and catch them all as slaves!"

This person ran down with the two of them, screaming fiercely in his mouth, and his voice sounded very reassuring.

After getting off the wall, one person in the inner courtyard tells the Wu and the leader of the news, and he and another person go to open the gate...


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