I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 850: Did you beat them too hard?

After the sound of the arrow release, Shang released the full bow in his hand. Amidst the trembling of the bowstrings, the feather arrows rushed towards the mess and screaming towards his tribe. The guys flew over.

In the Qingque tribe, the bow and arrow have become the most basic weapon, everyone must learn.

Except for the elder witch, and those very young children, plus slaves who are not allowed to touch weapons on weekdays, there is no one who can't shoot arrows.

For example, Chang Ge's sorrow is often used, and at this time he picked up the bow and arrow.

Of course, there is a very big difference between being able to use bows and arrows and archery very accurately, but the difference is not very big at this moment.

Because there are so many people coming over, there is no need to aim.

The rest of the people who were ready, after Shang gave the order, all let go of their arrows, and in an instant there were sixty or seventy feather arrows pouring down.

The slaves of the Qingque tribe who could not use feather arrows held stones and threw them at the rushing crowd.

Others threw wooden sticks with sharp heads, like a javelin.

After a round of attacks fell, a dozen people suddenly fell to the ground, wailing pain in their mouths, and in such a chaotic situation, it seemed more jarring.

Until he fell to the ground and was trampled on by countless people's feet, some people had some understanding-this tribe is much more difficult to deal with than imagined!

Some people feel very unwilling, because they have run to the edge of this tribe, but this kind of good life can no longer lead.

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows! Kill them!"

Shang roared loudly, and at the same time let go of the bowstring again.

The other members of the Blue Sparrow tribe either yelled loudly while throwing arrows, or they pressed their lips tightly without saying a word, and just hit the feather arrows and pulled the bowstrings.

"I'm not dead! I'm not dead!"

There were also some people whispering and hateful, the movements in their hands were extremely clean and neat.

With the continuous movement of everyone, the attack on the wall poured down like raindrops.


A guy who raised his arm while running, was about to smash the stone in his hand against the people of the Blue Bird tribe on the wall, and was stabbed in the stomach by a flying javelin.

The javelin with great inertia directly penetrated his abdomen!

The severe pain suddenly swept through her body, causing her whole body to twitch involuntarily, and the stone she was about to throw also fell down and hit her own foot.

It was at this time that she discovered that it is not easy to live that kind of life. It is not that if their numbers are large enough, they can live without death and achieve an overwhelming victory.

Feeling the intense pain and fading power coming from the abdomen, the intense fear almost drowned her whole person.

She regretted her behavior this time.

My previous life is actually very good. I can gather fruits with people in the tribe, and when I meet other tribes, I can drill the grass with them...

She turned around hard, wanting to leave here and return to the place where she lived.

Before she could turn around, she was knocked down by others.

Someone who was howling loudly rushed forward desperately, wanting to live a life that sounds more beautiful than a dream.

She wanted to yell these people so that they would stop running forward and go back quickly, but before she could open her mouth, there were big feet that stepped on her face, stepping on her mouth that was so open. Closed again, her eyes gradually lost their color.

During this process, the screams continued to sound, and people were hit by sharp attacks, screaming and falling to the ground...


Listening to this constant scream, watching those who keep falling to the ground under the threat of death. Someone finally became sober.

A tribe leader who had followed the Blackrock tribe to attack the Bark tribe, shouted loudly, meaning that the people of their tribe should stop quickly and not run so fast.

While shouting like this, he was still backing away.

Some people want to retreat, but some people have red eyes.


A person who looked very thin and still had frostbite on his face, waved the wooden stick in his hand, yelled loudly, and rushed forward.

While running, people around him kept screaming and falling to the ground, but he just kept screaming as if he hadn't seen it, letting the people in the tribe rush along with him.

Last winter, the cold that dropped ahead of schedule caused their tribe to suffer a catastrophe.

More than half of the people in their tribe are dead, and those who are alive rely on those who have died.

Every day some people die from freezing and starvation, and the rest are relying on people from their tribe to feed their hunger...

He really didn't want to live such a life.

He never wanted to experience things like that again.

If this winter came so early, he felt that all the people in his tribe would die, even himself.

He didn't want to let this happen again.

If he doesn't want that to happen, he needs to run faster at this time.

The tribe in front of us has all the good things, as long as they can rush to this tribe, then their tribe will never have to experience such terrible things again!


Above the wall, someone noticed the fast-running guy and started to shoot arrows at him.

A feather arrow got into his arm, the pain in the heart made him stagger, and the stick he was waving in his hand also fell to the ground.

He did not step back, nor did he bend over to pick up the sticks that fell on the ground, but continued to rush towards the green bird tribe wall not far away.


Get there soon!

He thought so in his heart.


A fist-sized stone slammed on his leg, causing him to fall to the ground uncontrollably.

He didn't scream, gritted his teeth, stared at his red eyes, stood up from the ground with all his might, stumbled and continued to rush towards the surrounding wall not far away.

After a while, his blood-stained palm pressed against the wall, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

It was as if he had already got those wonderful things after he came here. The people of the whole tribe lived the kind of dream-like and beautiful life.

However, this was just taken for granted after all, his relief only lasted for a short while, and was pulled back to the cold reality.

He found that if he wanted to get those beautiful things, it was not enough just to come to the side of the cave like a mountain wall, and he needed to climb over the strange cave like the mountain wall.

Looking at this weird cave, which is straight up and down, and the wall is generally standing here, his eyes are full of despair.

Just running to the edge of this weird cave has consumed all his energy, how could he climb into such a cave!

A stone that fell from the sky quickly magnified in front of his eyes, and the man pressed against the edge of the wall and slipped to the ground without a word.

A blood stain was wiped out on the wall made of stones.

A member of the Qingque tribe standing on the wall spit out a mouthful of water at this guy, then picked up a stone weighing several tens of kilograms, and slammed it down at another person who was near the wall.

This kind of big stone is specially used to smash those close to the wall.

After someone approaches the wall, the power of this big stone that falls from the sky is greater than the power of a bow and arrow...

Ideals are full and reality is very skinny. Such words are not only applicable in later generations, but also in this prehistoric era.

When falling from the high stone wall, like raindrops, feather arrows, stones, javelins and other things fall into the crowd, harvesting the lives of many people, and teaching many people the lessons of blood. The hot-headed people finally become sober.

The companions' casualties, pungent and piercing blood, and a miserable wailing made them realize that not everything will change according to their wishes.

It also allows them to recognize the difference between ideal and reality.

Following the last, the leader of the Blackstone tribe, who was the commander-in-chief of this battle, did not give any orders. These people who saw the most plump prey not long ago rushed towards the Blue Sparrow tribe for fear that they would not get the benefit of being behind. They stopped their forward rushing steps and ran towards the back.

It was already dark at this time, and the surrounding wall of the Tongshan residential area was located there, seemingly connected to the mountain behind, and turned into a big mountain.

Under the light of the sky, only a contoured residential area of ​​Tongshan remained, which became taller and majestic and insurmountable.

It stands here, pressing on this piece of land, as if pressing on the hearts of everyone.

The hearts of everyone were heavy, looking at the weird cave with the remaining outline, and the figure standing on the weird cave, there was a feeling of being out of breath.

The people in the Tongshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe gave these people a bit of a heavy drink, and they directly drew them a lot of blood, and they were all stunned.

The people of the grass tribe, looking at the miserable scene, felt both fortunate and scared. If it weren’t for their leader to stop them from drinking, they would keep them behind and prevent them from running so fast. , I'm afraid that some of them can no longer live now.

Look at the miserable scene and the appearance of the people of the tribe that has lost a lot of money, and then look at their leader, the people of the grass tribe, they are more admired for their leader.

Although their leader is a woman, their leader is more able to fight than men. Not only that, but also has a very thin heart and is more wise than many men.

Their tribe, under the leadership of their leader, lived better than a tribe where many men were the leaders.

In the dark sky, looking at the courtyard that stood there like a hill, the bark was full of vibrations.

He didn't know whether the strange tribe in front of him was the Qingque tribe, but its combat effectiveness was stronger than the Qingque tribe in his memory.

According to his memory, even if it was the Qingque tribe, when so many people launched such a fierce attack, they would definitely be beaten in a hurry.

Otherwise, he wouldn't worry about whether these people would break the Blue Sparrow Tribe before, and he would have thoughts about what to do if the Blue Sparrow Tribe was broken.

At this time, the bark was both happy and uncomfortable, very tangled.

Fortunately, the leaders of the Blackrock tribe met a very strong opponent. They might be killed by these people. He was finally able to fulfill his wish. What is entangled is that this powerful tribe is not what he does. The blue bird tribe that he thought about, this will make his previous plans all fall to nothing...


The leader of the Blackstone tribe looked very ugly and opened his mouth, meaning that people should go back first, find a relatively safe place to rest, and then consider attacking the tribe in front of them.

Regarding the tribe in front of him, the leader of the Blackrock tribe finally began to solemnly, and no longer thought it would be easy to attack it.

It seems that what I thought before was really right, and the tribe that can have so many good things is really hard to deal with.

The people who were a bit stunned by the Tongshan residential area were hit by heads. At this time, no one said that they would sleep in the tribe in front of them tonight.

When the leader of the Blackstone tribe said this, everyone followed the leader of the Blackstone tribe and walked back.

Even many people are still fast, with fear, worried that the people living in this weird cave will take this opportunity to rush out and kill them.

A battle that ended within a short period of time left a deep enough impression on these people to defeat all their previous arrogance...

Above the wall, with the last light of the sky, watching those who retreated within the range of bows and arrows and slings move towards the rear, and the others on the wall, all regretted.

At this time, they were all worried about whether they had made too heavy a move before, and it would be too bad for these people to run away.

Of course, it's a pity, but Shang didn't give an order to let the people in the tribe go out and pursue these people.

On the one hand, it is because it is dark and it is not suitable to go out to fight. On the other hand, there is a big difference in the number of the enemy and us.

With the development of copper smelting and tin smelting in the Tongshan residential area, continuous cultivation of the surrounding land, and the joining of the Feng and Linfeng tribes, the number of people in the Tongshan residential area has also increased.

Including slaves and citizens, the number of adults is now one hundred and twenty-four, plus a total of 211 people living here, which accounts for almost one-fifth of the total population of the Qingque tribe.

One hundred and twenty-four adults, now that the total population of many tribes does not exceed one hundred, it is already a very large tribe.

However, compared with the people here today, there are still too few adults in the Tongshan residential area.

Even though it was the battle not long ago that killed and injured a lot of people, the number of people on the other side was far more than the people in Tongshan residential area.

According to Shang's rough estimate, there are almost 400 of these people!

Except for a very small number of minors, the rest are adults.

And these minors are also the kind of adulthood.

Shang felt that the numbers of the two sides differed too much, and he was not worried about not being able to beat each other.

Except for the fifty slaves, the remaining 70-odd green bird tribe’s citizens are of the kind who often participate in training, and the soldiers in the residential area are also very sufficient, and I don’t think I need these slaves. With a shot, only relying on these more than 70 fully armed citizens of the Qingque tribe can defeat these people.

But he would not do such a thing, because if he did so, the people of his tribe would surely suffer casualties, and there would be a lot of damages.

In order to defend their homes and the things they built together, the people of the Qingque tribe were not afraid of death, but they couldn't just rush to them and beat them hard, letting many people who could not have died die.

This kind of truth was taught to them by the Son of God, and the Son of God also said that he was unwilling to change the lives of a hundred people in the opposing tribe with the life of one person in their tribe.

Because the lives of everyone in their tribe are precious, and they cannot be sacrificed easily when they are not a last resort.

For these words said by the son of God, Shang was deeply impressed.

Obviously, it hasn't come to the time when the **** son said that it is a last resort. Of course, Shang would not choose to be so hard.

In addition to this, there is another reason that there are too many opponents. After defeating them, there will definitely be many people who will run away.

In such a situation, they can only catch some people, and the rest will run away.

Shang didn't want to see such a thing, not only Shang, but the other citizens also didn't want to see it. As for the slaves of the Qingque tribe, they didn't want to see such a situation even more.

At the very beginning, everyone in the tribe would not think this way. When an enemy tribe came in, they were very happy to be able to beat the invading enemy away.

But afterwards, they were all biased by their unscrupulous sons.

They have all come to attack their own tribe, still want to run? Where is such a cheap thing!

How can you be a slave to your own tribe if you don't obediently, and work more to make atonement?

The slaves of the Qingque tribe even more do not want these people to leave, you all ran away, then how can we get rid of the status of slaves as soon as possible and become citizens of the tribe?

"You go to cook, eat first when you're done, and then put our meal on the fence, and we will eat on it."

Shang said to the women in the tribe and told them to continue cooking.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight with these guys to defend their tribe.

After standing here thinking for a while, Shang asked some people to go down and use the dry millet stalks stored in the courtyard to feed the animals into something like grass balls.

After finishing, transport these grass **** to the wall.

The Tongshan residential area, like the Qingquezhu tribe, has planted an iron fence house on the periphery. Only about six or seven meters away from the gate of the fence is not planted, which is a gap.

These iron fence houses have been planted for several years, standing here like a wall, covering more than half of the stone fence.

This greatly reduces the need for key defenses.

After these grass **** were transported up, Shang Jicat on the wall, took out a simple fire folder, and lit one of the grass **** after blowing them up. After the fire burned a lot, he probed and threw it outside. Get out.

Because the grass ball is wrapped with stones, it can be thrown farther.

The flaming fireball drew a bright arc in the night sky, rolled a few times and stopped after falling on the ground, and a dark red spark fell along with it.

The flame on the grass ball almost went out because of this, but after a while, it slowly burned again.

The moment the burning grass ball swept across the air, it illuminated the outside brighter, allowing people to be in the darkness and see if anyone was quietly touching the area outside the gate of the tribe courtyard.

After seeing the effectiveness of this method, Shang put a smile on his face, happy that he could think of such a good method.

It seems that after a while, we can tell the gods and witches of this method, so that the main tribe can also learn this method.

In this kind of waiting, a bit of igniting light rose up in the distant place, and looking at it from a distance, some figures were shaking.

Shang knew that these were people who didn't know where they came from, and they lit a fire there.

"These **** people!"

Shang cursed there.

He has identified that the place where these people lit the fire was a field in their tribe.

The millet there has sprouted. These **** guys lit a fire there and rested there, not knowing how much millet would be spoiled.

It's not just scolding, the rest of the people who saw this situation on the wall are also scolding like this.

Shang listened to the people screaming and looked at it for a while, but his expression suddenly changed because he suddenly remembered a terrible thing.

If these people do not come when the spring millet is just sprouting, but when the autumn millet is mature, and light a fire, then...

Shan didn't dare to think about it. If something like this really happened~www.NovelMTL.com~ Shan thought he would be crazy.

Treating all of these people as food to eat, he can definitely do it!

Thinking this way, after a while, someone started delivering food to the fence.

These women and children did not just eat the food below and then serve it up, as Shang said. Instead, they delivered the meal as soon as it was done.

The men in the tribe worked in the field for a day, and now they are guarding the tribe on the fence and defending against the enemy. They should eat food first.

Shang looked at the meal that a half-year-old child brought him, with a smile on his face, he did not refuse, took it from the child's hand, first leaned in to his mouth and sucked a sip of soup, only feeling that it was exceptional delicious.

After taking a couple of mouthfuls, I watched using chopsticks to pick up the thick paste and deliver it to my mouth. While eating, I stared at the fire in the distant field, thinking about how to keep as many of these people as possible...


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