I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 849: But I must come to hit us

The sun set on the other side of the mountain, and the afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated on the horizon, the coolness of the evening began to roll up.

Shang carried a columbine, led a donkey, and walked to the tribe not far away with the rest of the people holding some tools.

Some people still carry some fish cages in their hands. There are some fish in the fish cages that they think they can save again, and they will jump from time to time.

This was dropped into the water while working by the river, and when the work was over, the fish cage was taken out.

When they came back with Shang, they were basically men. This was because most of the women were sent back to make dinner early.

When the Qingque tribe transformed from gathering, fishing and hunting to farming now, the physical strength of the men was further highlighted.

After all, farming is a very labor-intensive task, especially before all kinds of agricultural machinery appeared and were widely used.

Coupled with the huge abundance of food in the Qingque tribe today, many living habits have changed unconsciously.

As it is now, when the sun is about to set, the women who are working together in the field are usually sent back.

Let them go back to cook first, and feed the rabbits and chickens in captivity.

Compared with busy fieldwork, such things are relatively easy to do.

The men with better physical strength took advantage of this effort to drive out some more life, and when the sun went down and the sunset gradually dissipated, they would carry their tools and drive to the tribe.

Looking at the tribe with a few smoke rising in the dusk and the children playing at the gate of the tribe, Shang, who was walking forward with a stairwell, felt particularly comfortable.

Looking at these, I just feel that the fatigue of the day is also worth it.

Even if I feel more tired, I am willing.

As they walked back, everyone said two sentences from time to time. Some talked about this year's moisture content, and some were saying that it was time to plant the land by the guard.

"I don't know if the gods have found a warm place."

During the discussion, someone said such a sentence.

After saying this, everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

"The Son of God will definitely be found. No matter how cold the weather becomes, we won't be afraid."

"Yes, God's son is so wise, there must be nothing wrong."

Everyone thought of their **** son, and thought of his behavior of leading people to unfamiliar places in order to make the tribe a better life, and all of them were very excited.

In their simple language, they express their respect and concern for the person who leads them to a better life.

Shang couldn't help but withdraw his gaze from the tribe, turned his head and looked towards the south, thinking about what the gods and the others were doing.

Shang has been in the trade team for several years, and he has a better understanding of going out to do trade than ordinary people.

This work is really not easy, especially when it comes to opening up new tribes.

But now, the sons of God and the others are going to a place farther away from the tribe, a completely unfamiliar place. What they are going to experience, don't even think about how difficult it will be.

Shang felt very sorry for his withdrawal from the trade team. It was not that he was dissatisfied with the arrangement of the **** son, but as if he did not withdraw from the trade team, he would be able to follow the **** son this time and protect him.

As long as he doesn't die, don't care what it is, don't want to hurt the son of God.

No one can do this tribe composed of everyone, but it can't do without the son of God.

Although Shang knows that those who go with the son of God must think the same way, and when encountering things, they will definitely choose to do it like himself, but if he does not go, he always feels a little worried.

After looking to the south for a few moments, Shang retracted his gaze and shook the hand holding the handle of the columbine.

Since there is no way to go out with the son of God, then do the rest of the things that the son of God gave you.

The son of God allowed himself to be stationed in the Tongshan residential area, then he would lead the people and take care of everything in the Tongshan residential area.

Plant the land first, and after the spring ploughing is completely over, let some people start smelting copper and tin ingots. Not only will the output of grain increase, but also the output of copper and tin ingots.

In addition to these, the number of rabbits, chickens, and sheep raised in the Tongshan residential area will also increase.

In this way, the tribe can become stronger.


At this moment, there was a shout, and I didn't understand what was revealed in the shout.

This was not because the distance was too far, and he did not hear clearly, but because the other party did not speak Mandarin, the unified language of the Qingque tribe!

Thanks to the blessing of the destroyed Tengshe tribe, no other tribes exist near the Tongshan residential area.

The Qingque tribe has been living in the Tongshan residential area for several years. As of today, only the Feng tribe far away from the Tongshan residential area has ever visited here.

Thinking of this, Shang couldn't help feeling a little excited.

After the arrival of the Wind Tribe, the population of my tribe increased by more than a hundred. Now it should be people from a strange tribe who have come here. If we can let these people, they will be like the people of the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe. , Join your own tribe, then...

Thinking of this, the full of excitement couldn't be restrained.

"Go back to the courtyard!"

For the first time, Shang shouted loudly at the minors playing at the entrance of the courtyard, asking them to run into the tribe.

Large-scale military exercises, as well as exercises to be done after encountering an enemy attack, are carried out both in the tribe of the green bird and the residential area of ​​Tongshan.

At this time, I heard Shang shouting loudly. These minors who squatted on the open space outside the courtyard gate to play with sheep bones, or held one leg and kicked the ground with only one leg, stopped fighting each other. He picked up the little one and ran into the courtyard.

When I saw this, I stopped with the thirty-odd people who were walking to the tribe with him, and looked around, wanting to see where these shouting people came from and how many people there were.

"over there!"

Some people from the back yelled loudly, pointing to the northeast of the tribe.

Shang's position was close to the front, and his line of sight was blocked by the wall. He immediately put the columbine on the ground and ran to the back.

"Not many people?"

Shang asked loudly.

"Many! Many, many people!"

The person's voice trembled a little, not because of fear, but because of excitement.

If so many people could join the tribe, how good would it be?

It doesn't matter if they are unwilling to join their tribe with conviction, they can attack their tribe, and then become slaves to their tribe by themselves and others.

These people must come to attack their tribe!

At this time, after seeing the large number of people appearing in the northeast, not only this guy gave birth to the idea of ​​begging for abuse and ruin, but the rest of the Tongshan residential area basically had this idea, even rushing. To the back, I saw the death of this scene, and it was the same mentality at this moment.

More than they are eager for these new guys to come and attack the tribe, it is the slaves in the Tongshan residential area, especially the old slaves who have lived in the Qingque tribe for a long time.

They remembered the fact that the semi-agricultural tribe was attacked and a large number of slaves joined the tribe, and then the son of God dismissed fifty slaves with better performance and granted citizenship.

In ordinary years, the son of God will also dismiss some outstanding slaves every year and make them citizens of the Qingque tribe, but generally there are not too many, and at most no more than fifteen at a time.

This makes many people feel anxious, but there is no other way. Apart from working hard and striving to make greater contributions to the tribe, the rest of the methods are useless.

But at this moment, these people who suddenly appeared near the tribe gave them hope.

If these people come to attack their own tribe, and then they are turned into slaves by themselves and others, and there are so many new slaves at once, will the son of God continue to attack the semi-agricultural tribe as before, will it happen? To lift many people from slavery?

As long as they think about such a thing, they can't help feeling hot in their hearts.

These people shouldn't come to make a deal for the tribe, but they must come and attack their tribe!

Only in this way can oneself and others turn it into slaves in a fair manner...

"Go! Let's go back soon! Get on the fence!"

Shang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then said loudly to everyone.

No matter what you think, the most important thing to do at this time is to go back to the courtyard and put the gate firmly on top.

Because there were too many people coming from the other party, and they had just returned from farm work at this time, and they were holding farm tools instead of weapons they were good at.

Regardless of whether these people are just passing by, or have other plans, they still return to the tribe first, and it is best to pick up weapons and go on the wall.

At that time, no matter what the other party wants to do, they are confident enough to deal with it.

As a result, these people in the Tongshan residential area picked up farm tools, led donkeys and deer animals and ran towards the courtyard that was not too far away, and when everyone returned, they put the courtyard gate firmly on top.

Someone rang the warning gong...

Seeing the wall that appeared in the distance, which looked like a mountain wall, but was far more regular than the mountain wall, the tree bark was extremely excited.

He did not expect that, relying on his vague memory, he actually found the Qingque tribe!

Before that, he was ready to continue being beaten.

But now, the tribe in memory just appeared in front of you!

The Blue Sparrow tribe has been found, and the leaders of the Blackstone tribe behind them can die!

Even if they can't die, if they really attacked the Blue Sparrow Tribe, they have no other way...

The tree bark pointed at the blue bird tribe that appeared in his sight, jumping and shouting vigorously, the voice was so loud.

On the one hand, he wanted to let the leaders of the Blackstone tribe and they all quickly look at the tribe in front of them, to let them know that he did not deceive them, and that the Blue Sparrow tribe really exists, and to express their excitement and joy.

On the other hand, I want to let the people of the Qingque tribe notice the situation here by shouting loudly, so that they can quickly take precautions.

In this case, we will begin to attack the Blue Sparrow tribe in a while, the leaders of the Blackstone tribe can die more, and the leaders of the Blackstone tribe who don't can easily succeed.

Of course, the best result is that both of them will die more people, so that he can abduct the son of God...

The leader of the Blackstone tribe felt extremely happy at this time. After walking for such a long time, he finally came to this tribe with someone!

Just think about the things that Bark has said more than once, and the leader of the Blackstone tribe feels that the whole person is about to fly happily.

Unfinished food, soft fur, warm kang and the same warm cave...

These things will all become their tribe's!

He looked at the bark that was shouting and screaming with joy in front of him, and the smile on his face became brighter.

This **** guy just likes to be beaten, how could he not find it before, how is it now?

He kicked him vigorously today, and this evening he took himself and others to find the Qingque tribe!

Compared with the leaders of the Blackrock tribe, the people who followed were happier, especially those tribes that were already suffering.

They looked at the weird cave with a plume of smoke in the evening, and they were all excited and wanted to swing.

They finally came to this tribe. Starting today, they are going to live that kind of good life. They no longer have to worry about going hungry and freezing to death in the cold weather!



Someone followed and shouted loudly, meaning they were going to attack this tribe.

They couldn't stand it for a moment, and now they want to live in this tribe, own those precious things, and live that kind of desirable life.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe looked at the tribe not too far away, and then turned to look at the many war-conscious people behind him, his smile became even brighter.

With so many people here, the tribe in front of them is not their opponent at all.

Especially after seeing the side of the weird cave, the leaders of the Blackrock tribe became more and more proud after seeing them, who didn't even dare to come over, and were frightened and panicked and ran towards the weird cave. .

The people of this tribe are so timid, it will be easier to fight!


He raised the black stone weapon in his hand high and shouted vigorously, which meant that he would attack the tribe in front of him, and by night, they would sleep in this strange cave.

The people who were already excited were immediately more agitated by the Blackrock tribe leader's shouting. They all responded with strange screams, using their actions to show how eager they are to do this.

However, the leader of the Blackrock tribe did not immediately set off. It was not because the unheard noise from the weird cave made him scared, but he took the people from their tribe to the back of the team, and The rough wooden planks on his back were transferred to the front of the body.

After doing all this, the people who couldn't wait started to attack the weird cave.

After the leader of the Blackstone tribe ordered to advance to the blue bird tribe in front of him, those in front immediately ran and ran towards the weird cave.

Generally speaking, when you encounter prey while hunting, the best way is not to scream and rush up when you see the prey, but to get close to the prey quietly and wait until the distance between you and the prey is as close as possible. , Will suddenly attack.

This can play a surprising effect, but also to maintain the maximum degree of physical strength.

This is the truth, these people who hunt often understand, but at this time, most of them have forgotten the experience they gained in hunting.

This is because the people living in the weird cave have already discovered their existence, and they feel that they no longer need to approach carefully.

Another aspect is that, in their own eyes, there are too many people coming this time, so many people feel that they are invincible, no matter what stands in front of them, they will not be their opponents. .

It is no longer so important to save or save energy.

Another reason is that everyone can't wait to live that wonderful life, worrying that if they go too late, the good things will be taken away by the rest.


However, not all tribes are like this. For example, the leader of the grass tribe yelled at her for wanting to surpass her, and followed the others who rushed towards the blue sparrow tribe regardless of Slow down and don't exceed yourself.

As the distance from the weird cave gets closer, the more we can feel the tremendous pressure that this weird cave can produce.

It is also possible to see the person standing on the mountain wall with a small half-upper body exposed, and some of the weapons in their hands.

The leader of the grass tribe saw the shadow of the bow and arrow.

As someone who had followed the Blackrock Tribe to attack the Bark Tribe, the strange tribe in front of her gave her a sense of familiarity.

If the things made with dirt around the Bark Tribe become taller, doesn't it look like the weird tribe in front of you?

When attacking the Bark Tribe, many people died. Now it seems that there is a more powerful tribe than the Bark Tribe. I am afraid that more people will die.

With this in mind, it would be weird if the leaders of the grass tribe let the people of their tribe rush forward with the rest of them.

Sometimes, it doesn't mean that if you rush to the front, you will definitely take advantage. If this is the case, then the leader of the Blackrock tribe will not lead their tribe to the end.


The leader of the grass tribe shouted again and asked the people in the tribe to block rough wooden boards, stone slabs, and thick bark in front of their bodies.

The last time she went to attack the tribe where Bark was located, it was because she learned from the people of the Blackstone tribe and adopted this method, so that the people of her tribe were basically not harmed.

The people of the grass tribe were very anxious about their tribe being so much behind, but under the command of the leader, they did not dare to rush forward beyond the leader.

I can only endure the uncomfortable feelings of my heart, follow the leader and walk forward, looking at those who have thrown away a lot of them, don't mention the anxiety...

Not far from the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the bark heading towards the Blue Sparrow tribe was a little dumbfounded.

After seeing the infinite surprise of the tribe surrounded by tall walls for a while, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I remember that there is a river in front of the Qingque tribe. From the north to the south of the Qingque tribe, after seeing the tribe, you can see that small river that is not so wide in some places, but now, he does not See the shadow of that creek.

Except for the small river, the bark also found something wrong with other places.

I remember that in the Qingque tribe, there was a particularly steep mountain behind it, but now...

Looking at the characteristic-looking mountain not far from the courtyard, Bark felt ashamed.

If the small river is gone, it can be said that the small river has reached other places, but now, even the mountains behind have changed.

And as the distance got closer, the bark also found something that surprised him, that is, the courtyard in front of him was not made of mud, but made of stone!

The bark was completely stunned now, and everything he saw was telling him the fact that this tribe was not a blue bird tribe!

But if it wasn't the Qingque tribe, how could this tribe have the same wall as the Qingque tribe!

Bark wanted to say these words so that everyone would stop, but look at the people who seemed to have seen the most plump prey, rushing towards the front, then look at the black stone weapons on the side, all of them are excited. The leader of the black stone tribe of the color, the bark still swallowed all the words he wanted to say.

Since it is wrong, let it be wrong.

I only hope that this strange tribe can withstand the attack of the Blackrock Tribe, or possess something similar to the Blue Sparrow Tribe.


Imagine that everyone conquered this cave ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and rushed in with joy, but found nothing. The bark couldn't help but shudder.

He feels that these angry people will surely kill him when the time comes...


Someone running in the forefront roared loudly, struggling to throw the stone in his hand toward the people in the Tongshan residential area standing on the wall.

After the stone drew an arc in the air, it landed on the root of the fence, and after rolling a few times on the ground, it hit the stone fence.

Looking at this thrown stone, the people on the fence were not angry, but they became happy.

This is your first hand!

"Fall arrows! Hit them!"

Shang shouted loudly.

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