I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 848: Blackrock tribe arrives on the battlefield

"Bang bang bang..."

As soon as Han Cheng's voice fell, more rocks flew over.

But because these people saw Han Cheng and they actually hunted a large number of "prey" on their territory, they were greatly stimulated, and because of their leader's area, many people threw the stones in their hands ahead of time. Came out.

As a result, more than half of these stones did not reach the front of the shield array, and they fell to the ground, jumping wildly on the ground.

Most of the rest was blocked by the erected shield wall.

Only two pieces hit the Qingque tribe's body.

I don't know if it's because it's called the stone. The stone seems to have the characteristics of attracting the same thing called the stone at this time. The two flying stones that leaped the shield array hit him.

One hit his body and the other hit his head.

But they were all blocked by the vine armor and vine helmet. Otherwise, the next witch of the Blue Sparrow tribe would say that he would not be scooped by this stone.

After shaking, I was a little dizzy. Not only did the stone feel no fear, on the contrary, it suddenly became angry.

He moved to the side quietly, opened the bow in his hand, and shot at the guys who were screaming and rushing here.

Although he is a cultural person of the Qingque tribe and the next witch, he is not the kind of person who has no power to bind the chicken, and usually does not practice bow and arrow.

Even Han Cheng has practiced bows and arrows all these years.

This is because of the environment of the times, and on the other hand, Han Cheng deliberately did it.

Han Cheng thinks that it is best to be a literati with a knife. In this way, those who do not obey the tribe can be sensible and unreasonable, and they can also roll up their sleeves and beat them up to convince them physically. After being calm and calm, continue to move with emotion, knowing and reasoning.

Only in this way can the tribe develop better, and the elite and ruling class in the tribe will not become like those literati and doctors after the Song and Ming Dynasties.

If this is the case, Han Cheng feels that if Quanxia knew at that time, he would definitely ask God to let him travel through this place again, and after returning, he would kill these unscrupulous descendants in advance...

Han Cheng felt that if Confucius had the spirit, he would definitely do so.

At least he would show a more decisive attitude than when Zhu Shaozhengmao was, and he would give all the disciples and grandchildren of later generations one by one, especially those literati who had misrepresented his theory and the main battle since Song Ming and Qing Dynasties.

As for the descendants of the Confucian family who held the title of Sheng Gong, but after Neon captured the land of China, they generated power to celebrate. If Confucius and his elders knew well, they would regret that they should have planted these seeds in the first place.

In the view of Yi Xia, his elders are very clear. It can be said that they are like angry young people, and the descendants of later generations...


As soon as Han Cheng's words fell, the sound of the bowstring trembling sounded at the same time the rocks flew, and seven or eight feather arrows shot at the people who were screaming at these wailing monsters.

For this group of people who suddenly came and rushed forward without saying a word, Junior Brother Sha would have long been unable to bear it. If the Son of God hadn't said anything before, Junior Brother Sha would have taken people to let go of arrows long before they had thrown a stone. .

But it's not too late!


The one-eyed leader who ran in the front fell to the ground, because the running speed was too fast and the side was not flat. After the fall, his body rolled out to the front left uncontrollably.


The one-eyed leader who was thrown a little dizzy yelled angrily. He was cursing the stone that tripped him and his own carelessness.

At such an important time, the **** stone actually tripped him, and he was tripped so far by it, this is really unforgivable.

Because if this was a serious mistake in the previous fights, it would be a big loss for him!

When the ground stopped rolling just now, he hurriedly looked at the strangers, and saw those holding the strange things, still standing there without moving.

This made him take a sigh of relief and feel lucky for his luck.

At the same time, they felt stupid for not taking this opportunity to rush to him, taking the opportunity to stab him or even killing him directly.

These people don't know how to take advantage of such a good opportunity. Isn't this stupid and what is it?

I really don't know how these people caught so many prey on their territory.

With thoughts full of thoughts flying around, the one-eyed one that stopped rolling touched the ground with one hand, ready to get up from the ground quickly.

It was also at this time that a scream suddenly came from those who followed him.

One-eyed was very angry in his heart, and he fell so cruelly on the ground without saying a word. What are these guys screaming?

Could it be that they, like themselves, fell to the ground while running?

Thinking like this in my heart, the person had already bounced off the ground, turned his head and looked back.

At a glance, he was immediately frightened and angry.

Because of their tribe, four or five of them fell to the ground!

These wailings are from them.

How does this make him not angry?

It’s fine if I accidentally fall to the ground as the person running in the front. Those of you who followed, clearly saw me tripped over there by a stone and fell down, but you all fell down with the trip. What do you want to do? !

Do you want to kill these **** guys who dare to invade your territory? !

The one-eyed man was frightened and angry, wishing to run over to the tribe who learned everything from him, kicking his feet fiercely.

This thought of him disappeared because he saw blood flowing from the man who fell, and two of them even rolled over twice and stopped moving.

And they all have a small branch with feathers stuck in their bodies!

How is this going? !

One-eyed is full of surprise.

Under his uncertain gaze, some of the running people in the tribe screamed and rolled to the ground.

This time he could see clearly that the reason why these people in his tribe fell to the ground was not because they were tripped by the stones on the ground like him, but because they were hit by oncoming small branches!

The one-eyed who saw this scene clearly couldn't help but let out a scream.

He is really distressed.

Because his chest was also inserted with a small branch like this.


There was a dull sound on his head, and the one-eyed head shook suddenly.

The stone that made close contact with his head bounced high among the splashing blood, and fell not far away. After a few laps, it stopped rolling.

Dark red blood ran down his forehead and into the one eye.

With one hand on his chest and the other on his head, he shook his body and lay straight on the ground.

In the **** sky, there seemed to be an eagle flying high, circling circle after circle.

One-Eyed wanted to know how the other party threw these twigs into his body. He tried his best to lift his head, but he couldn't lift his head.

Instead, he pumped his body uncontrollably.

In a daze, thinking of the prey caught by these people, One-Eyed feels particularly unwilling...


In an instant, eleven or two people fell, and those who yelled to rush forward no longer dared to rush forward.

Looking at those extremely strange people is like looking at some monsters, only to feel more terrifying than the most terrifying people they have seen before.

I don't know who made a shout, these people turned around in a mess, turned and rushed towards the back.

When they rushed forward, they ran fast enough, but at this moment, their speed was faster than when they rushed forward!

On the way to escape, two or three people fell to the ground.

"Okay! Don't chase!"

Seeing this, Han Cheng issued a loud order to stop everyone who wanted to pursue the chase.

Their purpose of traveling south this time was to find a place suitable for the survival of the tribe, not to find which tribe to fight.

Since this tribe who fought without a second word had calmed down at this time and realized their own mistakes, of course, there was no need for them to be chased to kill. Such things were meaningless.

If you encounter such a tribe when you are close to the tribe, you can defeat it, and then all the people who survived will become the slaves of your tribe. But here, the people who are not familiar with the place are themselves. You don’t even know how long you need to go forward to stop.

It was too cumbersome to bring a vote of slaves at this time.

Of course, if Han Cheng can be cruel, let these slaves carry things and swear to them when there is no food, then it will be another matter.

Of course he can't do such a thing.

After hearing Han Cheng's order, the people who were a little upset did not chase them anymore, letting these extremely angry and inexplicable guys escape.

Those who were hit by a feather arrow on their legs or arms, or were hit by a stone, struggled from the ground, limped, and staggered and ran away.

The people of the Qingque tribe had Han Cheng's order, but did not chase them, let them leave.

"Let's go! All gone! The person who escaped first can no longer be seen, running faster than a rabbit!"

The extremely agile guy who climbed the tree dashed up the tree three times and then, after looking vigorously in the direction of the one-eyed tribe's escape, he said aloud, with some ridicule.

So Han Cheng dispersed everyone and continued the previous thing.

The second senior brothers continued to process the half-processed wild boar, the junior brother Sha was processing the birds, and a few people took out some peas to supplement the two donkeys and a few deer.

Some people who were seriously injured but not completely dead screamed weakly. The people of the Qingque tribe were just doing their own things and ignored those people who just tried to attack them.

Han Cheng ignored it either.

There is always a price to do something wrong, and people who are now in the wilderness, even if he shoots these people, can't live.

When the group of Qingque tribe had eaten breakfast, packed up, and set off along the river to the south, the weak cries had already disappeared.

Not long after everyone left, a beast came over and chewed...


The sound of the oars moving the river sounded, and a large raft crossed the river fifty to sixty meters wide.

On the raft, there were only two people who rowed the raft. In the rest, there was a donkey with four hooves tied up, and a deer with four hooves tied up. Both guys were shaking at this moment. .

Han Cheng and the rest of them stood on the shore, watching the raft slowly approaching him and the others.

This was the last trip, and when the raft reached the shore, everything was transported.

This is the fourth day that Han Cheng and the others have encountered an inexplicable attack.

After walking down the river for two days, the river gradually widened. The direction of the river turned from the previous southward to eastward, and then walked forward for a while, and there was a trend towards northward.

Han Chenggong stopped the people in the tribe, chose a place where the river was stable, built a raft, and crossed the river.

After the raft reached the shore, several people stepped forward to lift the donkey and the deer down, and untied the rope tied to their legs.

These two guys are the same as the other animals crossing the river before, all four legs are constantly shaking.

Tie the raft to a tree on the shore. After resting here for a while, everyone continued to head south...

The mountains are vast, with tall trees growing.

"Give you."

At the sign of Han Cheng, the second senior lay down the big horn sheep weighing thirty or forty catties on his back, and then handed it to a primitive man who surrounded only some animal skins on his lower body.

Trade is on the sidelines for fancy translation.

After this man understood Mao's meaning, he hugged the dead sheep and refused to let go.

"let's go."

Han Cheng looked at the gap in front of him that seemed to be only one or two meters wide, and said to everyone, and then everyone went into the traces that seemed to have been chopped by a huge axe.

The man holding the dead sheep stood here for a while and scratched his head, wondering why these weird-looking people were going there.

Such doubts only lasted for a short time before they disappeared.

He looked at the sheep in his arms and was extremely overjoyed. He was the first one in their tribe to get such a sheep just by showing the way for these people.

Dang Even carried the sheep on his back, and then ran towards the place where his tribe was.

With this sheep, I will be able to get enough food today.

The guy in the tribe had never been willing to drill the grass with him before. Today, I brought back such a big sheep. See if she doesn't drill it for myself!

Within the long and narrow gap, Han Cheng looked up, and only a narrow line remained in the vast sky.

Both sides are cliffs that go straight up and down, most of them are bare rocks, and a few of them are growing with some strong vegetation.

The people in the tribe, including Han Cheng, are the first time to walk into this kind of existence like a ray of sky. Looking up, while marveling at the magical work of nature, many people are worried. , This towering cliff will come down from the squeeze, burying them all inside.

After walking about seven or eight hundred meters, the narrow passage gradually widened, and everyone was slightly relieved.

After crossing the river and walking to the south for two days, what I encountered was the endless mountains that couldn't go around.

On this side of the mountain, Han Cheng did not find any traces of plants that are only found in the south. After gritting his teeth and resting for a night, he plunged into the vast mountains with the people of the tribe.

After walking inside for two or three days, he finally reached a dead end, a road blocked by a towering mountain wall.

On the way back and preparing to try from other places, I met some people living here.

The rest were scared away by Han Cheng and their weird appearance, only one stupidly ran slowly, and then was invited to lead the way for the people of the Qingque tribe...

In the Qingque tribe, Wu stood at the gate of the tribe and looked out.

The seemingly level ground is covered with a green carpet, which is the millet planted this year.

On the other side of the small river, people in twos and threes were scattered there to work.

The deer led the columbine to walk across the fields. On the ploughed ground, there were traces of rushing out. There were shelled grains flowing out along the hollow legs of the columbine and sliding into the soil.

This is the second round of spring plowing in the tribe, and it has basically come to an end.

The large tracts of rapeseed fields have already picked up the stilts at this time, and there are a bunch of small flower bones on them that have not been opened. It will not take long for these rapeseeds to bloom one after another.

When these **** blossoms bloom and are about to begin to wither, the third round of spring plowing in the tribe will begin.

In the past, the third round of spring plowing in the tribe generally only started after the **** is ripe, but this year it needs to be advanced.

This is something that the son of God confessed. He said that he was worried that this year's winter would come earlier than last year, and that the last millet that was planted late would be affected by the cold and the yield would be greatly reduced.

Thinking of the son of God, Wu couldn't help but look to the south.

Twenty-eight days have passed since the day when the son of God and the others left the tribe.

Five days after the son of God and the others left, the brood of eggs they were holding has now become chicks. At this time, under the leadership of the old hen, they are running back and forth like small pompoms in the chicken pen.

I don't know where the gods and the others are, whether they have found a warm place suitable for the survival of the tribe.

Are they in danger...

There will be no danger, no danger... the wisdom of the son of God, or the son of God, certainly will not encounter danger...

Wu's heart was raised again.

After staying here for a while, he finally couldn't stand still. He returned to the room where the totem pole was placed and prayed to the totem pole, hoping that the gods of their tribe could bless the gods and their peace.

At this moment, Wu even felt that it didn’t matter whether the sons of God could find a warm place, as long as the sons of God could return safely...


The leader of the Blackstone tribe screamed angrily, raised one foot, and kicked the tree bark fiercely.

It hadn't been a long time since he had not been hit by the bark of the leader of the Blackrock tribe, and he was kicked to the ground by the leader of the Blackrock tribe.

Of course the leader of the Blackrock tribe was angry, because they had been walking for so long, and they had not seen the shadow of the tribe that Bark said.

Every time I asked when the bark would arrive, the bark said it was fast.

Today, after Bark once again said that it was soon, the leader of the Blackstone tribe finally couldn't bear it, and gave Bark a hard kick.

If it hadn't been so long, the leader of the Blackstone tribe would want to take people back, and would not care about any Qingque tribe.

After the leader of the Blackrock tribe hit the bark, many of the tribes who followed it couldn't help but want to come and beat this **** guy.

After just remembering that he was a member of the Blackrock tribe, everyone was patient again.

The people of these tribes have great grievances about the bark that led the way at this time. Because of the long time on the road, many of them have almost eaten the food they carry.

Even though they were looking for food while they were walking, there were too many people they were walking together this time. It was impossible to provide so much food in the same place. In addition, the main purpose was to hurry, and there was not enough food. The situation is also normal.

Because of the continuous walking and the lack of food, some people walked and fell to the ground while walking.

The people who fell down were basically from the skinny tribe who suffered a catastrophe last winter.

Their bodies have never recovered, and now that they have gone through such a lot of fatigue, it would be a strange thing for them to have no attrition.


The bark climbed up from the ground and said to the leader of the Blackrock tribe, meaning it was still fast.

Apart from this, he didn't know what to say to the others, he couldn't tell them, he forgot how to leave, right?

After Bark's words were uttered, the leader of the Blackstone tribe lifted his foot and wanted to give him one more time, but when he lifted it halfway, he put his foot down again.

Now that they have come here, there is no other way to go except to follow the bark.


The leader of the Blackrock tribe looked at the tree bark and said angrily~www.NovelMTL.com~ which meant to let the tree bark continue to lead the way.

Hearing the words, the bark hurried to the front again, digging forward, and looking around.

These are mutually confirmed with the scenes in memory.

When I look at everything around me, I always feel that I have seen it there before, and it is very familiar, but when I think about it carefully, I feel that I have never seen it before.

The bark is completely dizzy at this moment, but there is no good way, only to bite the bullet and lead the person to continue walking forward.

The daylight gradually slanted west, and birds flew from the sky into the woods.


Bark yelled excitedly, pointing to the front right.

There was no wind at this moment, and there was a plume of smoke rising from the front right...


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