I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 845: Son, don’t cry (3 in 1)

Looking at the big brother who ran out with a backpack in the wind, and disappeared in a moment, the few people in the room couldn't help looking at each other, and for a while did not figure out what magical operation the big brother was.

Han Cheng sniffed. Fortunately, he didn't run a backpack shop. If he runs a backpack shop and encounters such a situation, he says he must not carry a knife out.

Before everyone could figure it out, there was another puff of running sound from outside, and after a while, the big brother reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

It's just that compared with the previous time, the big brother at this time has more rattan shields that he often uses.

"God, look, I can make a vine shield with a backpack!"

The big brother danced with the rattan shield outside the door, and at the same time the backpack on his back was not taken off, his face was full of joy and excitement, smiling like a treasure, happily like a child getting a novel toy.

In such a scene, the Wu and others who watched all opened their mouths, and they liked the backpack that Han Cheng had made even more.

The Son of God is the Son of God. He just made these changes to the ordinary animal skin pockets, and it immediately became especially easy to use.

Not only do they carry light on their backs, but they can also free their hands to do other things, which they had never thought of before.

Han Cheng looked at the big brother who was carrying a backpack and dancing with a cane shield, with a smile on his face.

However, after noticing the baggy backpack that appeared to be loose with the big brother's beating, the smile on Han Cheng's face disappeared.

"Brother, take off the backpack first. Some parts are not ready yet, and you need to rest and rest to make it more useful."

Han Cheng smiled and spoke to the big brother.

As soon as this remark came out, Wu, Yuan and others were a little confused.

Especially the witch who had just carried the backpack, and the big brother who was dancing the cane shield with the backpack, they were even more confused.

They have all personally experienced the benefits of this backpack. They carry it on their backs, and don't know how much more comfortable and light it is than carrying them with their hands or holding them.

But now, the **** child actually tells them that this backpack is not the best, and it can be improved to make it better. How can this not make them surprised and confused.

The Son of God is the Son of God, and the requirements for things are still as high as ever.

After being confused, everyone sighed with emotion.

Han Cheng took the backpack put down by the big brother and took out all the contents one by one.

After watching it carefully for a while, I pointed to the two places near the upper part and the lower part of the backpack, and asked Bai Xuemei to sew two sets of belts in these two places, which were symmetrical.

After Bai Xuemei understood Han Cheng's meaning, she immediately started to do it. It didn't take long for her to sew two sets of straps on her backpack according to Han Cheng's request.

Han Cheng repacked the things that had been taken out into the bag, then put the backpack on his shoulders, and fastened the two sets of symmetrically sewn straps.

The upper one is **** on the chest, and the lower one is on the stomach.

Tie these two straps to your body, and immediately feel more comfortable.

Han Cheng felt it for a while, smiled with satisfaction, then opened it up and handed it to Wu.

After helping Wu put it on his back, and helping him to tie the upper and lower straps, Wu immediately realized the benefits of this newly sewn strap.

After the two straps are tied, the backpack is tighter to the body, and it feels more effortless to carry it on the body, and the shoulders are not heavier.

After feeling for a while, Wu took the backpack from his body and gave it to the big brother, so that the big brother can feel the difference. He felt that the big brother would be more pleased with this change.

Sure enough, when the senior brother carried the improved backpack on his shoulder and moved it a little bit twice, his eyes suddenly brightened.

He couldn't wait to pick up the vine shield and began to dance. The more he danced, the more excited he became. He felt that the new tool that the **** son had made was really useful.

Just now, he thought that the previous one was very useful, but now, after experiencing the improved backpack firsthand, he immediately threw the previous idea out of the sky, and never said it. The kind of backpack before.

Well, in some things, not only women are fickle, but men are also fickle.

After this kind of backpack similar to a travel bag was a great success and received unanimous five-star praise from everyone, Han Chengchi began to gather people who were more skilled in making clothes in the tribe and asked Professor Bai Xuemei to make them for them.

Instead of letting one person make the whole thing, let these people do it separately, and several people are responsible for one process and carry out the operation of the assembly line.

A good thing like the assembly line had already been implemented in the Qin Dynasty.

However, with the demise of the Qin Dynasty, many of the Mohist disciples who served the Qin Dynasty also suffered, and many inheritances were cut off in the end of the Qin war.

After the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, first the Huanglao School of inaction and all-action was in charge, and the remaining Mohist disciples had a better life.

After Dong Zhongshu adopted the Three Strategies of Heaven and Man, the Han Wu banned a hundred schools of thought, and respected Confucianism, the Confucianism, which was dominated by the Gongyang School, was particularly capable of fighting, and the Mo School, who had always been at odds with Confucianism, became even more uncomfortable.

So these remaining Mohist elites, those of the Huang Lao school who were stubborn and unwilling to adapt and were squeezed out by Confucianism, as well as the remaining miscellaneous families and other philosophers, most of them gathered at the side of Huainan King Liu An in an attempt to assist Liu An. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned to the court with this.

He also wrote a book of "Huainanzi" which contains all the scholars.

Those who dared to rebel against Emperor Han Wu had no good end. Liu An's end was tragic. Those who supported his Mohist and Huang Lao school were also miserable. The ideal and aspiring elites were almost wiped out.

The Mohist school, who had been hit hard, became more decayed. From then on, it fell into disrepair and gradually disappeared in the long river of history. The same is true of the Huang Lao School. The true Huang Lao disciples basically disappeared, and the remaining people, wearing the skin of Huang Lao Disciple, developed Taoism of alchemy and Taoism, which is far from the true Huang Lao doctrine...

And under the Confucian rule, which is becoming more and more distorted and the most talkative, Baigong is getting less and less attention, and is denounced as a strange skill and ingenuity, so that many bright things have been annihilated in the long river of history. Many crafts have been seriously hindered from development...

Whenever he thinks of this, Han Chengcheng feels very uncomfortable. The precious intellectual wealth for his ancestors has not been preserved, and many of them have disappeared in the long river of history and feel extremely regretful.

It is precisely because of this regret that Han Cheng, in the Qingque tribe, pays more attention to the skills that have been developed.

For things that are of great use to the tribe, in addition to allowing people to record them on paper, there is also someone to record a copy on the pottery plate for preservation, so as not to break the inheritance.

Let good things annihilate in the long river of history.

If something happens to the tribe one day, some things gradually disappear in the long river of history, and the pottery plates with these records are there, and future generations may be able to find some more.

For example, in the face of strong boats and guns, Tan Sitong, Liang Qichao and others searched out the Gongyang school from the pile of old papers and used them to arm themselves.

Later, despite the defeat, the figure and spirit who dared to fight had always inspired everyone and became the most dazzling existence of the entire literati and official class at that time.

With the work of these women in the tribe, backpacks were manufactured one by one, with basically no difference in style and size.

While they were doing these things, the rest of the tribe were not idle.

In the winter, the water can't be used, and some people in the tribe will manually pound the millet in preparation for the southbound journey after the beginning of spring.

At this time, the millet is pounded, and it is convenient for those traveling south to eat on the road.

Some people are sewing clothes, some people are resting and polishing some utensils so that people traveling south can use them on the road.

Some people start to grind tofu, then compress it into dried tofu, and part of it into tofu skin, so that people can eat it on the road.

Wu Ze took out the herbs such as Bupleurum Root and Houttuynia cordata stored in the tribe to dry them, and handled them carefully. All of these were taken away.

This time he would definitely not be able to go southward, so he used his own methods to silently contribute to the southward journey in the tribe.

Those who want to start the spring and travel south will encounter fewer difficulties and return safely when the time comes.

Han Cheng continued to think about the difficulties that he might encounter in the room and the corresponding solutions. Some feasible ones were told to the people in the tribe and let the people in the tribe prepare.

Sometimes people in the tribe will be asked about any good solutions.

In such days, all the backpacks have been completed, there are as many as 35.

Looking at the backpack made of pure leather placed here, Han Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

With these things, going out this time will be much more convenient.

Han Cheng praised the people who made these backpacks, headed by Xuemei Bai.


After complimenting everyone, Han Cheng, who was alone in the house, couldn't help laughing.

Of course, this was not because he was insane, but he thought of something very useful for traveling.

This kind of thing is leggings.

With a backpack with three horizontal pressures on his back and leggings on his legs, under the enemy's chase and interception, with his feet, he just climbed over the snow, crossed the deserted grassland, and walked 25,000 miles.

Created a miracle in human history, stepped out of a team with the iron will, stepped out of the prairie fire, and stepped out of an ancient nation's rejuvenation road.

In the long-distance walking march, the leggings can play a great role, can relieve the fatigue of the legs, and can make the calves recover as quickly as possible.

At the same time, leggings can also resist damage from the outside world, such as protecting the legs from thorns and the like, and also preventing bites from insects and ants.

Thinking of leggings, thinking of the benefits of leggings, Han Cheng was of course happy, because with this thing, the people of the tribe will have a little more protection for this trip to the south.

Doing what you say and not procrastinating is a major feature of primitive people. Han Cheng has lived in the tribe for a long time, and he has also been affected.

After thinking of kicking the leggings, I acted immediately.

According to the image in his memory, he first found linen cloth, cut it into a width of about ten centimeters, and then started making gestures on his legs.

Leggings is a technical job. In the later generations of Han Cheng, he only saw leggings that had been slapped, but he didn't know how to do it, so he could only do it himself.

After gesturing for a while, he began to wrap the leggings up from the ankle in a circle. The force was relatively large, and the leggings swelled the leg.

It was wrapped all the way to the bend of the leg and then stopped.

Then Han Chengcheng encountered an embarrassing thing, that is, there is only one leggings entangled all the way, and there is no way to tie it.

After entangled for a while, and finally cruel, he cut the end of the leggings from the middle, and opened a fork of about 15 cm. In this way, the problem was solved perfectly.

The other leg is the same.

After putting on his leggings, Han Cheng stood up and tried to walk. He was very uncomfortable. He felt that his calf was strangling and painful, and because the strangulation was too tight, he couldn't move forward.

Needless to say, you know that the hit is too tight.

Han Cheng squatted down again, untied his leggings, and hit again. This time he didn't use so much strength.

After finishing the fight, I stood up and walked again. The pain in my calf is still there, but it will not affect my steps.

Han Cheng walked out of the house.

"God, what is this?"

Han Cheng, with leggings, walks in the tribe, he has to attract more attention, and the rate of turning back is definitely a leverage.

After someone saw it, they couldn't help but ask curiously.

"This is leggings..."

Han Cheng smiled and explained to them.

"God, I will try too."

Wu is definitely an old man with a very experimenting spirit. He is very willing to accept new things and has no idea of ​​following the old ways.

After learning about the benefits of leggings for long-distance walking from Han Cheng, I wanted to try it myself.

"Witch, wait a moment..."

Han Cheng didn't agree, because he was not professional in leggings, and at this time he was only in the trial stage and immature, so he didn't let the witches tie.

After the leggings he hits on himself are effective, it is not too late to promote in the tribe.

In the next few days, Han Cheng walked back and forth for three to four hours every day in the tribe where he had cleaned the snow.

For the first few days, it was indeed very uncomfortable, but after the discomfort was passed, the feeling immediately changed.

Not only the uncomfortable feeling in the legs disappeared, but even if I walked continuously for an afternoon, my calf would not be sore.

After personally verifying that this kind of leggings was effective, Han Chenggong made 36 pairs of leggings according to his specifications.

Two of them are for Wu and Senior Brother to feel, and the other thirty-four are for those who have been selected to go south with him after the beginning of spring.

This time, Han Cheng decided to lead the team himself.

On the one hand, because this long journey is very important to the future of the tribe, there is no room for contempt.

On the other hand, the entire tribe has seen the world, and has a clear understanding of the difference between the south and the north. If it is led by other people, I am afraid that they will not know when they come to the warm south.

For people who have never been to the south, it is impossible to distinguish between the south and the north in the rest of the season except for the cold season of winter.

After putting on the leggings in the same way as Han Cheng, the big brothers and Han Cheng felt the same at first. They all felt very uncomfortable in their calves. If it weren’t for the **** son, he had already told them before they started to tie the leggings. It feels like this when you go up, they will definitely untie it and use it as a foot wrap or waist belt.

After this uncomfortable feeling lasted for three or four days, it disappeared, not only that, but also very comfortable...

In the days when the people of the Qingque tribe were preparing for the southbound journey, a little bit of time passed, and the long overdue spring finally arrived.

The warm-yellow sun hung in the sky, and scattered the warm sunshine, tenderly like a lover's kiss.

With a kiss, the snow melted, the river became joyous again, the roots of the withered weeds turned green, the branches of the willows held some rice-sized buds, and the yellow flowers that bloomed early were slightly in the early spring wind. Swaying, the birds screamed happily in the distance...

The ice of the earth was lifted, the whole world was full of vitality, the sun was so bright and gentle, and it was full of colors everywhere.

Those who were ready for a long journey did not set off immediately, but, like other people in the tribe, were working hard for spring ploughing in the tribe, holding various tools in their hands, turning the ground in the fields in early spring, Crushed soil, picking up grass roots in the ground.

The reason for not setting off immediately is that, on the one hand, the spring of this year came relatively late and the time left for the tribes to turn the ground was relatively short. Han Cheng and the others could turn over more ground when they stayed in the tribe.

On the other hand, the snow has just melted at this time, and the roads are muddy and not easy to walk on.

The twelve-year spring of Qingque has arrived, and there is still a long time before winter, so there is no need to race against time.

At this time, it is necessary to wait in the tribe for a while to let the ice and snow melt completely and the land is not muddy, because what is needed next is a protracted battle, not a short race.

Avoid the muddy period, let everyone suffer less on the road, and be more conducive to the next walk...

In the quiet morning, the various animals raised in the tribe walked back and forth in their own enclosure, flapping their wings, or squeaking their noses, sometimes raising their heads and looking out of the enclosure, which seemed a bit boring.

They are waiting for people in the tribe to feed them.

However, people fed them very timely in the past, but today they missed the appointment. It's already this time, and no one came to feed them.

At this time, the feeders who were expected by the beasts in the tribe were all gathered in the wheat field outside the Qingque tribe.

The 35-member southbound squad, headed by Han, is now all ready and ready to go.

The crowd was wearing leggings, wearing rattan armor on their upper bodies, carrying backpacks on their backs, wearing rattan helmets on their heads, and holding weapons in their hands. They looked a little weird, but there was something different in the weirdness.

Han Cheng, who was carrying a backpack, reached out and touched Bai Xuemei's head, but didn't say anything, because what he should say has been said in the last few days and nights.

He took the little Xing'er, who would have been vaguely calling father, from Xuemei Bai’s arms into his arms, then squatted down and held the little pea standing on the ground in his arms, then stood up from the ground and took their brother and sister. They were all picked up, one on each arm.

Kissed Little Myolie on the cheek, and rubbed her forehead against Little Pea's forehead.

Little Myolie was still young and couldn't feel anything, but Han Wandou noticed something, and the little person seemed depressed.

"Take good care of your mother and sister at home. Dad will be back in a while and bring you delicious food when the time comes.

Xiao Wandou is a little man who has grown up and doesn't cry. "

Han Cheng handed Little Myolie to Bai Xuemei who was aside, stretched out his hand to wipe away his son's tears, smiled and comforted.

Seeing his son who was in tears because he was reluctant to leave, Han Cheng was so touched that he even had the idea of ​​not going out and staying with his wife and children in the tribe.

However, this thought was suppressed again by him, because he knew that this matter must be done.

When I was young, I longed to grow up quickly. After I grew up, I would become free and do many things I like to do.

But when you really grow up, you will discover that the adult world is not the kind you expected in childhood, and it doesn't have the freedom that you wanted in childhood.

On the contrary, many times you need to do things you don’t like to do~www.NovelMTL.com~ But there is no way, the adult world is like this, with burdens and responsibilities on one’s body, it can no longer be like childhood Doing whatever you want, even a good night’s sleep, has become an extremely luxurious thing...

Han Cheng wiped away the tears of Little Pea, and bid farewell to Wu, Big Brother and other people in the tribe, then put Little Pea down, stretched out his hand to pinch his face with some baby fat, and turned to carry People leave.

The green bird flag was raised high, clashed in the spring breeze, a group of thirty-five people, carrying backpacks, and two donkeys, the eight deer walked east for a while, then turned south, all the way Walked, and gradually disappeared from everyone's vision.

Xiao Wandou wiped his eyes vigorously with the back of his hand, and his vision became clear again. As he watched the team gradually go away, the little guy was no longer crying, but his face became a little tight, and his two small fists were also tightly clenched. stand up.

The little people seem to grow up a lot and become sensible all at once.

Growth seems to bring some pain, and this kind of taste, many times, can only taste slowly...

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